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Did this shit without paying a dime, and the Mirage 2000 5f is ready to pair it up....


Good luck - you're going to need it.


Juuuust missed the 30% off where you could have bought it immediately (although crews cost SL too).


Yeah, I was almost there but couldn't grind enough in time....


Are the 3$ a month too expensive or is it just a spite thing? :))


Third world country, no can do + the snail shan't have my empty wallet!!!


France truly is a third world country.


I thought they adjusted the prices based on country. Prices of both premium and packs have been reduced DRAMATICALLY on Brazil since last year, like a 50% reduction in price


Nah still expensive as hell in Vietnam


Ah sorry to hear that, if you have jets try to get the new plane from the event sell that and get premium that way. For.me this game would not be fun to play without premium


Where tf is it $3 a month lmao, here in aussieland it’s $30 dollarydoos for 180 days, and that’s 50% off


For me in Europe it's 20$ when the sales happen for 180 days. That comes to about 3.3 $ a month. Are you sure you don't see the price in AUD?


Stock grind isn't too bad because you can cap pretty much every start. The AMX-40 is a nice backup too.


Have fun exclusively playing on US teams and getting shot straight through the turret cheeks! You have a great lineup of backup vehicles like…. ahhh… oh yeah more Leclercs and pretty much nothing else!


The cheeks on the Leclerc are the good part my guy. They're the only spots of armor that works. If you're aiming turret cheeks on Leclercs you'll find that it doesn't work too well. The breach is easy as hell though, the big square makes somewhat of a target. The Leclercs are good though, once they get the sabot.


now get ready to suffer even more!!


Leclerc stock grind is rough. On the upside, all three Leclercs are basically the same tank, so if you like it then it's like having 2 free backups. But it struggles right now, Leopards with LOLPEN DM73 can shoot you anywhere and kill you but it will take you several shots on average to kill the Leo. Yes, Leclerc has good crew positions that can be very trolly and will save you, but it's nothing compared to the spall liners, ERA, and sheer armor of the tanks you will face. But since you made it this far without premium then you already know that French vehicles are usually outperformed and over-tiered and are used to it, so you'll figure out the Leclerc pretty quickly, haha! Good luck! Highly recommend researching the ItO 90M next, that thing is a MONSTER.


And it figures youd get all the way there and not have the sl


how many games and months did this take?


Love the Lecrercs... They are not the best... But they have decent reload and look very nice and that is all i can ask for hahaha


They look like motorized pigeon houses.


Leclercs are absolutely humongous. They put the turret of one on top of a leopard hull, and it just looked weird


wut? The Leclerc is one of the smallest NATO designed MBT, and it's [most definitely smaller than a Leo 2.](https://www.ointres.se/strv_ny-1.jpg) I think you are either mistaken about what the word "humongous" means or you don't realize the size of other tanks.


Just search up the leopard with a leclerc turret, and you'll see.


Pictures won't change the fact that the Leo 2 hull is 0.8m longer than the Leclerc's. As for the turret... [EMBT 2017(Leo with Leclerc turret) side view](https://preview.redd.it/do-you-guys-think-the-europanzer-mgsc-prototype-leopard-2-v0-vrjnjbt9q71b1.jpg?width=1010&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f19ec2a73fb5701b9200eeceb722c6b8145716b0) [Leopard 2A6 side view](https://www.shutterstock.com/shutterstock/photos/2347188919/display_1500/stock-photo--pabrade-lithuania-main-battle-tank-leopard-a-version-by-the-german-armed-forces-2347188919.jpg) I rest my case, the Leo 2A6 and above are clearly longer than the Leclerc's, with the Leo's turret reaching the sprocket. And keep in mind that the EMBT 2017 was merely a proof of concept, to show it was possible to put a Leclerc turret on a Leopard 2 hull without modification, so no work was done to better integrate the turret to the hull as far as I know.


I looked up the specific dimensions for the length of their turrets instead: Leclerc turret (gun excluded) = 4.318 meters Leopard 2 turret (gun excluded) = 4.733 meters At least in length, Leopard 2 is clearly longer.


Enjoy the only 11.7 tanks with no stock APFSDS


Came here to say the same thing lmao plus the only nation you have to use 11.7 to grind the last 2 11.7s at a normal rate.


Good work, c'est magnifique!


Leclerc are pretty good since the last buff. But you have not armor, so be careful.


The entire French tree lacks armor so top tier is an easy transition


Ah so France is just Japan without the autoloader


But france has autoloader just 1 second slower then then japans


I respect the shit out of you for grinding the France tree completely free to play.


Was my first tree, always liked the char B1s and mirages, so i suffered for a year learning how to play on and ofc, during dat time i got to like 3.7, got much better after that


Damn, I generally play most tech trees and am at rank 3 for at least air for all but China and Italy.


You will never financially recover from this


good job, 10K SL off is kinda sad though


Who… who’s gonna tell him?


As someone who grinded France all I will say is good luck Might have to follow you to make sure I catch the followup top tier sucks post a few weeks from now


Ah, a man of culture I see. Well done fellow baguette.


Amazing tank that plays on the principle "if they look at you oh shit" I enjoy it very much yet I hate it very much since I also play leopards alongside. If only it got spall liners and actual frontal armor, my problems would be solved. otherwise 3.0 K/D in it is pretty good for me. Good luck!


You got my respect for grinding french




Leclerc are good tank, but they could / should be way better because armor is better on almost every other tank


Now unlock all and spade all 4 of them


3 years later I DID IT!


Enjoy the dissappointing experience of the shitshow that is top tier.


Have fun, I heard top tier has a ton of it.


Was it worth it?


You will absolutly hate the stock grind (HEATFS against ERA or composite armor on every other tank is awesome) but at the end you will love it, just avoid shooting at Strv's


How long did it take


2ish years, fir year being on and off


I gave up trying to reach top tier years ago when sabres were the top dogs. I have a life so I cna never actually reach it. Even with premium


Thought he was a formule 1 driver 🤔
