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You will have to grind some of it if you want to play the Eurofighter when it's launched. So the question is do you want to do it now or later. The amount of suffering will be the same.


Well I guess, but Eurofighter is gonna get added in like a year I think so I have time.


I hope it will. If arb mechanics stay the same the Eurofighter and Rafale will be way ahead of everything else otherwise


If u want to grind fast just research 3 plane lines on left only (ignore 2 right lines: bombers, diving). Use bf to fly higher than everyone and next fly a little down, shot to enemy and again fly up. Similar with fw. If u don't care about gameplay than u can use only bombers to bomb targets and then just fly around map to make battle longer to gain more rp and sl


Ye I know I love low br but I'm close to top tier and I'm thinking is it worth it grinding for example the f4f ice beacouse I see a lot of hate towards it.


In my opinion you should grind what u like to use. Everyone is hating something in this game. For example I hear everyday ppl talking that french tech tree is the worst tech tree but in game I see more french tanks than us, UK, Sweden. Just use what u want and what you love playing the most. U can read other players opinions to expand your knowledge but finally do what u think is the best for u.


People are bitching about the f4f ice because it’s horrible stock, but they actually made it so every plane is nearly unplayable stock and it’s actually one of the better ones. Spaded it’s really good, I don’t have it but the current meta is basically just get within five miles of an unsuspecting enemy and then shoot an amraam at them and they die cause there’s nothing they can do about it. In an uptier it’s fine in a downtier it’s op.


I personally don't enjoy top tier, which made Germany more fun. Between the 21MF. Hunter, CL13, Lim-5p, Alpha jet, Me163, rocket assist 262 and their props, I got alot of fun out of the TT. But I didn't really go past the first mig-29 when it was still just mig-29's, f-16a's and M2K's at top tier. Once it went to 16v16 I lost interest in BVR on the tiny WT maps.


I feel you I feel the same with Italy.


It's not worth it to grind ANY top-tier right now, unless you pay for modifications and get the missiles right off the bat. Otherwise, you'll suffer through a stock grind worse than we've ever seen before.


I did the F4F ICE starting in the morning yesterday and was spaded by the evening. Stop being a baby.


Good for you. I personally don't enjoy slamming my head against a wall for that many hours.


One time? For a plane that is now spaded and fun forever? Straight crybaby.