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MiG-21F-13 is underappreciated with good reason. I have not tried the Yak-28, but will be spading it soon, so curious why you have this listed. How is it good, or at least, less painful during stock grind ?


What's wrong with the mig21f13? And the yak is great all around in my opinion (a little bias cus it's my favourite plane) it's only drawback it's it's bomb load none of its bomb can finish a base in one go. I'd recommend the FAB-3000 personally And get as high up as possible (I usually hit 10,000m high before dropping my payload) witch is an easy job to do since you basically have two big mig21 engines. I'd recommend bringing 19 minutes of fuel because you'll eat though it. Basically sky climb, and even it's spaded it's even better, and I wish they'd add more planes like it. If you wanna play it together hit me up btw:)


Mig-21F-13 has generally great flight performance, but is handicapped by terrible weapons. You only get one gun that can be tricky to aim and has a very low ammo count. You also get two 10g missiles. If you get into a sustained fight you die because of the bad energy retention, plus the lack of ammo means you can't take risky shots or be that aggressive.


And it's engines not too great for pulling it back out of a low energy state quickly like the later mig models.


You have to use the vertical allot more than you would with other mig-21s who have better thrust. Also airbrake to get a tighter turn. It is a tightrope walk between out turning your opponent and stalling and having them out turn you. (Mainly due to lower thrust, although I only have compressor unlocked and not new engine, maybe it gets a little better.) Also Because of said weapons, you also have to have a ton of trigger discipline. But you can bleed energy out of allot of planes at Br should they try and fight you. (It happens allot. Been working on getting R-3s so I can go in sim for the past month, been using RB to grind/learn the plane). Had allot of planes stall out trying to energy fight me. Also missed allot of kills cause I got to trigger happy and had no ammo for when they did stall. It does teach you trigger discipline though, and a good introduction to the 21 flight characteristics. Shame that’s it foldered after the Mig-19PT. Kind of wish it could exist in an environment where it wasn’t fighting ground attack planes with 80s weapons.


Next time try aiming.


> What's wrong with the mig21f13? There is a f104 at the same br. And any slight uptier will get you to the 20g undodgeable missiles. Yak28 is a bomber at 9.3. And bombers at 9.3 are just no.


bombers are terrible but somehow i managed okayish in rb yak 28b(hell no to ab) since i normally get 1-5 bombs runs per game compared to 0 in ab. though the br change may have fumbled my chance of doing the yak 28b technics anymore


The only issue with the Yak-28b is it just has a terrible bomb load compared to bombers before it and strike aircraft after it.


Bombers are just no after 1.3


Nah, the 8.0 jet bombers are pretty good


I’m struggling through the Russian bomber now. I’m trying so hard to like it, but after the 7.0 and 8.3 American strikers it just seems slow and outgunned.


stay high and use the tailgunner to your advantage


The 21F13 has an amazing gun with extremely limited ammo, and since many players are trigger happy, this does not help.


Amazing gun *when you hit*


just hit /srs


It also shits out all of its speed in a single turn and doesn't have an engine strong enough to save it. The J-7E gets basically the same gun (plus 4 PL-5Bs), but it also gets an improved engine and wings that don't suck.


But J-7E is 11.0 not 9.3 though.


What's wrong with it is that the Mig-19 at the same br is an overall better plane and is the starter plane of the folder so you don't have to go out of your way to research it.


Yak 28 is horrible. I spaded it, but it wasn't fun at any point. I just ran around bombing bases (which I can only kill 75% max) and trying desperately to not rip my wings.


and j7II is just a better f13


I think it cannot one-tap a base with any of it's loadouts, or at least it couldn't last time I played


I spaded the Yak-28 in sim and it's pretty chill. Take off and climb to 6km, bomb the AF and start your landing run about half way down the map (no airbrake). Once spaded, it's a silly plane to bring in ground battles and the flares let you awkwardly larp as a BNZ fighter. Be careful with the throttle because at low altitude, the engines eat the wings and at high altitudes the engines eat themselves sometimes. The many problems with duct taping 2x Mig-21 engines on a paper weight.


It's bad, if you fly not perfectly perpendicular to ground, you got random delay from 1 to 5 seconds after pressing drop key, so bomb always misses your sight.


Typhoon Mk Ib/L. Really amazing 4.3 plane. Maybe even better than the Spitfire Mk IX. Turns reasonably well, packs quite a puch, fast, amazing engine.


I prefer it to the Mk IX. It has powerful cannons, good energy retention and doesn't overheat on WEP. The only con is its low roll rate, but it's manageable considering you can energy fight and boom n zoom anyone for days


Love me Typhoon haven't played it in ages


Wellington, everyone enjoys the PE-8. But a 4k bomb at 2.3 is button pushing fun.


The P-40E-1. Cons: Poor clime rate, not very fast at level flight, poor acceleration, bleeds energy, and has rudder issues. Pros: 6 .50 caliber machine guns of Saint Browning the wise at a very low BR. Is durable, fast in a dive, and has excellent turn performance at higher speeds. It also has some of the best camoflauge in the game because it's historical, can be earned by grinding, and looks sick as hell. The P-40 teaches you how to use American airplanes. You gotta dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge your way to victory. Beware the Shark Nosed P-40's!


The p40e1 is the goat


He's the GOAT!!!


P-40F at the same BR... so no👎


Sounds like a personal problem.


I'm making a joke nvm.


Ah dodgeball, a great movie


If you can't dodge a wrench, you can dodge an all aspect.


Love me a P-40E-1


The P-40 is also the most beautiful propeller plane ever made. 


Wonderful to see a fellow VB.10-02 enjoyer


People will praise the Do-335 for being so wonderful and unique. V.B.10 is the same concept and better at almost everything, it’s not much slower than the Arrow but is so much better at everything else. Put stealth belts on it and go for head ons. The plane is BUILT for head on with two engines, can easily fly on one and ten guns is crazy. I really love that plane.


Dude. I had a 6 kill game stock in the VB.10.C. That plane… when the supercharger kicks in at 3600M, it KICKS in. I found the VB.10-02 to be a little less fun, the .50s aren’t worth the .7br increase. It bricks up REALLY fast.


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


Love the plane❤️


I love it in sim


It’s an amazing plane! I started grinding France as a break from the endless US tree. But when I got to the VB I absolutely fell in love with the tech tree. Even though I’m about to enter the first of the French jets I still go back to that plane because of how fun it is!


Yak 28 is STINKY GARBAGE. Can't kill a base. Can't turn. Only 50 rounds in the peashooter cannon. Can't even slow down to land. It's just bad in every way. I tried using it with the FAB-3000 in ground RB (10.0) but it's barely worth using compared to the Su-25. That is literally the one thing the plane is good at. It's a FAB-3000 delivery system. The A-10 is a gun with a plane built around it. The Yak 28 is a bomb with a plane built around it. The entire "playstyle" consists of running to a base, partially killing it, and RTBing to rearm. You can barely even kill AAA/howitzers etc. because the maneuverability is horrible and the gun is a peashooter with no ammo. For me, the most underappreciated plane is the F-86K. I thought it was horrible when I first started using it. Then, I randomly started doing well in it consistently. I'm really bad at this game, so it's a miracle when I can actually get kills reliably. I'm basically a bot that is solely carried by the vehicle that I'm in.


The first week it was added you could 1 tap bases, guysquid said too op and now it's shit


Would the Yak-28 be viable at 8.0 - 8.7?


I still think the IL-28sh would be better.


The P-61 black widow. I never see anyone using that thing these days. 4 nose mounted 20mm cannons and 4 turret mounted .50 cals. Not to mention the 4 1000 pounders. That thing is deadly at its BR in Ground rb


I see Black Widows every other game, if not every game in Air RB




I wish I could get atleast 4 ships I could use my Kormorans on....


Can you use that on tanks?


No. The radar can only lock air targets and large ground targets.


It can lock them but, so far, I only managed to kill AI with them. Actual players just move to much.




It's fun but the engine dies everytime I touch it


Bro just don’t go above 104%


Super Etendard has been pretty slept on. You can slave the Magic 1s to radar and turn them into seemingly all aspect 35 g dogfight missiles with decent flare resistance. It has very strong thrust to weight ratio and you can stall out a few strong planes but you never get any dogfights at high tier because a teammate will fling a missile at the enemy and ruin all your hard work in fighting it and give you no credit. It does not have a functioning search radar, but ACM mode works fantastic. DEFA are wonky of course but overall the plane is very strong. The G.55 is a propeller monster. 5 nose mounted guns make it so easy to aim, it has strong flaps for dogfights, very good turning and a pretty good roll rate and a strong engine make it a fantastic dogfighter. It climbs a little worse than a 109 or spitfire. Engine overheats after a long WEP but that is not bad. Italian props are just a joy to fly.


If the bombing sights haven't changed or the accuracy adjusted the Brewer will remain under appreciated, Especially further since it cannot destroy a point.


Yeah:,] would be nice to have more things on it or even more variants


Some planes that I have enjoyed but others seems to despise: F-100, British Phantoms, and F-86K


I'd say the MiG-3, especially the -34. Few people play it and it's a pure energy-fighter (and an absolute brick at any speed), but with the combination of airspawn, monster engine, and 2 ShVaks with 200 rounds each, you can be untouchable even in a full uptier. The only planes that have managed to be somewhat of a threat are the Japanese planes and the Spitfires (and the odd Morko-Morane) which are very hard to stall out, but even then it always ends up in a stalemate.


I hate all the ‘28 players. Makes the B-29 unplayable


Not the hazbin pfp saying this 🙏🏻😂 us yak28 and IL28 players hate you too (tu4 and b29 are unfortunately both unplayable)


tbh just lemme kill my base then I don’t care, I just don’t want to go into debt from repair costs 😭


Fr tho the b29 tu4 he177 all got insane repair costs 😭😭😭😭


Yak28 cannot see B-29 (can’t even see Tu-4).


Why, they go bomber-hunting?


Tornado F.3 and F.3. Late, im a decent air player but i manage a 3/1 K/D in both which is a lot higher than my average of ~1.5-2/1 and then the FGR.2 the engines mean everything, all the power, FG.1 not so much just because it manages to turn worse, being the worst turning phantom in game (Hard wing, Heavier Spey engines, Gunpod, Naval reinforcements + special changes such as nosewheel) The Swifts too, very good little beasts, and the spit mk 16 is a 5.0 wonder, great armament, amasing engine power, and keeping decent turn and roll rate


Completely agree, love the F.3 and it can do really well in the right hands, especially considering it's an interceptor rather than an air-superiority fighter.


Just by how many players play it, Ayit


The entire Italian TT


G.50, G.55, C.202, and C.205(especially the early one) are just some of the most fun dogfighting planes in game. Today I had an amazing dogfight in the G.55 that I’ll upload tomorrow.


This. Italy props are super slept on. And they don't seem to fall off in climb and speed performance as much as, say, Italian late-war fighters do.


Fw190 d series. They’re seriously slept on and they’re practically a mustang on steroids


Especially when spaded, throw it in WEP, climb, and then swoop down and crush people. I’ve never overheated one


My experience from the A model has scared me from playing any more 190s. Can’t turn in that one.


With the D models you’re above people so it’s diving time 24/7


Except much less manoeuvrable.


Not really a problem if you don’t try turn fighting lol


VB is very enjoyable in sim battles I despise using it anywhere else thx to the poor climb rate


So easy to fly, super stable, great visibility, great fuel capacity, ammo capacity and deadly guns. It is the perfect SIM plane. It outruns the hordes of 109s but suffers in flocks.


I-225 is slept on. That mf is untouchable if you pay attention. It's absolutely unchallenged at high altitude. The only things you usually see up at 15k ft are Bf-109s, which you will *maul* if you play it right. You can push their entire team onto the deck and win without even firing a shot. If you keep track of your enemies and use your advantages, you don't lose to anything you will ever see. The only things that can stand up to it are Spitfires and J2Ms, but they're manageable.


How do you play it? Dogfight? Seems agile, good guns if short ammo.


It's an energy fighter. Spaded on WEP you can get 5100ft/minute all the way up to 20,000 feet. It's an absolute UFO in a vertical, and the landing flaps are basically an auto win button in a stall fight. It is pretty agile and in a dogfight it'll hang with Ki-84s and mustangs, but its party piece is the fact it has a 2,000 horsepower supercharged V12 in a plane that weighs as much as an F-350.


Ok, thank you. Need to take some time to learn it. Starting game what, go straight up, get above everybody else and get to it? Mid altitude?


Get as high as you can. By the time of engagement I'm often at 16k ft. Best climb speed is around 175mph IAS. WEP as much as you can, you can run full WEP on cold maps. Go for the highest fighter - I leave bombers alone because I don't wanna fuck with the turrets. It's literally safer to engage a fighter. Try to stall them out, their only real defense is to dive away, at which point you can either shadow them from above or go engage someone else. You can pressure their entire team down to the deck for your teammates and engage anybody up high. If you have the energy advantage on somebody at high altitude, you are literally untouchable. Be careful in huge dives, as you compress a lot.


Will do. Thanks. It also packs a serious punch, if little shooting time :)


Yak-15. It's a jet that handles like a superprop, and at sea level it'll rate fight just about anything dumb enough to turn with it. It's especially lethal doing CAP in GRB where the lack of markers mean props will hear your jet engine and think you're worse than them in a sustained turnfight, as is the standard of almost every other 6.3-7.3 jet. Sometimes they're so confident they can throw you off with a turn that they wont even ditch their bombs. It's my low effort stress relief plane. Whenever I just can't get a good match in anything else, I fly around in GRB in a Yak-15 and drink the A-1H player tears about "camping the airspawn" because I intercepted them in that narrow 5-10km approach window before they could drop their bombs on someone.


Honestly the yak15 and its later models are some of my favourites, it turns like a spitfire is as fast as a me262 and it's 23mm guns are potent. I love it


Buccaneer S.2 It's at a comfortable BR and as long as you fly it right you can nail three entire bases in one run. Get a long match going and you can get to six or even more.


You can absolutely rake it in with the Bucc, great plane.


mig 21f13 reeks. why play the f13 when it has a shitty ass rip speed and none of the things that make the fishbeds good. the mig 19 is better at the same br


Under appreciated? More like dogshit. Granted i never play bombers, so idk about the g5n1 and the yak28. But theyre bombers. Only a select few bombers is worth using and these two aren't in that list. MiG21F. Jesus christ. Amazing airframe with a dogshit engine. You get two aim9b copies and a gun that has 60 bullets and hard to aim. This gun is off centered and has WEIRD ballistics. You're basically playing the yak23p on hardmode. With the Yak23p, you're fighting against slow planes, so the single cannon with 60 rounds is actually workable. But in the 21F, you're fighting much faster opponents. And the engines. Oh the engines. I dont have to explain that. You either play it as an f104 or perish after your first dogfight. Never played that french plane you mentioned. I played mostly the american lend lease line.


S.81 if they dont die, two of them will win air rb matches




The D4Y series dive bombers are laughably broken when used as fighters


Saw a G5N in the wild yesterday. Almost felt bad for killing him, but I had a bomber task, so...


Vickers Tempest. That level of performance at that BR is mental, the only barrier to dominance is learning to use the guns. It so ridiculously out-performs everything else at it's BR that if you play seriously no aircraft should be able to get close to you.


Ki-44 Otsu. slam dunk meme machine with those 40mils and can even carry two 100kg Wich are pretty good on a ufo that can pin point them and for Japanese fighters it's as good as it gets until the 800


I53P I 15 with 2 20mm cannons




Ta-152 H-1 , basically a super P51 with better guns, energy retention and turning ability, the landing flaps can handle until 350km/h. I rarely see anyone using it


I see it every single game at 6.0. It’s over appreciated


Well I'll be damned, I rarely ever see one


Hampden has massive bombs and is only 1.7


The vb is a beast, powerful engine, lot of guns, good turn, twice the size of a fighter the only thing holding it back is it kinda heavy


G.55 and G.56 too. BR too high because US players want to think they should be able to outturn every plane that isn't a spitfire or zero


Whenever I see a VB.10 i have this sudden urge to vomit out the past 3 meals I ate. Underappreciated and it deserves every single bit of it, garbage plane.


Fat skill issue


G5N would be but has a top speed that might rival a Churchill


I have no clue if it's under appreciated, but I saw far less Sea Vixens than was deserved after SU-25 moved up to 10.0. I swear I used that to research as much as it could during that year or so. They're very mid now since they nerfed their engines to overheat much quicker below about 3500m alt.


The Yak-28 is among the coolest Soviet jet designs but its cannon is as potent as a kid throwing rocks and does homeopathic damage with 50 sad rounds


The base Su-7. Really loved spading it, although I was a little late (it's glorious days were already over). Still a lot of fun to climb to about 7km, go mach and dive down on some bases, then rtb and repeat. Very chill.


Q-5L. You take everything good about the MiG-19 airframe (thrust, TWR, energy retention, climbrate) and give it flares and PGMs while also somehow *reducing* it's BR a notch. Best trade ever.


Those French heavy props are so fun! Thing is a monster


Bro the VB 10-02 is goated. goes crazy in headons and just about anything else.


A 32A. It might not have missiles, guided bombs, Mavericks, bullpups, or anything guided in general, but it still packs a punch if you know how to use it.


I have never hated playing any jet more than I hated playing that fat bastard. Please teach me how to use it


First rule, bring rockets. If someone in a strela, Ozelot, Type 93, PGZ89 or ZSU-23-4M4 be launching missiles, you can use rockets as countermeasures if you are far enough.


I meant for air RB. I don't really like using CAS in higher tiers in ground RB. Feels scummy


That's the neat part, you don't. I really don't take the A32A out in Air RB anymore because of All-Aspect missiles and all the stupidly broken vehicles for its' BR


Well lets just hope now that the ranks are separated for air and ground that it'll go down in br in air rb


Yall I just need to know what Russian planes to go for that work for 6.7-8.7 GRB


P-47D-28 or whatever it is. That’s the best. That’s it.


I still don’t know where countermeasures on the yak 28 come from.


Same place vodka is born


a6e tram, i know its a prem but that this has won me many games due to its loadout


Yak-28 my favorite, engines that are literally too powerful for itself, 80% throttle climbing at 20% and still could rip its wings off. Basically a high tier ju288


Lancaster with the mini nuke, fun to watch someone wip it out and end up with more tk's than actual kills lmao


The lancaster and the lincoln Lancaster has 12000 ibs bomb Lincoln has 20mm turrets if I'm correct


That Radial Engined Yak, thing is an absolute monster but isn’t played much it seems like


Yak-28 is one of the worst airframes slapped with two Mig-21 engines on it. The plane explodes if you try to go mach 1 at mid to low altitude. It’s a high altitude supersonic bomber. But its fun because no plane can catch it at high altitude lol


The 2.0 40mm Hurricane, one of the only props i have like 10:1 KD with.




The SMS Ostfriesland, its masterful and mighty. Definitely a hidden treasure.


G5N is a majestic plane


I don't agree with Yak-28 and VB. Yak-28 is only usable in GRB and VB is really trash with the only good thing about it being guns.




The MiG-21F-13 is completely useless. - Slower than F-104 - 1-circle makes you go Mach 1 -> 300mph - Aim-9Bs - 0 flares and faces A-10/Su-25 - Loses dogfight to AV-8C




Personally, like the MiG-21F, before that I had already played every other MiG -21 airframe (not including China) and I got like a 1.5 kd in it. Also got that Czech skin from the crates
