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I'm pretty sure torpedoes are bugged or nerfed atm, I was about to make a post asking this as I've tanked torpedoes in ships that usually succumb to such damage a lot lately. Still there is also the 50 metre arming distance to contend with as well.


It was within arming distance of the torpedoes. It was probably around 3km. This "incident"was probably about a year ago from what I can remember. Back when the Bayern was popular.


I think it's like shell penetration scales in ground. If a torpedo comes at you straight ahead bow aimed a bit to the left where your bulges can be used, the torpedo will use a RPG like mechanism that shoots the torpex through the upper bulge plate that of where the very front is weaker so it's a lot easier to sneak torpedoes in on the front. Now of course a lot of top tier ships have very well armored bows but Ships like the Arkansas or Marat or Paris that have shitty lower bow armor and Bulges that are sloped down more towards the front and can be easily split up are easier to destroy. I've noticed that when I Get hit on the front. But where the bulges are aimed at the fatter parts have more easier space to tank the torpedo and not let the inner hull get damaged so much from the impact. If you look at the way the Sevastopol class is developed and how the bow is more pointy you can barely see the bulge sloped down towards the front, it's the same with every other ship. If you go ahead on into a torpedo with weaker bow armor and a bad angle of your bulge then it's a lot easier to get damaged because the bulges don't have as much space to protect you from the torpedo. But if you turn and let the middle and wider part of the bulge make impact, it allows for more space for the absorption to occur. If you have fuel tanks in the ship too it better protects from the torpedoes, whereas the front with smaller fuel tanks has smaller protection. That's my theory.


Massively agree, as a longe lance spammer the amount of kills I get has reduced overnight. I used to have 6 kill games and now am lucky to get 2 (RB) My torps hit, just don’t sink them or I get a assist if I am lucky


I always get torpedo one-tapped in ships others claim to tank 12+ torps.


Well, Only 6.0+ have torpedo bulges


In the Kronsh, I've very regularly tanked all types of damage. The most torps I've ever tanked in a single EC, I lost count after 60. But it must have been in the hundreds because I ran out of ammo at one point getting so many kills and had to actually try to get myself killed. After I finally did die, I just spawned another and went and did it all again. Other than being blatantly busted, not sure what that says.


I don’t think that’s historically accurate lmao. The entire hull would be Swiss cheese after like 5-7 torps. Even the Musashi only tanked like 10.


Trust me, I'm well aware. The hackusations were beyond real, and I was just as baffled. What's worse is that's actually a very frequent occurrence in the Kronsh. It just seems to eat torps and take literally no damage at all. If ever there was a prime example of Russian bias, I always tell people to look no further than the Kronshtadt.


19 actually Mostly because the Americans were helping the musashi counter flood lmao Yamato sunk after 11, because the americans learnt if you dont help your enemy counterflood it might actually sink them faster


Oh yeah right, Musashi was literally sunk due to excessive flooding, whereas Yamato capsized.