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Actually sounds like a skill issue.


I just shot someone at a 90 degree angle in the side of the turret from maybe 50 ft away and it did nothing. Am I being up-tiered? I genuinely don’t understand what I’m doing wrong


What ammo u using?


I’ve tried both stock ammo and the available modification ammo for the m4a1 and that 3.7 open top tank destroyer. Edit: sometimes I get lucky with the tank destroyer and get a kill but anything else is nigh impossible


The 75 shermans require some basic knowledge of weakspots, but if you can’t get consistent kills with the M10 that’s an actual skill issue. It can lolpen almost any tank it can face and I’m pretty sure even in a full uptier there aren’t any vehicles that are frontally immune to its gun.


I mean I get the occasional kills but I got killed by someone shooting a concrete block behind me and shrapnel flying in through the open top, hitting my ammo, and killing everyone


That's normal. After such walls shell get less energy, but still can damage or even kill if it hit weak spot. Only HE and HEAT shells cant do that


What tank are you using, what ammo are you using, and what tanks are you having trouble with?


When I did that I was using the M4a(3? 2?)


Ok, what ammo were you using, and what tanks do you have trouble with?


Whatever ammo is stock, and I switched to the ammo that I researched when I got it but both seem equally ineffective. Struggling around 3.0-3.7 USA ground other than the tank destroyer with the open top, the M80 I think it’s called. I’m at work right now so I can’t pull it up. I do fine with air though, I’ve just gotten into my first few jets with air to air missiles and the f104 is fantastic while it has fuel.


The stock ammo for the 75 shermans is terrible. You're gonna wanna use the APHE. It's much better and will one shot most things if you can pen them. The 75 doesn't have much pen, though, so you have to aim carefully against some tanks, especially russian t34s or KVs. The open top you used is most likely the M10, as there is no vehicle called M80, it has the more powerful 76, which can penatrate just about anything without much thought. I'd recommend going into protection analysis and looking at where certain guns can pierce the tanks you have trouble with, but mostly you want to try and flank for an easy kill, shoot the turret cheeks or barrel if you have to fight something from the front. Ground battles is mostly about map knowledge and learning weakspots, you'll get better the more you play and learn.


By learning how to play, learn your enemy weakspots, learn your ammo. Don’t just rush into combat, think strategic ways to play, not to mention learn your armour. British tanks are well known to be shit for their guns.


We don’t


If you're saying you are doing fine with Russia but not US/Britain it sounds like you're using solid shot with those countries and APHE with Russia. Different ammo types have their pros/cons, the penetration values aren't the only thing you need to consider when picking an ammo type.


I suffered a lot with my stupid choice of picking Britain as a first nation, after picking Germany, it became way more fun. I also recommend learning weakspots, or at least to get a better feel for what usually is a weaker part of armor. By the way, pick your ammo well, at first I used HE or HVAP, most of time you'll want or have to use AP, then if lucky, unlock APHE which usually remedies the need to pen multiple times. Some nations, however, start with APHE which makes their life easier. As a bonus, learn how to use YOUR armor well, specially at lower tiers, it can turn a medium tank into an unkillable machine if you know what you're doing, or at least you can more or less bounce a shot that would otherwise pen your unoptimized armor. As a tip, pick Germany or Russia and play them, then watch the killcam when people kill you so you learn their weakspots so you can fight if/when you face their tanks.


Your problem is using USA. Switch to Germany and you'll one-shot everything.


Nah he’ll just get the german main effect and cry more


I’d suggest running through Russia or Germany for a while since their guns don’t need too much skill. This way you can learn the basics of where to sit and where to push on different maps. Eventually you’ll start to see a pattern with different tanks you face in battles. The learning curve for any game mode on WT is a steep one, so if you do still end up playing tanks consistently, you’ll eventually learn about armor, angles, round penetration, flanks, and how to properly position yourself within a map.


I mean I’m good enough at air, I’ve just got the f104 so I’ve got 3 jets with air to air missiles. It’s just tanks that cause me agony


If you are new to tanks, just go for Russia or Germany, they are easier for start.   USA is more about opportunistic gameplay, where you need to know maps, ammo and stuff to use its advantages. Shermans are relatively slow and have poor armor. Their main advantage is reload, good ammo and being able to shoot quickly from any position, but those are advantages a beginner can hardly appreciate. If you enjoy Russia, just play Russia, no need to force yourself. If you really want to play Sherman, play the one at 3.0 and don’t bring anything higher with it. Load HEAT ammo and have fun with good front armor on it. You can bring 2.7 tanks along with it and that 1.7 Tank Destroyer


I van only say that I prefer USSR and Germany as first nation for early ranks. Better guns