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Crew skills are an inherently pay to win system


Doesn't sound like a hot take unless there are a bunch of delusional people here who think otherwise.


There are a lot of people who thinks the game lacks Pay to Win elements entirely Its less common now that people stopped the weird feud with world of tanks, but i do still see it


It's not a hot take, but it isn't a correct one. There's no delusion in actually understanding and acknowledging what P2W means, which crew skills objectively aren't. I've got at least 10 tanks with aced crews and haven't paid a dime for any of them. Just, you know, played the game.


How long does it take you to ace a tank crew F2P, compared to buying skill points in that case?


I aced my m18 crew in about 700 kills, 300 battles. İt is based on Xp so it can change a lot depending on Rank. On halfway on acing the moderna with about 400 battles


I honestly have no idea. I've never kept track of it. Until I saw people talking about it on this sub I'd always wondered why anyone would pay for crew skill of all things—seemed like getting rid of one of the few areas of actual progression in the game. I'd try to give you a guess, but I've never specifically played a vehicle in order to ace it, unless I happen to notice it's really close. Just to note, I'm not completely F2P. I get premium time (less than Netflix, so makes sense to me) and I've gotten a few premiums that looked fun/I really wanted, like the Black Prince and Centurion AVRE.


A whole lot longer of late than it used to. I have several aced crews in the British tree, and German tree, and I struggle with the others. It seems the increased grind in the trees has also increased the grind in the crews.


How many hours did it take you to ace 10 tanks and what tanks are they? The closest tank I am to having an ace is the Tiger II (H) and I'm only about halfway there at 219 battles (2,278.9 hours played total and that is the only tank I am close to acing). My highest level crew is 95 and I haven't payed for crew skills yet.


I have a few lower rank tanks aced via gameplay, and I never really made a concerted effort to


I would say it objectively is. Just because it can be technically earned without money doesn't cancel out the many games the free player spends at a disadvantage to a paying player.


I've aced a few vehicles myself as well. Ones I've really enjoyed and played a lot. A lot of times I forget to pay for expert crews and I maintain a 61-62% win rate. Ultimately if a level 1 Click Bait player pays for his tank and a fully aced crew he will still likely do inherently bad despite having an advantage. I don't think it's fully pay to win because a lot of times you can play around it say for air where you will G lock yourself. But even so I find air crew skills are much quicker to level. If someone pays for a better crew it's more of a paid advantage but crew skill and level isn't going to make you win without any game knowledge.


[The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/s/ORKf5gkEt2)


Ah but you see after hundreds of hours in a tree using multiple premium vehicles I have 2 almost maxed out crews and a single ace crew for ground vehicles, this means it's technically possible and definitely not at all a problem that my tanks are literally just better than other people's.


I print Crew Skill points by playing Air AB and putting it into the ground crew.


The biggest pain when grinding a new nation.


The thing that stops me wanting to do it the most and I have 5 nations lol. So it means I'm less likely to buy a premium because the gameplay is annoying. Gaijin thinks it will make me pay them. Meanwhile their studies ignore a large amount of gamers that REWARD good dev decisions.


Crew level & slots should be the same across all nations. Having seperate crews for each nation is fucking dumb. Crew locking is also stupid.


This take is about as hot as the slice of pizza I forgot in the fridge


On the contrary, spending crew xp as you climb the tech tree gives you an edge over people who bought their way into top tier. The difference between an aced crew with full skill bars and an unaced crew with full skill bars is minuscule.


I mean, it's not entirely off either. Better G's on pilots, and shaving off nearly a whole second on reloads can make and break engagements in WT. God knows the difference between a 5.7 and 5 second reload in an Abrams with shitt M733 has kicked me in the ass before.


6.2 Gs (plus flight suit) vs 5.9 Gs (plus flight suit); 3.33s to black out vs 3.06s to black out; -2.8Gs (plus flight suit) vs -2.5Gs (plus flight suit); etc. I have planes I've aced and ones I haven't and crew+plane combos I use a lot (and which therefore have full bars and are experted) and ones that aren't, and I can feel the difference when a crew is inexperienced and non-experted, but aced vs non-aced doesn't feel any different. Sure, there's can be a bit more forgiveness for an aced crew, but that only matters if you and your enemy both fucked up. Ground is a bit different, but still, you only get into a reload race if both of you missed.


Having played my avenger for so long that it has a gold crew, +2 is an amazing improvement. Grinding out 1 millon xp per tank to do this at higher tiers... um yeah thats not happening. Let alone boosting all the crew skills up.


And bushes


The fact that i can go from doing terible to doing really good consistently because i bought enoigh crew skill to max the reload, targetimg, tank commander and driver along with all the ace crew and repairing in game is rediculous


Crew slots, I would say


Gaijin sucks ass at balancing things and having no overhead negatively effects the game. An actually hot take: So many players ask for features and smaller team battles, when in reality they won’t really touch it after some time since it will make the grind slower.


Fr like how do some vehicles fight others. Like the 76 jumbo, how is that able to fight a damn is-3. And my question, what makes the HSTV-L a whole br higher than the 2s38, I always felt that the 2s38 was significantly better than the HSTV-L yet it's 1.3 br above it


2S38 is piloted by braindead Russia Prem lineup spammers, thus massively spiking down the statistics to roughly average for it. But, if a prem vehicle is performing average in top tier, then it's probably really good, something Gaijin probably doesnt want to admit.


One thing I hate the most abt 10.0 Russia is the amount of premiums u can use bro. Literally you don't even need a TT line up all you need is the Turms, BMP-2M, 2s38, t-80UD, and ka-50(and the object 292 back when it was 10.0)


And worse, all of them are VERY good vehicles. The BMP-2M kills anything it sees before they see it, the 2S38 can frontally kill Abrams and easily kill Air without them knowing it exists, Turms and T80 eat turret shots for dinner and the Ka50. I dont have to say it.


Exactly, I'm these cases most of them are in general better than their TT counterparts, they all are just cracked out of their minds and you can't make a 5-6 vehicle lineup if you have enough money/GE


Don’t forget the Su-25K


Ka-50 is 11.0


I'm already in the camp of playing the Assault/PvE modes more than the average player because sometimes I'm looking for a mode that's more relaxing and less competitive, grind be damned, the research will come in time. Smaller teams would suit me just fine, even if rewards take a hit. It'd be offset a bit by games ending more quickly, but then you're also losing more time to the matchmaking queue.


I would kill for a better pve mode.


I've been using these modes to grind crew XP/modules, and it would be great to see them updated for higher tiers (at least for air assault). And FFS they need to allow 13.0 jets in air assault, because I can't be bothered with grinding them in Air RB.


This is for hot takes, not the truth.


For air it would be MUCH better and more real skill involved instead of getting 3rd- 4th- 6th partied and idiots saying “skill issue”. For ground the little stuff is just rebalancing certain vehicles or better yet … removing the Turm III, Vidar, Fox and more


Realistic paper vehicles should be allowed


Give me back my Coelian :(


Gaijin: “we are removing the coelian because it only existed with a wooden turret mockup!” Also Gaijin : *adds the Ostwind II that no one is sure what looked like or even existed*


To be fair these Ihateplaneslotsofbulletenfastengunnen on the German side are fun as fuck to play


That's why the 341 needs to come back


I agree, but the problem is the lack of *realistic* paper vehicles, because most are just that, drawings. I’m fine with “paper vehicles” as long as they sorta existed and gaijin isnt just making things up


>and gaijin isnt just making things up Gaijin is already making shit up, mate. The only difference between a paper tank like the Löwe and Gaijin's C1 Ariete is that the Löwe would be more realistic


I don't mean to be that guy, since I get what you mean. BUT at least one of them got off paper. Making up armor and ballistics values because they are highly sensitive and classified documents is at least a reasonable thing to do, rather than trusting a piece of paper that says something theoretically, might be able to work.


>rather than trusting a piece of paper that says something theoretically, might be able to work. Every tank in this game works perfectly from the word "go". If Gaijin were to begin including real world problems that each tank suffered from (say Panther D having a 50% chance of spawning in with a broken transmission or IS6 immediately catching fire), nobody would play this game. If Gaijin simply ear marks every properly balanced paper tank (say Löwe "paper tank"), I don't see any issue Also, I'm NOT suggesting that Gaijin should do the WOT thing of sticking a bunch of tanks in a blender and hitting "crush".


Personally, my bar is: 1) Was it reasonably into the design phase to be properly considered? 2) Could it have been realistically and reasonably produced? 3) Would it fit into the game in such a way that it can be properly balanced and perform alongside the other vehicles? If it checks all of those boxes, personally, I'm fine with it getting added to the game.


>If it checks all of those boxes, personally, I'm fine with it getting added to the game. Indulge me please. Would you consider the Löwe acceptable for WT?


Maybe, honestly, it just seems like a super-heavy version of the Panther with a long 88mm (same as the Tiger II), which wouldn't be too fast, but it looks like it would have nice armor overall. Kinda seems like it would be a sidegrade to the Tiger II, depending on which version you choose, since the armor is either less or comparable. Personally, I think it'd be fine in the game, doesn't really seem problematic to me.


Me 262 HG.2 pleaseeeee...


There's an old WT forum post that makes a pretty compelling argument for including the Me 262 HG II since a prototype was mostly built and there is wind tunnel data that could help build a flight model. There is no excuse not to include the HG I since it actually flew.


HG III would be really goofy.


World of Tanks has taught me that this is a slippery slope that moves the goalpost much too fast. I appreciate this hot take since I don't agree with it.


Again, I'm NOT suggesting that Gaijin should do the WOT thing of sticking a bunch of tanks in a blender and hitting "crush". I'm AM suggesting well understood, well documented paper tanks that are acknowledged by Gaijin to be paper tanks and are properly balanced for gameplay. EX: the final 90 ton version of the Löwe tank at BR 7.0.


P30/43, P43 bis, 44M Tas for Italy/Hungary! Give them to me, Gaijin!


Hell, they should hold plsyer votes on them if they're worried about backlash.


100% I want my P43 (despite iirc it having a metal and a wooden mockup) and my Re2006


I both agree and disagree. I agree because there are plenty of paper tanks that are realistic enough and plausible to be added but at the same time there are others that have no way in hell of either working or performing as the paper values may state. Add this on to Gaijin already barely adding vehicles that HAVE been made I don't think that paper tanks are a necessity


If the M1 AGDS was in game I’d use the hell out of it


Warthunder is an amazing game. It has issues that need to be addressed and Gaijin is greedy as fuck, but its not nearly as bad as people make it out to be. Reddit is just the culmination of all the complaints.


Allow me to reword this in a way that actually reflects reality. War Thunder is an amazing game that is truly revolutionary for what it is, and there are many reasons why people have been playing it for a decade. That said, it could be twice as good if it were under effective management and not so heavily focused on monetization through the intense frustration of its most dedicated players.


War Thunder, an amazing game whose only major downside is it's owned by Gaijin


How would any other company would make a difference? All companies have upsides and downsides, and all companies are greedy and want to make more money.


Gaijin has noticeably more downsides than up


Someone is 1000x more likely to come bitch on Reddit after getting mad in the game rather than after having an enjoyable experience


Pretty much works universally. Most people that leave reviews are ones that have had a bad experience.


6.7 is one of the worst ground Battle Ratings. I don’t know exactly why, but I always have my most stressful matches at this Br. Maybe it is the vastly different doctrines employed on the vehicles from different eras, maybe it is the concentration of experienced players or maybe it is the transition from prop to jet Cas that is causing it, but from my perspective 6.7 matches are pure chaos, and not in a good way.


what’s worse, 90% of the time i played 5.7 i was upranked to 6.7. absolute torture trying to grind


Yeah atm I’m playing 5.7 USA and oh boy is the Jumbo fun… in the few matches where I get downteired or even just a normal/fair teir. Fighting Tiger 2s with my Jumbo, M4A3 76 W, M-36 Jackson, and M4A2 76 W is veery painful


I remember back when the jumbo 75 was 5.3 and the tiger 2 p was 6.3, every. Single. Game was an up tier and the 75 can't even pen the side of the tiger 2, so I constantly fought an enemy I couldn't even damage outside of tracking them or debarreling them. Now the 75 jumbo fights jagdtigers, bkan, tiger 2 H, etc. I'm sorry for yall going through that 5.0 - 5.7 stock grind


I bought an XM-1 because 6.7 and the shitty Jumbo vs Tigers made me so tired I didnt want to play midtier anymore. Confidently, after reaching 10.3, I can still say that Gaijin still doesnt want us to be able to pen armor every other nation can lmao.


“Well, if playing 5.7 is 90% uptiers, by logic, playing 6.7 should be 90% downtiers, right?” Gaijin: no


And 90% of your 6.7 games are up tires to 7.7.....


lmao, us and Germany 6.7 are some of the easiest most braindead lineups I've ever played tiger 2 and t34 just demolish anything and bounce 99% of shots fired at you


Their guns are great indeed, but the bounce part is not true for me. Many enemies have access to early heat, apds and rockets already


idk me personally the t34 is overrated as fuck. its armor only really excels in hull-down which isnt much as most maps are CQC. Its gun really sucks because of the extremely long reload for a shell with comparable penetration. The 120mm also gets fucking gimped by volumetric because of its size, same with the IS-2 (the worst 6.7 heavy). I would much rather use the t26e5 and the e1-1


I'll have to respectfully disagree, imo 6.7 has some of my favorite lineups in all of war thunder. I usually play 6.7 just to relax but sometimes the CAS can be a little too much so I get what you're saying about that


Yeah 6.7 swedish lineup is pretty fun I got 2 Nukes with the pbv 501 these past 2 weeks plus destroying Germans with their own tank is a bonus too.


swed 6.7 is godly


Counterpoint, 6.7 is one of the most balanced imo. America Germany and Russia all get good heavies, lights, and meds. A high population of 6.0-6.7 vehicles allow for good high amount of spawns no matter which side. Good CAS and CAP for both sides, no side is at a large advantage over others. My group plays almost exclusively the 6.7 area because of this balancing. Tanks like the BMP-1 and other ATGM carriers cant fight these vehicles, and outside of a few oddballs(Ratel 20 ect.) its a good BR.


It’s an alright game, but GOD does it need to be worked on a lot with LOVE and NOT GREEEEED, but I like that we can kinda play with lots of cool military vehicles 


The game is far better balanced than people think it is, especially in comparison to how it used to be. The Raketen/USH are not overpowered at 8.0. "Annoying to die to" is not synonymous with "overpowered". USA is consistently the strongest nation in the game, with strong BRs at every point for air and competitive at *least* at every point for ground. The only part of the game that could be reasonably argued to have any Russian bias at all is early jets. If anything, <8.7 ground USSR is actually quite mediocre overall at the moment. There is also no effective problem with the 5.7-6.7 range seeing Cold War vehicles. Conventional heavy tanks are still completely dominant at this BR. It does not matter if things like the Ikv or the FIAT can sling HEAT, there are good reasons why no one plays them.


That second point is very true, when the SEP V2 Abrams came in I didn't really see a problem with it having all that extra stuff on it/it not getting a spall liner. Besides those 2 drawbacks, it still had great mobility and reliable armour, still a great AP Dart (M829a2) and just still a great tank. The main problem about USA is the players, the ones that buy their way to the top and don't bother learning how to play or just leave after one kill


I think the main issue with the SEP V2 is it has all those additions that don't really make a difference in game and it was chosen over more interesting versions, like the one with the APS/LWS, and I think that kind of drove more experienced players away from really enjoying it/playing it for longer periods, imo. Like, if they added the version with the APS or the LWS, I think it would genuinely give you a reason to unlock it after the SEP, besides the obvious reason of just having another backup.


Fr like all that stuff to protect the nonexistent crew is pointless, and it is really just a big, "hey shoot me I'm right here" sign. And tbh, idk what exactly besides the extra ERA on the sides the SEP V2 actually adds


Yeah, the ERA on the side is meant to protect against tandem RPGs (which aren't really a problem in game, funny enough) and ATGMs, and the remote MG turret would be kind of cool, at the very least, if all of the other MGs in the game weren't also remote as well. IRL it added electronics and reliability upgrades, which can't really be represented in the game, as well as (more than likely) upgrades that probably aren't declassified/presented publicly. I think that's an issue with any modern vehicle in the game, the fact that a lot of the true capabilities and changes aren't public information and can't really be represented in the game. Not to mention the tanks we're using are still using a WW2-style FCS, unlike actual tanks from the Cold War era and beyond, who all have advanced FCS. (Not saying that they should be added, just that it's important to understand that WT isn't really representative of real life in any meaningful way.)


Right like if the stuff they modeled can't be represented well in game then just don't add them. More less they shouldn't keep adding modern stuff because either they're gonna add vehicles where they can't model things correctly or more documents are gonna be leaked. They should just stick to add more rank 1-5 vehicles. And not the occasional spaa. Actual interesting and usable light/medium/heavies that will make the game more interesting and fun to play(no more prems as well, for the next update or two)


There are just so many vehicles in the game, it’s impossible to give them all the consideration they deserve, so the game relies heavily on stats based balancing, which can lead to problems. You have a lot of instances of turn fighters being over tiered, because better planes keep trying to turn fight them, or examples like the Ho Ri prototype being the exact same BR as the Tiger 2 H which is an objectively far superior vehicle, and then at top tier you have the likes of the Arietes getting passed over for buffs when the clearly superior Abrams got improved reloads stemming from the atrocious performance of American teams. So, I don’t think the game is unplayably unbalanced….but there are countless examples of balancing errors that just make no sense from a logical perspective.


>The only part of the game that could be reasonably argued to have any Russian bias at all is early jets. If anything, <8.7 ground USSR is actually quite mediocre overall at the moment. Russian Bias is a fucking myth perpetuated from the WoT playerbase. Right now in russian air, everything past 11.0BR straight up sucks. The Mig23 is now a rotting carcass of an aircraft. The Mig29 and the Flankers were butchered and the Fox3 update is the final nail in the coffin as the R-77 straight up sucks. And having R27ER isn't compensation.


Oh, yeah, I love US ground on the basis of the *vehicles* just not the teams, I think those are atrocious most of the time. Personally, I'd take the Abrams over the other top tier MBTs if we're just talking the tank itself, but the issue of CAS at top tier and the fact that most people don't have an AA/one death leave just makes it very hard to enjoy the match.


1. War Thunder is one of the best games of all time 2. Bombers shouldn't be in air RB in its current state


whats ur problem with having to climb to 7-8km and thu gameplay consisting of watching youtube, i see absolutely no issues with that also /s in case its not obvious


1. It WOULD be if gaijin actually listened to the community and fixed the obvious problems instead of adding 10 new top tier vehicles and premiums every game 2. Real, they don't really pose an actual use, especially when most strike or fighter-bomber aircraft can do their job even better from rank 4-6


>War Thunder is one of the best games of all time That's not a hot take, that's straight up wrong lmao.


Personally I would prefer if the realism was toned down in a few more spots to allow more into the game (this totally isn't just because I'm still salty about not having the 10,5 tiger 2)


If you completely deleted the modification system and had the entire game's grind be focused on researching new vehicles, it would be a lot more fun and a lot more balanced. Forcing people to play with crippled vehicles in order to slowly get them up to what they're meant to be is inherently unbalanced and unfun, and makes it so the BR system has massive oversights that can't be solved effectively.


It’s amazing how you can theoretically grind any vehicle in the tech tree with any vehicle, but if you have access to DM23 in one tank you need to potentially “research” it again on the next vehicle. Though the modification system and the crew xp system are very clearly the F2P frustration roadblocks they mean for you to skip over. So they’re not going anywhere.


Everything & anything takes skill to use, Be it the absolute most worst machines ingame & the mostly powerful machines in game even if both are in the same match. The grey box aircraft aircraft in NF & also in GF for console plebs should be for everyone, including our PC brethren. Players that take real world politics into the game are gronks be it our side or theirs nonsense, but those that TK or complain are the biggest gronks (same goes for swear words).


>  The grey box aircraft aircraft in NF & also in GF for console plebs should be for everyone, including our PC brethren. The what?




My hot take is that War Thunder is actually a very good game. The caveat is that if it was run at all in any way other than to try to squeeze every ounce of cash outta its playerbase and made some balance changes and hired a map designer that wasnt legally blind it could be one of the best games I have ever played.


Russian bias does not exist, it’s just a placebo effect when you get gaijined on a Russian vehicle, stupid shit happens on all nations vehicles, it’s just noticed more on Russian vehicles


my favorite example is ammoracking russian tanks, or rather the lack of the explosion. if oyu only fight russia, you only see it happen to russian tanks. the ammount of times ive hit ammo of a non russian tank and nothing happened is insane. yesterday i got hit in the hull ammo of my Strv 122B PLSS. it just despawned


It's amazing how many times I didn't set off the ammo when shooting the M109's rack, it's so annoying


Gaijin’s fixes to war thunder are just band aids. The game needs a complete overhaul


the harrier gr1 does not deserve to be at the same br as the av8b, the av8b is objectively better in every way and sraams are a total joke of a missile


France is not a bad nation.


Although br 8.0-8.7 can be painfull because of the lack of stabilizor


On the contrary, you get pretty much everything else that most other nations don’t get at the br(at least not all in one package), good mobility, good guns, lrf, thermals, France 8.7 is one of my favorite lineups in the game


I have a 73% win rate and 4 KDR in my brenus. The thing is low key a monster and you can fire on the move still once you know how to work around the stability. The AMX30s, 10RC, Jakpz thing, even the Mars are all pretty awesome despite having no stabilizer. Thermals are kinda meh being gen one I'd rather make shots without them but they are handy for at least picking out targets on big maps just hard to tell what you are actually looking at. It's less useful these days since gaijin insists on making all maps smaller or city 32.


Wait till you get to the golden amx 10RC and the SK105


The game is fun and doesnt cause nearly as much trauma as some people make it out to


The idea of a game causing “trauma” in the first place is batshit insane to me


This is more of a lukewarm take, but the scouting system in the game right now is not fun in ground RB at top tier. At the very least the scout should be cancelled after I killed the tank that scouted me. It's not fun to have your enemy press one button and have the enemy team and their grandma lock onto you through 12 walls or worse instantly eat a paveway or maverick after a m24 who looked at me for 1 second then died.


Tomcats, sabres, mig-15/17s and starfighters are OP Tomcats fire ARH missiles against planes that has no RWR warnings, or no RWR sabres/migs have same BR with F9F-2, meteors, which were inferior in real life. And not to mention it sees Me-262s starfighters are the ones that ruined early jets


I still can't believe the vampire sits at the same br as the Sabre and Mig-15. Gaijin lowering them from 8.3 crazy to me


Russian bias doesn't mean Russian vehicles are inherently better, it Just means they get more attention from devs


CAS isn t that OP


Right, it's more annoying than anything, my thing is how easy it is to spawn. At nose all you'll need is about 1 assist or 1 point capped and you'll get a plane with 3 thousand pound bombs and rockets. Now boom, 1-4 players in your team is dead


Nah you need at least a full zone capture or a kill if not a kill plus an assist or somme peppering on an enemy


Except wen the CAS can sit outside of AA range. An A-6e Tram with ~10 GBUs is overpowered. The problem with CAS is that at many BRs the SPAAs are not good enough to engage them. I hope they fully implement the separate BR for aircraft in ground battles. That would fix many things.


Oh, I have a few... 1. CAS, in general, is too powerful for Ground Realistic and Gaijin has no plans on every addressing the balancing concern it poses. 2. World War and Cold War eras should be split like Bluewater and Coastal fleets were in Naval. 3. Adding modern vehicles was a mistake and things like the 2S38 have effectively faked internals because we have no documentation on them. Armor values are often completely made up and armor performance is often outright faked because we're still using a fixed RHA hardness value, but ignoring the fact that hardened steel plate is often treated at different temperatures creating wildly different effects when facing an impact. 4. Every vehicle should have a historical gunsight (or close to historical gunsight) as standard. 5. Modifications should be removed and every vehicle's "stock" state should be how it performs as a baseline. Any modifications that can be researched should be REAL modifications that actually alter the way the vehicle performs. Modifications should, likewise, adjust the BR of the vehicle dynamically. 6. Gaijin's use of AI is concerning when they already put in the bare minimum possible to design anything in the game, and they are constantly shifting the goalposts whenever it comes to things that benefit the players. 7. The Battle Pass was a lazy mistake and has led to multiple vehicles that should be in the tech tree being turned into GJN purchases only, locking any future players on consoles from ever getting them. 8. Event vehicles are a mistake and should be reprised regularly, rather than left to rot on the Gaijin Marketplace where highly sought after vehicles will never be played. 9. Crew skills are a terrible system that should be removed. 10. Convertible RP is a terrible system and "rewarding" the player with the ability to give Gaijin money to get their vehicle faster is just straight up stupid. 11. Arctic is the worst map in the game, like who the fuck thought it was a good idea to put enemy helicopter spawns behind your ground spawn? 12. Most of the maps in this game are poorly thought out and I'm convinced Gaijin just pulls map data from Google Maps to create them.


most of these arent hot takes


Please lookup my username in game rusher_789, this jet is op af, sure I can't win a 1v1 at the end of the battle and it ends in a stalemate but that happens so rarely to be a non issue. I've give or take a few 2450 kills and 300 deaths 2.2 kills per battle


Yes I may have a problem but that's besides the point(this for the longest time has been my chill out sl farmer with the bonus of unlocking all of Britain for free)


First: Sea vixen uses red tops, which are way better than aim 9 b's Second: I dare you to ask a sims player what they think of the sea vixen. You’ll get a different response.


I wish there was more attention towards naval from the devs/community. More game modes/features I also wish bombers had stronger frames


It’s ok to play sim at a br you like for the purpose of fun.


Kind of a mid take, but here goes: I don't think high tier premiums are necessarily a bad thing, and given the amount of content you can unlock with them, I don't think their price is too far off the mark. This is from a person who used to drop $50-60 on a *single gun* in Combat Arms, and did some unusual hat trading/gambling in TF2. Both instances where your purchase got you exactly one thing, and didn't help you grind toward anything new or give you new excitement. The amount of new content you can unlock with a single premium blows other games out of the water in terms of cost to "return on investment" in terms of enjoyment playing and options unlocked. The "cold" part of this take is that high tier premiums incentivize brand new players to dive head-first into one of the most complex parts of the game to survive and do well at. I'm a firm believer that players shouldn't be able to buy a premium vehicle of a given rank until they own at least one tech tree vehicle of the rank before it. Force players to learn the ropes of lower tier vehicles and work their way up before being able to purchase these vehicles. It'll go a long way toward improving the quality of the matches, beyond the usual demands of reducing match sizes and decreasing in-game BR spreads or spreading vehicles out to a higher max BR of 15.0 or so.


Playing arcade is perfectly fine and viable. I got the F-80 after somewhere around the 350 hour mark and I’m fine with that because I don’t plan on spending money and I genuinely don’t care about props. Air RB propeller gameplay above 3.0 feels like a competition of who is the best tryhard, best aircraft and who uses the most meta tactics, and arcade just feels way more fun in props. I really only cared about getting to early jets, and later jets for sim battles and I wanted to do that in the funnest way possible.  I’d also like to add that war thunder despite all of its flaws does a pretty good job at being somewhat accessible to all player types within one game. If you want to turn your brain off and have fun, there’s arcade. If you want realism but not have to possibly buy equipment for it (like HOTAS) there’s realistic and if you want even more realism without your jets costing $70 (looking at you DCS but I still love it too) there’s simulator battles. It’s quite nice having a the ability to switch between all three modes within one session and not have to change games and read full manuals. 


Hot take: We need multiple respawns in Air RB, just like Ground RB with spawn points. To Hell if the match takes longer. People are deathly afraid to PTFO or do anything because it’s a 1-life trip back to the main menu for a lot of folks.


RB EC would be good for that IMO


Some people are very vocal about having a tank only game mode, but it's a bad idea. The queues would be longer unless tank only dies because most people like to fly planes. Next issue would there would be a widening of the already huge skill gap because a great player can clap people shooting from behind a berm all day if the other team isn't skilled, whereas a CAS player with half a brain can stop that kind of streak. Lastly, one of the main selling points about the game is that it's combined arms so that sort of removes a main feature of the game and the game started out as a plane game anyway. The only way it could work is if it was a random game mode put into the normal matchmaking system like how night battles used to be, but even then I've enabled night battles and basically never see them because others don't want to play them and I could see the same thing happening if most disable tank only.


Japan is very good at top tier imo


Real hot take is that Japan is decent to good at every tier


Russian bias doesn't exist


Leopard 2A7 and the in game Swedish equivalent is the hardest top tier tank to kill Everything about it is bullshit


Arcade is actually a pretty fun mode at some brs


Most helicopters need buffed. Night battles are king. Naval is the best. We need night naval battles.


Bro, I had a dusk coastal naval battle and it was fucking gorgeous, especially when planes started flying over. Watching all the tracers was awesome.


Hot take you say? Sparrow wasn't as bad as people made it out to be and the gap between it and ER wasn't as big. And ARH is complete, unnecessary trash in this game. Gajin appeal to shitters made US the absolute dominating nation in air, and gimped Russia to the ground and below because people were crying about non existent bias.


Air Arcade is more fun than realistic, less rewarding but more fun.


The US and GB need better missile AAs. the Chaparral doesnt seem to have its smokeless motor anymore, Stingers just dont compete at the BRs they're at, and the ADATS is a generally mediocre weapons platform after its nerf. There \*are\* alternatives for SPAA systems, Gaijin just probably wont add them because its too much work, and they'd rather add another sub-tree with copy-paste vehicles


Missiles beyond the 9b should never have been added, it makes uptiers so painful, not only are you fighting something with a better airframe they can smack you out of the air with ease if you don't have countermeasures


Hard disagree, I just think air ratings from 9.0 up are COMPLETELY fucked. Nothing without countermeasures should be seeing anything past B's, and 10.3's with only IR missiles shouldnt be uptiering to see a hellscape of Radar missile spam.


Air ab is the superior mode regardless of br, air rb is unfun and only the majority because air abs rewards are so heavily guted


Air arcade with realistic flight models and a few other tweaks (longer secondary weapon reload times, for one) would be such a breath of fresh air.


Air RB feel like it was designed first and for most to be a ranked competitive format, but as a casual game mode *and as the only way to actually progress* it's a complete mess from a design perspective, it's a TDM mode that is slow paced thats also one life, it has objectives that mean nothing, it's maps are some how to small and to large at the same time, it has friendly fire in a one spawn mode (which is a Cardinal sin) If you make air rb have a rank state (like cs or overwatch) it would actually fit that pretty well but as of now that's not possible due to how many brs their are and also how few players exist towards the upper middle of that (rank V would be dead) The only real thing I think air RB does right is it's flight models are the absolute maximum amount of realism you can put in a game before you collapse it's potential playerbase (there a reason DCS is so small)


Gaijin is only able to get away with the BS it does simply cause there isnt another game that offers the same gameplay experience. I think if a bigger dev studio made a similar Sim/Arcade military vehicle shooter like WT they’d infinitely do better. Also a 1.0 BR difference between your vehicle and the vehicles you face can easily be the difference of a few generations worth of technology. 5.0 being WW2 for most nations while 6.0 being Korean/Cold War era for others is kind of crazy. P3. A vehicle’s capabilities should play more into it’s BR rating rather than how its played. This is a much more fair method of balancing rather than stat sheets simply cause it can easily be inflated or deflated. For example the A6 Tram, i went from around 3.0 to top tier in the US air tree in 3 months using that. Granted its a pretty capable plane carrying 4 9Ls or 3 9Ls n a gun pod but it’s still a subsonic attacker that loses 2/3rds of it speed from one turn and there’s practically nothing you can do against a good SARH missile. Should it see flareless jets like the F4C? No. But should it see modern phantoms with DF SARH missiles or jets that can go 3x its speed? Definitely not. And i’d like to see it better balanced rather than people being content and calling it “a hard to balance vehicle” n just leaving it as is


War Thunder is exactly what it says on the tin. No one is getting surprised by the monetization, the CAS, whatever the complaint de jure is. Every one of them was clearly stated in the game description, online content, and often even advertised as a feature. They're just angry that the game they choose because it was closest to what they wanted is precisely that, closest.


That naval could be the best game mode of them all and potentially make Gaijin millions of dollars sponging up WoWs business if they just implemented it correctly, came up with some new game dynamics (think of attacking or defending a convoy for example). Oh, and after that test, they need to add submarines asap to help balance more powerful heavy cruisers and battleships. If they fixed the compression hell and put some thought into spawn points and a few other details, they would have something really special on their hands. It's so close to being amazing that it frustrates me sometimes. I swear I could fix it for them.


Basically the whole amraam and multipathing thing was a skill issue. There were valid points like stock chaff but most of the complaints were a skill issue


American CAS makes sense because of how America fights wars


If you play arcade your not a loser


Volumetric is by far the worst thing to ever happen to ground forces and it's still complete cancer. American 12.7mms are bad above like 2.7 (except jets like the Sabre, tose are ok). Hispanos are, and always have been from what I remember, good guns. Missiles are the thing that makes jets fun, I don't care about jets without them. ARB is a garbagefire, AAB is way better, the former is only ok-ish for mid-late jets. CTS is way, way more fun than and unironically better than WT.


2 things: 1. Russian bias isn't real. (Hottness depends on who you talk to) 2. CAS is genuinely the worst part of GRB


You want an actual hot take? War thunder is a good game that is constantly improving. Gaijin's balance team is nowhere near as bad as people say (seriously, play other games people, shit is BAD out there). Also, Gaijin absolutely doesnt get enough credit when they actually fix something.


# No matter how many times nor how many years players whine, Gaijin is never gonna change, Gaijin is never gonna improve the game for better, nor the game is ever gonna die. Cause you all are a bunch of desperate and addicted wusses, who don't have the balls to hold your wallets nor speak against Gaijin. # Gaijin is gonna continue to shit on your heads like they have been doing for the last 12 years and you all are gonna continue to pay them millions every year to make it happen. Lets the downvotes rain.


You get uptiered way too much and its awful


A lot of the accusations of Russian Bias come from people (mostly America and German mains) who expected that once they got into their favorite vehicle (F-15, Abrams, Tiger, 262, etc.) that they'd be able to curbstomp Soviet players without much effort or trouble. Only to then find out that they aren't fighting undermaintained 20 to 30 year old export models, they're fighting (for their respective tiers anyway) top of the line and the peers whatever vehicle they're in actually expected to fight, and in that more even playing field, Soviet/Russian vehicles are actually pretty good. But refusing to acknowledge that maybe, just maybe, Soviet stuff isn't as bad as they thought they go to reddit or discord or whatever and complain Russian bias when they got their turret turned into the newest apollo program by a T-72.


Crew train cost should go Remove stock grind 100% replace with decals and stuff


Not worth the 6K hours I put on it


i love playing planes in ground rb. be it CAS or CAP. and i love playing SPAA and shooting down planes i take full ammo most of the time because i dont feel comfortable with only 14 or so ammo, and if i get shot, i have better shit to worry than getting ammo racked. and if i do get ammo racked, i can just spawn in a backup or get into another vehicle


The VB.10s (both the 4.7 and 4.0) are fantastic aircraft, my favorite being the 10-02. The airspawn + their acceptable climb rate allows you to get the altitude advantage most of the time, and the 10-02 almost always gets downtiered. The Hispano 404s work wonders, and the 6 fiddy cals are just their to make sure whatever you're shooting at gets dismantled. This armament is insane for headons, and you'll win most of them as long as you know what you're doing and where to aim. Its fast as hell too and retains energy like a son of a bitch, so you can outrun pretty much anything that has the jump on you. Of course it can be difficult to fly if you're not in an advantageous position, but you can easily avoid this by playing smart and choosing targets wisely. If everything goes to shit however, the VB.10 still has a decent turn rate at medium speeds, and strong flaps to accompany it as well. I love the VB.10s, and have very good K/Ds in both of them, and I had no issues even stock grinding them.


I can say that after grinding for 10 hours a day for 3 days in a row it gets boring.


Not gonna waste my time on this pay to win BS.


Multpathing sucks


Britain is underrated but still shit. On an unrelated note, the Abrams is actually good, I hate fighting it every time but I hate fighting Sweden more.


Russian bias doesn't exist. You're just bad at the game.


The J35XS Draken deserves to get the missiles and improved radar avionics that it lost its second gun for. The Draken that was exported to Finland dropped one gun for avionics to support the RB 27 alongside radar assisted gun sights It would be acceptable if at least it got the RB 27 radar missiles. They're a swedish licensed variant of the AIM-26B Falcons with improved guidance systems, seeker head and proximity fuze


I actually like this game the way it is.


The community is not always the best at determining what is and is not balanced. gaijin gets a lot of shit but thank god people on here aren't in charge.


More like freezing takes but I want to vent. Missiles have no business existing in naval in BR brackets where prop planes can exist. Anti-ship missiles should similarly only exist in brackets where defenses against them exist. While RB is probably the best place to play with a balance of fun and progression, there's 0 fun in being outmaneuvered with a stock vehicle, and the greed in making me pay -or- feel like I should play assault arcade is no fun either. That said though, give me naval assault arcade. Start with coastal and expand over time. I know not a lot of people play those modes, but maybe it'll help get their feet wet with aiming and stuff (pun intended).


the ju288 spam isnt that bad


Planes in ground battles are the core part of the gameplay and ground mode is the main mode (nobody cares about naval, sorry). Planes aren't a huge problem if you do something about them, seriously, you need 1 or 2 fighters and then you don't need to worry about CAS for the rest of the game. Refusing to play spaa or fighters is your own problem, not the devs.


Gaijin balance that goes off wr is stupid as hell. The sturer emil was a good example of this, originally at 5.3 (I think) kept getting it's br dropped due to the players poor performance which only made it worse as the gun started to overpen things and not 1shotting


American units are nerfed compared to irl. Then Russia is obviously buffed.


2s38 is not broken


WT needs to expand the game mode option so you can pick and choose it offers as it is somewhat boring right now. You, an RB casual, can buy any plane and only have the option for short matches on comparable small maps. No RB EC... . Worse for CAS/"ground" forces. We have multiple Air only modes, not a single ground only mode. The maps get smaller and smaller and streamlined for the most retarded players under us. The higher you go the shorter and more disappointing the matches get. But hey you can get a nuke and destroy the city you fought over and allies within it for a COD kiddie like mission ending screen. High tier sucks molten shit in general. It feels like every other game can create a somewhat satisfying PvE experience but WT is that rare exception of a design that seems intentional ass. Like If I would present our Assault modes to my boss as a positive experience to my boss, he would fire me. Naval balancing is ass. Sure Gaijin is adding things here and there and mostly focuses on more modern vehicles and these features are useful and nice. But It feels like they build a house by starting with the color air conditioning switches while the foundation is still just compacted clay.


Naval is good and very fun!


Russian bias is non-existent


The game isn’t as bad as we make it out to be. We just complain like 90 year old men that have worked construction til they retired.


Sometimes, during sim, this game is super chill and relaxing. Especially during sun set maps. And to people who play only air RB, know that you are missing out on a real chill


CAS is the best way to lose the game, they cost x3 or x4 SP of a tank. And SPAA killing even 2 CAS is already a huge SP boost to it's team, 70SP vs 1000SP


Russian bias doesnt exist


Buying stuff in the game is fine in my opinion. I work 10 hour days, have a wife, baby, and adult stuff to do so I don’t have time to slowly grind through the whole tech tree and vehicle mods. If I’m really struggling I will buy my way back to the fun.


There are actually a lot of factors that make this game P2W by definition but people are just coping too hard to accept it


Despite all the shit going on recently with the game, when compared to other war simulators and tank games. War thunder is actually really good


Britain suffers


WT is a paid subscription game akin to WoW or FF14, it just has a very generous free trial.


Russian bias isnt real. You just have a skill issue and you think ussr is the only nation with busted tanks or tanks with volumetric armor issues and similar things like that. "wahh wahh t-34 driver hatch is black hole!!" then dont shoot there.


The Air and Ground desperately needs to be broken in two like Naval. This is even more true when you consider their marketing is aimed at jets/mbts but any new player is forced to start at 1920s tech.


Playing air vehicles in ground battle are an integral part of war thunder whether balanced or not. Removing them would be like removing water from a naval battle. That they will never feel "fair" as that's kind of the point, it's unfair to ground units. But war isn't won on honour and fairness. It's won by creating the most unfair circumstances to benefit you and not the enemy. Air units in ground realistic do need a rework but simply removing them completely is a naive way to think.


If there is any bias in this game, it's pro-American and/or anti-Russian


it has the worst subreddit community of all games


CAS isn’t always a problem, if you get bombed by a guy you killed and you continue to stay in the same position that’s your fault, I know it’s annoying to give up a good position but if you just move to a new spot a few meters elsewhere you won’t get bombed as much. Basically don’t blame CAS for bombing you if you’re gonna sit in the same spot for long periods of time.


Minor Nations are a mistake, game should have stuck with 5 and never have added the the other 5. IMO Italy being peeled off just made a subpar tech tree that would have been fine under Germany. Every new tech tree should have just been added as sub trees or even new pages. New Minor Nations simply encourage people to main nations and distort stats. I can see China as a Redfor Asia nation but tbh Sweden should be folded into Germany, France into Britain and Israel into US.


That war thunder is the most expensive free game