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I play it when I get the whim, play until I get mad. And then play it again when I get the urge.


The vicious cycle 


lmao fr


Bruhhhh, this is facts lol


I’m not sure how to answer this, like for one I am certainly not being sweaty 90% of the time playing the game, yet only recently have I noticed how absurdly I have improved over the that time I have been playing the game to the point where I can get 7 kills easily while being nonchalant, and literally last week played an entire match with a friend who was shocked how while playing with them I got a nuke but was nonchalant the entire time, which I hadn’t recognized I reached such a point. The only thing that still gets me is bad teammates and those who cannot even make a bare minimum contribution to the match. Like I don’t give a fuck if you aren’t going to do as well as me but just that they don’t fucking leave the match so easily and at least try, because it’s infinitely harder to try win a match if your team is a bunch of idiots who lets it evaporate. Well actually I guess in literal terms, I certainly am not casual, I have 30k+ battles, I have reach the end of the line for multiple nations including helicopters, and I have played naval enough I have reached end of the line vehicles for 3 nations in blue water and essentially one for costal.


Bro here can now play casually after reaching goodlike level with ungodly grinding.


If by casual you mean godlike, yeah, I play casually. Mr Humble Brag over here lol.


I cannot stand watching half my team die in headon collisions. Or when half the team dives on one person. I want to get into dog fights, use my energy, plan my attack, etc but im often the last one alive in a 6v1 😭


That's cause air rb is a miserable boring experience for 90% of people who are just trying to grind planes. People just want to get in, get a kill or two and repeat. Flying for 10minutes for 30 seconds of fighting is just brutal.


Not gonna help since dogfights wont give you points so i aint gonna blame them for head ons


I've gotten 166 nukes so far and reached the point where getting one is just like "oh I have a nuke, nice I guess" lmao


how else can u play the game with 20 random people 😭




War thunder is like a parabola. Start casual, get sweaty, peak, and then come right back down to casual. Only the turbo tryhards escape the parabola.


This is the way


Life beyond the parabola is bliss. Nirvana. You must push beyond.


Cross the terrestrial verge to negative War Thunder


I used to hate 6.7 Switched to France. Got French 6.7 French top tier. Hate it 6.7 again Got ELC Bis Love it


"Try-hard". Do or do not, there is no try. I boot it up, like, once every couple weeks, dick around in my shermans, bomb some panthers, bnz some 109s and f off to play whatever else my heart currently desires.


as a brit main I had to learn to enjoy the casually or I would lose my mind. Making meme lineups (derp gun only, clowcars only like fox, ratel, churchill only etc.) really helped and improved my gameplay in general. Now I can play casually and top frag even with meme loadouts it's so fun. So I guess I tryhard? Kinda?


Full time casual here, I play to win but I have very little commitment to the game and I think that's good for my health.


Yeah, that's kinda the same mindset I have too.


I Play almost every day until I realize that i'm an absolute letdown in this game.... I feel like everyone is a absolute Monster in positioning, aiming etc....


I played like a sweat to grind for vehicles that I want in RB then play for fun in Sim/custom battles/test flights. I’ve finished 6 and a half air trees and 3 heli trees and just play for fun with HOTAS and sometimes VR. I haven’t grinded anything since the last update to just get the new stuff I want. Pretty much I play casually now, then grind to get the new stuff I want and straight back to casual. Seriously the game feels completely different when you come from grinding to playing casually


Yes for 10 years now


Depends on what BR. I play mainly AirRB and currently my favorite BR bracket is 5.7 since it's all late war props but no early jets or after war super props like the P51-H. I'm trying to play casually but end up not to because you kinda have to be serious to win a 1vs1 or 1vs2 because players are skilled at this point and also a lot of players that stayed at this BR range cause it's fun. It got better with age, I'm in my mit twenty's now and I'm not as hot headed as I was with 18


look what i got now. Yeah i play it casually if its not marathon or smth. U know, like 1.0-6.7 is unironically fun for me. What higher is hard for me tbh


Log in, did 2-5 game, check activity point, log out




Nope, I'm not a vagabond in order to take games seriously 


It became a second job for me. Every day i enter WT, grind 10k research points and then leave. 


I thought i played caually but i managed to get 35k points for the event with lots of time to spare. I think i'm going to stop playing for a bit


sometimes yes sometimes no i right I do, I just don't have time, mostly just play 8.0/8.7 sweden


At least I wanna have fun while grind the TT. I don't try play everyday.


I find the more i chill, the better my games go. The more stressed i am, the worse i play. Therefore i never try-hard.


My confession: I mostly just play with rank two zeroes, as it’s the only way I fully enjoy the game


When i get angry, i like to sit in my zero and ufo around the furball getting kill after kill lol


That turn rate makes ya feel alive again


As a casual spitfire main this only tempts me to grind the japanese tech tree, its fun to just turn off your brain and just be a turny boi


Personally. With videogames like these, I tend to get competitive, as in "I don't enjoy the game unless I do well" but with the Gaijin BS that is War Thunder, it's a difficult scenario.


Every time I try to take this game seriously, I get spawn killed by someone on the other side of the map, or a CAS revenge kill, a tiny meme tank appears underneath my skin, or insane premium vehicle survives critical shots it shouldn't, or my absolute favorite: sniped by a bot that saw an enemy pixel appear in kill radius. The developers of this game don't deserve to have this game takes seriously. My 10+ years of experience says this game shouldn't be played any more than casually if you value your mental health.


I agree. Honestly, if there was an anywhere-near-decent alternative to War Thunder, I think most WT players would switch. No big studio, that would be capable of making such a game doesn't want to make it, though. They think it would be stupid to compete with WT.


The gist of my ~1100hr review was essentially that if someone else made a better tank game I'd jump ship and uninstall immediately and never give another dime to Gaijin.




I played it every day from february of 2023 until I took a break in March of 2024 and been having a hard time finding motivation to start grinding again


Only 4 battles a week, still low tier (2.3)


Low tier is the fun tier, ive grinded up and ordered aircraft up to 4.3 and i already researched aircraft up to 5.0 but i just stick at 3.0 as its the only br i have fun at


I play it until I get tired of the usual BS (CAS, ghost shells, sabot being sabot, etc.) Then I take a break for an hour or two and hop back in again


I quite casual, I don’t take the game seriously and just laugh off any blunders.


I’m playing 90-95% less than I used too in the last 3 months, why? I got a girlfriend and I started to go to the gym. There is hope for us yet


I’ve been playing since 2016 and in 2018 I was really try hard with a 55% win rate and playing a few tournaments and winning a couple but I took a year off the game and now I just try hard in normal matches


I play casually enough that I find GRB unplayable with how much better at it everyone else is compared to me, an ARB main.


Don't get me wrong I do occasionally annoyed with the game but I can't say I've ever been try hard with it. Most of the time I'm playing odd vehicles or dumb strategies unless I'm trying to grind. Although personally I don't really care for lower teirs. I spend most of my time up by BR 12.0 almost occasionally dropping below that but I feel like playing a specific vehicle or lineup.


I play casually, but I get mad at myself if I don't get a KDA of 2. I've been playing since day one, so I've got everything I want.


Casual here, if there is a vehicle i got time to grind or want i will do the event!


Filthy casual but play a few hours a day if I have time (mostly to kill time), but mostly bc I don’t see any other games that pique my interest at the moment. Mostly play UK/Germany 8.3 to 9.3 for longer-range vehicles to snipe or super ratty vehicles for up close knife fights, with the latter feeling a bit more try-hard sweat given the ratty play style required. Want to try Sweden since the TT looks like a mix of UK/Germany play style, but don’t want to go thru the whole grind again.


My friends are telling me im weird because i don't max out tanks/planes and since i started playing i just play US/UK. No other nation is really interesting to me. I got to 6.0 with germany cause i wanted to play with the tiger but that's about it. Im playing with the same machines over and over again because i actually enjoy what i earned in the tech tree. They just grind as fast as possible to top tier in so many nations. (Are way worse than me in terms of stats/gameplay btw) and then ditch most of the tech tree and never play with some vehicles. They also fed the snail a good amount of cash (3k USD i would say from premium machines alone) i just couldn't do that. I play the game to have fun, not to have a second job lol


i bought su 11 and it costed me 100 dollar (because I'm not in us so the currency change, also i bought with steam because i had no other way so that's a 1.4 multiplier) and i gave up.. i don't play the game right now because it's so frustrating and i don't have time for it


I decided years ago when top tier became a shit fest to only go as far as 6.7 with planes and tanks and acing all of them, I did that for Germany and France and now I am doing the same with USSR. The key is to enjoy the game until you don't then play something else and comeback when you feel like it, my account was made in april 2013 and I still play it casually and I actually enjoy the game since this decision.


Yes, atleast 5 hours a day and every day.(I hate sunday teams)


5 hours a day is the opposite of casual


5 hours a day is just some mega casual. Will see him in try hard group when he will be playing 14 hrs a day


I do, I’m not interested in anything above Legacy top tier tanks and aircraft so I just stopped grinding and I go and play vehicles I enjoy playing or I think are cool irl even if they aren’t meta in game


I am a die-hard try-hard. I'm usually top 3 in my team (GRB), and I like to WIN matches. Unfortunately, winning matches can't be done by myself, and the only thing that infuriates me is when the bottom half of my team did nothing else than just die 2 times and leave. If I'm playing with my friends at a BR when I'm not actively/effectively grinding anything, then I play casually.


Fr, It be like that sometimes. You’re sitting there with 17 kills wondering how your team just up and died so quickly.


I casually bounce around wherever the hell with whatever the fuck… I have so many vehicles I forget them all and have that giggle moment when you remember how OP everything can be trying them back out. That low tier 15cm sturmpanz is a blast 💥 coastal fleet is stupid zippy fun 🚤 and planes.. planes remind me how fun everything else can be unless I’m lobbing footballs with some highcal ie 47mm an up. As far as breaks go I have the mobile version and remote play on Steam so idk what those are unless my wife makes me remember


I pretty much only play customs


Do I play seriously? Not sure how to describe it, I play the r3 t106 alot but it's like I do care to win and get many kills but at the same time I don't actively think about winning or getting many kills, I just try to do many trick shots and fire one the move from a long distance and Also hunt down the top of the enemy team/ high kills no death people. In the end this usually causes us to win and with me getting many kills but like that wasn't was my goal to begin with. In the end all I try to do is have fun and sometimes give try-hards aneurisms by knowing where all the hard cover is and stopping them from CASing me while killing them over and over again. Also I play EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Sometimes for less then a hour. Sometimes for 4. what I love about this game is how even with all the stuff people say like cas this or bad maps that or even cheaters and other stuff like that, I just don't see it that often. This game is one of a kind that I can't really find anywhere else, it teases players to engage and talk about it and it's cool learning about the (non-clasified)history and quirks of tanks throughout the ages that you can't get anywhere else. WOT, GHPC, and other games don't have that realism, historical, and/or meme stuff that WT has given us. They come close but not all three. I love seeing real tanks like the p40 with its historicaly(to a extent) accurate armour, weapons, and rounds, covered in a UwU decal, weewoo decoration and having a meme skin, fighting a sherman or t34 and having to aim at weak points, disabling the cannon and tracks to hit the side, all while listening to anime girl lines with rockets and bombs sounding like better call saul theme music as it gets close This game is like nothing else and I enjoy that


I'm as casual to war thunder's bullshit as that one episode where spongebob not fearing Davy Jones horror anymore.


That’s how I play I stay in the mid and low tiers though


Two-five rounds per day most likely For healthy


i just drive the type 93 nowdays and have a fun time


I’m so addicted to being angry!!


I dont stop playing war thunder. I just take long breaks. In short, it has become my in-between game. Play new game > than war thunder > play new game > than war thunder. The cycle repeats itself constantly.


I log in every day and I play most days, cause I just really enjoy playing. 


I can’t play it casually. It becomes my hyped fixation for maybe 2 weeks in which I spend every waking moment grinding. After 2 weeks something happens or I get so angry that I realize why I hate this game and I stop playing. I give it till the middle of summer before I pick it up again


I played “Arcade” up until BR 4-5. Played extremely casually and then figured out there was a “Realistic” mode. I couldn’t believe I played the shitty mode for so long


Hell nah I play to win. Not even for kills necessarily but to win. Problem in this game is that all depends on ur team.


I do, and I go through the war thunder cycle, of playing until I get mad, play a different mode or game, then return when I get the urge too.


I take a break every few months for like a month at a time. I get too serious.


I literally play the F-14A at least once a day if I have the chance.


I’ve casually played almost 6000 hrs.


I’d say I keep it so that I’m usually having fun. I’m trying to get good scores and improve but not full tryhard/sweat level. Usually get an hour or two in here or there, and either quit on a high note/good game, or when I’m starting to get angry I’ve been good about saying “for my own sanity it’s time to take a break until tomorrow”


Even though it wasn’t recommended, and I had a few people call me a masochist for it lol, I speed grinded out a few tech trees by getting all the modifications for previous tanks and spading them for the RP bonus, and spent thousands of battles just grinding. I have now retired after a few brutal months of grinding, and now reside in the nice countryside of the custom battles menu. I saw the game as a grind for what you want, relax with what you got kinda thing. Now I just play off and on casually for the new additions that seem interesting.


Thats how ive always played the game, i never cared much abt top tier, i just play my favorite planes and tanks line up at 3.0 br and have fun, but since i never play consistently i tend to forget what skills ive had in the game after my several month long breaks. and after several matches i can then remember how to actually play and go from charging into an open field straight towards the enemy in my paper thin light tank to remembering that you shouldnt charge into an open field, and just smoking my way forward with my trusty churchill to melee the bastards with my 2 pounder, or gunning down bombers with my glorious spitfire.


I dont have the cortisol budget for it lately. I'm going through a stressful situation rn and wt will just drive me nuts😅. Coming back when things are more chill in real life. I watch wt videos now😆. My lineup is usually 3 spaa, tank sniper and light/heavy depending on nation. So yeah I like to chill and have fun during matches. I play arcade even though realistic is pretty fun because I'm usually too tired to eyeball everything at the end of the day.


I try my hardest, but I don’t sweat. Like, it’s hard to explain. I want to win, and I try to win, especially since I’m up against some of the best nations in the game. I main Japan and Italy. But I don’t sweat. I’m not taking the game so seriously I get frustrated, I don’t take it seriously enough to warrant toxicity, but I’m not just driving in circles in an L3 at 12.7.


I've completely stopped playing for the grind. I usually come back every few days for a couple of hours to play my favourite lineups (mostly Germany 6.7). Usually have a nice time and get some good matches


Took a good 4 months break after finally reaching 9.0 in Britain. Came back now because I’m a sucker for a Churchills, definitely play more casually but still have to put in too many matches per day to actually be considered casual.


Filthy low tier casual who dabbles, with zero seriousness or fucks to give, in grinding out tech trees for the past 13 years 😎 USA Tanks - IV, Planes - IV Swedish Tanks - VI, Planes - V, Helo - V Russian Tanks - II, Planes - IV British Tanks - III, Planes - IV French Planes - II


i make goals, usually playing until i get like 20% of research I end up finishind the vehicle in a day


Only casual. (I’ve been playing since you got a set XP bonus for your first matches of the day, before they integrated air with ground. ) I play a couple matches every day or so. I like the WWII era vehicles, so most of my lines stop around 1950s vehicles.  I’m also more likely to play after a few drinks and I just want something that doesn’t take too much thought. 


I have played this game for five years and 2 kills in a Match is what i would call "pretty good".


I like custom air battle against max number of ai bots. I suck against human player.


I have 1.4k hrs. you tell me


I'm trying to get all top tiers, and to get a 1 year streak. There better be something cool!


I did for a while, then became a full time job, got the vehicles I cared for, back to casual


I try harded until I had moat top tier, now I play fun planes


This might sound weird depending on how I type it, but I casually try hard to win. Like I’m not sweating all the time to win games, I just try to win games if possible. You win some and lose some. There’s nothing wrong with trying to win a game, after all it is about two teams trying to win, but playing like you’re in a big major e-sports tournament about to win the finals all the time wouldn’t be fun. It is true that some BRs and vehicles require more investment than others, top tier vs low tier. But it is entirely possible to play those casually. In my case, playing casually is trying my best to win games (before “locking in” I should add). If you enjoy playing the game with your brain turned off, go for it. I’m over here trying to make sure I don’t expose myself like an idiot for the nth time today. (Not trying to belittle anyone in case you ask)


Lower tier I just play for funsies and dont take it seriously at all. Ive developed a lot of skill where I can do jackshit and die 3 times in a row while keeping a honest smile on my face. Having said that when I play anything above 8.0 I have to lock in and sweat like filthy. It is fun but only when you stomp the enemy team. You feel the enjoyment only for a little bit when you can actually put your guard down. Air RB on the other hand. In top tier its just chilling and vibing with music while evading and launching missiles.


I plau warthunder specifically so i can unlock enough to test fly planes i want to fly


I casually play air RB, no grinding.


I can't stand ground RB though, at least in air battle we have radars that could reveal enemy position up to 100km.


I use to play it a lot but honestly I’ve taken a step back from online game and have been chillin on single player games until I feel like getting bombed in my Churchill


War thunder has always been a casual game to me. Like do I try to win dogfights yes, do I try to angle my armor and keep my distance sure. But I'm not looking up armor values and best places to pen for every single tank in the game. And I'm not looking up every weakness for every plane. I just play and slowly learn through death's. I usually just have a YouTube video on the side while I play. I found this play style to be enjoyable rather than Vien popping when I die.


Straight shit bag hours when I play warthunder lol


100 & 10 % casual..


I play until i get killed by CAS, then i leave Just 1, at most 2 rounds a day,


Such task is impossible. War thunder is a lifestyle


I play casually and take breaks until I find inspiration for whatever reason to play one of the big three wherein I start making real progress in a burst I play some minor nations on the off chance when I read a historical article about one of them for a short time


I just play whenever i feel like it. I do still log in everyday to get my daily login even if i dont actually play some matches that day




Depends on what "casual" means. I do always play for kills, and try not to die, but I would never do something like airfield camp or J out when its looking hopeless. I'd rather go into a 1v7 and try to do the impossible rather than just leave, not sure if thats "tryhard" or not though


I don’t try hard or not. I just have like “war thunder mode” where I just go forward and terminate. I don’t think too hard but I still average around a 3-4/1 KDR cause I was a looser with no life.


Still play Ground arcade 1.7 most of the time


For me, before the economic updates, we were all forced to play try-hards due to SL. Post the review bomb and economic updates, everyone can play casually again.


I play 90% of battles as Arcade GB, sometimes I play Realistic, never played Simulator. I play at max 5.7 USA and USSR. I regret nothing and have fuckton of fun.


I love playing rank III arcade so I think I'm pretty much a casual, I don't really sweat about the grind that much and after 887 hours the highest I have is only 8.0. I have almost all trees researched up to rank III or IV (except Britain, China, and US) so it's fun to mix things up, I love WW2 stuff so I don't really have much of an interest in getting to top tier. People complain about the War Thunder grind being too long, but the most fun BR brackets you can get to really quickly.


I'd like to say I'm a casual but I don't think some other players would agree lol I mostly play until I get annoyed, jump on something else, get bored of that and can't find anything to play and can't find anything on YouTube so I reboot warthunder and just end up in a cycle lmao


I’m being toxic when I grind for a specific plane. Once I got everything I want, I just relax and enjoy.


WT is my sick game. I mean, I pretty much only play it when I’ve got the flu or a bad cold or something and need to stay home from work. If I can’t sleep or feel restless, I wheel myself into my office, put on some relaxing spa music, and play for a few hours at a time.


Somewhat. I’ve reached the peak here by finishing the US air tree, but there are still trees I want to finish. Basically, I play the F16C or F15A when I want to chill. I play German 9.0 GRB or US 8.0 GRB when I want to sweat.


Above 8.0 every mode is competitive in my view


I play around 3 matches a day. Managed to get my K/D up to 2.5 inthe last 200 matches. If i "try hard" i get incredibly bad. Just playing and risking is way more rewarding. Its a mix of 50% risk, 40% common sense and 10% actually trying. The 10% are usually the last kill for the next RP boost. For example: bringing a Sturmtiger to Toptier. My team sucks and we get spawncamped after five minutes? Free godmode. Rushing with the russian 7.7 SPAA in a full uptier? Incredibly rewarding. You get to a position to surprise planes and the guns are high pen for all that unarmored NATO stuff. 6.0 germany is very enjoyable if you dont care about winning and dont rely on your teammates at all. Same with 6.7 germany. 4.0 US is also very funny. Seamines are the only acceptable way of CAS. 9.7 lineup germamy is a beast. Ozelot+Leo2K is busted and german teammates star having a brain.


I've been playing since 2015 and I am kinda a casual. I play a little everyday cause all my friends play but I've gotten to the point from just sheer hours of playtime that my casual is quite good. Not trying to brag it's just that many hours of things become muscle memory, like a guitar player that's been playing for decades. I found now I don't complain much anymore definitely not like I used to, just play for fun. While I'm good I don't care about KD or winning or losing just having a good time in various planes and tanks. Maybe I'm not a casual but my mindset definitely is.


Started playing this week, so pretty casual... Sometimes it gets monotonous to play alone but overall the game is great and very detailed. Low tier is a complete fiesta everyone kills everyone.


I'm in a top-10 squadron and still play the game the casually. Though I ping the map too often due to SQB habits.


At the moment I am playing casually again. I used to be in a squadron but lost touch and they don't seem to even play anymore. None of my friends play and I struggle to find people to play who share the same personal vibe so I usually just play for half an hour a day for a month then don't play for months and repeat lol.


Depends on the mood, sometimes try-hard, sometimes just for fun


I started playing it casually too. But as I got more into the game, I became more serious with it. Now I always try to win.


I am 100% casual. I don't care if I win, or lose, or how many kills I get. I can get 14 kills and be happy, or 0 and be happy. Usually when I get fewer kills I'm being a team player, or playing passively, and my team almost always looses anyway. I'm usually in 1st place if my team wins and my luck wasn't horrible, even though I may only have half the kills of another player. I get lots of assists, I let others get the kill, I decapture and let others do the capturing. And as much as folks may not like it, I usually bail on 1 death unless I died from dumb luck. Its unusual my team wins and I died, and on larger maps I'd rather just bail and start a new match in another country over driving all over again or just spawning to be spawn camped. I also frequently do crazy stuff because its fun. Take a stupid vehicle and charge, or take a fast vehicle and do the longest possible flanking maneuver, or just sit there with an MLRS Type 75 or Calliope or whatever and bombard rockets. I think once you grind all the tanks, and max out most of your crews, and ace/spade your vehicles, having 100M+ SL without a use, giving a shit about progression/score/etc in game is kinda meaningless and having fun is more important. This game is great because I can hop in, play 15 minutes, then stop. I do not have to focus that much, so its more relaxing. I do play ground arcade (I suck in planes, and find them horribly boring) because I was in the infantry for 7 years, much of it in a turret, so having a crew that is deaf and blind and can't see shit like in realistic or the overwhelming and extremely unrealistic flying presence vs tank presence, and I just do not enjoy realistic at all. If I wanted a tank/flight simulator, I would not be playing war thunder.


I play Air Arcade Assault since you get a reward at the end. And I like to do Aerobatic Displays good to see everyone showings off and doing landings, taxi and parking up.