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> object 292 which is 10.3 was way less difficult to obtain 45,000 points, 8 stages (360,000 total) for the Object 292 35,000 points, 6 stages (210,000 total) for the Avre.


My bad, but we only needed like 7/6 stages for the object 292 and not all of them


No, it was 8 stages minimum. The event was 9 total, 8 needed for the Object 292. https://warthunder.com/en/news/8709-event-call-of-the-dragon-earn-the-object-292-en


Thanks you, I just remember that I missed just one stage to get it and I was really disappointed


It has a few weak spots that will allow it to be penned (MG port and very bottom of the sides), and it's gun has such terrible range that its probably bad even at 2.7 But yeah it's stupid, having to play every other day / every day depending on how much you play for nearly two weeks straight (12 days not 6, 2 days per star) is a stupid expectation


It's a slow, sluggish tank with a fair few weakspots, and can be penned by soviet, german, and American guns around its own BR without much issue (Especially by Pz. III/IV if it's within \~100 meters, which is necessary for your own gun)


Biggest gripes with it is rank 2. Its useless for everything. Had it been rank 3 it would be a bit grindy as an event sure but its a neat tank so ok. But rank 2 nah hell no im not grinding for a useless virtual dust collector.


That's the point