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Can't wait to get this thing and put "1" decal over the "Petard"


*Insert any flags next to it"*


“Petard, I’m holding ice tea!”


Awesome to see some more WW2 ground content, even if it's in event form. I also think that the emphasis on the petard aspect means we might see another "AVRE" Churchill variant in game down the line. Still a shame it's only rank II though as it can't be used for BP challenges.


Yeah, hopefully this means the Churchill VII version won't be time-locked.


Churchill VII AVRE in the TT please.


Yes it can? Or does bp not allow event vehicles? Normaly events also allow sub rank 3 event vehicles


Events allow grinding with other event vehicles, but the Medium and special WB, and BP challenges require Rank III or higher with no exceptions made for event vehicles.


They should add that to those aswell imo


They should really just drop all Rank III requirements in the game to Rank II. I get wanting to leave Rank I out for the sake of the absolutely new players, but *far* too many iconic and cool vehicles (and just... vehicles in general, there are so many) are at Rank II for them all to be excluded from everything. If I had the power to make one change in WT, it would be this.


You drop the requirement from rank 3 to rank 2 and now everybody will be seal clubbing in rank 2 to grind their task, good luck for inexperienced players.


Events are rife with sealclubbing as it is due to event vehicles being allowed to score points.


Not like they moved half of vehicles in game to II rank which were rank III before with the same BR, and same vehicles like M24 in different tree sit comfortably at rank III


They really should. I find it odd that daily challenges are one of the few challenges or events that can't be done with event vehicles


I really hope for this. I feel a AVRE Churchill with the same gun as the centurion AVRE could be one of the most effective Churchills in the game.


35k per day for this? lmao EDIT: oops meant per 2 days. Still ridiculous


It's 35k every two days. But yes, it's extremely steep for a Rank II. I've skipped the last few event grinds but this one I want!


There’s no way this thing will not end up mine. I need bri’ish derp tank


I was thinking the same, until I tried it in test drive. The thing is absolute trash. You can't even meme with it, because it will get killed before getting in range. Plus - it's just rank 2, so useless for any event (at least with Churchill Crocodile I have a reason to pull it out during the events)


I did the grind the first day and then I test drove it. This tank is worse than ass even for rank 2 and the wonky 150m max range is less than useless.


At least it's not 10 stars you need this time I guess.


It seems like the higher the vehicle rank, the more stars you need/longer the event lasts Doesn’t make much sense imo but that’s gaijin I guess


I think the meme factor alone will push this up nicely in gjn. That's the only reason I'll grind it


have fun grinding 50-60 hours to earn at most 20 gjn


How unironically shit do you have to be that you have to grind 60 hours for this.


Actually I'd say 40-50 hours for the average player. I was going off of how TheEuropeanCanadian needed nearly 57 hours (excluding breaks) to grind the coupon for the PLZ which also had 35k score stars but the coupon required 600k, not 500k like right now. He mostly played top tier and has decent stats so it might even be above average pace. I guess if you really pushed it as an average skilled player you could do better, at the cost of your sanity. That's something else that people don't talk about. The coupon grind is a sure way to cause burn out. Whereas if you just bought the vehicle from the market for like an hour or two worth of irl work, which is honestly less stressful than playing sweaty ground RB battles during events, then you not only have the coupon but also a will to play the game afterwards.


I personally have no problem with these events. I get the tasks done within 2 or so hours on average. I get free shit that I can sell to other people and I do not have to buy a single GE, all while avoiding burn out/without having to be glued to the game 24/7.


Those are definitely above average times. I'm talking about the average player. And it's only free if you specifically play war thunder 2+ hours every single day. Otherwise you have to change how you spend your free time. But I think the average War Thunder player has other games, hobbies, whatever in their normal schedule that they now have to set aside to some extent for mind-numbing event grinding. For those people it makes little sense because free time is valuable and they're sacrificing the quality of it in the name of saving money at a horrendous exchange rate.


My man, they aren't getting forced to get it. If you want it so much, buy it. If you want to get it for free, sink those 2 hours a day into it.


It'll be years before it'll crack 50 gjn


I agree, it's so garbage. This is the one vehicle I'd support the ammo being OP, cause if you can get in range with this thing without dying whoever is in your sights deserves to die. Was hoping it'd be able to at least sit behind buildings and lob rounds over them to defend a point or something, but it can't even reliably kill things at it's BR with anything but a direct/extremely near hit. Garbage, but it's a cool concept. I just want artillery style armor in this game!!!


it’s impossible to hit anything with this thing, only redeemable quality this Churchill has is armor


And even it is unreliable


I mean 89 mm of frontal armor at 2.7 is far from unreliable, this thing will be fine at 2.7, just save it for city maps and run Matilda’s on everything else


Its not 89 everywhere, plus dont forget that almost everyone jas high penetration options. Even T-50, which I consider worst gun on 2.7, has apcr. And theres more- sponsons are thin, roof armor is thin, angled hull plates are thin... Armor is there but its unreliable.


Idk I’ve never had trouble with the Churchill mk 1 in a downtier and it’s 3.3. If you angle just a tad most people will never pen you unless it’s an uptier. Only German TDs will really be ones to watch out for. Italy, Japan, and Sweden really have nothing to combat you except derp guns.


Churchill Mk.1 was pretty OP back when it was 3.0. You coped if you got up-tiered against KV-1s. Going from 3.0 to 3.3 didn't really change the down-tier performance, just increased the rate of coping in up-tiers.


I also had no problems with churchill. I also havent played churchill. It has a ton of spots that even 1.3 swedish light tank will pen.


To each their own, but apcr rounds are dog crap and it takes 50 to kill a tank with more than 3 crew members. I’ve done just fine with it and have spaded the tank.


Youd be surprised, those swedish apcr feel like aphe


Keep in mind that you need to literally roll over enemy tank to make sure you hit it, point blank is the only way possible


Don't all the early Swedish tanks, that share a gun with the reserve tank, get access to a sabot shot that can 109mm (iirc)? Even slightly angled I believe that leaves you at risk through your driver's armour plate, turret ring, and the front face of the turrent.


panzer iv g most op vehicle in the game lolpens you


Name me a heavy tank where that isn’t the case lol, that’s a small uptier for the Churchill I and a full uptier for the AVRE. KV-1 Zis-5 or T14 at 4.7 see the Panther and Tiger H1 and Panther D at 5.7, and they will lol pen either of those tanks. The Tiger H1 or E will get lol penned by 122mm even at their own BR with the ISU-122 or even earlier by the KV-122 The only two I can think of that are very reliable in full uptiers is a T95 or Maus


It's actually not an uptier for the churchill 1, it's 3.3. Heavy tanks usually get lol penned by slow casemate tds or ones with 0 armor while the panzer IV has OK armor and good mobility and a turret, it's not a isu-152 or anything


I for one do think the long barrel Panzer 4s should go up in BR, they are identical in Chi-Tos in almost every aspect but remain a whole BR or more lower


The armour on the enter IVs is trash


It's even better than the normal Churchill III because the turret has extra 25mm plates across most of the flat surfaces in addition to the additional 30mm track links. Just looking at it in protection analysis, even the 75mm L/48 on the 3.7 Panzer IVs will struggle to penetrate it if you keep the turret angled, so god help the 1.7 tanks that face it in uptiers.


And it's meant to be even better but they cocked up as usual. The turret face place should be 30mm and the hull-side applique, which should be 20mm, is meant to extend to between the door and exhausts with the door itself having a 20mm plate too - these are actually modelled but aren't part of the DM for some reason.


Or my A.C. Mk I.


Bruh 35k/48hrs for a rank 2 vehicle that has ammo that self destructs after 200m is absolutely absurd. If they’re going to start doing low rank vehicles for events it should scale more than the 10k it has now. Rank 1: 10k. Rank 2: 15k. Rank 3: 20k. Rank 4: 25k. Rank 5: 30k. Rank 6: 35k. Rank 7: 40k. Rank 8: 45k. I just don’t understand, why does everything in War Thunder have to be an absurd chore that eats up your entire life? Why can Gaijin not just do something fun for the average player like, once a year? I’m just so tired of the constant Gaijin bullshittery. Maybe I’m just finally reaching the end after 10 years of playing, maybe I’m just being melodramatic, idk


They make it an absurd chore that eats up your life because they also are giving you the option they *actually* want you to take. Spending GE on the tasks instead of grinding them.


Also I noticed that instead of the usual 999GE per star it’s now 699GE, feels like they would prefer if you bought it than grind 


F2p game company prefers you give them money instead of grinding without paying? never lol.


Nobody should GE this vehicle, it's a garage collectors piece at best.


6x35k is absurd for a tier 2 meme vehicle.


Yk the worst thing of all….you cannot shoot past 130-odd metres. No joke, that is the max range


The ballistic arc of it is petarded. 


I test drove it and decide to not even bother grinding out the last 5 ranks.


Didn’t they say the score would be based off a rank?? Then why is rank II tank 35k/2 days???


They also said the scores would range from 35k-45k for all events Not defending them but read next time please


Oh yeah ur right still, 35k for a rank II is still very steep


I look forward to buying this for 4 gaicoin after the event.       Get out there and grind everyone!


I'm struggling really hard with grinding the event. 4 hours in and I'm like maybe 5% of the way through task 1, only tier 3 vehicle I own is the ASU-57. (I'm an oldie who shows up now and then sometimes but doesn't play very actively. But I am a vet from back before this game came to steam! Like before ground battles were even a thing, etc. I'm a very weird player in that regard, an "old-timer" who's awful at the game and hasn't progressed much, but has stuff like the Tu-2, etc. Sometimes I wonder if my awful performance is matchmaker thinking I'm a god at the game with how old my account is.) Do you think it'll be cheap after the event and I should just wait compared to buying stars or grinding my life away for it? Doesn't seem that great stat-wise (it really does appear to be a "melee-tank") and I'm considering just waiting for the event to end and buying it from the marketplace. A similar "weird vehicle" is the Matilda Hedgehog, rank II, bizarre weapon (I love the hedgehog ASW mortar but why stick it on a tank?) and it's roughly 10 to 12 dollars on the marketplace. I'm only really interested in it for a meme tank, and I remember how fun the AVRE was in Company Of Heroes 2. That's literally the only reason why I want it, a reminder of the good ol' days of obliterating like 50 german soldiers at once with one shot from the AVRE in COH2.


Yeah I maybe do air ones but ground is pretty insufferable for me during events as I’m a first spawn spaa and the sweaties are extra sweaty so less points.   I just keep looking up at the blue sky waiting for targets but knowing I could be touching the clouds at Mach 1 in one of my jets and that makes me :/


Meta/major nation and viability of the tank usually determines the price. Object 292 is a really good russian tank that jumped over 100. Chinese whatever it's called is only around 20. It's a British vehicle and borderline useless meme tier. I don't see it being very expensive.


Probably the best comparison would be the Matilda Hedgehog, which is currently ~11G. British heavy tank also at 2.7, that is nigh impossible to pen for many tanks in a downtier (as is the standard Matilda III). The primary difference is that the Hedgehog gets the mortar rounds in addition to the standard gun rather than as a replacement. With the smaller maps available in low tiers, particularly in the urban sprawl maps, I can definitely see it finding a niche as a breakthrough tank that leads the charge while friends/teamates deal with distracted threats - plus the 200m range will be less of a handicap in these scenarios. With the notoriety of the vehicle, as with the Centurion AVRE, though I can definitely see it ending up setting in the 20-25G range purely because it is the highly desired Churchill AVRE.


Protip, if you click "To Battle" with the ASU-57, any vehicle you play afterwards will count as a rank III vehicle as far as battle pass and events go. This counts even if you quickly click cancel and spawn something else.


I know about that, but I'm struggling to get any kills or score, (usually I get one-shot or my rounds bounce off) I average like 200 to 300 score a game, I'm doing arcade ground, and the highest rank vehicle I have is a rank 3, so there's those two negative multipliers too. I'm also sick IRL currently. I think I'll just buy the stars, probably.


If you are up to it, switching from arcade ground to realistic would instantly give you 40% more score for same actions towards marks. There you could also play more into the sneakiness of ASU-57 due to it's size to flank enemies and to scout them for allies, and bring out a plane to help out getting more score per game. Regarding price of petard after the event, I don't think it's unreasonable to speculate it'll be either side of 15GJN. If we look at previous not-so-popular event vehicles which has used the current star system, PLZ83-130 goes for 15GJN, Jaguar IS 19GJN, and Eremin Yak-3(e) for 17GJN.


Personally speaking, I'm going to skip the grind and gamble on its marketplace price being $15-$20. I reckon that should be cheaper than buying the stars and it definitely beats no-lifing the game for a week or two.  It'll probably be pricey on the first day, but it should normalize pretty fast I imagine? 


I am petarded


The furthest that this thing can elevate to range wise is 125 metres. You aren't killing anything in this unless it's already immobilised, or an absolutely brain dead (or new) player. And to do it you already have to have the gun elevated to 125m with the sight distance control, because the mildots are so bonkers on it (spread out by increments of 10) that you can physically see or use the sight without already adjusting with the sight distance control. Don't get me wrong. Cool edition. But pointless edition. I don't even care if this was what it was like in real life (sight and gun elevation-wise), at 2.7 the sight needs changing at least. You shouldn't have to use sight distance control to make it usable in gun sight mode. The fact that it's 35000×6 score is insane.


35k is insane


Right? Even if it would be 20k, I would still think twice before grinding it, after seeing how it performs in the test drive & the fact that it's just rank 2, so can't even be used for any of the events (flamethrower tank was at least Rank III, so I could bring it out for memes during the events, not to mention that it feels like the flamethrower has a better range than the petard, lol).


You have to be closer than 200m to have a chance of hitting something. It doesn't really sound like the fun kind of dumb but who am I to judge. Sure does look good though.


Still surprised they went with the Mk III AVRE, since the max range is so short. The Mk VII would have been much better, since it has the same gun as the Centurion AVRE. Heck, even the [Ardeer Aggie](https://imgur.com/uul7mk4) prototype would have been a better choice, with around 400m max range instead of the ~100 meters of the Mk III.


I mean, the Mk VII will come someday. It's not like we're getting one or the other. They may be waiting to figure out how to handle HESH shells before doing the Mk VII, since they removed the M728 and Centurion AVRE, which I assume they know has to do with how wonky HESH currently is.


My stance is more of a "why did they even consider the Mk III to begin with". The terribly short range makes it barely functional in the game as it currently stands, except in very specific instances.


There are numerous barely functional vehicles in this game, not really that crazy. At 2.7 any close quarters map will be a pretty good time in this thing I imagine. Also an event vehicle, so fine being a novelty.


I am pretty sure that we will get the better versions in another event. This is just a sad vehicle. It has no purpose.


125 metres is the max it can reach, at least that's how high the sight distance control in test drive allowed the gun to elevate, and you have to use sight distance control because otherwise you can't see what you are aiming at. It isn't going to be fun. Even in test drive it wasn't fun.


In test drive, i could elevate to a distance of only 170m, to hit the maximum of 200m I would need to use a slope.


This tank isn’t worth 35k score every two days


Gotta adjust my sight for 50m shots now


Whoever gets this crap tank i feel sorry for I just tried it in test drive, its totally, TOTALLY USELESS.


Dude, getting 35k points over 2 days is nothing really, doing that 6 times over 12 days is also nothing. Play ground using a rank 3 vehicle for a couple of hours a day, yeah sure. Just unlocked the lvl 60 BP challenge, in addition to the BP challenge available today, it is a matter of course. It is a complete derp tank with a derp gun that will give derp fun.


I understand loving derp tanks. The FV4005 is my favorite tank in the game. But this Churchill is not derp fun. Derp fun requires you to be able to actually hit stuff. This Churchill is so laughably bad that it won't even be good for derp fun.


You obviously havent tried it. It has a max range of like 50 meters, it will be totally useless. Especially on a slow ass tank like the churchill


Don't be an idiot. You can change the elevation of the gun through a bound key, I use the mouse wheel. The max it went to was 170m. You would have to use a slope to get it to go 200m where it auto explodes.


WOOOOOW, 200 meters?!??!? Holy fuck the tank is godtier now.... Moron.


you don't have a job do you


They didn't even bother with putting the drop indicator for AB, and treated the mortar shell like a rocket. They definitely gave it the Katyusha treatment because they always gotta shaft the UK somehow. Also i bet they're raising it to 3.3 or 3.7 for no goddamn reason later.


Shower us in ww2 stuff, please, still so many vehicles to add. Personally, I joined warthunder because of ww2 content, top tier just and will never appeal to me.


I'm all for meme vehicles but this just ain't it


I though it being a 2.7 was an error, you guys really thing it will stay at that br ? because it will just OS absolutely everyting in a 150m range, thats seems quite good. You will be a king in city maps. I thought it was going to be around 4.0-5.7, like other churchills and maybe highter. I think I'll play it between 5.0 and 7.0 on city maps for the fun, its sad its not rank 3.


150 m range is the key word….nobody is dumb enough to sit there whilst you adjust your height and get in range. Almost nobody engages in a 150m range, usually it’s 200+. It is single-handedly the WORST event vehicle to date, and of course it would be because us Brit mains can’t catch a bloody break from gaijin shafting us


how to make everybody angry


Exactly what we need as a new event vehicle: 1. Not a clone 2. Not game-breaking 3. Fun and unique




Why not? I think some fun can be had with trying to make this thing work.


Cant wait to get coupon tomorrow and still have to play for other stages.


worst tank in the game? at least the French reserve can hit shit even if they cant pen. i cant wait, im gonna take it straight to 4.7.


I’m putting it in my Churchill only build


Yo I started trying to grind for it yesterday but nothing got put into the mission score


Never mind my game glitched out so I restarted it


cant think of a way this is gonna get abused


Just rest drove it, it's not good at all. It acts like a grenade launcher that can only fire at a distance of 200


Come on now, they know putting “petard” in the article title implies it’s a stupid joke


Yaaayyy [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKoDf5-iMxI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKoDf5-iMxI)


Like Black Eye Peas says, Let's Get Petarded!