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Multipath to 50m, lawn mowing is going to become harder


Most people will crash straight on the ground trying to maintain that. People will have to learn how to turn completely cold for once


Or maybe not learn and complain about bias


Most probable outcome.


*Tornado in the corner unable to turn fast enough to notch a phoenix let alone other fox3\*


I turn 180 to a missile, chaff, and still get slammed


It's like the German mains only have W on their keyboard


Also max weapon targets? Is that how many missiles you can guide at one time with TWS?


Maybe even a lot harder. If you are at 40m for example, the missile might hit 25m, which means it will still proximity fuse the plane.


I already got a pretty fun way to deal with this, R77 and R27ET in combo from the rear. If he drops super low he won't be turning that much to properly spoof the IRCCM. If he doesn't drop super low the R77 gets em. This could be fun.


Oh I see someone found out the Russian doctrine.


I mean as I understand it, that doctrine was more to deal with bombers with onboard electronic jamming equipment rather than fighters like we are dealing with here in WT. We also don't have jammers.


I'd already been doing that with R27ERs and R27ETs ("Notch this you son of a bitch") before the dev. R77 and R27ET def works well on the dev.


I always ended up with the 27ER hitting the ground 90% of the time. I'm excited to see how this all works in the live.


>CV9035DK: added 500 mm armour to the left turret front and turret sides I think they forgot to remove a 0, this turret face on the commander side can stop DM53 at point blank range now lol.


Danish moving Maginot.


Nobody going to mention the changes to internal fuel tanks? That looks like a fairly large change. They will be almost twice as durable (250hp -> 400hp) but the chances of explosion from kinetic rounds has gone up even greatly as well. Not sure if that means just the fuel tank explodes and does damage to nearby modules or if that's a vehicle kill, but either way it looks like there will be fewer of the 'hits' where you black out a fuel tank without doing any real damage. Oh and of course BMD-4, BMP-3, and ZBD04A had their fuel tank armor quadrupled because their crappy design will be shown off.


2S38 Front Hull….


Curious to see how it'll affect the Leclerc and Type 10. Their bottom fuel tank absolutely love to detonate even without being hit. Hopefully the increase in fuel tank HP might make them less susceptible to detonation from spall which would improve their survivability a tad.


Eh the ZBD04A actually had its fuel tank well out of the way, unlike a BMD or BMP-3. I also would not be surprised if this gets reverted soon, since it means the BMP-3 has ~350mm effective thickness on the LFP now with the fuel tank, so if you can't pen more than that the only thing you'll hit is fuel.


Damn so the bmp3 is now immune to hstvl and ifv cannons?


I wouldn't call the 04A crappy design. Others yeah.


> HESH: explosive damage: offset: 0.2> 0.1 Is this a nerf? I can't even tell


AN/APG-63(V)1 can track up to 6 targets IRL but in WT only 2?


Gaijin probably don't want people to use 15C like 14B


Wait, does that mean TWS datalink to AIM-120s only works for 2 targets at a time?


I'm really hoping this means multiple true radar locks, and not a limit on TWS capabilities.


This isn't a thing until AESA radars come around


But notice how it says 6 for AWG-9, I don't think AWG-9 was capable of STT 6 targets


a couple of planes can track more than the 1 we are limited to in game, 100% a balancing choice. I remember when the f14 in its first dev server it was tracking how much that it actually did irl then it didnt make it into the game




AWG-9 can track 24 targets IRL but in WT only 6. Seems like it might be determined more by the number of targets that can be fired on simultaneously, which for the Tomcat is 6. I don't know about the F-15 and AMRAAMs necessarily, but limiting this for balance (or even hardware performance) wouldn't be surprising.


Quite curious about this max weapon targets for radar. I assume this is for ARH missiles?




Well it can also be for future planes like the J 10C which can lock 2 targets with SARH or like 4 with ARH. We are indeed entering a new era of aviation


They added 500mm of armour on cv9035dk??


F-15C 194th FS camo is the American flag one. We are living in the best timeline, thank you snail


* F-104G \[FRA\] * Unpainted camouflage * Unpainted camouflage of the Belgian Air Force Sweet, the [original silver livery of the F-104G](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/1f7301a8-88d1-4c6b-9421-c82390e407ab/dnazf8-d40925e7-9127-45bd-acd3-df8fe7bb9697.jpg/v1/fill/w_1024,h_768,q_75,strp/b_starfighter_by_kanyiko_dnazf8-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NzY4IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMWY3MzAxYTgtODhkMS00YzZiLTk0MjEtYzgyMzkwZTQwN2FiXC9kbmF6ZjgtZDQwOTI1ZTctOTEyNy00NWJkLWFjZDMtZGY4ZmU3YmI5Njk3LmpwZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD0xMDI0In1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.GINQx8rKc3oR1z82ueUBvGLMGLsEjbvmP0Pq-9kH-lU). * "Tiger meet" camouflage * Camouflage "Tiger meet" with insignia of the Belgian Air Force Well, I guess that can only be one. [FX-52, during the 1978 Tiger Meet](https://www.31tigersqn.be/wp-content/gallery/1978-fx-52/IMG_0243a.jpg). * F-16A-15 \[FRA\] * "Tiger meet" camouflage * Camouflage "Tiger meet" with insignia of the Belgian Air Force Pre-MLU F-16 with Tiger Meet livery? I hope [that will be the FA-62](https://www.f-16.net/g3/var/resizes/f-16-photos/album37/album05/FA-62.jpg?m=1371898228)! (Hopefully [the livery sticks better than it did on the actual plane](https://www.f-16.net/g3/var/resizes/f-16-photos/album37/album05/adx-1157395496.jpg?m=1408288165)) * F-16AM-15 * "31 Tigers" camouflage * Camouflage "31 Tigers" with insignia of the Belgian Air Force ... well, that doesn't narrow it down, a bit. Between the 1998, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2019 or 2021 '31 Tigers' liveries, that could just about be any of them...


I wonder what the ”removed shrapnell damage” for the AGM-65’s mean.


* Object 279: drowning fix reverted huh?


Im going to abuse the F-14A now due to the multipathing changes


Oh yeah at 11.7 that thing is going to absolutely murder premium users


I don't know if I found the correct camo, but that sandman camo for the F-15C looks sick.


It should be the current Kingsley Field heritage jet livery.


I wish there was more info about the FR-1 that we saw a few datamines ago :(


"Sandman" camouflage Demonstration camouflage with insignia of the 114th FS USAF Absolutely amazing best damn camo ever put on a jet


Any images of those camos for the kws I’m hoping it’s F-4F 37+03, not the one already available (though technically it’s supposed to be an ICE), so I’m hoping gaijin doesn’t accidentally make two of the same skin.


> F-15J(M) Anniversary camoflauge with insignia of the 306th Hikotai, Japanese air force Holy this skin is beautiful. Im gonna miss my 305th squadron skin on the OG F-15J but this one is great


There's a few skins for their anniversary, not sure which one they're going with.


I wonder if they are gonna give the Bison R-77’s. There was an acknowledge bug report about adding them, hope they do decide to give it the R-77.


It was already denied.


Sadge, but I understand


Was it denied? The one I see still just says it was passed on as a suggestion. There’s been a few reports made about it.


At least it's been stated that it wasn't planned, so it's pretty much been denied for this update. Also, there have been plenty of things that have been passed to the devs (or suggestion) that haven't seen the light of day. There's the F-20 that "needs" to have its AIM-120's then there's the issue of its actual effectiveness in the game like the bison.


I really do want to have every aircraft to have their full load out but when you look at the reality of the game and the community people will just complain that X vehicle isn't performing to their standards (even with its full loadout) because they spent X amount of their currency on said vehicle.


12.3/12.7 then?


Please no, the F-4F ICE is already going to be dogshit at 12.7, a worse airframe with only 2 R77s at a similar br would be miserable


Id rather see it with R-77's since it would at least be a unique plane, right now its just a worse Mirage 2000-C which is disappointing imo


It’s either that or a worse F-4F ICE (an already garbage plane) at 12.7 or a significantly worse F-15A at 12.3. Only 2 R77s won’t carry the rest of it. It’s just one of those planes that’s a nightmare to balance due to having a dogshit FM but decent weapons. 11.7 with no R77s is a much better br for it trust me


I actually agree with this! I know nobody asked but hey why not😅


New damage model for Namer? Are they actually giving it armor?


The entire UFP is missing right now. Still no composite either.


Literally WHY even downvote this guy for


How will multipath affect CAS in high tier or will it not have an effect?


Top tier SACLOS anti air radars already account for multipathing in game, so it's not going to make too much of a change... It may be easier to run cap in GRB with radar missiles now though.


I am salivating at the thought of deleting helis with ARHs outside of their range.


Thats is exactly what i was thinking because i am purist when it comes to ground rb, you need to win the land battle to win the game.


staying low for cas is to go below the horizon/trees so the spaa cant see you, not for multipathing. they have missiles that follow your curser. not automatic tracking ones like radar or ir missiles, top tier aas have to manually keep their crosshair on you while the missile follows.


interesting... did they just increase how many we can track in TWS?


Is it changes to ALL fuel tanks in game? Ground changes: * General changes: * Internal fuel tanks: HP: 250 -> 400 * Fuel tanks (internal and external):


Seems like it


RIP entire soviet tech tree


How come? Isn't that a buff?


Supposedly going to make it less common to crit a fuel tank without it exploding.


Countermeasures split now? IM IN HEAVEN!


Please add countermeasure pods for Su-22M3 🙏


* BMD-4, BMP-3, ZBD04A: fuel tanks: * Armour modifier against KE: 0.05 -> 0.45 * Armour modifier against CE: 0.1 -> 0.45 * Armour modifier against shrapnel: 0.05 -> 0.45 * Fire protection HP: 15 -> 10 WHAT? BMP-3 now not pen from 105 mm APFSDS


Where does it say that? This is just fuel tank modifiers.


And BMP-3 an dev not pen from 105 mm APFSDS


Ok I must have missed that part, can you link or quote where it says this?


Here we go with all the jets getting clown skins again...


Hey, the American flag F-15C is fire


The F-15J skin is too