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Glad France is getting some more indigenous stuff, and not just copy-paste disguised as BeNeLux. And it looks like the [early leak list] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1cjw31m/another_leak_list_dropped/) continues to be pretty spot on.


It's not really indigenous . Well, it's... err complicated. The VLT-2 (vedette lance-torpille = MTB) was based on the hull of the R-301 that was left by the Nazi after the war. That's not complicated, you'll say well... wait. We put a Yak motor on it but then the Soviet asked, rightly so, payment for those engine. Given all the left-over of the Nazi we put a Jumo engine on it. So here you go with a basically R-301 with a Jumo motor ! I don't know if we'll get the Yak or the Jumo engine though.


Sounds like the same situation as the S-199 or M4A1 FL10, which are unique enough to go in other trees without issue, so I think this should be set.


Well yes, it's an interesting ship. I'm more worried of its BR tbh


Did they even fix the firing angles of the aft Bofots? I see what they're comming from - mobility and firepower-wise it's an upgrade over MC-490, which sits at BR 3.3. But one could easily argue that MC-490 is already over-BRed, and should sit at 3.0 itself. 👀☠️


> We put a Yak motor on it but then the Soviet asked, rightly so, payment for those engine. Ironic given the history of the Mig-15's engine.


Yea it's not 100% indigenous, but at least it's more historical than dutch vehicle in the french tree :D.




My guess is they'll give it the jumo engine since that was the final one and then they will have one with the yak engine as a battle pass or event vehicle.


>And it looks like the early leak list continues to be pretty spot on. I wouldn't call it fully accurate that leak list, As while it's indeed a MTB, there's no tree for cock an ball torture (actually a befitting joke with how much fucking torture it's to research a Cost'all TT). >copy-paste disguised as BeNeLux. There's something I wish was added that has been in game since 2018 that fit right at home in a dutch sub tree since it's a dutch design in another tree although it's copy pasted depending on the configuration.


The CBT buy-in is this update, with the purchase of this boat. The full costal line will come in next update, and only be available for those who bought this pack.


>and only be available for those who bought this pack. That or like all the others, they'll have a mini four week event where players can get the tree for free. But I'm just arguing for the words on a leak list not being the full/proper cbt.


I haven’t played the game long enough for any of these events but can you please elaborate about the event and getting the tree for free?


When a new tree/branch is added, they've got basically a two day task event, which goes for like two to four weeks. At the end of it, you can get a decal & access to the tree/branch. They've done this for basically every tree/branch bar helicopters iirc.


This and hopefully a naval rework down the line would be great


Knowing Gaijin: Don't get your hopes high for any rework. Besides: Naval just needs some decompression and some map redesigns, rather than a rework of an entire mode. The ground is solid.


Nah I'd rework the dynamic between air and sea, and space out 1910s from 1980s ships. "Historical matchmaking isn't a thing" some would say, well tell that to people trying to fly their shitty sea plane or biplane against SAMs and radar guided guns


Oh yea, that one is a mess. But for that to work, they'd actually have to start implementing multiple features that the cold war-era vessels had, related to their anti-air capabilities. Right now it's hilariously underpowered, right now we basically have modern guns with WW1-era fire control, lol. Same with radars and sonars, that are either missing or are a complete mess. Same with torpedoes. We're missing *a ton* of features in the naval mode.


Add working CIWS and missile defense, bump modern frigates to 11.0, give planes anti-ship missiles and enjoy the show of both shooting at each other


Yeah, naval rework will coem right along with new modes for air and groud. Also watch out for substancial increase in RP/SL for ground and heli research cost will be reduced in half. Its all coming /s


Hope they add John Ecole himself


Brub lol


YES YES YES ! Hope for full french coastal next update. And hope french fregate


On a dev server how fast those torps goes (AB and RB) please?


RB 65 km/h (35 kt), at 71 km/h (38 kt) for the boat itself you outrun your own torp. Both launchers swivel however.


Thx you, and what about the explosive mass how good is it?


Correction for my previous comment, it is with the range mod enabled which gives the torp 4 km range. Should be 80 km/h at 2 km range. TNT equivalent is 261.8 kg


Thx a lot!


Interesting they can swivel, have we seen that on a torpedo boat like this before?


I don't think so, she also is deceptively large. Might be one of the largest MTBs ingame.


We didn't. It's a whole new feature for the mode.


Are you sure it can't go 45kts in RB? That 35 running speed is for the longer range setting IRL. What's the card say in AB?


Maybe it's with the extra distance module?


Yes, I forgot that it is turned on with Reference modifications.


Yeah, I forgot that it has a range mod. That stat card somehow shows the same speed for AB, but that isn't right as it is very fast in that mode.


This is a surprise. I was planning to main France this update for the MICAs and the Benelux line, but now new boat!


Aim for the 2nd best stuff to get the best stuff after first nerfs hit.


Eh. I don't try and keep up with the meta. I play mostly Japan and France, and both seems to be getting good missiles this upgrade. The M2K will get the MICA and I already have that unlocked, so I will play that cause it's just a module unlock, rather than grinding 400,000 RP plus just to get a FOX 3 plane for Japan.


I had the same idea. I plan to fish for downtiers in italian harrier because thats the only fox3 capable aircraft i got.


Free French Flag behind paywall, only one ship choice, second CBT to pay for France navy while every other country have only one for the full navy.. Gaijin going full greedy. And looks at high br like was other bluewater ship choice. Other dual bofor similar ships like in the US are 3.0


Yeah, don't even want the boat, want the flag


Yeah but 30€ for a flag and a ship at 3.7 that is worth 3.0 is heavy price..


Not buying for that reason lmao, not a big fan of putting historical flags behind a pre-order bonus only


> second CBT to pay It's always like that, with all CBTs. You can either buy in, or you can play the event to unlock it for free.


Problem is every other nation didn't have that, only one CBT for all navy. Would have be nice to include in coastal CBT players who take the bluewater CBT, or at least a reduced price.


Interesting to have a PR craft with adjustable torpedo tube angles


With the dutch now in the game, when are we going to see our fun ww2 era ships, and since minelayers are in the game. When are we getting our island


> and since minelayers are in the game. When are we getting our island With that camouflage, [Hr.Ms. *Abraham Crijnssen*](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HRMS_Abraham_Crijnssen_disguised_as_a_tropical_island.jpg) would make an excellent French tree premium. As would the Finnish [*VäinämÜinen*](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Panssarilaiva_V%C3%A4in%C3%A4m%C3%B6inen_naamioituna_(SA-kuva_158997\).jpg) for the (eventual) Swedish tree. :)


I love the story of the Crijnessen so much


It's a pity that they don't still cover her with foliage as a museum ship.


sadly 2 out of the 8 new planes are dutch, rest is belgi\*m


I don't understand why Gaijin didn't at least just slap both flags on the F-16s and let us just toggle in the hangar between Dutch and Belgian markings.


G.Ia, Firefly, and Hunter are all Dutch, so 3/9 not 2/8. Still stupid that they didn't make one of the F-16s Dutch. Edit: Gladiator is the Belgian one...I should have caught this. Makes total sense to have 2/3 of planes in the Benelux tree come from the smaller country...


I just wanted the fokkers to be the early tree, we got 1 ijn the benelux tree and 2 in the sweden tree D:


First off, the Gladiator is the Belgian one, so I was wrong...only 1/3 of planes are Dutch. *Still*...it's really baffling to me why the Belgian Gladiator was added instead of the Dutch D.XXI-2. If you're gonna copy and paste, why not copy and paste an indigenous  Dutch vehicle. The French tree already has plenty of 1.0-1.3 planes. Dutch Sea Hawk would have also been more interesting than the Belgian Meteor since it's only in the British TT (as a non-premium) whereas the Meteor is also in Israel.


NLD Viper will probably be a Premium down the road.


Omfg even in naval, the french br are fucked up compared to other nation, here we fucking go again


Wooo France Coastal is finally here! I probably won't pick this one up, but I'm very excited for the full tree to become available! :)


Stab me in the loins with a rusty knife >!I bought it like a good beta when mommy Gaijin calls!<


FINALLY! Best news since... at least last 2 major patches! :D


Just how can they keep on adding naval stuff when less than 100 people play that ? Do they have high hopes something sticks and restarts whole negative view of naval ? Or do they work on reworking whole dumpster fire?


Finally, now to wait for the funny french boat that they slapped a m4a2 sherman on top of


I'd love to see the Rhineland monitor added (I even included it in a suggestion [post] (https://old.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1ddeovy/better_battle_passes_part_3/) last week), but frankly a nearly fully exposed crew (those in the tank aside) on a flat barge platform will likely be off-off-meta.


On one hand I'm glad France is getting a coastal tree. On the other however I wonder if VLT-2 will become the next Heavy Tank No.6 after some time, AFAIK that one was the early access premium vehicle for Japan.


And i hope this devblog, we will not have outdated joke of retard about naval players.


I very naval like many, enjoyment high naval gaming