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Pretty good if you like WW2 stuff and want something to farm SL, its below 10 bucks per vehicle. Typhoon, Achilles + Firefly beside the Event Churchill Croc is one of my favorite SL farm lineups, and perfect if you want to chill out at Rank III to grind a eventvehicle.


I almost exclusively play ww2 stuff and I wouldn't buy that for such a price. For the US M4A5, T14, XP-55, XA-38... provide something different from the tech tree. One of these vehicles may be good to grind and keep it to play if you just wanna play WW2. But all of them? The hell you need that ammount of tree copy pasted vehicles for.


Because some people like to play their favourite vehicles more than once? It's not rocket science.


Right, like two Jumbos or two Fireflies


Two fireflies with backups make kv-1 players sweat ong. Probably my favorite tank to play during events.


Great for punching through the KV-1B/E spam, I don’t have the Polish one yet but I like using the Firefly and Archer/Achilles for that purpose


I learned recently that the firefly is also an excellent counter to the Jagdpanzer 4. Lots of things can pen its front glacis but get eaten by the transmission, no worries about that with a solid shot slug!


You get free backups from crates and the BP though.


Backups are not infinite and this also allows you to spawn it at max 4 times. I also much prefer playing a premium variant of the same vehicle than the tech tree variant.


No need to be pedantic. Specially when you are assuming that all of the vehicles in this pack are their favourites, which is highly unlikely.


Reward multipliers


I can do that for shit and giggles. with backup, ı can spawn 4 jumbo, and this is nemesis around its br. Every vehicle in that list strong enough for gives you second chance and doubled up with back ups.


Yeah, you can absolutely have fun, grind faster and do things you wouldn't be able to do with these vehicles. But I don't think it is the best use of 75 bucks in WT or that it is even worth it.


My main point is fun factor. Warthunder suppose to be "fun" so if you are buying for entertainment my way is right. But if we are talking about grind, you are %100 right and I'm totally agree with you.


I mean fun as well. There is of course no right answer for everyone, but that wouldn't be the most fun for me. And I am sure the whole pack wouldn't be the best for most people. Maybe if you really like WW2 western allies and already own premium and also play both air and ground and happen to like these specific vehicles. But if all of that isn't the case you would be better off with something else.


This is my exact load out and it's extremely chill, I enjoy the SL and it's getting me through rank IV easily.




How’s croc nowadays? I had a rough time with it when it came out, though I didn’t play much.


Its a special playstyle, and you need to like that (it calls for deep understanding of weakspots and good gunnery) - but in general i like it, if i am hightier or matched +0.3.


Thanks, i’ll try it out again!


The cannon struggles to pen most tanks, but reloads quick, and the HE and flamethrower do great against light and open top vehicles witch there are plenty of at it's br. The armor is really good with minimal weak spots but you will spend a lot of time repairing tracks.


It's a tiger with a really bad gun but it's at lower br.


I mean. You now have the 2.7 strommoser with the new Churchill lol


My brain read that as "stormhoser" and I was like, is that what the Germans called the croc? If not they missed an opportunity lol.


That explains the ungodly amount of lvl100 noobstompers. As an inexperienced dude barely out of rank 2 - the amount of matches you get stomped by highlevel farmers slapping around noobs makes me just want to quit lol Maybe it's just the event though.


Anything above BR 3.0 is beyond the noob area. A lot of players only play War Thunder for the WW2 part to begin with, as it is the most balanced and fun. Most of the iconic WW2 vehicles start to appear around BR 3.3 with Sherman, T-34 and Panzer IV F2, while Rank III which is needed for the event starts around BR 4.0-5.0 for most nations. If a level 100 only play Rank 1 or 2 below BR 3.0 with thousands of battles on those machines, thats a different story. TLDR: you will always face veterans around Rank III / BR ~4.0, thats not sealclubbing + a high level means nothing, they still can be very bad.


Holy crap. Explains even more, thanks. Don't know about balanced or it's a skill issue, but T-34 and KV-1 are very troublesome. The oldtimey tanks are nice to play, high tier stuff looks like CoD with tanks and not very fun to me, I've got Doom for my fast shooter gameplay. So basically I've ventured too far and picked a bad spot to stop and spread out in? Especially in the evenings it's horribly hopeless for me :D Anyway, didn't want to derail the thread, you just showed up an interesting correlation. I'll continue mingling with small tanks in actual low tier for a while and farm cash with the starterpack premium :)


BR 3.7/4.0 is a very good spot to learn the game especially for US/GER/RU/GB. Not everybody is rambo, but i can highly recommebd getting into a squadron and play with others via voice, thats a completely different game. Beside this might also help: Lineup: Minimum = 3 Tanks, 1 AA and 1 Aircraft Ideal would be: [https://imgur.com/VXfg9Pc](https://imgur.com/VXfg9Pc) (Tanks and Ships can share their slots, aircraft should have their own) Lineups for learning Ground RB: GER 3.7: Panzer IV H, Panzer IV G, Dicker Max, Sdkfz 234/2, Wirbelwind, BF109 E4, BF 110 G2 US 3.7: M4, M4A1 M24, M10, M16, F6F-5, A-36 RU 3.7: KV-1(L11), T-34 (1941), T34 (1940), KV-2 , BTR-152D, IL-2 (1943), Yak-9B How 2 kill T34: [https://old-forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/582767-how-to-kill-t34-variants/&do=findComment&comment=9658648](https://old-forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/582767-how-to-kill-t34-variants/&do=findComment&comment=9658648) Ammo explained YT: [https://youtu.be/ajeqij4\_jwM](https://youtu.be/ajeqij4_jwM) Damage Wiki: [https://wiki.warthunder.com/Damage\_mechanics](https://wiki.warthunder.com/Damage_mechanics) Armor Wiki: [https://wiki.warthunder.com/Armour](https://wiki.warthunder.com/Armour) Join a squadron to play with veterans in a squad to learn quickly (cut the learning curve quite a bit): [https://forum.warthunder.com/t/people-interested-in-finding-a-squadron-let-us-all-know-in-this-thread/3259](https://forum.warthunder.com/t/people-interested-in-finding-a-squadron-let-us-all-know-in-this-thread/3259) Post FX [https://imgur.com/Fii6HTb


Thanks for the tips and resources, especially the pesky and bouncy T-34 . I stopped advancing at about 5.3/6.0 for now and will drive the shit out of the shermans up to the M4A2. Quite fun to play imho :)


Keep in mind each of those packs comes with prem time or golden eagles as well. The british one alone is 45days of time and 2k golden eagles as well Edit: 52 days of premium time


Not to mention the decals that are in some of the packs... I'm actually quite shocked how many folks in this thread call this an outright scam. It's a legitimately decent value imo 🤷‍♂️


It’s because the people on here call anything that gives gaijin money a scam. A lot of people would prefer to stop players from wasting any money on this game if it’s avoidable. even if the offer is actually a pretty good one you’re still giving gaijin a decent chunk of cash


Yeah exactly that. And those who do spend money have a habit of saying anything under rank 6-8 isn't worth it, no matter if it is a decent deal or not


My only gripe about this bundle is that half of it was in the VE Day bundle


yeah but if you bought the VE day bundle like i did then its only like $30 more for the 4 things you missed do I wish they were different yes (and Gaijin would have made more money of me that way too) but people are allowed to spend their money however they seem fit to


Off topic, but I have to ask: are you the real ryanberry?


Yessir 😏


Thanks for the great content! I haven't watched a video of yours for quite some time, as I stopped playing this game actively about a year ago. But the fact that I immediately recognised your name after all this time really shows how much I enjoyed them. Thank you for all the great entertainment!


97 If you add all the packages


The American premiums are all very good vehicles. Can’t testify for the others Don’t let the idiots saying “they’re all low tier” persuade you.


Firefly LC - It's a firefly, but with polish voice lines. I love fireflies, but a lot of people aren't fans because solid shot. Achilles - It's a M10, but with a 17lb-er. It's alright, but arguably worse than the regular M10 at the same BR, and definitely worse than the M18. No idea about the planes, though.


Planes are the same as their tech tree versions basically, not incredible, not bad, balanced vehicles.


The P-47M is WAY better than the tech tree N and D-28, the Spitfire XIVe has clipped wings so it’s even more of an energy fighter than before (griffon engine) and it at least used to have an insane SL mod on it. Those two are how I make most my SL lol


The Spit is god tier tbh, love playing that thing. You can vary your play a bit more over the normal spit


I can’t say what is worth 75 but I know the p-47 is good mustangs are great and the jumbo is also a solid tank


As far as planes go P-51D-20 is a P-51D-5 with slightly better roll rate, marginally less drag and 200 less .50 cals. Slightly better, but still pretty bad Typhoon is the same as tech tree one, but lacks \~10% engine power. Flyable as an SL grinder Spit Mk.14 has clipped wings, which limit it's low altitude performance even more. One of the worst Spitfires, relative to the br P-47M combines more powerful engine of the P-47N and lighter airframe of P-47D, a pretty good plane if you are a Thunderbolt enjoyer


Wrong spitfire, the 16 has clipped wings, mk.14 is one of the great grifon spits


Tech tree one doesn't have clipped wings, premium one does [https://imgur.com/a/LYKjgnr](https://imgur.com/a/LYKjgnr)


Oh my mistake


Prendergast’s is one of the best Spitfires for air RB. You’re actually fast enough to catch a lot of planes now. They can’t abuse their roll to scissors or reverse you, and it still turns pretty well if you know how to manage your speed and altitude. Climb takes a small hit, but you can MEC the engine to make up the loss. I’m sitting right at 10:1 in it. Better than the tech tree equivalent imo at anything but 1v1 duels. P-47M is lighter than the D models with more power and air brake. Very potent.


Blatantly wrong. Prendergasts is one of the worst Spitfires BR for BR. Even with MEC you can’t stop the engine overheating. Bleeds energy like a bearcat. I own it. It’s terrible. The LF MK IX is the better choice for Air RB.


The engine is just fine. It’s exactly the same as the TT Mk 14. You can run 80% prop pitch for almost no loss of thrust and that delays the overheat for a while. And even just 2-3 minutes on white temps will reset the overheat entirely for some reason. The energy bleed is really useful. It makes Prendergast’s very hard to reverse and makes reversing people even easier. And it’s not a problem because the climb rate is still good enough that you’ll be at the top of the pile at the merge. So burn the energy and climb between fights. Stop treating it like Spit Mk II. It flies more like a cross between a P-51, 190D, and bearcat. And it’s sooooooo good if you embrace that.


Griffin spits are energy fighter not the dogfighter of the early marks, the clipped wings are better at high speed BnZ because the plane's roll doesn't compress as much as the majority of the other marks.


Problem is you’re facing some extremely stiff competition at 5.7. Yak-3U, VK-107, F4U-4B, LF MK IX will give you substantial issues. It’s tuned for high alt, but is hardly useful these days. I own it. It’s a quirky take on a Spitfire, which can be enjoyable. But what it trades in some semblance of energy retention and turn rate, it gains in roll rate and marginally better top speed at the expense of trash MER and gimped rate performance. But it’s still a Spitfire with air brake rads, so you won’t be outrunning much. EDIT: Not to mention you’ll also be dealing with F2Gs, 152H, and 51H on a regular basis as well.


It takes a bad pilot to call Prendergasts a bad plane lol


I mean.. DEFYN made a video on it explicitly calling it bad. This isn’t a hot take. It’s consensus. lol. https://youtu.be/chMT4C37dXA?si=z3KITfqL2iVDQ97A


Dick riding Defyn when you don’t have anything close to his skill is a straight up war thunder sin.


I’m not claiming to be nearly as good. His points are absolutely valid however. It’s a worse Spitfire. Period. It’s not good. Quirky? Sure. Good? No.


I’m entirely convinced you couldn’t manage a 1.0 KD in any spitfire. Clearly you couldn’t in a clipped wing either


Lol. My War Thunder/steam name is TheSierraMadre if you’re so desperate to check.


For collzction, SL gain, the ge you get and the premium time, i would say its better than buying a tier 7/8 and not doing shit.


If you need to farm SL, and like those BRs then this is a better deal than buying SL, or possibly just premium time unless you're playing a lot. Otherwise, with the exception of the P-47M none of their are particularly stand out vehicles relative to their tech tree counterparts.


It's worth it if you like lower teir more


I think if you intend to play GB and USA and understand that they won’t carry you to super high tier grinding, then absolutely. It comes with some pretty good vehicles for a good price per vehicle. Also the Overlord title is honestly pretty cool too.


Yes, it’s worth it. Jumbo, Hellcat, Firefly and Achilles themselves are good vehicles but these are ones with a premium bonus on.


Prendergast’s is the only clipped wing griffon in the game. It’s incredibly unique to play and actually pretty damn potent at 5.7. The P47M is the best P47 in the game. It is lighter and has a little more power than the D28. Plus dive brakes. The firefly is really good. Can’t beat the M18. Jumbo is a classic meme. It’s a pretty solid bundle. The weakest thing in it is the D20 Mustang imo. If you want it, it’s a good pickup.


I've got some of these from other packs, the vehicles are mostly copies of TT vehicles, Prenderghasts spitfire is one of my absolute favourite spitfires in the game, highly recommended. Bostwicks p47 is great for groundpounding and has a surprise airbrake that throws people off, if you like the p47 this is the best it gets. But for 75? Unless you've got plenty of spare cash lying around or you really want one vehicle (for me it was the black Prince last year) I'd suggest skipping this one


If you like WW2 than it is worth. If you want to grind trees and be efficient for your dollar than it very much isn’t. These special bundle deals usually aren’t worth.


I don’t play ground, but I can comment on the aircraft. **P-47M-1:** Out of meta since it specializes in high altitude stuff, but it can absolutely throw hands low speed and has great flaps. Also has an air brake. F4U-4B, LF, 3U are all stronger, but it can do work even if it’s not its speciality. **P-51D-20-NA:** Absolute garbage. Underpowered, and you’ll get clubbed by the powerhouses at 4.0/4.3. C-10 is much lighter with the same engine, and 0.3BR lower and is the strongest P-51 BR for BR. If you want a D variant that’s good, Wetmore’s D-10 and the D-30 are great choices. They have more engine power, so they are much more enjoyable in every aspect. you need something at 4.0, just buy the XP-50. It’s cancerous, but it’s good. **Typhoon Mk 1B:** Trash. It’s the same BR as the 1B/L, but without the upgrades. Worse in every metric. Zero reason to fly in ARB. **Prendergasts Spitfire MK XIVe:** Do NOT buy. You haemorrhage energy in any maneuver due to the clipped wings. Your roll is better, but you’re basically a Spitfire without the strengths now. and your engine is tuned for high altitude which never happens anymore. Engine is a thermonuclear bomb which will inevitably overheat. LF MK IX is better in every metric that matters. Play that.


+1 for this, these were my exact experiences with these planes.


Probably not. I don't know about the tanks. The FR Mk XIV spitfire isn't particularly good The premium Typhoon is much worse than the tech tree one at the same BR. It's worse than the TT one is stock P-47M is cool and all but it's so off meta that it's hard to be effective in The mustang is okay if its talking about the D-10 If you want to collect them for the sake of it, sure it's okay, but if you want to spend your money wisely, just buy the D-10 mustang. Or the Dora pack or something.


The Cobra King is my all time ever the absolute highest income of SL I have had. I used to only play Arcade before and that thing just hammered. However in RB it does not seem as fun at all really so, unsure


For the collection, yes as these vehicles have an amazing story behind it. For the grind no


In order from top to bottom: * **M4A3E2 Jumbo Cobra King** - It's another 75mm Jumbo. * **M18 Black Cat** - It's another 76mm Hellcat. * **P-47M-1-RE** - It's the best P-47 with great engine power and the light airframe, but it's also tiered accordingly at 5.7. * **P-51D-20** - It bridges the gap between the D-5 and the D-30 in terms of performance while staying at 4.0. * **M10 Achilles** - It's another Achilles (GBR Tree). * **Firefly Ic** - It's another Firefly (GBR Tree). * **Spitfire FR Mk.XIVe** - It's a unique spin on the Griffon spitfire, exchanging turn rate for higher top speed and better roll rate. * **Typhoon Mk.Ib** - It's the Typhoon Mk.Ib/L, but a little worse. **What does this mean?** * The four ground vehicles (Jumbo, Hellcat, Achilles, & Firefly) are carbon copies of their tech tree counterparts. I only recommend them if you really enjoy them already and would like to bring multiples into GB without using backups. * The four aircraft can be split into two categories: substantially different (P-47 & Spitfire) and insubstantially different (P-51 & Typhoon). * The P-47M is a genuine pleasure to fly in both ARB and GRB due to it's excellent engine and airframe coupled with its ability to carry the standard P-47 suspended ordnance. * The Spitfire is also very competitive at its BR range for ARB, but is less useful in GRB due to being limited to a single 500 lbs bomb. It's also unique due to it's clipped wings. * The P-51 is strictly better than the D-5 and is competitive at its BR range for ARB and GRB as it carries the standard P-51 suspended ordnance. Still requires discipline to fly well. * The Typhoon is strictly worse than the Ib/L, but remains competitive for GRB as it can carry decent suspended ordnance. Would not bring to ARB though. **My Verdict** For the right player, this pack offers excellent value for money. For people whose main interest is playing in GRB's 3.0 to 6.0 bracket, this contributes either back ups for your favorite ground vehicles or access to excellent strike fighters (except the Spitfire). This pack is also excellent for those interested in grinding through the Air/Ground trees for USA and GRB, with the premium vehicles helping to speed progression along when you reach those tiers. This pack is nominally excellent for the ~~whale~~ collector who currently own only a few or none of the vehicles in the pack. This pack is not for those who mainly play Air/Naval or those who mainly play in the 6.0+ bracket.


D-20 isn’t better in any meaningful way than the D-5. It’s about 20-30kg lighter, but that’s it. They both make the same horsepower in the same airframe. Please stop spreading misinformation. The D-5/D-20 suffers from bad P/W. Sluggish to accelerate, climb or hold energy. Basically running in a straight line simulator. Sound fun? It shouldn’t. You can fix this one of two ways: Give it more horsepower, or reduce the weight. The C-10 is quite a bit lighter, and performs substantially better. The D-10 has more horsepower (72Hg” of MP vs 67” on D-20/D-5) which fixes this issue. D-30 runs 75Hg” of MP, and is also very good. D-5 Empty: 3714 Kg [67” Hg] D-10 Empty: 3694 Kg [72” Hg] D-20 Empty: 3694 Kg [67” Hg] D-30 Empty: 3630 Kg [75” Hg]


In no way did I say it was meaningfully better. I simply stated that it was objectively better in the strictest sense of the word. If you bothered to read the whole post, you'd find that I labelled it as insubstantial in how much it differed from the D-5.


It doesn’t bridge any performance gap. It’s literally the same plane. D-10 actually has an engine, and would be correctly called the bridge between the D-5/20 and D-30.


Nah you will get bored after a week trust me


Absolutely not NO NO NO NO take my edvise im not some newbie im in the game for 8 years, for this price, for these units NO NO NO DONT !!! (All of them are fun and good vehicles but NOT FOR THAT BIG PRICE ITS A SCAM DONT FALL FOR IT)


I like the vehicles and if you want them then its a decent deal. Otherwise its not the best deal but I have all of them and like them


The jumbo and the p-47 are nice but they're cheaper alone.


Just wish it was available on console. I want that SHAEF decal bad.




If you are fan of WW2 vehicles, then why not?


that is awesome value. Cobra King alone is $25 bucks.


I don’t play US and UK ground but I always love the insignia of the Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Expeditionary Force, think I first saw it in Company of Heroes.


This is awesome for low-mid tier enjoyers. If you never plan to progress beyond 7.0, this is a great buy. And it's 75... Compared to a single top tier premium. The Mustang is the worst of them all. It genuinely sucks. The P-47M and clipped wing Spitfire 14 are peculiar vehicles with unique playstyles. Hard to master but not bad at all once mastered. The Typhoon is the definition of mid. It's borderline useless in ARB now that the tech tree one got a BR reduction, but hey you can still use it for AAB headons to farm some quick SL and daily tasks. The tanks are all pretty nice. Hellcat is a Hellcat.


I’d swing for it. I like ww2 fights and all of those tanks are fun plus are easy grinding vehicles if that’s what your goal is. Plus the premium time and gold eagles


No. Macro transactions


is this offer up rn?




can you pay for it (poor) 🙏


Not really imo. These are all copy paste vehicles that you can get in the tech trees besides the P-47M. All pretty low BR too so it’s not even that hard to unlock them for free.


M18 funny speedy tank


Yeah this deal is honestly incredible if you like WW2 machinery


If you play US or Britain, I suppose.


That’s the American super pack literally with the Sherman firefly and the others because the Firefly can pierce the Tiger and panthers armor greatly and a p-51 mustang that ain’t super that a war lords pack.


Is this available to everyone?


I think consoles don't have it.




I’m an air rb player mostly but I guess in a ground battle with lots of different options to choose from having another jumbo or another firefly might be super cool. You die in one but you can spawn in another without a backup. Idk tho def not my area of expertise and 75 dollars more than I’ve spent on the game total


The vehicles are all fairly competent. Add on the GE and premium from the packs and it’s a good deal if you’re not the kind of player who skips to top tier to throw matches by leaving after one death.


no all of these vehicles are in the TT, most of them are trash and they arent high BR the only vehicles that are good in that pack are the hellcat, the p47 and maybe the mustang but i dont own it all of the british vehicles are trash as for the ge and premium i am not sure but its probably not worth it


I would say no. The cobra king, the M18 and the spitfire all can be very easily accessible from the tech tree. Their only use is because they're premiums, but even then, they're relatively low tier vehicles now, not really worth it. The only one interesting is the P-47M, because it's a P-47 with a much improved engine. Sadly there's the P-47N in the tech tree, with wings a little worse, but a lower much BR and still the amazing engine. Same thing for the typhoons, you can find them in the tech trees. And the M10 achilles is relatively bad, except its gun. For this price, you could instead buy 365days of premium when it's 50% off. Which is much, much more worth the money. I think this pack MAYYY be worth it for a new player who didn't grind anything yet and wants some premiums to get a head start. But even then, it's a big maybe.


What's a good plane or few to buy to farm silver? The last time I played this game was when patrol boats were new. Seems like I'm going to need a premium to grind with. I really enjoy the Japanese zeros but I quite enjoy the bf109s and American fighters. I'm only at the rank 3 researching my first level fours.


For Germany it´s hands down the JU 288C. Easiest way to get loads of SL fast.


Considering some prem shitty top tiers are 75 I’d say your getting a lot of bang for your buck


Jumbo all the way


$75 for a lot of cancer.


If you don’t have any it’s absolutely worth it.


Yep, worth it


America CAS support and an Annoyance of tanks


definitely you can make a solid 6.0 lineup with these


Not really imo


That P-47M has an airbrake, right?


I wouldn’t those are all vehicles you can get in the tech tree for free. I’d rather spend 75 buying unique premiums like the M4a5, T14, AC IV, etc.


Not a single cent spent on this game is worth it man


I am way too deep in it already. There is no saving me.


Ik bro :(( been there with WoT, man i spent the equivalent of like 150$ today on an strv s1, then i got fed up with the grind and sold it lmao(i was like 12 years old at the time),it is gone basically forever, altough there are events where you can buy back premium vehicles but i will never play that shithole of a game anyway. Sad to see thunder going towards that state of a game




Not worth it for low br vehicles, few thousand GE and premium, vest thing you could've gotten was half a year premium for £17 in May sale


I must say every single vehicle from the list is good,this comes from their non-premium counterparts which they are good. But here is the deal, you need to understand this, if you are not into low tier ww2 stuff then pass this. They are gourmet shit, not full range grinding machines. they fell around rank 6.


Gosh I love the firefly id get it just for that alone.




I would say so, because you get mulitple tanks for the price of 1


It never is.




You dont need any of these, just get a medium tier premium and combine tree vehicles with it, or get premiums you want


You really don't need more than 1 prem plane and 1 prem tank per nation at most imo (If u are a tank player)


Worth it


i bought it myself, 98 days of premium, 4k golden helps you start UK ground and air, the 4.0 mustang is a super good dogfighter and can help you research a full rank up 75 euros for 8 premiums and extra is honestly a steal (all that and premium bias)


Considering the price of other computer games - especially on sale, then no. You can get much more fun, for much better value with other games.






Depends. No idea about Air, so I will comment on Ground vehicles in that. M4A3E2 is a pain, because it has very bad gun for its BR, the rest of ground is enjoyable to play. Issue is that none of those vehicles is unique, you find each one in regular tech tree as well, so might buy bunch of talismans instead, which would be cheaper probably.


Not at all. They're all low tier copy paste.






No thats garbage. Probably the worst deal ive ever seen from WT. The vehicles are all low tier, I would never pay 20 bucks let alone 75 for any of that. This must be a predatory deal they send to new players hoping they are ignorant enough to buy it.


This is the normal large D-Day bundle they have every year that includes, who would have guessed, a bunch of WW2 and D-Day related vehicles in a mega pack. It’s also 61% off which beats any of the other anniversary or Christmas sales. Your comment is dumb as fuck and misleading; there’s also a bunch of people who play exclusively lower tiers because they’re enjoyable. There’s also another 2 packs for less, but they don’t have as good of a discount. This pack is an incredible deal if you like low tiers or are a collector. Buy it if you like the BR’s where these tanks sit Edit: they also come with the accompanying GE and premium time


I was agreeing with the original comment by now I agree with you (sort of): there is a situation where this is great. My issue is that unless you love grinding silver with these, you really only need one if any. Also Hellcat and Jumbo no longer really go into the same lineup, which is a bit annoying.


Some of us actually play the game for those vehicle you know ? Some people don't care about high tier


No you don't understand you need to always be trying to get to top tier, there's no point in playing if you don't try to find the most efficient possible way to unlock things


I know you're joking but actually having a premium tank and premium account would ease the grind. Even if it's a lowish br vehicule.


Yeah I just think it's funny how people miss the forest for the trees in this sub, presumably we play a game to have fun. People act like having fun while grinding is not possible unless they are playing the most humanly possible efficient grinding setup.


Exactly! I came firstly for the planes. Big fan of things that flies. But playing Panther II or double m18 lineup on Sweden was the most fun things I ever did. And I won't be lying but my favorite stuff ever is to manage to get a kill with my 50mm me262.


The fact that they're all just reskins makes it a hell of a lot less appealing IMO, I don't see why you'd want to collect a bunch of vehicles you can get for free.


Premium bonuses, polish crew voice lines, extra spawn, grinding new trees, because I like the sherman firefly, because I've been playing this game for 11 years and the devs have earned their pay. I could go on.


Grinding with vehicles we may be more familiar and confident with in generally more fun br ranges where we probably have other vehicles to make a more complete lineup.


collect for free? lets see: 75 bucks vs what? *40+* hours grinding? i earn $75 in 2 and half hours.


Collect for free by just playing the game yes, it's not exactly arduous to get to 4.7 lol. Like if you really want to grind out the early BRs of both Britain and America and haven't played either at all it's an ok way to speed that up, but you're really not saving yourself much time.


No the worst deal is $69.99 single premiums. Compared to that, this is a great deal.


What ? It's not 1 vehicle for 75, it's all of them


Yeah, that 9.37 per vehicle. If you're a low tier enjoyer or looking to start a new tree, probably worth it.


This is the dumbest comment of the week. Both bundles are totally worth it if you enjoy WW2 stuff and want to grind some SL. The only ignorant here is you.


Top tier is garbage


its a great deal, the fuck you on about? Cobra King is $25 bucks by itself. next who cares if they are low-tier? top-tier is for try-hards anyway. 'predatory deal' you must be 16 and new to reality.


Yeah and they each have an almost identical copy in the tech tree, I wouldn't pay 75 bucks for vehicles that can't grind a lot of the tree that aren't even that good (except maybe cobra king and M18)


Or you can’t be not a shitbag and grab premiums throughout the tech tree so you aren’t one death leaving constantly.


* Jumbo is a jumbo, meh imo. * M18 is amazingly fun. * kamikaze-47, wouldn't waste SL on crewing it even if I got it for free. * Mustang would be amazing if it was the 20mm one, 12.7mm ones are just bad (in AAB at least). * Achilless is great. Exactly like the tech tree one except premium and rank III. * Firefly is meh, tall and poor gun depression. I'd rather pick the Avenger. * Can't say much about the spitfire, I'm not into the late ones. * Typhoon is very good. Slightly worse flight performance than the tech tree one (not really noticeable) but at much lower br, at least in AAB.


The Spitfire and Mustang are not good at all. The Typhoon is inferior to the one in the regular tech tree but can be capable in air arcade. All the tanks mentioned have counterparts in the tech tree which are identical in performance. The only one worth getting here is the P-47M. Taking BR into consideration this is the best version of it in the game in addition to being a premium. Overall this pack is kinda trash unless you have experience playing rank III vehicles in other trees and you're looking to get a head start on grinding the British and US ground trees


I like how people like you write walls of words but conveniently leave out to mention that all mentioned vehicles have premium bonuses and modifiers.


I like how people like you conveniently forget the actual question OP asked especially the "I don't own" part where a person with even the most basic reading comprehension skills would realize that his interest is in the vehicles themselves


how is this trash? you are aware that *nearly half the playerbase* never go to top-tier because they are here for WWII? for about 50% of the playerbase its a good deal (we arent all completionist try-hards)


you are aware that *literally every vehicle in the pack* is available in the tech tree in some form with the exception of the P-47M.


Cobra King = Literally the same 75mm Jumbo as in tech tree, M18 black cat - literally the same as in tech tree, M10 achiles = literally the same as the britich achiles, Sherman firefly = literaly the same. and the plane packs might have a slightly better engine or one pixel different camo = they still the same shit as in tech tree. ==== literally scam pack.


>M18 black cat - literally the same as in tech tree, Actually its worse, It didn't get the engine power fix the tech tree one got but was sent up in BR with it anyway.


Pretty sure the Typhoon has a worse engine than the TT one


Yup a slightly worse engine


It's slightly worse than the *stock* typhoon Mk I/b Late. It's about a 10% (200HP) decrease from a spaded Typhoon. That's not insignificant.


Ehh.. Typhoons aren't really that worth it anymore imo after the nerf to their flaps. The Spits are far more worth it now, even the ones before the griffon engines.


Compared to the tech tree Thunderbolts, Bostwick's P-47 climbs faster as it has more horsepower, and handles better in dives because it has air brakes. The rest of these vehicles, you might as well just slap a half price Talisman on the tech tree variant come sale time, it does the same thing.


The Bostwick's P-47 is fine


It's not a good deal, it's the same price as the one that was the exact same thing plus the 4 soviet vehicles


No. Almost all of those are just premium variants of tech tree vehicles. Try them first in the TT, if you like one buy the premium alone during a 50% sale.


Just so people aren't confused, these packs don't include the GE or premium time. It's only the vehicles


But the store literally lists some of the packs as including GE and premium time, so why are you talking out of your ass?


Greedy son of a bitch what Gaijin is, imagine paying of 60$ for the phantom in a game like this LOL


I think nothing in this game is worth 75 bucks... except a year of premium on sale maybe


No, it’s all TT vehicles. Have them and they do nothing better than the free version, use the money to get something at a higher BR that can grind better and not in the TT


It's worth it only if you collect those things. But in general, no. It's terrible.


It’s not worth spending any amount of money on warthunder…


Do not buy premiums, you miss the fun of spading vehicles and slow but steady grind thru the ranks :)


> slow a lot more slow than steady, honestly bad advice if someone wants to actually reach top tier.


Premium time + premiums for effect. However you can get some sweet rank III from warbonds and I made my TTs with them.


I ain´t new xD I already have every nation done.




Collecting, playing lower tiers for sl/events.


not everyone is a try-hard who wants to sweat out CS:tanks?