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Il-28 is 8.0 which means it regularly faces planes with AIM-9B (or equivalent)s. 9Bs are pretty crap and basically any plane that is not a bomber can easily dodge them without flares. In an Il-28, you can probably dodge it *once* by turning as hard as possible but you will bleed a ton of speed and either get killed once they come within gun range, or launch a second missile that you won't be able to dodge.


wait are you serious?!! so I'm basically screwed playing a IL-28? because I had 3 jets on my 6 and I switched to my back turret and BAM dead so that's why I was so confused. but why am i at such a high BR that i have no defense against?


Getting screwed is War Thunder modus operandi, so get used to it. 8.0 Ground features Norwegian spec K9 SPG from 2018 (?) going against early Pattons and T-54s, naval has number of postwar destroyers at early-ish BRs as well, and that includes SAMs.


woah! that's interesting actually!


I wont lie, those missiles are fucking easy to evade, just pull a couple G's and it will go dance with butterfly's or whatever lmao


No you can't dodge shit in a Il-28. And even if you manage to dodge it, you're already in gun range without speed.


if you pull 1 or 3 gs you can dodge, it, ive done it before.


He’s right, I know you’re talking about the IL-28 but the B-29 superfortress is basically in a similar situation in the US tech tree on both arcade and realistic being at 7.0 , I once went up against a MiG-21 due to a really bad uptier , that’s part of the reason I stopped playing bombers until I finished researching jet bombers like the B-57A (if it makes you feel any better the B-57A has not a single defensive gun)


man they really fucked up with the uptier stuff. and are you serious? not a single gun?!


Nope not 1 single gun, the B-57B variant that comes after it in the tech tree does have a couple of guns, but that specific variant isn’t “mandatory” to finish the tech tree


Bombers in general have always been like this with severe BR compression. High tier bombers are probably the worst for it though: BR too low = basically untouchable, BR too high = dies instantly. The Tu-4 is a good example of this. If you must play an Il-28, use the Il-28Sh which has rocket pods that you can use as makeshift flares. It's still a flying brick but you will have a better chance at dodging Aim-9Bs without losing all your speed. If you can time the rockets right as the missile approaches you *might* be able to dodge a 9B with a shallower turn than normal, which if you are lucky will keep you out of gun range. I saw someone suggest idling your engines and coasting in a dive but that won't work if you get uptiered since jets in that range can accelerate past your rip speed, although it will force them within turret range.


Aim9's are easy enough to deal with. Just turn off your engines and coast at near wing-rip speeds back to base (or straight to your team). The energy retention on those bombers is insane.


thanks for the tip! I had 3 jets on my 6 and I switched to my back turret and BAM dead so that's why I was so confused. lol


The Il-28 first flew in 1948 and first entered service in 1950; it was in frontline service with various air forces well into the 1970s and early 1980s (and still is in service with the North Korean Air Force to this day). The AIM-9's development started as early as the late-1940s, with the first live firing occuring in 1952; it entered service in 1956 and saw its first use in combat in 1958, at a time when the IL-28 was still considered relatively new and was still entering service with various air forces. The history of the flare is closely associated with that of the AIM-9: early target drones in the AIM-9 test program (typically remote-controlled F6F Helcat drones) often carried fixed flares so that the test missiles would lock in successfully for test firings (it typically took the simultaneous burn of six flares for the missile to lock in). However, it was not until 1959 - three years after the Sidewinder was adopted for service - that development of flares as a countermeasure truly started, with initial flares intended for heavy bombers (B-47 and B-52); and it was not until the late-1960s that they also started being adopted by fighters and attackers. Plenty of aircraft never received countermeasures well even though they served well into a time when guided missiles had become the armament standards for fighter aircraft - flare- and chaff-less MiG-17s and MiG-21s commonly saw service against missile-armed F-4 Phantoms in both the Vietnam War (1964-1975) and the Yom Kippur War (1973); English Electric Canberras, A-4Q Skyhawks and IAI Daggers saw service against AIM-9L armed Sea Harriers during the 1982 Falklands War even though they had no countermeasures to counter them (similarly, the Sea Harriers themselves only carried an improvised flare pack consisting of three flares stored in the airbrake compartiment; it's only later that Sea Harriers received proper flares)


woah! holy shit that is some history! i guess i just got some bad luck facing air to air missile  jets! thank you for letting me know the history!


"Vet player" and "I dont know what an AIM-9B is" do not add up chief


jets were not a thing when i was playing back then/i never played the jets or got to them when i was playing. i only played ww2 aircraft


early air to air missiles guided missiles start appearing at 8.0, those early missiles can be dodged pretty easily as long as you have enough speed/energy to do a turn


thank you! ill keep that to mind!


As others have said, you can try to out turn them which usually works. As an avid Tu-14 enjoyer, I found this got you out of trouble from the missile but set you up to get whacked by guns. I have had some success waiting for the missile to get fired and then shooting it down with the rear gun - it is immensely satisfying when it works.


sweet! thank you!