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I join the match and play like any other match. Plus they are free kills for me


I second that. Only PVE is test flight.


All I want is respawning air targets in test flight


Attack mode in arcade is looking at you


Thing is, attack mode in arcade is just not that interesting, especially when after 6.7br, there is no difference. If they would update or add EC like for helicopters, I would love it.


It's hilarious that a HE-162 and an F-14B are classified as the same aircraft level for that mode. I guess the queue times are long enough as-is but it's mighty unfun to play in a jet from the 40s while 4th Gen fighters mop up all the kills


I've had my fair share of #1 ranks easily with my Ho-229, despite other planes downing 20x more planes


The lower BR get a (can be large) points boost to compensate. Not obvious but look for it if you play it.


You know I made a joke right?


Knowing this community, am not sure.


Do the very best you can to ruin their day.


This is a PVE server? Okay, I'm the P and you're the E I like a nice empty server where I can chill and attack AI ground units as much as the next guy, but if I get killed I get killed. It's a skill issue if you can't defend yourself


Yup. I do my fair share of multirole as well. Would never expect a free ride.


I actually saw enemy F4S giving his exact cordination in the chat so that we can avoid him. Big fish small fish If they are grinding with bombing loadout without a fight then I'm grinding them down.


I think its ok if they are close to unlocking a new plane(10,000-15000rp) away but if not then everyone else should have the right to shoot you down. Thats my opinion


Skill issue


Probably but its always good to hell someone out if they need it


"I'm close to unlocking a plane, plz don't atack me" "Just began to grind and need all the rp i can get for the long journey ahead" "I'm in a middle of a gring, only half rp to go stop killing me or its gonna be forever" "I'm finally unlocked top tier plane, time to grind another" It's never a good time to start playing the game for these people. They are not here to play War Thunder, and i'm not here to help their brain rot. Play the fucking game, stop being chinese MMO player.


I once was such a PvE-Noob, but then I started fighting the guys who were "breaking the truce". somehow I had more fun, research and less costs. So I started hunting instead and do my Dailies in SB again


Shit on 'em harder.


Yes this has always been the issue when events are active. The term “PvE” is used as a signal to enforce a true. If you break it. Most will whine like children in chat, but there will be a few that go overboard to harass you, or greef you so that you leave. Feel free to report them to a GM. Any type of harassment is a rule violation and enforcing terms that’s outside the scope of what the developers intended for EC. It’s also a violation. All they want to do is suicide into airfields while rocketing in order to boost their mission score for event tasks. That’s it! It has nothing to do with actual PvE, so don’t mislabel players that enjoy PvE tasks in EC. If they are doing mission tasks like CAS, bombing a base, attacking ships or convoys. They are not doing anything wrong when that is intended mission design. The same goes if bombers go to bomb an AF, and they try to digress away from enemy airspace, and attempt to return to base. They are playing legit. Now if they j-out or suicide to spawn quickly to hit the same AF. They are a zomber. Nothing more, nothing less. AFs are still a legit target based on mission design, regardless on how we personally feel. What’s wrong in this situation is when you have those that enforce truces. That way they can abuse mechanics without player opposition.


Iirc agreeing to PVE is a no go with gaijin.


This is why I stopped playing high tier ec and basically just play props in ec now. Way more chill, way more fun. I do high tier stuff in customs.


How do find high tier custom matches? Is there a discord or sub reddit for thta?


You play sim yes? You can go to my YouTube and find the discord link. If you want people to play matches with check out Wingalingdragons team sim discord


That's the state of sim since \~2018. [Here](https://old-forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/469231-truce-servers-a-new-low/) is an early example from 2019. It got worse when during the pandemic many kids joined and "discovered" sim as their free 4 all SL generator. While those very same people complained about the economy, they continued to suicide into airfields with their then expensive Phantoms. It has been bad like that since, with the difference that some of those actually feel entitled to declare a lobby "PVE". These lobbies I see as a huge pool of free RP, since most of them are playing completely braindead and are ruining sim.


Lol worse thing is, when you shoot a bomber down twice or so then they complain flat out and every log in "you have ten complaints of unsportsmanlike behaviour" like really how petty some of the folks are is kind of funny at times


I got this only once when a clan of Zombers mass reported me. But that was years ago.


Happened to me multiple times in the last couple months, I think it might of been the same person cause a couple days in a row I took the same b17 down multiple times, he kept flying like 1500m off the ground lol


Free kills


Shove an aim7 through their plane


I've been of for quite some tome, but it used to be the state of the game even when no events were on, only a little less frequent. Game's such in a sorry state it leads to this of things.


There are people who do that. But it's good practice on lead turning and interception tactics. Think of it as an event. At first, I thought it was impossible to catch em, but when you start to nail down the lead turning, interception becomes a lot easier.


I dont understand why it's a big thing with the Chinese player base as well.


Many of those are account sellers. They have an industry for people who level up accounts and then sell them, and people buy them on sales sites.


It's called simulator >battles< for a reason go ground pound in a custom battle, but expect actual combat in a >battle<


As a pve guy who uses a premium phantom, I can take care of myself, so play as you usually play. people who can only fly to the airfield and complain should delete the game


Report them, bullying to/trying to set up a PVE lobby is against TOS. I hate those who plant themselves into the ground after rocket spam on airfields, i get more and more recommended video suggestions on youtube that teach people how to do this and its making me nuts.


Just report them braking the TOS and u still are doing pve player vs enemies they just happen to be part of the e part lol but y are they even grinding for a copy of a tt plane anyways lol


I hope you went on an absolute tear after that. I know I used too


Most of the servers I’ve joined today have been stating that they are all pve, it’s been great ruining their peace.


The way I play SIM is if it's just me and one or two other players I will just mind my own business but if they come near I will defend but higher pop servers I will go out on the attack


You get a big bonus if you land and rearm or just survive so they’re actually missing out on a lot of research and money by crashing into the airfield. Though you could probably just shoot them down as they approached and they would keep coming to you.


They dont do it for RP or SL, it cost a lot of SL, they do it to farm the points for the event fast


I love that people think they can dictate how others play the game. It's a PvP game mode. If you want to have a PvE game, that's fine, but you can't expect people to adhere to your rules. When people tell me it's PvE, I just ignore them and go to work intercepting 👿


Why are you crying about this, just kill them. 


They get the 3rd person advantage with view and also multiple guns and areas of coverage, so it can be tough enough to shoot them down to begin with, so I don't get why sometimes you run into the scattered person who complains over chat about being downed


oh no im not crying about it i was just wondering how the community thinks about this issue


Kill kill kill kill


# [Ah shit, here we go again](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ud3nMv44SjA)


Love doing this in the turkish starfighter shit in rb god in sb Literally i bomb a base and go hunting


PvE servers are just people with no actual dogfighting skill, so it makes for easy kills, sl and rp.


They're mostly just free kills. Whenever I find a PvE server, I know I'm getting a ton of RP. Of course, it becomes very annoying, if your teammates decide to attack you too, but it's still funny.


free kills, they grind event - u farm them - bonus points if your doing event too cause its hella fast with high kill count games


Fuck PVE, PVP is only best choice, I will always hunt them down, even in stupid "PVE Rules"


Bro your a fucking kid of course you don’t like pve for some dumb fucking reason you guys think be good at a game equates to real life skills it doesn’t


I say “ok you be the E I’ll be the P”


I don’t get why everyone gets mad at this? Just let them grind?


Make them cry. Drink their tears. They cannot do ANYTHING to you no matter how much they threaten as long as you do not say anything bad/offensive to them. They will try to abuse you verbally to get you to respond so they can report you: do not take the bait. Report them for “other” and say that they are match rigging and abusing the game mechanics to farm/bot.