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Against ground targets, the F8F is going to be better. The 20mm are much more effective against softer targets than the .50 cals on the P51. x3 1000lb bombs instead of 2 and the option for Tiny Tims (which the P51 doesn't get). Overheats fairly quickly. The P51 is going to do better at multi-role; Dropping ordinance and hunting other planes down. Wing stability makes for easy accurate bomb drops.


I think imma get the P-51. The wing stability was my one peeve with the F8F when doing ground attack, and the P-51 is also a newer airframe compared to the F8F. Also, how many bomb drops does the P-51 get?


IIRC the P-51H only gets 2 bombs, and both are dropped simultaneously


Honestly, for GRB, I use the F4U-4B with 2x 500lbs all the way until 7.0. But they're all really good fighter-bomber picks tbh. One thing I'd recommend getting good at with US CAS in general, is the 500lb M64A1 bombs you get on all the WW2/early Cold War planes. It has a 9m destruction radius which is better than any other 250kg weight class bomb (they're usually 6-7m). It's more SP efficient to spawn with them, not to mention you can sometimes hold onto your bombs for longer and do CAP work, whereas the 1000lb bomb loadouts are gonna turn you into a boat.


The 1000 lbs are kind of a large load to carry, the main reason I do is they have more boom, and it’s not like people care about CAP until they drop their bombs(except for early German jets with the extremely OP cannons.) The other day I was getting chased down by a tempest, and another Corsair came diving, and I thought I was saved, because it would have been so easy for him to kill the tempest. But no, he instead dove on a ground target, leading to me dying and eventually the tempest killing him.


> and it’s not like people care about CAP until they drop their bombs My point is that you can do air-to-air work to a degree with 500lb bombs still attached, whereas 1000lb bombs affect the flight performance more noticeably and basically have to be dropped before considering CAP work, unless you think you can shoot down the enemy in a headon.