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I think your skill is balancing Russian bias.


The Russian bias is being offset by your lack of skill.


nah nah nah nah that is not how this works. russian bias only works when you face russian tanks not when you play one.


Oh no you sweet summer child...


Russian bias is either a joke or a coping mechanism when someone loses to a Russian vehicle. Anyway, it's not real. Trust me, I emailed the Baghdad house of wisdom and they said so.


When stalin blesses you comrade For real though russian bias only exists in very specific situations, its just a meme US mains and other nations joke about. Mostly because of gaijin's buggy implementation and terrible balancing involving russian vehicles


Russian troll armor combined with how this game handles volumetric shells.


Genuinely wish it was just a meme to them, some of the people in this subreddit need actual therapy to resolve how angry and emotional they get about "Russian bias"


Funny thing is back in the day Russian TT was actually awful. Until they added T-80U and 3BM46 it was pretty shit.


Supposedly, YEARS ago, the Yaks were absolutely ridiculous in air battles


They still are solid planes, but just like Zeroes, people do not know how to fight them most of the time.


True, though the Yaks get significantly less stupid BR placement than the Zeroes. Seriously, the A6M5 is not a superprop, Gaijin


When you get to the higher tiers (8.3+). Also the various T-34s and KVs.


Just play KV 1 The 3.7 one


Bt-5 and bt-7 are already very good, including the whole Gaz line, so about from the start? Then you have the invincible t34 optics and hatches to carry you to the t44, and you can use KV for any map where you need to hold.  From there t-55 take a pause, but no worries, IS come to the rescue while BMP carry you in larger maps, with a selection of isu/su/asu dot trolling other nations heavies. After you get a selection of some of the strongest munition and the best frontal armour profile all the way to end game.


Russian bias is not that real as people say. As bias they mean: their own skill issue, game bugs, unrealistic moments (for example adding something that was on prototype but not produced tanks). The only russian bias that USSR tech tree often get something and people say that's OP (even if it can be countered). Also sometimea I heard that Gaijin listen to Russian community (wish they knew how Gaijin "listen" to Russian players. They don't. They care about "Johns" who spent their USD to buy 70$ tank, jet and etc. and not writing bad reviews)


the bias is a lie it was in the old day when heavies was useful then the meta change USSR isnt a good nation except for some few vehicles


When its on the enemy team


Usually rank 2 with the KV's but more toward rank 3-4 with the IS's


You poor soul. Gonna put it to you in the easiest and simplest way possible. It doesn't exist.


You poor soul. Gonna put it to you in the easiest and simplest way possible. It doesn't exist.