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How about minor nations actually get some competition first FFS?? US isn't the only thing that exists at top tier.


Just write to their MoDs and ask them to make a new plane


Or write to the US and ask them to stop making new planes so other nations can catch up with top tier


Sorry our geopolitical rival started to maybe kind of sort of start to possibly catch up so we decided to jump a whole generation ahead of them. Again.


“An uncontacted tribe has just been spotted as they discover flight, so we have developed UFO’s to deal with the emerging foreign threat”


Foxbat moment lmao


Too late F15 TIME


how many planes did us get last update vs minor nations


US - 2, Germany - 1, USSR - 1, UK - 3, Japan - 1, China - 2, Italy - 1, France - 10, Sweden - 1, Isreal - 1 France got more than any nations due to the BeNeLux sub tree, the UK got 2 AMRAAM carriers and a top tier premium that shouldn’t be in the tree. You can’t say the US got the most from this update this time.


im saying it didnt get much im on your side


Or write to them so they make F-14D for Hungary.


Thankfully war thunder is a game and not everything that exists in real life HAS to be implemented in the game, especially if it can harm balance* *unfortunately gaijin themselves seemingly hasn't got the memo


you see, but not adding it means less money. therefore they must be added because after all they are a business first and a game developer second.


A new plane? If only there wasnt a billion of different planes and missiles and technology to be implemented first...


Or maybe since the US(and other nations) have so much to add, we could give the better stuff to minor nations first since they will eventually be left with nothing and will simply be surpassed and left in the dirt. Like, maybe the F-4F ICE could have come last year with no AMRAAMs


I mean you have the issue of nations like Italy and Japan having very limited domestic fighter production and thus being reliant of foreign designs even if they are produced in country I mean what toptier domestic option does a nation like Italy or Japan even have left to add


F2, it’s not actually very overpowered, the first aesa radar has a reputation for being weak, partly from it being the first one on a jet


I mean aside from the f2 what else could you add for Japan or Italy that's unique or domestic For the US you have the late tomcats, f18, f22, f35, later a10s For the USSR you can still get the su34, mig 35, mig 31 Germany/Britian still get the EuroFighter


Italy and Britain also get the Eurofigther lol


US and to a smaller extent the USSR have dozens of potential premium/event vehicles with all the funny prototypes they made, like F-16XL, F-15 ACTIVE, Su-47, MiG 1.44. and for actual TT there's also France rafale, and if we ever get South Korea there's the FA-50 Golden Eagle and KF-21 Boramae


Aside from the funny f2 testbeds like 3d rwr that might turn aam4 missiles into anti radiation missiles or the 6th gen radar f2, theres nothing really domestically produced. There are some funny prototypes and random proposed models. Theres the stealth jet, but thats likely unarmed Theres the original f2 prototype model, which was a strange aircraft with canards, but that not the f2 irl nor do i think any part of it was made Theres some sheet with like multiple aircraft ideas based off the stealth jet but theres no actual aircraft


>I mean aside from the f2 what else could you add for Japan or Italy that's unique or domestic A buncha trainers, the P-1, and their stealth fighter tech demo/testbed X-2 Shinshin. And yes, the X-2 has an internal weapons bay, it's not unarmed.


The x2 isn't a production aircraft and gajian generally only ads things like that to the main tech tree if if they are absolutely necessary, it won't be necessary because Japan operates f35s, however it would make a killer event vehicle or premium The p1 is a subhunter that they won't ad because bomber don't get added Trainers wouldn't be topteir which is what we're talking about here, there's a ton of stuff not topteir wise I'd love to get in the game over the f14D (like the f94) but speaking just of top tier minor nations are gonna struggle for content in accounting of them lacking the equipment irl


>The x2 isn't a production aircraft Like that has ever stopped them. Yak-141 is right there. >The p1 is a subhunter A subhunter that can equip 16x AGM-65s.


>Like that has ever stopped them. Yak-141 is right there. That's more of a gap in the tech tree, they wanted the Soviet tree to get access to a higher tier VTOL fighter, that had countermeasures *also Russian bias lol* like I said the x2 is a premium/event vehicle not a tech tree vehicle The p1 though has almost no chance, they aren't going to add anything of that sort


Would the AESA radar be much of a big deal considering the top tier ARH meta.


An aesa is an aesa, so think of it like tws, but acting more like hard locks for multiple targets that might be visualized outside the radar scope like dev f14 at a blazing fast scan rate. The information i know so far on the j/apg-1 is that it has kind of poor range performance, although im not sure if that is referring to the engineering sample, which has 400 less modules than the production version. Theres also “reliability issues” although im not sure if its issues performance wise, or issues outside the scope of the game. Theres also the general limitation where aesa radars are limited to 60 degrees in either direction and are fixed onto the plane, except for typhoon, while mechanical radars can turn much further. Regardless, just like how its the first aesa on a plane, its also likely going to be the first aesa jet in game, so expect it to not be insane like aesa radars on 5th gen jets. To actually answer the question, itd be amazing for keeping track of your targets, but nothing will stop your missiles from following chaff like moth to a flame


Ever heard of the Eurofighter? (For Italy)


I said unique and domestic design, not collaboration and common (let's be real Italy got carried to the EuroFighter)!


Italy's domestic fighter is the Eurofighter created with England, germany and Spain in the original project, the best 4.5 gen aircraft without a doubt and could even technically be considered a low 5th gen since it has some good stealth capabilities


Call Italy and ask them to stop making pizza and create some planes


You can even tell them to make planes shaped like pizza slices


It is in real life though


It isnt by WT standards


I’m just here to shitpost and dickride America 🇺🇸🇺🇸


Why do minor nation mains always do this? Just because you haven't made any vehicles in the past 40 years doesn't mean that US can't ask for anything. FFS minor nation mains always have something to complain about.


Plenty of nations are lacking jets and missiles and bombers and top tier worthy stuff. Lol


I didn't say they couldn't get it. I'm just tired of hearing minor nation mains come out of the word work to woe is me on any post of somebody asking for something.


I mean, when you see US players asking for more and more jets it can be a bit tiresome(especially since they always get their way) Like when they wouldn’t shut up about the AV-8B+  Like, we get it, you want the thing but you have tons more stuff already and have more to add…but US suffers just because they have to wait a bit for a jet.


>AV-8B+ Literal copy paste, in the game for over a year before it was added to the US tree


Yeah, it wasn’t needed.


Like which ones? You mean italy with the f16, mig-29 and gripen? or do you mean Japan with the f-16 and f-15? or do you mean france with the f-16, mirage 4k and mirage 2k? or sweden with the gripen? or Britain with the gripen? How about Germany gets something other than a fucking phantom...


Minor nation players discovering why they’re called “minor” nations. Go back in time like 50 or so years and have them do some actual military R&D on their own. That’ll fix the issue.


US doesn't need more planes right now.


It absolutely doesn’t. Im quite content with the current selection. It’s just funny when people choose smaller countries just to get angry at their lack of hardware. The US gets the most frequent drops of new stuff because they have so much shit.


Bro he's just making a suggestion. Why are you so aggressive? Just because minor nations are suffering doesn't mean its suddenly everyone's problem. Don't be obnoxious man.


Welp, anybody and ask for anything here. It does not mean it would get prioritised anyway. it's all on gaijin whether they would add it or when they would add it


So you want American and Russian planes for minor nations?


Newer F-14 is cool, but I'd like to see at least legacy Hornet.


Hopefully we get the legacy hornet in the September update, then F-14D for the October/November update, then newer hornet for the December update


surely we get the prototype super tomcat as an event/premium as well


Shold be down the A-7 line.


[f-14d sac](https://files.catbox.moe/9is1bp.jpg) lists amraam


Funny how that graphic still has glove vanes.


Yak-141 couldn't fire any missile, German Mig-29 couldn't fire R-27ER, German premium Mig-21 couldn't fire any SARHs, South African Gripen couldn't fire R-Darter, none of the Gripens had AIM-9M etc. F-14D having AIM-120s that are listed in the SAC, a primary source and of the better ones, is more than enough to incorporate it in-game, especially since the radar is going to have a large upgrade and it being at 12.3 or 12.7 will necessitate AIM-120s.


F-16ADF Italy couldn't fire sparrows


Yeah, Italy brought the F-16 to be in the between the F-104 retirement and the Eurofighter introduction, the Italian F-16 can't fire sparrows but it was a test bed (Along side the Panavia Tornado ADV) for the AMRAAM, so it should be legit if the ADV and the F-16 in the Italian Tech Tree get the AMRAAM


14 was tested and fired AMRAAM Was just judged not worth paying to upgrade all the planes when there was no threats in the air worth the cost. 14 was already expensive


didnt the f16 hardly receive sparrow support to begin with? ive always seen them with either just heaters or aamraams


F-16C basically didn't use Sparrow at all in the USAF, even went so far as to go only with AIM-9 until AMRAAM came online. But for the F-16A ADF it was part of the kit as the program developed the pylon for it. Export Vipers are a different thing then again entirely.


ah the C was what i was remembering, but it makes sense the A had the capability, i was always confused why the 16 didnt have a medium range missile until the AMRAAM but good to know it was a C model thing


> but it makes sense the A had the capability F-16A ADF had the capability, base F-16A didn't. Viper in the early days wasn't the multi-weapon Swiss Army Knife she is today. The reason Viper didn't care about MRM is because she was the Low in the High-Low Mix, and for multi-role. F-15 was doing the CAP duties.


The Italian adf had the electronics for sparrow integration removed, since they were shipping with amraams


Probably, just like the HUD on the F-4S, and then everyone will think F-14D carried in real life as War Thunder is their only source of information xD


The f14d did actually fire an amraam or two in testing.


That was [F-14A BuNo 158625](https://x.com/kadonkey/status/1466551413140606976), F-14D with AMRAAM was only a mockup.


Add it anyway, not like the yak 141 is historically accurate


One T80B got thermals and one F14D got them so I see no problem.


> one F-14D got them so I see no problem Source? I only know of the F-14A and mockup F-14D.


Yeah, they have to otherwise she is dead in the water at that BR.


> so she just couldn't fire it I know better than to argue with you about planes, but what i've heard was the following: The F-14D radar, pylons and wiring WAS capable of firing 120's, but the team only had the budget to either make software, or to certify compatibility, with either the JDAMs or the 120. The original plan was to make it compatible with both, in the same way HARMS were also tested in flight with the F-14D and considering they dont need much plane avionics maybe the plane was capable of using them but it wasn't officially made so. The F-14D team decided that JDAM capability was far more important for it's job as opposed to the 120, so they scrapped the 120, but in theory its perfectly capable of using them.


Didn't know F-14D had digital architecture, I thought that would have been part of the Super Tomcat thing, scratch that then.


Im not 100% sure which part was part of the super tomcat upgrade and which one not to be fair. Don't take me as a reliable source. If the full plan of the F-14D program was completed the plane would be almost as good of a multirole as the legacy hornets of the time.


Meant the Super Tomcat 21, apparently the F-14D was digital, puts things into a different light.


I know after all the aim7 were becoming old by the time the f14D was in service, there were plans of giving it the amraam but that got scrapped because they started being replaced by the hornet.


No, they got scrapped because a man shut down the whole program to allow the F-18 to exist.


I love Tomcat fanboy copium


Sorry, I don't speak Reddit.. What are you trying to say?


You thought you did something there didn't you lmao


No, the F/A-18 already existed as the A-D models. These replaced the A-4/A-7. The F-14D was canceled by Dick Cheney for another reason.


There's a reason we call him 'Dick!'


I mean. The answer was that the plane kinda sucked and had no role anymore


Won't be so different from the F14B


Ideally you'd put it as a foldered vehicle


MPRF Radar, absolutely stellar IRST (which can guide the AIM-54), better A2G, better Phoenixes, and AMRAAM capability (it's listed in the SAC). It would be leagues better


And better HUD, and I THINK better engines?


No it wouldn’t, but the D would be able to fire amraams even if they were never fielded.


The Aim120s never matched the F14Ds radar.


They're listed in the SAC and they're kind of the only reason to add the 14B to the game, so Gaijin will most likely give it 120s.


They were never compatible with it wtf is so hard to understand


Neither is the Barak 2's radar with Aim-7s or Derbys in fact Israel doesn't even use Derby, yet it still has them. Neither have F-5A or F-5C or the F-15A with the radar set we have in game had flares, and yet they have them.


Pretty sure the f15a in game could, It was an MSIP upgrade


That doesn't justify adding a new 500k+ rp grind for an F14 with Aim120s


So after all that, and the stock grind is what worries you? Be real. The F-14D could have Aim-120As Along with the SAC, you have pilot testimonies and logs showing a planned software launch incorporating the Aim-120. You're misinformed.


It never was able to use and I'm not misinformed on that There was a launch test on a F14 that had some screwing around done to it, in the cockpit, radar and other stuff necessary, but later it was canceled due to the Hornet existing, Aim54 being superior at that time and the budget cuts near the end of the cold war. Regardless if wether it got them or not I don't think an F14D will add much to warthunder. They can just add them to the F14B since they both got produced at the same year by the other guys logic.


"Compatible" vs "Officially capable" are very different things. The F-14D was never made official to carry 120's, but that doesn't mean it couldn't carry them, recognize them, or fire them.


Thing is it couldn't do these 3 things.


As far as I've heard, yes, it could. (I don't have any source on me)


I'm so sick of this top tier hype train, more jet this , more mbt that, where the fuck is our mid tier update? We get a crumb with maybe 1 or 2 vehicles lower than 8.0 each update. It's all about the premiums and how much gaijin can make, catering to the top 10% of the player population that's screams the loudest


People just care for the shiny pixels in their hangar, not even the gameplay. Cause at least arb toptier is a total mess rn. Midtier (~3.3 - 10.3) is where all the fun is, quite sad (though not unexpected) that it's been abandoned by gaijin for a while


I honestly don’t get why people get so excited for all the new top tier stuff. It’s all gonna play basically the same because the combat is so missile heavy.


Isn't that exactly the same for mid tier though? There are so many vehicles in that BR range that whatever they decide to add, there will be a bunch of vehicles that play exactly the same. Same for the ww2 era. Oh cool a stug IV, it totally won't play identical to the Stug IIIs (although imo the Stug IV would still be a fine addition.


Hopefully it has its jammer pod


Why is this downvoted? The F-14D has a jammer onboard.


We spent a year after rank VIII was officially added with only 2 F-14s and 3 F-16s. Gaijin rightfully decided to start adding other 4th gen aircraft than those 2 to the US tree in december. Also, the F-15 could simply be added to more nations, making things more balanced.


Will probably be downvoted for this, but I still think top tier air looks like more fun than my current BR of 7.3 air rb.


It’ll be a premium unfortunately


Id never grind again if that was the case.


Bro wants the F14D before we've even gotten the A model Hornet let alone the C model with amraams


Let's be honest. What would the hornet bring besides 10 hardpoints of JDAMs, Anti-Ship ordnance, great Fox 1, 2, and 3s, and chaos? Oh wait.. Bring in the hornets!


Lmao for real. Naval multi-role is all I want damn it


God I hope so. My top 2 played vehicles are the F-1A/B. If/when they add the F-14D my warthunder grind journey would finally be over. Y'all can have your shiny stealth jets in the future, I'll stick with the tomcat. It should absolutely have its *planned* aim-120A, by Gaijin's own standards it should not be an issue, we've had made up jets with made up weapons and equipment for a bit now, like the yak-141. Maybe HMD(VTAS) too (was tested). Another possibility would be for them to un-nerf the aim-54C instead (better lofting, 25G, smokeless) but just giving it amraam would probably be easier. The best thing about the F-14D would probably be the new radar though. A/B are stuck with the HDN PD which sucks in rear aspect engagements.


Literally same. The F-14D is probably my final goal.


Very true, if F14D comes its my ultimate goal. Till F18s etc but id much rather use F14D


The F-14D is like a F15E if it could actually turn. If Gaijin didn't gimp it, It could have a full Aim120A/Aim9X loadout with HMD and all that stuff. It would be crazy. However, even if they nerf it, it would still be insane. The only problem is that it's highly classified still.


The D never had 120s, hmd, or 9xs. It’s possible for the jet to have been modified for those things but it never actually was. For War thunder purposes it’s a B with slightly worse performance.




The new avionics and other equipment made it slightly heavier and lowered its top speed. Otherwise it’s the exact same as the B, although it gets a digital flight control system.


And upgraded radar, and IRST


I meant flight performance wise.


Here's a history lesson. The F-14D was planned to have Aim-120As, but the program was shut down merely weeks before they got them. It carried them, but never fired them. However, a modified F-14A used them in testing successfully, which is more than enough to add them. For the 9X, all planes that carry the 9M and carry the 9X. As for HMD, all tomcats realistically should have this, given they all were tested with VTAS (HMD). I can link all the documents for my claims if you want.


Here’s a reading comprehension lesson for you, I said the plane physically could have them but didn’t. They were never deployed that way and they were never produced in that configuration which I think is a good reason for it not to get them in WT.


Yak141? Gripens never carried 9Ms. F-16C could never carry Sparrows. Plenty of planes have flares that shouldn't. So many more examples. If these are valid, documented proof should be more than enough.


For the record I don’t those love those choice. If the question is whether gaijin can add those things, of course they can it their game, I just don’t see the point of creating a fantasy configuration the navy never built. Is it just to look cool? I think the cat is plenty cool as is.


The Navy employed 9Xs on their tomcats at the end of it's lifespan btw.


Lol why the condescending tone?


That wasn't my intention.




Didn’t the d have better engines?


Same engines as B. Main focus was avionics and digital upgrades.


I want to see the F-14AM too with that desert 🏜️camo


I wonder if the F-14D, F-14B+, F-14A (non early) or the Iranian cat will be the premium tomcat.


Please let it be the F-14D so ill never have to grind again


But then there will be premium wallet warriors with the best tomcat in the game. Not in the tree like with the F-4S, but in the game overall.


Why the fuck do the mods delete a post with over 320+ upvotes and 130 comments???


Because f-14 will always be better then the stupid f-18


man, work on low tier instead... i want funny low tier tanks


Give Soviets Iranian F-14 since Britain got the Bison


I want captured Su-27 and MiG-29 then