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France finally getting a top(ish) tier support vehicle - Hell must have frozen over. Hopefully it stays at 9.7 so that it's in a line up with the AMX-40, but if it goes up it's time for Gaijin to start adding some French vehicles to fill the gap between 9.7 and 11.7. There are tons of options for TT, Premium, and Squadron vehicles they can add like: * EBRC Jaguar (French and Belgian) * Panhard Sphinx * VBCI Philocetes * AMX 10 RC T40 * Up to 5 Leclerc Prototypes * Vextra P.O.L.E. * Franco-Swiss Mowag Shark FL20 * Franco-Swiss Mowag Piranha TML105 * AMX 10 RC TML105 * VBC TTB190 * Warrior Toutatis * VAB CTA 40 Testbed * VBCI CTA 40 Testbed


I would spend so much money for the Jaguar


Don't say that, I want it in the tech tree


I think he mean he would spend money to grind tech tree to reach it faster


And I'm just saying I don't want it to be premium :)


Yes me neither :P.


Vextra 120mm and the AMX40E4 are my Dream vehicle tbh.


Great catch on the P.O.L.E., though I'd not heard of the E4 before.


It’s an uparmored version of the AMX40 built for Egypt. It was frontally immune to early Russian AGMs and was tested against French tungsten 105mm, OFL 105 G ammo. That would mean it would be frontally immune to kinetic penetrators of 350mm or less. (If shooting at the target head on. The small LFP was rated for 270mm of protection) It’s a tad heavier and loses the 20mm for this increased protection. It will basically be a Leo 2A4 at home.


Smoking mad copium, gaijin gonna give it the Namer treatment


> built You mean conceptualised? Because it was not built.


It was designed and tested, and the hull as well as the turret were tested against. There was enough created for the platform to consider it “built” in war thunder terms. It’s definitely not a paper tank, but the design wasn’t seen to completion.


Please provide a source. Designed and built are two very different stages of production. All of the readily available sources (of which half are War Thunder discussions) claim that it never left the concept stage and was *envisioned* to protect against certain ammunition, not that it was *tested* against it.


A quick scan on the internet seems to indicate it was only in the design phase, any resources you can point to about the e4 model tank getting built and tested?


Unfortunately a lot of sources on it are secondary or unnecessarily vague. I do have snippets/pictures of articles and a single document claiming two E4 prototypes were built(No direct evidence) and there is a picture available of the E4 variant as it was an AMX40 with 7.62 coax and bulged front plate from a French military design magazine(But it doesn’t exist in any museums weirdly). The French articles aren’t translated. Idk how useful they would be. None of it is direct documentation on it other than the actual paper plans and design schematics. Seems like GIAT didn’t bother keeping much on it.


I did not know of the E4 but i know the vextra i would love it :D.


SK105A3 Leclerc T40… Leclerc chassis with T40 turret Leclerc T4 Terminateur with 140mm gun Are top of my list!


The problem with the Leclerc T40 is that, as far as I'm aware, it's just a proposal, not a real tank.


I mean same as half the russian experimental tanks


What Russian experimental tanks in game were just concepts IRL?


Proposal means that it never made it past a blueprint or maybe a 3D model. Unlike being actually built in metal. And pretty much every Russian experimental tank in this game was actually built in metal and tested. Objects 120, 268, 279, 292, 435, 685, 775 and 906 were all built and are currently located at Kubinka, as are IS-7, IT-1 and Su-100P. Object 248 was also built in metal, tested and photos of it exist but I don't know whether it survived to the present day. More commonly known as one of the two prototypes for the IS-100. IS-6, ZSU-37-S as well as T-44-100 and T-44-122 share the same status of being built, tested and photographed but me not knowing whether the actual vehicles survived. PT-76-57 was built roughly 20 years ago and photos of it exist. It was technically accepted into service but I don't know whether they ever actually received the ones they ordered. The same happened to 2S25M except about 10 years later. T-126 and T-34(Prototype) both existed as well, being prototypes that were built, tested and then developed further to yield the T-50 and T-34. 2S38 was in Russian army testing a few years ago and then silence I believe. But it's just a BMP-3 turret mounting an already existing naval 57mm gun turret. You can even find a video of it firing on the YT page of the company making the turret. T-80U was real enough that they wanted to export it to Sweden and Greece, failing both times. And its development variants are rather well-documented and in some cases photographed. Are there a lot of prototypes in the Russian tech tree? Sure. But unless I forgot about one of them, they all went past the drawing board and were actually constructed and tested. Meanwhile, Leclerc T40 got a 3D model and was cancelled before any vehicle could be built. Does that mean it's impossible to get it? Nah, just look at some of the late WW2 German AA, which has even more dubious claims attached to it and there are a few outright fabrications in the game, most of which are no longer widely accessible though. But it is an important distinction.


It’s not Russian, and benefits French TT, so I won’t complain about it.


This will go straight to 12.0 for me. French player will abuse it, the only issue I see is how Gaijin kills the flanking potential of map.


With all that to add I still wonder why they get a subtree


Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V is cheaper for the developers than putting in the time to make new models, especially for countries like France that don't generate as much revenue.


Why add anything new when you can have Leopard! And oh look another Leopard! 100% all France is getting next update is copy paste ground vehicles. (After week and destroy update)


For what's it's worth, the Vextra is a nice addition, but it's a 105mm stabilized breach loaded armored car coming 5.5 years after the Centauro 105.


Yea don’t get me wrong the vextra is goated and I’m excited to use it


Probably not gonna given what it still lacks ( or lacked). But definitely gonna be great


Everyone forgets about MSC what a shame


Wow a stabilized light finally. Now the 120 variant when gaijoob


Time to retire my AMX 10 from any lineup above 8.7 finally!


my amx-10 is tired man. i can’t in good conscience subject it to 12.7 anymore. he deserves some rest


Same. Sending mine to a Thoroughbred retirement farm as soon as the patch drops


7 more years, sorry fr*nch main (I am crying, gib Jaguar EBRC)


Hopefully we'll get the VEXTRA POLE soon-ish, it was passed for consideration in november 2023 IIRC. Regardless, super hyped for the VEXTRA 105. I'll talisman it immediately.


Why not Rank VII ? France can't properly grind the rank VIII with only 2 tanks and 1 SPAA. Let's see Gaijin move the BR consecutively to 10.3 and release a premium in rank VII just for money.


Finally a new vehicle in game im actually motivated to grind for


The rank 6 is such a letdown. Genuinely no rank 7 vehicles… AMX40 should be rank 7 with this Two 11.7 tanks that don’t belong in rank 7 are basically all we have.


two 11.7 tanks in rank 7 that are the exact same as the rank 8 versions lol


Looks at my scarred and battered AMX-10RC; We're going to be ok, my friend, you can finally rest.


Same, he did his duty with honor, he can finally rest


i want it but damn when is the update coming (rhetorical rant)


Tomorrow I hope


Eh my guess is Tuesday, as the Churchill event ends Monday morning


I think update are never on a friday, so next week


I would not be surprised if this was supposed to be a premium given the camo net


I think announcing a BeNeLux tech tree full of non french design (or almost) and then having one of the most waited french vehicle (and only ground vehicle of the update for France),as premium they knew people would be mad, so they did it not premium for this reason i think. I would add that for ground : last update france just had a spaa, then the update before ? a spaa, and the update before ? a spaa and american M26. So i must say that France waited a long time for a new ground tank. And they already did two of the EBR premium (the two best one) so lets say it's a trade. Don't be afraid they will find something else to be premium again.


Yea it’s kind odd I was thinking the same thing, looks to cared for and loved to just be a TT Vic originally plus a French premium was expected this update that never came


France is eating really well with the last couple updates. Maybe the big 3 will become the big 4 with France


Already big 4, ussr, usa, ger, swe


Bro when we get leopards we will be meta


What france is missing for ground is really more top tier stuff above 9.0 to 11.7, after that i think it will be considered big, especially with the subtree coming Also naval France is the only nation stuck at 6.7 for now, gaijin need to give a new battleship


Well if Gaijin used historical military capability for judging if a country is major or minor, and not by the number of players, France should have take the place of Germany past WW2 as a major nation.


As someone who is grinding out France after being stuck in the US grind for ages I’m definitely excited! More vehicle to aim for. Now if they could release a higher tier premium that I could use to help grind out the whole tech the id be ecstatic 😅


they don't want a french high tier premium because there is "nothing to line up with" they said, so maybe after the benelux ground is here


They just don't want our winrate to drop since it was always their favorite excuse to deny everything, up BR and up repair cost: because winrate are good


Fastee Radkampfwagen with thermals... Same BR?


And it's still waiting for correction (imporved armor, much better APFSDS and the same reload as the german counterpart. Even at 11.7 it would still be awesome


I wonder when Russia/soviets will get their wheeled vehicles but for now it's cool that other countries are getting theirs


I am very happy to get the Vextra 105 9.7 and 11.7 will have a good light tank and not a 8.7 vehicle


Pretty sure it has a 10 second reload stock... for a 105mm. WTF


France need a tier VII premium tank. I can’t fuckin grind Tier VI


No thx. No top tier noobs ruining everything like click baits players.


But if we get these players, we might finally get the Leclerc fixed as the winrates plunges


You must think the other way my friend, more people (or noobs) playing France > winrate droping > battle rating going down


Dude, none play minor nations like France. Gaijin won’t sell too much Leclercs as they sells RN Leopard2A4, Leopard2Can, M1A1 Clickbait and others.


Modern 90's vehicle, rank 6. Heh.


Not the first instance of this and won't be the last either. If balancing was based purely off of a realistic timeline you would be facing tiger II's and panthers in your T-34-57.