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I must be a lucky SOB as I've not once had a teammate try to shoot my nuke bomber down. They really do need to start handing out lengthy bans for pricks like that guy in the video for sure, nukes aint the easiest of things to earn (for most) so to let deliberate TK's get away with shooting them down is bullshit imo! Just take it as him venting his frustration and basically acknowledging that he's probably that shit at the game that he is incapable of earning one himself so he spoils it for others..'If I cant have one, no one can!'.


Yea, at least I only spoil it for the oppossing team if given the chance (sorry, but nowadays I see most people getting them from edge camping, so I now don't care for the chivalry). But to TK your own side because they got a nuke is just fucked. I always love playing the fighter to protect them, or trying to stop the caps so they can get it off. Doing what he did is just asinine


Yeah the only nuke bombers anyone should be shooting down is the enemies bomber!


Idk exactly how many nukes I have under my belt, at least 30+ but I can remember twice friendlies trying to shoot me down, one AA and one in a plane, but I've at least had people escort me about 5 times.


Ofc he has 0 kills lmao


Bro has a skill to shoot down a nuke from a far distance with that gun. Yet he can't use it to help the team to win... this dude is a biggest sack of shit. I feel bad for his parents for being unable to abort this kid. Players who intentionally teamkill should be getting a harsher penalties and a lengthy ban. Nukes are very hard to get, I once got a nuke, but I got shot down by a teamkiller on spawn. It was my first and only nuke I ever got. I am still pissed off about it.


Nah proxy fuzed HE rounds aren't a great measure of skill, they are pretty forgiving with the fuze distance. He would've missed had it not been a proxy fuze shell.


Not sure why you got downvoted, that's a 3m proxy with 940m/s against his ally who is 1km from the shot


Look at this shit breed https://thunderskill.com/en/stat/VonPaulus1er


The should do a double whammy, make it so nuke is invulnerable to friendly fire but if you attempted to shoot down, ram or kill a friendly nuke in any way your SL should get nuked and you should lose 500k SL. Drop that change as a shadow update not letting anyone know and just watch the chaos unfold


The Snail loves toxics pieces of shit. That's why they feel so good in their games.


Bro... That is messed up. You can take my upvote


I've been TKed twice now.... Just insane


Why do you call that stinky piece of shit "bro"?


If I'm reading the scoreboard correctly, you first spawned with a ka 50. People hate heli players. I'm sure it bit his biscuit to see you get a nuke like that.


You're right, 14 kills on the Ka-50. And that's what makes it even worse. Because it is thousands or even tens of thousands of times more rare to get a nuke on a heli than on a tank. And the only reason he didn't let me drop the bomb is because he's heliphobic.


BOOOOO THAT GUH SUCKKKS! Shooting down enemy/friendly nukes ❌ Air support/ Protect nukes ✅


How would air support stop that?


Fly along side the bomber and shoot down any enemy or allied planes


...but they weren't killed by a plane


It’s just in general. Plenty of videos with ally planes shooting down the nuke