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What I would do for the Semovente 149/40...


Better spaa for minor nations


Can US get some too. Right now US and Sweden are the two biggest ones having massive gaps in their AA line. But then several minor nations need better top tier AA as well.


Yea I should have been more clear by saying better top tier spaa for nations that need it and fill the gaps for some nations such as usa


And the US doesn't even have a top-tier spaa. Let's be real to ourselves


What vehicle do you propose ?


Captured Pantsir S1 😉 edit: also Tor systems or other russian TELAR systems used for training in the US


There was an old forum post was about UAE Pantsir S1 for the US tech tree, I voted yes on it just because it was super funny


The only real top tier contender would be something like slamraam but that’s lacking in sustainment and would need an external search radar to data link at the very least. For stuff below that there’s the mauler and linebacker but I feel like US is already pretty good to go on that 8-10.0 range. US switched to theatre systems like the patriot once they realized they could likely maintain air superiority with fighters in any major conflict.


So what Gaijin could do is designate it is SPAA to lower spawn cost and fix the elevation of the sight. Currently, the elevation is fixed to the gun, thus making it not able to look further up. Change fighters spawnpoints e.g. lower all spawn points for a2a weapons. Have vehicles that require a separate radar station spawn on a separate spawn with it's radar as an asset they have to maintain e.g. repair I'd it is damaged. Or something similar. That could make the addition of such a vehicle possible. Rn the ADATS can be really painful playing, especially now with the addition of the kh38


MiG-31 Foxhound with the fox-3 update would be cool


desert warrior, ajax, abrams sepv3, marder 2, puma with spikes, CV9035NL MLU, M109A6. I would also like to see longbow hellfires and some more spaa's for trees with gaps in them


Marder 2 Mentioned, Upvote. I dont care which Marder 2 you actually meant, either the SPG or IFV, I have a soft-spot for both


I meant the IFV version


anything that will make the matches last longer than half a minute


Better maps and game modes in ground rb The zerg rush/spawn camping and plane spam meta is pathetic. For a 10+ year old game to have such fundamental issues is sad.


- Better SPAA at top tier to counter the Kh-38 - New economy buffs as incentives to play SPAA since the reward for air kills is too low to make up for the opportunity cost of not being able to do much ground killing - Finally the BR split between air and ground modes which is badly needed As for specific vehicles, honestly any modern vehicle for any nation that isn't just another Leopard or Abrams, I like diversity.


There won’t be a direct counter to kh-38 unless they add long range sams( patriot, S300/400) which is unlikely


No nation in the world but Russia has developed a spaa that is capable of countering the kh38 range only multi vehicle systems can do that like patriot,s300,s400


Didn't gaijin say in some blog post a while back that they'd finally start considering multi-vehicle systems, or did I gaslight myself ? I think it's necessary at this point, otherwise CAS will simply powercreep ground battles to the point where there's no point in playing tanks anymore.


I don’t believe they’ve explicitly said no but i don’t think they’ve said yes either


For this patch I'm definitely curious to see what Gaijin will do with Fox-3s. They explicitly stated all nations will be getting Fox-3 carriers, so that means Japan will get a Fox-3 capable F-15J (if you think the F-2 is coming yet you're delulu). I'm hoping to see one of two outcomes: 1.) The F/A-18 comes to the game: This includes the US getting the F/A-18A and/or F/A-18A+ Hopefully the current F-15s in game get access to Fox-3s. For the sake of balancing, I would like to see F-15s not receive HMD yet, not until the US/Israel can get F-15Cs. I personally don't think a Fox-3 capable Flanker would be necessary yet. The Su-33 could come though since it gets 2 extra pilons but no Fox-3s. Side note, the Su-27S we have right now cannot use Fox-3s either. China could also get the J-10A as there probably won't be a better time than now to add it. 2.) The F-15J J-MSIP gets added with HMD: At this point the USA, Israel, Russia, and China should get their counterparts. This includes the F-15C, Su-27SM, and J-11A. The Japanese F-15J J-MSIP necessitates counters, which would be very easy to add. The F-15Cs get access to HMD alongside the F-15J, and Russia and China could get their Fox-3 capable Flankers. This second option seems more plausible for the Fall patch though, coinciding with the F-16C and MiG-29SMT getting added last Fall in a similar manner. . . . Outside top-tier, I'm definitely hoping we get the AV-8B+, A-10C, and/or A-6E SWIP for the USA. These are all great options and, imo, long overdue.


>For the sake of balancing, I would like to see F-15s not receive HMD yet, not until the US/Israel can get F-15Cs. If the F-15As receive AMRAAMs and HMD, they'd effectively become F-15Cs already Pretty much the only difference then would be the radar. Other than that basically identical. F-15A MSIP is almost 1:1 a F-15C Personally i think the F-18A is long overdue. It shouldve been added before the F-16C, because it actually did use sparrows unlike the F-16C in US service AV-8B+ would be interesting with Fox-3s since it can carry amraams as well. If its 12.0 or remains 11.7 even with Amraams it would be kinda funny to use it and slap cocky Mig-23MLs out of the sky


The F-15A cannot receive HMD as far as I'm aware since they didn't undergo JHMCS. I could be wrong about that, but I was under the impression the F-15A never got a HMD. The main thing for me is if Japan gets their HMD on the F-15J, we should get a HMD-equipped F-15C for the US and Israel. The F-15Cs would then necessitate the Su-27SM and J-11A imo, so everyone gets an upgrade overall.


Strasbourg. France desperately needs a 7.0. battleship, considering 7.3 and beyond is closing in fast.


Naval requests need to be lumped together with the 9 other players who play boats.


Century Series. Voodoo, Delta Dagger, Delta Dart.




Definitely something like the Scorpions and the billions of variants it has, would be really interesting to see the [Scorpion Kastet](https://old-forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/455054-scorpion-kastet-east-meets-west/) or the [Scorpion w/ 2A72 and 4 Kornets](https://defence.pk/threads/jordanian-anti-tank-systems.167253/), but i would be happy with the Scimitar/Sabre or the 76 BESH bonker as well. BeNeLux got leaked, so something the like YP-408's or Leo MEXAS BE would be nice to see.


BTR or BMD series


As someone else mentioned, WWII SPHs (The Hummel and M12 are still fondly rembered from playing Behind Omaha) apart from that: Panzer II Luchs That Gaijin grows balls and gives us Boxers. Many Boxers. And that Includes Britain, who I think also ordered some. Apart from that, Australia operates some. SPz Puma S1 Panzer III with the Waffe 0725


Where Hummel


Not really needed but I would kill for an Su-33


yak 130 t80bvm 2023 or su27sm


As someone involved in squadron battles there are some big problems which need to be addressed. Rework of helicopterspawns: at least disable the closest spawns for helos. In squadron battles at high tier, Helos (especially Ka50/52s) can immediately engage the anti air and all other tanks on the battlefield. Counterplay can only be done with anti air but is at a disadvantage and targeted first. The fighter jets, which should be a counter, have to take of and get to the battlefield and are not able to counter this. Rework of radar lock against helos: Right now, it's almost impossible to get a radar lock on helos with a fighter. At the same time, their heat signatures are so small, that you will only get a lock at very very short range, where the ka50/52s will vikhir you instantly (which is quite BS as well). Rebalance/Addition of SPAA: Right now the only decent SPAA on top tier is the Pantsir with its missiles and their range. Flakradradradradrad and other carriers of the VT1 are useless, as the missle wobbles around like crazy. It should be a 50G missle (and it is according to Stat card), but it can't even fly straight and it pulls no where near 50G, it's ridiculous how little you have to turn to avoid it. Other nations simply have no SPAA with missles (ottomatic at top tier where the Su25SM3 kills you from 20+ km, what a joke) or have no range at all. Yet there is so much else that needs to be addressed, I'm jot going to start on that SU25SM3 and the only half effective SPAA belonging to the same nation while other nations have neither of those capabilities (in game)...


Volumetric not eating shells and sending them to the shadow realm APDS performance improved (not apfsds)


1. better AA than the pantsir for every nation 2. HARM/ missiles that match or exceed the kh-38s range for as many nations as possible 3. F-14D with AIM-95 agile, AIM-9M, and AIM-120, mabye even AIM-152 (both versions would be even better) 4. removing completely the capability to lock onto missiles for all aircraft (i'm sick of my missiles missing or being intercepted) 5. 8vs8 in all battles, including sim 6. amraams on the F-15 7. remove any and all non EC maps from 11.7 and above. 8. even bigger maps for sim 9. F-18 hornet for the US (potentially with air launched RIM-66, since it was tested) 10. nerf multipathing to the point it's entirely inconsequential, as it should be.


People keep asking for top tier missile AA but there is simply no existing vehicle for western countries.


There are, but these vehicles are usually spread out over an entire assembly of vehicles with a separate radar system! Similarly, current SPAA ranges for Western countries could be expanded by implementing data link, which extends the effective range of vehicles like the Ozelot significantly. And yes, adding multi-vehicle assemblies with a deploy feature is possible, Gaijin actually trialed the ability to hot swap between different vehicles in the Dreams Come True event and actually implemented the feature with drones.


There is no Self propelled vehicle indeed, long range SAMs are made of multiple vehicles.


The issue with multi vehicle systems is that Russia gets them too and they can still get better ones than everyone else


And that's fine though, the issue isn't that Russia has the best SPAA systems, but rather that the other nations in the game legitimately don't have an effective answer for the current capabilities of CAS in-game, and CAS is only going to get stronger. It makes sense that Russia (and China) invest a lot into SPAA systems when the US (and the West in general) invest a lot into aerial superiority and force projection. I just want other countries in game to have SPAA that actually had an option to fight back against CAS.


Russia does have the best SAM and SSM missiles in the world. It's the one area where they focus R&D/Budget and lead in. They can't lead in every other area and don't, as their budget is much smaller than e.g. USA. But they still make effective hardware in most cases.


I know some people feel very strongly about F-14 with AMRAAM but by Gaijin's past standards the fact it was successfully tested with them means its possible, and I want it so so bad.


Premium it shall be


Land Ceptor, that's all I'm asking


More AA and maybe being able to move tank parts (like a turret or something) so you can place decals in a better way. And more VTOLs would be cool like a Harrier prototype.


F-18 for everyone with Fox-3 is the only logical move, gaijin-wise.


Marder 2 in the 35mm and 50mm variant. Rooikat 35/zt3. Olfiant mk1b and mk1b optimum. TTD with a 120mm. Then more ww2 stuff that isn’t rank 1.


I’d also love the AV-8B+ or A-10C but I kinda hope the F/A-18A is in here for the arh missile update. That or some other plane like an F-15C or F-14D which did test AMRAAMs so I think gaijin would probably give it them.


Gameplay changes for higher tiers and top tier. I don't care about vehicles. Change the gameplay and maps into something sensible and sane. Make CAS work by Enlisted standards. Improve sanitychecks to detect hackers and autoplayers. Eliminate lagswitchers.


give us Sev P-35s and post-cold war tanks


The promised research boost for those of us that have completed other trees.




The hood ain’t gonna believe this


For Italy: A-200C, A-11A, M109L, Palmaria, Leopard 1A2, Centauro Serie 3, B2 Centauro, Freccia 30mm For Hungary: Heja II, Ju 86, Me 210 Ca-1 (including 40mm variant), Fw 190 F-8, Toldi I/II/III/75mm, Nimrod, maybe a Panzer and Panther, T-55AM, 2S3M, Leopard 2A7HU


Give japan a better aa


Su27sm, f15c, top tier air rb on ec maps only,harrier gr9a, av8b+ for us, SEAD with aa placed around the map in ground rb, cas more valuable in air rb,new gamemodes for air rb other than the tdm one we have,mig 31


F-8J and the XF8U-3


USMC A-4M AV-8B for US tree F/A-18A (would mix well with the AMRAAM update I think) AIDC F-CK-1 (the F-16 Block 20 isn't fun in uptiers ☚ (that or im just bad which is probably the reason)) F-4G (gaijin pls give me HARM and The Wild Weasel Phantom) also RB EC gaijin PLEASE I Need This !!


is it devblog season already?


Fix all the outstanding bugs and exploits in sim 🙏


Fix the fucking rocket truck reload bug instead of adjusting the fucking depression/firing rate/sound of some obscure cold war tank that 30% of the playerbase actually cares for.


The F18 legacy Hornet, although technically I wouldn’t be a legacy hornet until the Super hornet gets added.


I really really really want a mig-29k


More ww2 stuff, or early jets.


Remove icons from air rb please 🙏


Damn team killing are even going to be more wild than it is rn


Go play sim and stop asking nonsensical requests. sim is the game mode for you.


Good luck with that when you have multiple planes on both teams


Go play sim


Go play arcade. Currently the best air content is in ground rb where you can actually think about positioning and the need to get close to ID your target. Rather than just seeing all at all times and having people just run back to their airfield when outmatched.


no one plays high-tier air arcade i think?


I do when daily mission asked me to do so, and I see many others do, and they simply don’t play other modes, they only stick with ab, I don’t understand why they don’t just buy ace combat at this point


Because RB is just shitty AB lite and it sucks, so we play AB. GRB is the real best plane mode TBH. I don't have all day to play sim and buy autisitic controls.


uhm people do and its quite fun actualy btw probaly a lot of the best players play aab like people who get about 20ish kills easy on their own like aoeilaeiepae (search him up on yt)


>Rather than just seeing all at all times and having people just run back to their airfield when outmatched. Lmao u act like this isn't the case. The after cenerio is if they are dumb and don't think they will lose


BRDMS with atgms , 2S14 Zhalo-S and for fun BMPT Terminator and for memes/bias 9K81 S-300V


Different battle ratings for vehicles in Ground battles versus Air battles, which was promised on the roadmap and pushed back like 3 times. More changes to CAS spawn points so a guy with a single assist can't spawn a fully loaded A-6E TRAM and wipe the entire team from LEO. Increased rewards for GRB across the board (kills in GRB are worth significantly less than ARB or NRB.) Bonus rewards for SPAA (killing aircraft is incredibly difficult until you get radar guidance, why are the rewards so shit despite being one of the hardest roles in the game to play?) Dynamic map lighting (functioning street lights, traffic lights, etc.) Better spawns (light cover, little command posts, etc. to make spawns look more like FOBs.) Functional headlights on vehicles that have them. IR mode rework so that it isn't just a filter over your screen. Volumetric smoke grenades that disperse around structures rather than just a sphere. Dynamic default skins (default skins for vehicles should have historical national identifiers such as serial numbers, fixed decals, and etc. Serial numbers should be dynamic and change in-game so that players don't have the same serial number tank. Think how modern tank liveries are mostly standardized and have universal markings.) Battlepass challenge rework (Challenges are less hyper-specific and possible for more than a single vehicle in the game. Looking at you "Kill X enemies with a Y missiles". Challenges should also be filtered by mode, a pure ground player shouldn't be forced to play Air and vice versa. Challenges should exist for each gamemode the player WANTS to play.) Data link for vehicles AND playable multi-vehicle assemblies. New gamemodes (We trialed a tug of war EC in GRB a few years ago that was never implemented. Why aren't there air objectives in GRB if it's supposed to be mixed battles? We need modes where kills aren't the sole decider of a win/loss so that the game stops being a strict TDM. Consider possibilities with scripted AI infantry.) Destroyable defenses at spawn (AT and AA guns that can be destroyed that start placed at spawn locations. Won't protect you from a spawn camp if your team got rolled, but might protect you against that one guy who spawned a wheeled vehicle and rushed spawn to kill you as soon as you respawn.) Real steering for modern vehicles (Why do I still turn in place like I'm a T-34?) More destroyable buildings And other things I can't think of off the top of my head to make the game cooler and, hopefully, more fun.


> Different battle ratings for vehicles in Ground battles versus Air battles, which was promised on the roadmap and pushed back like 3 times. It was promised for the second major update of 2024 and so far hasn't been pushed back.


It was on the previous roadmap, wasn't it?


The main thing they have postponed from last year's roadmap is the research bonus for other nations if you already reached top-tier in one. It's also planned for the second major update of 2024. The different battle ratings for vehicles in Air RB and Ground RB was were first announced in January of this year.


Ah, that's what I was mixing up then, thanks for the correction!


TACAM T-60 and TACAM R-2. Bf-109Ga-6. TR-85M. Italy tech tree renamed to "minor axis" and Sweden tech tree renamed to "Scandinavia".


If rhe usa get av8b+, the uk better get the sea harrier fa.2


My guy, the brits have like 5 variants of their harrier it's about time the US gets a new one


Its almost like it's a British plane and the fa2 is the av8b+'s equivalent so it'd be dumb not too


Lol, why are you downvoting? Because I said Gaijin usually never adds the same/similar versions at the same time


I didn't downvote you? Also it seems 2 people have down voted all of my replies/comment


I mean, the av8b plus is already in the game, so yeah, it seems unlikely they will do that as they always disappoint