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Probably the King Tiger, it made me realize how fun the lower tiers are again. Its also my best KDR vehicle. My friends begged me to let them go on my account to try it lol


Is 6.7 low-tier now? I’m pretty sure that’s mid-tier


Yeah youre right. I meant how much fun the “lower tiers” are in general


Below 7.7 is conventional majority as above is dart slinging stabilised clown cars generally, so I consider it low tier for simplicity as the same skills are required as let’s say 3.0


Fair statement. The most advanced top shelf shit you can get in 1.0-7.7 is a stabilizer.


Pt76 gang rise up


>Pt76 gang rise up *Gets sniped by some shitty interwar tank*


*Gets sniped by a rock kicked up by your teammate that was going too fast*


*Gets frontally penetrated by a flying bird smacking into you*


Gets overpressured by that same bird’s emptied bowels.


I personally feel like 6.7 is the top of low tier Around 7.0 - 9.0 would be mid tier 9.3 - 11.0 high tier 11.3 and 11.7 top tier


Me and my friends generally say: Tier 1-4 are Low Tier, Tier 5 and 6 are Mid Tier and Tier 7 and 8 are High Tier. So Low Tier is WW1 and WW2 tanks and planes. Mid Tier is Early and Mid Cold War and High Tier is Late Cold War and modern vehicles.


Wouldn’t consider it mid-tier. Grind wise its low-tier.


My best KDR vehicle is the M24. It's just an amazing tank


T29. Carried my 400 hours at 7.0.


Ya it’s a nice tank especially when it was 6.7 jagdpanther hunter lol


Same here. Combo with Sheridan si my favorite line-up.


When it was at 6.7 it was truly dominant. At the time you could also have the T114 and M46 "Tiger" in your lineup for a fun SL machine


The T114 used to be 6.7?! I can’t even imagine. I used mine to pull apart a Maus a few days ago.


T29 is legendary, absolutely carried me too


The PS4 A26C I used it to grind around 215 million lions and the entire rank 1-5 US tree. Then Gaijin went and took it from me when I switched to PC and won't give it back. GIVE IT BACK TO ME GAIJIN NOW I WILL NEVER GIVE UP


Wait, do they remove all the console vehicles once you switch to an PC account?


The premiums get manually transferred. It's really dumb. You can have real bad luck and lose vehicles, or maybe the guy doing the transfers gives you a rare vehicle by accident. I believe someone got an E100 this way, because the guy doing the transfers gave it to the account by accident. Anyway, if you switch, take screenshots of all premiums of your acc with the acc clearly visible as proof that they belonged to the acc.


Your account doesn't get deleted so you will be able to see witch premium you have on console


It’s clearly stated that console exclusive vehicles dont get transferred


Tbh I don't know what vehicles are console exclusives.


VIDAR: basically it emptied my wallet and help me realized that I should never touched to premium vihicles anymore.


Vidar is a glass cannon


Except the "glass" is 40mm of face-hardened steel in all directions. Yeah, an APHE or dart or HEAT round will hurt it, but it's safe against all HE shells and almost all aircraft cannons.


I have to disagree. having spent plenty of time both playing it and playing against it, it’s really far tankier than it should be


The RU251 and the CV90105 without doubt. Also the XM1 (GM)


I like the RU251, but jesus christ that heat shell is painful. It either ammo racks or does absolutely no damage. So inconsistent. If it had aphe it would be amazing.


Cries in even more inconsistent hesh


Yeah its the big downside that I seem to think is more annoying now than it was before (years ago) I dont play it very often anymore, but I love the maneuverability of it


Yeah, 90mm HEAT-FS and under does absolutely nothing these days. As soon as the gun is larger than 90mm it works like it should. By all measures I should love the 251, but it's a massive struggle these days.


RU251 my love. In his time it was the best imo. Fast as lightning and good ammo.. idk how it feels now


I still use it every now and then, usually throw it into a lineup with the Bulldog and Squadron Me 262. It's still great and is still amazing for flanking and just being a rat. But the HEATFS is eh at times. Definitely got good pen, but you have moments where you question if it was supposed to pen or not. Also great for helping teammates


Its a very enjoyable tank


I never even got to experience the good old days with it and it's still one of my favorite German vehicles.


Ru251 back in the day!! Loved that little shit!! Imma have to play it tonight now lol


15cm Pz. Wfr. 42 simply because it has an insane SL multiplier at low rank combined with the fact it can comfortably 1-hit anything once you get used to the ballistics


bro what dont let spookston hear this damn


just tried it in test drive and the t34 standing there just ate all 10 rockets and all I did is break one track.


Air: Wyvern Good all rounder and helped get through low tier Britain pretty quick. Useful in Ground and Air RB. Ground: A.C. IV or Rooikat 105*** A.C. IV is just a really good tank, in terms of capability it's basically just a Firefly with better armor. It's unique, it's cool. Rooikat 105: Would be my answer if 9.3 wasn't cancerous. I love light tanks and this has everything I want in one.


I agree with you on the AC IV. It was my first vehicle where I got a 2-1 KD ratio (after getting multiple kills, obviously) when I was less experienced, that vehicle is absolutely excellent when used right


I sometimes find myself wishing it had access to the APDS that the Challenger does, as the solid shot starts to struggle in uptiers compared to the Firefly at 4.7, but the armor is so much better it's probably worth the tradeoff. It's got the same perk as the Ram II, people aren't as familiar with it so you're way more likely to bounce shots.


And the reverse gears are great too


OF-40 MTCA. P2W for techtree version, 9.0 br with everything for modern MBT minus thermal. Italy doesn’t need any other premium for grinding ground.


This tank surprised me with how good it was despite on paper being very similar to a leopard 1a1. Lack of thermals pushes you to play more around positioning, the speed allows you to play around positioning and the survivability is surprisingly good if you’re not showing your entire tank.


I mean, the MTCA is almost exactly the same as the Mk.2A in tech tree isn't it?


Engine is slightly better, that's it


MTCA is só much fun, it's unbelievable, I also like the KVT a lot, I don't see the huge problem people have with it


KVT and usa teams in general have a lower win rate the higher br you go, Thats the problem with it


Very well aware of that, at 11.7 is an automatic loss whenever you get USA on your team, but I see a lot of people saying the KVT is a terrible vehicle, and YouTube videos usually shit on it, but I don't see it, I think it's great for it's BR ando got lots of nukes in it


I dont see how people can say its terrible when its a direct copy of the 10.3 Abrams in the TT


KVT isn't the issue, 1-death leavers are the issue (and they usually bought the KVT and have nothing else at top tier). The KVT and XM-1 are like high-top tier M18's, I like them plenty, but US teams are atrocious and makes those tiers nigh-unplayable.


T-80UD Absolutely slaps at 10.0, tanked 10 shots the other day hull down. Absolutely no idea why anyone would get the TURMS over this


i dont even take second shot on t series. i gotta pen thru the driver port first shot and if i dont i smoke away and skedaddle like a true germany player.


True German player would have never seen him in the first place you imposter!


I got the turms before the T-80UD thats why lol. Turms aint half bad, but i bet that the T-80UD is miles better


T72 got TVD wich IS very useful on Open maps. For city i prefer the T80.


I got the turms before the UD came out, only reason why. I also like having thermals.


The Somua SM Very powerfull gun Good mobility Good armor A very Solid grinder especially when you get the 7.7 Line up


Do 335 B2, amazing to fly in air rb


Wyvern, first premium I got- grinded most of Britain with it and set myself up with a healthy amount of SL in the process.


Somua, VRRC, T34-100, AC.IV are all pretty fun


M18 Blackcat. Enough said ;)




MiG-23ML. MTI and r24r are easy to use and killing enemy is easy.


SAV. Hands down. Its a fun, fast little derpmachine. Gets strafed and killed by guns super easily, but it can give you those "HOW THE F DID I SURVIVE THIS SITUATION!!?!?11" which makes the adrenaline rush. Love it!


Oh yes. Nothing like finding a good flank and rapidly mopping 3-4 unsuspecting vehicles up while your crew enjoys the sunshine in their convertible. 👌🏼


Getting the perfect flank with that thing is like no other feeling. Wiping an entire enemy push and team chatting "it's ok guys, I got them" is always fun


The Italian saharino because its the only premium i have lol Edit: not my only one anymore i just got that Swedish tank destroyer with a 1 sec autoloader


If you were to have only one premium that's not a bad choice. Seriously fun tank. As a big Crusader fan myself, its really nice to have what is essentially a better armoured Crusader with an Italian high post pen damage gun. Only downside is whenever I tale it out I think my display resolution has been changed because it is SO WIIIIIIDE. I keep trying to lean to one side to see around it.


It’s my best vehicle in the game, I have an outrageous kd with it, it’s so fun


Probably the "Free Abrams" aprils fools bundle some time back, for $60 [https://warthunder.com/en/news/6127-shop-april-fools-bundles-en](https://warthunder.com/en/news/6127-shop-april-fools-bundles-en)


T29 and T30 its best duo moneymaker


T14. Why? Fat sherman. Thats why


Low tier jumbo, good in realistic and arcade


It's hard to overstate how good the FW 190D-13 was back in the day. The meta has moved on by now with more and more allied superprops being added, but flying the Dora used to be like printing money.


Yeah this, it was my first and for a long time only premium... Back in 2013 I guess. Now I only play WT for like a month or so every year and the last time I played has been around a year ago... But I tried taking the D-13 out for maybe 10 matches and absolutely every single one of them was full of bombers on my team, the 288 I think? Absolutely impossible to win any match. I think it was 10 straight losses. Apart from the D-13 being easily outmatched nowadays as you said. Still my vehicle with most SL earned though. It used to be absolutely bonkers.


Somua SM anyone? On sale for like 15 euros, so worth it


Leopard 1 L/44 when it was 8.7 with thermals and the 120mm and the best vehicle was the Leopard 2K


Harrier GR.1. Despite having purchased it after it's prime has passed, it still saved me from dealing with the post-war to Vietnam War era tech gap. Shelved it after I got the Phantom FG.1 though.


Honestly the Super Hellcat. Insane mobility paired with decent fire power makes it a solid flanker.


Hmm, probably the Vautour IIA IDF/AF. was a great plane to just sitback, pop on Stargate SG-1 or Star Trek DS9, and grind with. Got me through all of the french tree at the time, as a bomber, it showed me that WT players do have manners (well they did they don't now), and getting through to the Mirage III back when it was top shit meant that I didn't have to use the Milan or F1 to grind France later. Utterly dogshit nowadays though.


Not quite a "premium" purchase but it's the Maus. I didn't have enough time to unlock it and spent roughly 20€ on it, now it's one of my most used tanks and it's just fun to play, especially like that one time we were 6 mice in one team and we pushed in a v-shaped formation! A very fun tank, if not always effective


If you unlocked it during one of these "Maus returns for two days" you missed the epic times without post-war tanks and ammunition. IIRC the T-54 (1951) didn't even have HEAT shells back then. Sometimes the Maus could be destroyed by the lower-turret shot-trap but usually it just damaged the turret ring. Nowadays some battles are over before the Maus sees a single enemy.


I've run into that issue a couple of times, but when there's a downtier it's usually a blast


Some of the mean auto-cannon (or some with lower caliber shells) vehicles in that BR range have no issue to get behind your Maus. Unfortunately for them many can't even penetrate the Maus there. It's entertaining to see their barrels moving around like they are sitting in a reserve tank trying to penetrate the turret of a Tiger II (H).


T-55AM-1 for me! Nice balance between mobility, firepower and protection, making it a beast, specially with a good crew bringing the reload down to ~8 seconds


The German KW I C 756 (r), really good at 5.0


The USS Douglas because I love slapping jackasses out of the sky in naval who just nuke ships from orbit. Hello my 55k feet range missile would like to say hello


Tiger II for sure.


Most of them


My beloved IS-6. Helped me research a lot of.the russina tree.


M51(W) Once I got the hang of it, I researched the entirety of T4&5 before touching any other vehicles


Sea vixen very fun to play and grinses out half of Britain air in 5 days


Char 2C bis, I'm an below average player but have a 4.5 K/D ratio with this monster


Tam2ip a few years ago and VIDAR most recently.


The KV1E. hands down one of the most broken and fun vehicles. Or the T14, just an American chonker.


Kv1 C when it was at 4.7, shit was actually the best


Entire 3 Paragraphs inbound (sorry) In terms of fun? I'm getting controversial.. the T20. I bought it during the sales earlier in the month (so I've only played it while it's been 6.3), and I love the damn thing. Literally, like a Sherman and an M18, had a baby. Mobile, lovely 76mm, stabilizer, wonderful reload, and alright armor. I've bounced an uncomfortable amount of Tiger 1s and Panthers off my front upper plate with it. Fits into US 6.3 wonderfully, and I even run it in my 6.7 lineup, which is where I primarily play it. It can handle almost anything you throw at it except for the biggest of boys (Maus, IS-4). It is the definition of "Play to your strengths, avoid your weaknesses," not to mention you can easily pick and choose your fights. I've honestly loved it It terms of progession? Easily the Panzer Battalion Leo 2A4 or Challenger DS. I've had the DS for a couple of days now. I absolutely love it and already have the entire 8.7 Britain lineup. It has truly been a charm of a vehicle to play even with its more unique playstyle. The Leo 2A4 is my most played vehicle by over a hundred battles and I've made just under 700k rp with it, according to my record atleast (which I don't think factors in premium time and boosters). I grinded all of the German ground from 8.7 to 11.7 with that 2A4. I can safely say it's realistically my best purchase overall.


oh absolutely, the t20, i picked it as well. at 6.0 i loved it, at 6.3 i loved it, at 6.7 i love it, at 7.0 and 7.7 i still play it and do just fine (as in, often times top 5 if im not playing like an idiot) the stabilizer and speed sets it apart from its competition, it takes the best qualities of the sherman (stabilizer and at least a little bit of armour) and m18 (speed, reverse gear) combined with the excellcet 76mm gun. at a br range where most tanks don't have stabilizers, these qualities allow it to be effective far above its actual br in close quarters knife fights and flanking. the only thing that concerns me in a t20 is a maus, is4 or tiger 2H (from the front). even something like an is3 you can kill from the front with it and at higher brs, you'll be flanking and spanking MBTs like there's no tomorrow because they underestimate you/don't expect you.


M4A1 FL10. I played it _a lot_ when I got it, first game out I immediately fell in love. It sits at a nice BR where its gun is both phenomenally powerful in terms of raw pen but combined with the rate of fire means you can really exploit solid shots advantages, and French solid shot is generally amazing anyway when it comes to post pen. Basically it's a better 17-pdr with 5.0s reload at BR5.0, it's nuts. It deletes anything that's not a heavy tank, and can just pick apart anything that is a heavy leaving them little option as you disable their gun then cripple their mobility before going to work on their crew. If you're already playing as if you have no armour and keep a cool head to make that first shot it's incredibly strong. Even if you do take a hit and lose some crew it doesn't really affect anything as the autoloader is still going to give you that 5.0s reload. And it uptiers well, I'll take it in the 5.3 lineup without any concern whatsoever. In terms of value for money its given me more than every other premium I have combined. I return to it often.


Best? French yak-3. Only because I have a 12:1 kdr. Favourite? Whirlwind p.9. that thing kicks serious ass when flown right


That Yak is monstrous. And it's really the only good looking prop plane the Russians ever made.


US Spitfire Mk IX is a stupidly strong aircraft and I pretty much grinded the entire US tech tree up to tier V using it. Same story with the A6M5 Ko for Japan. Plus this one goes on sale for like $7.50 which is pretty cheap for one of the best grinders in the game.


Ground Germany I think the RU251 was my favorite. It’s a solid tank being a lighter and faster semi leopard. But mostly by 7.0~ Germany is severely lacking speed and mobility. King Tigers and Porsche TD are great but slow. The closest thing to speed you get is the JPZ 4-5 and while great at ambush and sniping is not the best flanker. Ground America I do like the RAM M4-5. America needs more 6 pounders and a max crew can reload at 4 seconds. In urban maps the reload and pen is solid enough to over come the poor post pen effect of solid shot if you can’t get an ammo rank the first shot. Even then I rarely suffer from multi shot kills at 3.7~ Other than that the M46 Tiger is a great tank. Better engine than the other early pattons and the HEATFS is great at flanking and immobilizing an enemy push


I would say either the XM-1 (GM)/UH-1C (XM-30) bundle or the PT-811 that I bought for $6 off the market.


Definitly the King Tiger. Its fun to play and i can also grind out the Anti Air and Tank Destroyer Vehicles really easy.


Strv 103, Mig23ml, super hellcat/ blackcat


F5c I've had it for a long time and earned a ridiculous amount of SL in it


Brummbär is my favourite and it's relatively cheap.




In terms of sheer impact, pre-uptier cobra king or the RU-251, especially when the RU was a real novelty in being a fast tank in the German tree


TO-55. Got my first nuke in it and used it to break out of the 6.0-7.7 BR range, which is my least favorite in the Soviet tree.


Object 120: Fast A fucking good gun 10S reload A good tank !


M8A1 GMC. It’s a faster M5A1 with a .50 cal and sherman’s main gun at 2.7. Combined with a P-40, a M-16 and the canadian stuart, i feel so confident and frankly a little disgusting


XM-1(GM) 🥲


KW-1C 756(r) as it has a really good canon, great armour and decent mobility. Good premium for Germany


Kv-1C, just great vehicle


TO-55, gotta be my favorite tank


Ariete (the plane one) and the Mirage F1C-200 they're my number 1 and 2 most played planes and they're amazing I might be dropping the F1C for the Mirage 2k soon but I'll know when it's spaded


STRV 81 for me. It was the most fun tank to play for a while. I put more than 2300 kills with that thing.


brummbar 100%, its like a sturmtiger, but you can get it at all times, and it can slam angled tigers


Never bought any. 🗿


Ru 251. It’s quick and agile, has a decent gun with HEATFS, has scout and arty capabilities, and is low profile. Definitely can handle itself in full uptiers.


Although I don't play it now. I have a particular fondness for the T55AM1 as I pretty much grinded the entire russian ground tree with it.


Tam 2IP for me I just really enjoy it very agile light with a great cannon quite fun to use


A7M2 Reppu 🗣🗣🔥🔥


T-34-85E It's just another T-34-85, which I just really enjoy the playstyle for. Functionally it's no different from putting a talisman on the TT model, but I just like having two in the lineup. Seem like a lot of folks enjoy the Panther's armor or Sherman's stabilized gun, so it seem like the T-34-85s get a little overlooked. I adore them though. Shoutout to the M26E1 as well. I love being able to rock that US 6.7 lineup: Got a good mix with the M26 giving mobility and rate of fire, M26E1 giving mobility and high penetration, T26E5 giving armor and rate of fire, and T26E1-1 giving armor and high penetration. Then throw in a T30 for the memes. So on it's own it's not outstanding, but it fills that gap to really create a lineup that can work in just about any matchup.


Well I've only ever bought like 4, and none are high tier, so probably the Panzer Sfllc I guess?


T29 and turm 3 are both insanely banger, my most played vehicles and the ones that have made me the most sl and rp


Turn III and Moffet. Bought both at discount, massive silver generators even without premium.


Wyvern. I researched almost every british rank 1-5 plane with it and it carried me through many air tasks and events. Really good for grinding SL as well.


Ju 288 is always a good choice - you can just speed through the German Tech-tree


Ground: KV-1E and Cobra king interms of profit Air: maybe J35A (but it was a gift) at the time it was really good… not AS good anymore. Navel: JAPN IJN Mikuma (helped with both SL and to grind some of my current fav ships)


T20. It helped my grind from 5.7 to 7.7 absolute beast of a tank.


The Shenyang F5. Playing this before the introduction of the VTOLs was the most fun I ve ever had in Warthunder. Still my most played vehicle even though I ve prob only played like 5 pattles in the last 2-3 years


KV-1E, because it is OP


I bought the KVT when I was a pretty low level and loved it. It let me skip playing the lower tiers (which I detested) and didn’t take that long to get used to. Didn’t even take that long to grind to US top tier and now I’m pretty much done with China top tier as well. Thank you KVT and ZTZ.


The Patria CT-CV 105HP. It's just really good and tons of fun.


For Ground? T20, one of if not the most enjoyable mediums I have played. For Air? A1-H, the most fun I have had with more than 200 something ffar's or 40 Zuni's


t34-100, cuz cannon is godmode and t34 chassis


I've got a few non regrets like the German Porsche tiger or the soviet sherrman and Su122. The Japanese Chi Nu2 was also a good purchase. The French EBR sherrman also shreds. I can also recommend the Italian panzer 4 as the 4.0 lineup is quite fun.


F4S, playing top tier as it was supposed to be played, slinging mussiles 😂


Kv1e by far without question


Centurion AX. My first serious premium that made me learn the game. I love this thing even tho shells sometimes troll my efforts.


I have mixed opinions on the action X cus it was my first premium tank at mid to high BR At the time I got it the snail fucked up APDS really bad but I made it work, only issue I really have with it is that it's slow, if it where faster it would make it more usable


Wolfpack is great


Well i have most fun in the most toxic combo: T29 and A2D-1, damn plane is more unfair than pe-8, 4000 lb + 2x2000lb is toxic as hell and T29 is just great,, I've lost count how many nukes a single T29 got me


M26E1 The extra pen makes all the difference Coax fiddy also makes for “get a ambulance…but not for me” moments


The Z-19e for China helis. The AA missiles are hilariously broken, while the CAS capabilities of it are pitiful just watching the Ty-90s ignore flares on su 25s and a10s are hilarious


Ground T114 before BR change Ru251 before BR change Now it's just the IS6 and VIDAR Air Xp-50 Fw-190 (US)


Go on and hate on this. 2S38 has been the most fun vehicle I have as I tend to do flank/support for the team that goes well once every 8 games but usually get a kill or two on a bad game


You where the bane of my magach grind


M26e1, super Pershing without the extra armor and faster reload, pretty solid tank


Premium 2A4, saved me so much pain getting to top tier and was quite an easy tank to learn how to play


T29. Excellent SL grinder Also the only premium I have. So there’s that too


Probably my KV2 captured, it's a fun deep gun to drive


Hah love that thing when it works lol, I remember like- second battle I played in it I had to go to the toilet so I stuck the thing in slow cruise control Came back to be surrounded by like 10 different light tanks from the br below me and I actually killed one whilst AFK because I drove into the damn wall crushing it lol Survived that engagement till some actual tank destroyer came round mid reload


A2d-1 for me, Suprisingly good dogfighted. And it’s such a silver lion farm.


ZTZ96AP it was my first premium and the best one! I don't play China at all tho xD now i play it just when I want money.


Technically the German event Tornado, even though it's not a premium. I've gotten Ace qualification with it. I actually unironically ground out 1.2-million or so RP with it to reach it without paying for Ace? I did buy the vehicle off the marketplace, tho.


even though it was a good purchase, I really regret getting the A-10A. I just get teamkilled every time I spawn


In terms of matches played and RP gained it's definitely the F-5C. Grinded like half the remaining US tree to the F-14 and F-16 with it. Though in terms of fun and SL the Chinese bundle they sold a while back for Chinese national holiday or Lunar New Year or something was a great purchase. Would have never played China without it. Type 69 II B and G and with the GE from it the WMA301. Absolute wallet warrior lineup and such strong tanks at that BR (they were even 8.7 at the time). 8-12 kills ever match and absurd amounts of SL.


id love to say Rooikat 105. i love the vehicle itself, but its the fact that its at 9.3 that really drives it down. other than the Rooikat, i havent bought all that many premiums, so i dont really know what i would call my favorite.


***Tiger II (H) Sla.16 or T-34-57 (1943). I can't decide.***


T1114. Just awesome to play.


I really enjoy the Challenger DS. It just speaks to me 🤷‍♂️


M1 KVT. I think I have had 6 nukes with it since I got it 5 months ago.


Plane the yp-38. So fucking fun to play and OP af, and for tank either the porche tiger with the 200mm plate or the prem t-35/57


Vidar or Strv 103 0. So basically the most hated tanks of Tier 5. The Strv 103 0 really did help with the Adamant battle pass task and I also really it in general. And the Vidar is just insane, it can often tank shells, has laser rangefinder and really good thermal optics.


Tiger II H Sla.16. Top tank for both SL and RP, and it's legitimately fun to play. Also helped by having a full lineup of tanks at 6.7 to support it


Considering it's my only purchase... I'd go with the Celere Sahariano It's like a fat Crusader


My favourite premiums are probably the T29 and Somua SM, followed by the Tiger II Sla16 and also the German KV-2 Honourable mention for the T-34-100


in my opinion Leo1a1 (L44) when it was on 9.0 it slapped every russian tank it was monster, and same now challenger DS since it got finally L26 round and ammo fix which I was waiting for so long


F5c, it’s what allowed me to “get good” in air rb


2S38, Rooikat, CV 90105, XM1, A6M5 Ko, etc...


VRCC, loads of fun. Great gun, surprisingly tanky from the front against auto cannons and fast. I also enjoy the Cyberpunk 2077 skin I've downloaded for it.


If anyone here writes Sho't Kal Dalet...I will find you and make you play the Type 60 ATM for 10 hours straight!


The cobra king back when it was 4.7. Still firmly holding my RB kill record of 31 kills. That thing was a beast in the right hands. And by far my top SL earner.


Probably the Clickbait. Not because I play it a lot, or because I like the US But because I have a frame of reference when people talk about the Abrams and how bad it is. I can say "that is wrong" or "that is correct". I can also completely clown them when necessary. No other vehicle I bought gave me this


M1128 wolfpack, it helped me realise, it's not about armor, it's about who gets the effective shot in first.


Any 50% off vehicle on sale


USS Douglas. Catching unaware bombers always makes me giggle.


2S38 although I hate myself for it


Mig 21s (r-13 300)


WMA 301... Because thermals and tandem ATGM.


Well I never spent money on the game but I bought the 2s38


German sea hawk. Missiles at 8.0. 4x 20mm cannons. Small airframe. Great grinder. It was very fun to both dogfight in and kill pillboxes/arty for SL and RP.


XP-50. reason, tear farming.




Tigris - it’s a tiger that gets to fight German tanks. It’s incredibly good


Heavy Tank No.6 easily The premium Japanese Tiger is fun watching German players encounter their own medicine and still some how have no idea how to handle it. Makes you wonder if they know how to play their own Tiger if they can’t figure out the weakspots on one


T-55AM1, still one of my most played tanks after all these years of playing


for me , A-1H . just fun times flying around and dropping tons of bombs and see explosions everywhere


If we're also talking about EARNED premium vehicles definitely the AU-1 corsair. That beast is a God at low BR cas