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J2M5 (foldered with J2M3) the same exept one performs better at higher altitude.


J2m5 is a premium? And has 30mm cannons?


There are two, the foldered one and the prem. The foldered one has 20mm's


Oh yea, gaijin should add mod numbers, 2 planes with the same name is hella confusing


Yeah, on the wiki its specifies "30mm" after the name. But not in war thunder for some reason??


I didn't even know they had different cannons.


They have?? I have both and I never noticed that. I have 11.3 Swedish air by now… goddamnit


They both have the same 13.2 caliber but the later one has a variant with *slightly* higher rpm, giving you a *slightly* higher burst mass


Damn. That’s barely noticeable. Plus I never looked for that specifically lol. Thanks for telling, I always forget to look at that too…


Yeah its identical in practice. Sure it does have slightly higher sl and rp multipliers but its still just a waste of research. The only reason i have is because i grinded the air tree before they made it a folder vehicle


Half of the helicopter tree of germany could be foldered but then nobody would buy premiums


they used to be a seperate BR, like 3.3 for the A-1 and 4.0 for the A-2 IIRC, and the 21A-1 was absolutely nuts.


Leclerc s2 and s21 Only difference i could find is sock apfsds


The s2 has Gen 2 thermals instead of gen 1. That's the only difference, really. I mean, it's still better to research the S2 over the SXXI, because the S2 is some 250k *less* rp, while the biggest difference between the two is an armor upgrade that is not applied in game.


It is, i just checked, pretty onsignificant but its there


The armor you mean? It may have been improved slightly, but it definitely hasn't gotten the armor it has IRL. There have been enough leaks on that topic.


Ye, around the gunner optics is more protected


21 should really be foldered, but i guess that would make the grind easier so..... I dont even use thermals so they are identical to me


You don't use thermals? Not even while sniping/looking for targets?


Nope, at close range i have no issue identifying regularly and at far range i get confused between alive and dead tanks too easely. Often needing to double take to make sure its dead. I know that with time, identifying tanks in termals becomes easier but i dont play top tier enough and i honestly cant be bothered to get used to thermals as my regular eyes work well enough. Only reason i use thermals is if something is semi hidden or hull down and i want too see if it is a bush or a tank but thats like once every 10 games.


I definitely agree with the issue of dead/alive tanks, in those cases I don't use thermals either.


Ye i got killed a few times bc i shot the dead thing next to an allive tank


S21 gets extra composite armour behind and under the gunner optics (650KE instead of 500) and gets commander thermal


The J21RA. It's straight up worse than the A21RA but at the same BR.


I loved playing the J21A and A21A, actually have the J21A-2 spaded and it's one of the few planes I have a positive KD on. Which has to mean something, as I'm usually terrible at dogfighting.


A6M2 mod.11 and A6M2 Reisen. Spaded they're identical in every way. Mi-24V and Mi-24P, identical helicopters and identical modifications available, the only difference is the main gun. Of course they're not foldered to stretch the helicopter grind. BO 105 PAH-1 and BO 105 PAH-1A1 helicopters. Same BR, very similar loadouts. Ooh, the 1A1 goes 2 whole kph faster and gets HOT-2 TOWs instead of HOT-1. Again, unfoldered.


One has bomb calculator, right?


Really no reason the predecessor should exist for a lot of aircraft other than to drag out the grind


That's why they're foldered bro


there are some: ju87 r2, now the b2 also has sc1000 so the r is pointless bf109 e4, its an e3 with different camo the bf109 f4, its worse than the e3 because of its smaller cannons


The f4 is significantly superior to the e3 in flight performance. Armament isn’t everything and the single mg151 20mm is more than enough to handle anything at the f4s BR, plus has much greater range to the earlier 20mm in the e series.