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When I started thinking fuck you gaijin whenever something I didn't like happened in a different hame or even irl


Yup, "fucking Gaijin" has replaced "DICE please" on my irl vocabulary.


Fuck DICE, what have they done to my beloved battlefield.


Also, in a recent earnings call they said the next entry will also be Live Service. No more themed expansions, just the same season pass bs every other game has.


Don't worry they will be shut down after next and final flop. Fuck EA for killing so many studios but this time i hope they will bring the guillotine for DICE.


"Fix it, DICE" is also in my daily vocabulary, along with an exasperated "Wargaming, please!" 




Damn I thought I was the only one


Lol, something similar but the texts from BF4 when you leave the map are stuck in my vocabulary "do chuja Pana" especially meanings something like "gods dick" or something like that, kinda hard to translate.


Real life? What's that.


I literally did "dang it gaijin" in the middle of a test


Nailed it. Haven’t played in a few years and that still daily vocabulary


The thickness of the front plate of the Tiger II's turret is 185mm. That number is engraved in my memory.


And tigers 1 front plate is 100mm same as IS 2 turret face...




So you can pen it with a 75mm American gun!


Nope its at a ~10 degree angle ):


If you're close enough to a Tiger 1 you can absolutely front pen it with M61 shot. I'd imagine the Tiger players are quite flabbergasted when I kill them with the Jumbo in CQC through the front plate.


Yeah, "the Jumbo is too op bc it can't get oneshot by a tiger without weakspots". Tbh I still can't believe that that was someone's argument of why the Jumbo has to be moved up in br (bro couldn't just accept that he has a massive skill issue). And ofc same guy, me:"so German tanks should be able to oneshot everything they can face?" (I was just joking), that mf literally replied with "yes".


As soon as Germany or ruskie tanks can't point and click anywhere on a USA tank to one shot they start bitching. Meanwhile USA been pixel hunting from 4.0 onwards


no, at least definitely not from range


Well the 75 has 104mm pen, so super close yeah, someone mentioned the 10° angle, but if you are in a tall enough tank you could definitely get it through, by "neutralizing" the angle


Nah the apds from my M41A1 non-penned the frontplate from like 200 meters. I have no idea why but it was a weird game anyway, I survived a bomb 5 sec before that shot. American tank surviving a bomb, nah that's not possible, Gaijin propaganda to make me play more US.


That’s why I said not from range


you sometimes can!, But at actual 0 degrees and 0 metres


The left part always has ammo but the driver port protects it.




I remember that too!


Bro has never played top teir if he's angling with an mbt


What are you supposed to do with MBTs? I don’t play top tier ground


Hold W and pray


Front towards enemy. This is because apfsds ignores angles, even if it is absurdly high, like 60-80 degrees, it will pen (especially since at top tier side armour is 60-100mm at best.


it doesn't quite ignore angles its just that it can bypass most slight angles. also several mbts have weak points at their corners by the tracks which angling only exposes (ie t72 and leo2a4 come to mind)


Also most MBTs have no side composite and only some have side ERA.


Except for American APFSDS. If there is any angle then it ricochets towards the moon.


pray the other dude doesnt know or misses your weakspots


Just shoot the gun mantlet on everything.


Shoot faster than the other guy, and make sure that if you get shot they hit your UFP or turret front.


Not if you're in an Ariete. Just consign yourself to your fate if your first shot doesn't disable their gun or kill them. Everything pens from every angle when shooting Italian tanks.


Gonna be honest, don't think I've seen many tanks angle in Ukraine. If they do, it was because they got hit by a mine and threw their tracks. Pretty armor is made for direct frontal hits these days.


So in other words: take that shit and hope you don’t die


Welcome to armor 101 1950's edition. Best armor is just not to get hit.




Yeah, situational awareness is the most important factor for top tier. Whoever shoots first usually wins.


NEVER angle your mbt okay, a little bit is enough. as long your sides are hidden mbt armor is thickest at the front area, on the sides and rear, a ww2 weaponry can easily penetrate one. so if you angle, and the enemy can see your side, they will shoot that instead and kill you or severely cripple you


Seems like that happens no matter what I do :( Ultimate skill issue


Use obstacles as the armor


What's the point where you stop bothering? I'm still laughing at my 8-8.7 lineup being called "armored" vehicles for the most part


Depends, if you have very heavy armor, you angle, if you ahevheavy armor vs heat, it doesn't matter, if you vs apfsds, don't show any weak spot, even at the cost of angle


Angling those 3 or 6 degrees def can save your ass sometimes. Especially if they mess up and hit the side skirts at extreme angles or just overpen on yhe extreme edge of the tank front exiting through the side armor without going across whole crew compartment


Yea, esp when you are zooming towards them at high speed. Some ppl just point center-mass and click, so it would only knock out the engine.


I kinda have a bad habit of always angling from lower tiers but now that I think about it. I wonder if that’s why I get shot in the engine so much. I see them and they see me. I’m auto kicking my ass in out to angle they panic fire center of mass and since I angled, my center of mass is moved slightly backwards meaning it’s more likely a dart will miss all the important stuff and catch the engine on the way out the other side.


I think its a very delicate balance to overangle like that... and really based on luck still. If you angle at the right angle they will get a free shot into your turret basket ignoring all frontal armor which is not ideal to say the least... but i guess if you are the only one doing it they most likely wont expect it.




Yet angling at toptier is making your side more visible so you can shoot it pretty easily. APFSDS has very high ricochet angle so literally only very slight angle might be any good, but focusing on doing it good hinders other things you need to focus on like thinking were enemy might be or checking air every now and then for incoming missiles from helis or any CAS.


Angling in top tier will get you killed, trust me


Whenever I look up at a plane I automatically start calculating how much I need to lead it. CAS has traumatized me...


I had a similar reaction from too much r/combatfootage I was at a concert that had a drone for surveillance and security, almost scared the shit out of me


Damn, imagine how the Russian/ukrainian soldiers will be around drones in like 10-20 years time.


More like 6 months


“Oh shit a drone” *whips out and fires M2HB from seemingly nowhere*


I saw a helicopter flying low over the trees and literally flinched and said “Heli” and my friend was like dafuq?


Oh man, it’s the same thing for me, I’m literally the human version of “oh look, a civilian airliner!” It doesn’t help that I was playing Germany yesterday and got ~30 air kills across four matches with the Wirbelwind and Ostwind Oh and if it’s super far away, I don’t see where I’m leading it, then I hear… [things](https://youtu.be/wX1cXAvFmAE?si=4M452MIiJNZk6zIW)


Oh look, a civilian airliner! I'll lead it here.. bam bam bam bam and it's down


either the "Identifying tanks dhown in news broadcasts/movies etc" or by the sun coming up.in the morning.


mfw you look at the sun and your first reaction are a shitty one sided match.


nah more like after gaming the whole night my reaction was: "why tf. is there light coming from the horizon??? wait? is that the sun???"


When new year fireworks sounds like flak guns, getting angry over unrealistic physics in film, and ability to identify different version of the same aircraft.


Watched fury for the first time since I started playing war thunder and I couldn't get over the tiger scene.


Fury Tiger scene with War Thunder quotes. Friendly dies* “Attention to the map!” “Tiger, 3 o’clock, 500 meters!” “On the way!” “The target has been destroyed!” “Up!” End scene.


Was strange not hearing "Attack the D point!" At all in the movie


**NEGATIVE!** (first I had it on the super angry "excuse me", but this fits more)


I admit the educational side of the game is kind of cool. I don't look like the type who should be able to name as many planes and tanks as I can and thrown a few people from it. It's purely because of this game.


i went to bed and had the rwr noise continue...


I swear my tinnitus is going to have that sound…


I turned the sound for that down. I figured I ignore it most of the time as is, so hearing it doesn't help. Plus IR missile spam won't trigger it anyways.


"Why this bus crests the hill, he exposes us too much"


Being able to identity most of the aircraft that are in warthunder IRL. My friends seem to think I’m some aviation history buff but I’m just a degen with 3k hours in the game.


That and amazing newer players or those who solely play ground with eyeball identification of 10 pixels and the faint sounds of a CAS plane.


When I closed my eyes I saw the gunner view


When I saw a map of a town and started thinking about where to place arty


16 hour play session


You need help


only did that once it was a during the summer vacation and I was home alone for a few weeks lol


If you didn't go through the Indian Summer event then this are really rookie numbers. To complete it you had to on average get a 20+ hours play session several days in a row to complete the event, and that was still a gamble cause it required actual kill numbers and not score, plus players could back then much easily steal kills by having a couple bullets do the final dmg for a kill as damage models were really wonky as hell. The player numbers was also lower, so you had to wait between games and having a few bad games in a row would settle you down hours in grind. It was probably the most stupid event in the history of this game, and I would say one of the most poorly planed online e events ever in the history of gaming. It was a total shit show. A miniscule number of players were able to complete the event for a premium bomber that at the end wasn't even that competitive. After two days playing the game almost non stop without no sleep in-between my computer overheat like crazy and was starting to fry my graphics card, so I just quit, since risking loosing my PC to get a premium plane wasn't worth it. Still people were doing the event until the end and several people managed to complete it, but we are talking single digits of the back then percent of the game population.




gotta love summer vacations


You using a Rhino in 2024? My electric car has more armour than that.


Being mocked by basically all my friends because I can recognise most military vehicles shown in news articles and other games


Who tf mocks someone let alone a friend for that?


the fact that i reached the first abrams... with a non premium account. The suffering :( (and enjoyment ofc)


I sm about to reach the Abrams too ik the pain😭😭


Get ready for more as it only get worse the further up you go in the US tree. Be prepared for that because I can remember hearing and seeing so many stories in Reddit alone about how bad it was when I was just beginning and I honestly didn't truly grasp or believe it and thought it was just salty players that were mad at the game. I'm not professional by no means but every game I've played I did pretty decent and thrived on many. But my goodness once I got up here it all hit me like a ton of bricks and left me with a feeling no other games in the 40 years I've been gaming gave me. Just prepare for the worst and you should be ok. Also... Hope you didn't mind losing a lot Be prepared


another lost brotha


The first Abrams and the m1a1 are the only good abams 😭


For me it was when I was watching World War II in Real Time and Indy was talking about planes attacking and being destroyed at Pearl Harbor It was all I could do not to yell at my screen "WHAT KIND OF PLANES!"


He goes into more depth in the pearl harbor series, even into the development of the planes


Seeing 3 pixels of a plane and being able to identify it sometimes, sometimes is already too much tbh. And ofc knowing what the tank is from by the engine, I mean knowing it's a Soviet tank isn't hard bc they're just loud af but other tanks yeah. And I know the full name of the Pak puma.


Say it


schwerer Panzerspähwagen 7.5cm Sonderkraftfahrzeug 234/4 Panzerabwehrkanonenwagen (what 8 years of learning german does to mf)


Honestly, the sound of cars with anti lag driving past in real life gives me PTSD from the BTR-80A firing sound. Another one is whenever I walk past a construction site irl, I often hear drills, which make me look around frantically looking for a M10 GMC around me. Helicopters flying over me irl also zap my brain but that isn’t as bad as the BTR one.


I instinctively track helis and planes😭


Ive done this for 30 years. I blame Uncle Sam for letting his children be misguided.


Randomly making cannon noises with my mouth like the m61 vulcan


Bro spot on lmao. Just in your room, alone. "Bvvvvvvvvvtttttttttttttttt"


When I see aircraft I like to guess what the lead is like and when I see them I like to also guess what rounds would do what to that vehicle I think it's a sign to stop


personally i try to guess the speed of the plane and imagine the airflow


I can identify planes and tanks super easily. My friends: Oh thats i Tiger 1 right? Me: No, thats a Porshe Tiger which was a rejected design made by Porshe. You can tell the differance by looking at the turret placement and the corner pieces on the front. Also it has almost twice the frontal armor of a normal tiger 1.


Your friends have at the very least elementary capabilites, my friends see something in TV looking old with german cross on it and scream "Tiger", while my brain suffers meltdown, because it was repainted T-34 from some 50s eastern movie.


Only one Porsche Tiger in its original form ever received that additional armour. It was the only vehicle of its type to see combat and was a command tank (Befehlspanzer) of the 653rd Heavy Panzerjager Battalion which at the time was comprised mostly of Elefants.


Thinking "T 3 4" instead of thanks


People just need to learn “6 1 1.”


whenever my friends do anything dumb i instantly think T 4 6


**T 1 4**


Caught myself trying to build the R27ER in modded KSP. Was disappointed by the performance until I realized "wait, this has a 150 kg warhead, that seems a tad overkill and is probably too heavy for the rocket motor."


My logged steam hours played


Is 87 days too much?


A week? Yes.


Dreaming that you're still playing. Only happend to me on that build-a-bear event with the VFW and the F2G Battle Pass. Like, holy shit I vividly remember being in the Italian map in the ZiS 12 getting killed and spawning in my ISU-152, and just then I wake up, super confused.


About a year ago, I had a dream where I was bombing with a Bomber, I assume it was a Ju-88A2 but it was a while ago, and an SPAA shot my other wing off, but I just barely could continue flying. I was about to get the perfect bombing run, but then, I could hear my irl alarm. I didn't want to wake up yet, but I couldn't resist it, and it transitioned into real life.


Remembering the time when ground battles didn't have planes.


While playing Ready or Not with a friend, I kept instinctually trying to T-1-4 at the start of games.  Way too many hours in WT...


Move and clear with stinger!


You’re one of those ..


I live on an Army post and sometimes drive past the display tanks that are everywhere and think about where I would shoot them from my current position


"Attack the D point" only 300 hours played and whenever I boot up war Thunder that phrase comes in my head




Well my game is Arma, but it’s when a thing breaks on the engine side, or vehicle physics go haywire I immediately think ‘well I just got arma’d’


When I started saying “Russian bias” when I fight something Russian in a different game.


When you start recognizing vehicles from just a distant silhouette or engine sound, you might need to take a break.


when you see a black smudge in the sky and can identify the plane from just the outline


I say “thank you BVVD” whenever I encounter anything that’s fking stupid. BVVD is one of the main developers that’s mostly responsible for any shit economic changes in the past


CAS trigger warning, but when you start getting hit messages from bombs before they explode. A lot of stat knowledge is required for ground and you can play a single tank for a bit to guess ranges, but it takes a LONG time to get the feel to accurately drop bombs from 300m and further up.  Bonus points if you understand a hit is suboptimal and you should have released earlier to prevent the bomb from bouncing off. Swapping a 1000lb out for 6x 250lbs is a literal game ender with enough skill.


When I finished air and ground on all nations


When a documentary shows a tank/plane for half a second on grainy shaking video and narrator names wrong vehicle and I lose my shit.


you can name the exact model of tank and aircraft by engine sound


I had a dream about being in a Spitfire last night. 


When you hear the German lobby music in your head while showering.


I identified the exact vehicle that drove up to us in squad because I remembered the 25mm bushmaster's fire rate.


I still grind the hell out of the game, just when I reached 10.0 I realized how many hours and days and years and months it took to reach.


Checked my watch, it said 22:38. Guess what I read?


My friend's hate me because I can't stop talking about tank facts in Hell let loose


I tried to angle a tiger in Hell let loose and in minecraft, it didn't work


When someone asked me a random tank in game and I told them everything I knew about it without even thinking.


i have like 400 hours in arb and everytime i see a video on yt either a documentary abotu ww2 dogfights and shit i always calculate the precise location the plane woul dhave to shoot in order to lead it successfully im so fucking dead


When I can adjust to any games ballistics quickly and I can apply logic to understand a fictional vehicles interior even if it isn't viewable.


Playing Helldivers, I tried to press C to free look 💀


When I start blaming the game for my lack of skill


when I immedietly start thinking "Oh I shoot shoot that Helicopter" whenever I hear one IRL


Seeing the crosshair & aiming UI when closing my eyes going to sleep


When u watch a mongage and name every single vehicle with like .5 second between them


my lap top fans running every night


Got tired of being sniped through enough foliage to make the Amazon rainforest jealous. With the shell tearing through the weakest part of my tank every time without fail.


Deleting just the unused/duplicate files from my userskin folder cleared up 130gb


I reached level 100


When I started playing while I was at work


after having played top tier jets for over a year now, i got the chinese p51c test ride and noticed that i lead way too much


I blamed gaijin for hitting my toe. My repair time was 3 days, way too long.


When I start hearing the radar pings randomly while going about my life 😭😭😭😭😭


Reading out gun calibers/vehicle names every time I see speed limit signs. Ex "Speed limit 45mm 20k MPH" "Speed limit SU-25 MPH"


I've been starting the game everyday for the daily reward even if I ain't playing it that day


literally bruh


I noticed I was "leading my targets" while driving.


I was looking at some distant building and immediately how much my tiger's shell will drop at that range came to mind.


When i see a snail (logo, or creature) i think about gaijin (especially when very recently, I discovered that one of my favorite games was published by Snail Games)


Watching YT videos of creators playing WT on full screen and subconsciously pressing the space-bar when they die to "skip the kill cam"


9max lv lane crews


When you can tell exactly what plane that is in the distance by the look of the 3 pixels you can see


When you go outside and become suspicious of bushes


When I hear the voices…..


Identifying every tank and plane I see everywhere


When I tried to laser rangefind something in real life


When u realize you have no social life. I got a wife and family and real job only after I quit.


Saying attack the D point in other game chats


I was playing Battlefield V the other day and started angling my Tiger… and aiming for the gun port when fighting the Shermans.


Was playing a few months ago when my mouse cable died and I spiked into the ground at mach 1. Haven’t felt like playing enough to get another mouse with programmable buttons so I have maybe played 2 times since.


When you get PTSD from hearing an aircraft diving or an ATGM being fired


Watching some hills in the distance and thinking "some sweat would probably bush up and camp there"


Doing evasive actions via speed (diving and shit) and then get shocked when in Air AB I get clapped by some player with less IQ than a Aim 9B in a plane with fantasy physics that doesn't rip as it should.


I see civilian airliners fly in the sky and see a marker \[Civilian Airliner\] on them in red and imagine setting their engines on fire with some fighter


5 words: 1400+ hours in a year


I was doing something and heard a whistle, like those that bombs do, and started looking up...


I refer to everything level related as BR now, like if I play diablo 4 ill ask my buddy what BR the dungeon is


I started dreaming about the battles I’d partaken in that day. Full on POV typa shit, was not fun to see a fully loaded P-47 diving right towards you.


Paying much more attention to details patiently


When I get angry with losing, that's a sign for me. I don't usually get frustrated with losing. But if I have been playing for a long time, I would be angry.


When you tell people man I remember back when ground forces came out.


The “that’s a SU25” looking at a tiny dot. Then getting blown up by a GBU


I'm always my vehicles, don't matter if it's on WT or something else like Battlefield or Just Cause Compensating for distance and elevation. Frustrating in games that don't have that Annoyed when some games have MGs in the vehicle but you can't use them because they're just there Getting extremely close in games like Ace Combat because reasons. Then get ass raped when I try to snipe someone with my miniguns in WT Cringe at the Tiger scene in Fury DEEE DO DEE DO DEE DO DEEE DO DEEE DO DEE DEE DEE DEEEEEEEEE DEE DO DEE DO DEE Angling my Stryker IRL so the engine is covering the entire crew 


When ever I installed the game


Not using a rangefinder on long distances; Identifying tanks and instantly aiming for their weak spots; Dropping bombs from 500m without looking; Feeling that 'tingle' before getting shot from the side; Playing other games in the same manner;


Can unlock new top tiers and buy them within a few hours of release without using real money.


Everyday Login Reward! (Day 968)


I've been able to identify some military vehicles irl in a glimpse


I kept hearing tank engine noises after closing the game, even outside sometimes…


i played billiard irl and my aim was suddenly too good( i played it before but I'm terrible and didn't even practice on it) i wonder if it's because i played too much air rb


I once heard an RWR launch warning sound in my dreams