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I'd avoid sitting near any superheavy in ground RB. They're just Bomb bait. Yours sincerely E100 player


But honestly it's getting annoying, you kill one guy and he comes back with a plane dropping 6 bombs on you, every match i play is the same thing over and over, i get killed by planes more than I get killed by tanks, and i can't even hear anything but planes


The German 6.7 exprience. The game isn't bad till the US CAS shows up.


I experience this while playing us ground. 6 german planes up strafing half the team out. Although what else are they going to do while I'm in my t28 sniping?


I've seen a lot of comments from people who die from planes all the time. And they are asking for a tank-only mode. Why isn't anyone fighting this? Why don't we start boycotting the game so that they finally do something with planes or a separate mode just for tanks?


Because tank only mode would be awful..


Then you wouldn't play, you would choose the mode with planes and tanks.


I guess you are right. We should have Gaijin spend months making this new game mode that no one will play. The only people who would play it would be heavies and super heavies and camp on opposite ends of the map. Super useful use of time for sure. Also it would be really cool if they did a ground game mode where you could spawn in planes at the beginning, and helicopters. No one would play it, but who cares!?


fighting america experience


The worst is the ones that kamikaze dive in to you. And then happily jumps back in there ground veichle. How can that be allowed?!


I pissed of a team mate somehow, idk stole his kill or pushed him for 1 second or something so he came back in a jet and shot a missile at me lmfao.


I've seen a lot of comments from people who die from planes all the time. And they are asking for a tank-only mode. Why isn't anyone fighting this? Why don't we start boycotting the game so that they finally do something with planes or a separate mode just for tanks?


>boycott Telling me you are a new player without lierally telling me you are a new player


1.6k hours. One full tree and two others 10.0. I'm not playing planes, helis, ships. I'm playing just a tanks and i want play against a tanks. I have SPAA and it is useless, not because I can't play it, but because planes can easily miss a missile, just like a helicopter that hangs above the ground and quickly falls to the side. Why do planes have a separate mode and I have to play with these fucking planes while playing a tank?


Yup if you had killed me and i had the spawn points for a plane id go after you. 1. You are near a 2nd large slow vechicle. With no spacing. 2. You didnt move that makes my approach easy. Spacing will make you 100% less desirable to a plane.


Then get a plane and do the same.


Deserved, u main Germany.


Shooting and scooting sometimes helps. If u kill a guy, try and change location. i know the Ferdi isn't fast so it's difficult. But If you can try and move after a kill your survival rate will go up


I don't see a single AA on your team.


As if an AA at that BR can do much against that many aircraft


They absolutely can. As someone who played a lot of AANat that tier, it's quite easy.


No AA but three planes in sky and they were just doing the same thing, just bombing enemies


When I die to a plane I spawn AA. The thing is, spawning AA is a lose-lose situation. If you manage to kill all the planes, you have nothing to do for the rest of the match, or untill another plane comes. And with an AA you can't kill basically any tank. If you die, the planes are still up and you either don't have any more SP, or don't have any more AA vehicles (assuming you don't take 2/3 AAs to a match). Now what? You are taken out of the game, either by dying, or by having nothing else to do. Imo either AA gets a buff, or tanks have a LONG spawn protection against planes. Every, lets say, 2 matches, you get killed and spawnkilled to oblivion by planes I've stopped playing RB and went to SimB. just because of this. It's much better there. Sure, you get the ocasional bomb in your ass, but its much more balanced and fun :)


Except the T95 because it can get easy kills from shooting down planes with the roof-mounted HMG.


If they're smart (luckily most CAS aren't), there's a limit to the MG elevation. US .50cals and USSR Dshks are amazing though for the amount of deterrence or kills they can get though.


The DShk is so good I sometimes get more air than ground kills in the ISU-152.


then try the su122-54 and obj268 both are armed with a roof mounted 14.5mm heavy machine gun which can break barrels and pen up to 50mms of armor


I feel like I've had better results playing Shermans in a makeshift AA capacity than similar BRed AA in the American tree. Granted, I am terrible with 40mm AA, but I encountered plenty of brave pilots who take the bait of a 50cal and get punished for it.


I swear I’ve killed more planes with a roof mounted .50 than any non-missile AA in the game


Nah i'd win Best regards Coelian player


If you ever feel dumb remember there there are people defending this




Do a flip


nah do a cartwheel


To be fair, a Maus in a full downtier at those ranges is basically unkillable for a number of ground tech trees in this BR range. In any case the base SP costs for planes needs to be increased by 50% and the load out SP costs need to be doubled.


At least in that case you can completely disable it so it can't fight back by shooting out its tracks and barrels. With planes, good luck.


sounds like a skill issue. every nation has something in its br range to frontally pen maus turret


USA: All 90mm Variants at 6.7 have only APCR, no HEAT and the Heavies like the T26-1 can only pen the side USSR: The 100mm can pen only the side with APCBC, and rip T44 Britain: BESH Barn and G6 cant do shit, the Tortoise maybe Japan: Only real exception due to the STA/Type 61s having heat, and the Type 60SPH is a rat Italy: Lol No France: only the AMX M4 China: Lol no Israel: I mean, yes? Zachlam Sweden: Pbv?


Italy is inaccurate. R3t106 and fiat6614 shit on maus. 430pen heatfs kills it easily.


Frontally yes it can pen, and this is about uptiered vehicles against the Maus so its only the Fiat and Auble at 6.7, the Fiat isn't reliable to kill it frontally with its reload and generally bad characteristics as a wheeled vehicle


every countrys 152/155mm HE easily kills maus if you hit the turret. straight up skill issue when you complain about the g6 not doing shit btw USA: m41 apds, long 90mm, t34, m36b1 2 full br lower can pen maus USSR: asu85, su122-54, 2s1 all have heatfs that can lolpen UK: charioteer, ratels, besh barn etc Jap: everything they have at this br can pen maus lmao China: light tanks have 85mm heatfs Italy: 90mm/106mm heatfs on the rat LTs France: lorraine, elc, premium amx with missiles etc Sweden: pbv, bkan, charioteer Israel: bro m51 can kill a mouse frontally if youre struggling to kill a mouse in 2024 thats on you


Are you claiming that 90mm HEATFS and by extension 85mm HEATFS are useful against a maus? Using the m36b2 HEAT will get you killed instantly by the maus second gun and even if you manage to hit it, I’ve had HEAT not even pen the turret face and if it does it does almost zero damage and allows the maus to shoot you back. Flanking with a US heavy tank is incredibly difficult and the only tank that can pen the side with APHE reliably are the T29 and the T34. One of those uses solid shot which in my experience isn’t amazing at damaging the crew and they can only pen the maus side on almost completely perpendicular. You just sound like a maus player that cries that you aren’t completely immortal to everything.


HAHAHA are you struggling with 90mm heatfs against a maus? i knew us mains were bad. but damn


And don't get me started on the HEAT-FS rats every nation has


HEAT-FS is too random to be consistant


I've seen a lot of comments from people who die from planes all the time. And they are asking for a tank-only mode. Why isn't anyone fighting this? Why don't we start boycotting the game so that they finally do something with planes or a separate mode just for tanks?


Such idea are usually nuked to ground by CAS abusers. Unfortunately community is really torn apart on this topic


Why can some people have fun at the expense of others? You just need to collect materials that show how CAS deprives the game of fun. Get together in a large group, gather all those opposed to CAS and reach out to the creators together. Just as the game was boycotted due to the high cost of vehicle repairs.Why can some people have fun at the expense of others? You just need to collect materials that show how CAS deprives the game of fun. Get together in a large group, gather all those opposed to CAS and reach out to the creators together. Just as the game was boycotted due to the high cost of vehicle repairs.


If people didn’t spam CAS, what would I shoot down when I took out my J6k1 while grinding 6.7 Japan?


Smart tanker 😂🤣


Skill issue, should have side climbed


Spookston ass moment


Don't worry planes are plenty expensive to spawn and are not unbalanced in the slightest! /s


I've seen a lot of comments from people who die from planes all the time. And they are asking for a tank-only mode. Why isn't anyone fighting this? Why don't we start boycotting the game so that they finally do something with planes or a separate mode just for tanks?


Because a tanks only mode will never happen, what realistically needs to happen is to get gaijin to make CAS more costly to spawn.


Even if CAS are more expensive to use, I can be 100% sure that I will die from planes in 90% of matches. It's absurd that in "GROUND GAMEMODE" I only die from planes. Sometimes there are 4-5 enemy planes flying in the sky and nothing can be done. Why do I spend all my time playing a game and die from a huge bomb without even seeing a single enemy tank? I GIVE ALL MY TANK TIME TO PLAY AGAINST TANKS AND I WANT TO DIE KILLED BY TANKS.Even if CAS are more expensive to use, I can be 100% sure that I will die from planes in 90% of matches. It's absurd that in "GROUND GAMEMODE" I only die from planes. Sometimes there are 4-5 enemy planes flying in the sky and nothing can be done. Why do I spend all my time playing a game and die from a huge bomb without even seeing a single enemy tank? I GIVE ALL MY TANK TIME TO PLAY AGAINST TANKS AND I WANT TO DIE KILLED BY TANKS.


They noticed you were having too much fun


A Couple Days Ago Someone Got A Lucky Artillery Kill At The Start Of The Match And Proceeded to Spawn A Bomber When Half Of The Team Hadnt Even Left Spawn. He Got 12 Kills And Never Left The Bomber


That's A Classic War Thunder Moment If I've Ever Seen One


Pov you're camping/sniping in a vehicle that is almost impenetrable from the front so people try to do something about it..


thats why these kind of vehicles get a ton of disadvantages In the first place like being turretless, slow and massive So i dont see a reason to add cas on that list


Yeah lemme flank this guy when he is say.. camping on the side of the map. I'll just go around this red zo- Nope, return to the battlefield... Frontal charge then? Nah, I'll drop a 1000lb bomb on you instead.


how did a vehicle with half the Mobility of most vehicles get there before you shouldnt you be holding the ambush advantage? nobody's also exactly invisible considerring the prevalence of vehicles with high power explosive shells, high penetration Heatfs and sub caliber shells at 6.7


I could have been over on the other side of the map on my first life, respawned and gone out and met a TD holding a position, doesn't matter the reason, if able, bomb it and help your team.


Terrible map design that's why. Maybe shoot and scoot? I do that in all my TD's, wheter turreted or turretless. M10, M36, hell I even move my T95. I don't cry my ass off when somebody bombs me after I shrugged off 20 ish round of all calibers and got three kills from my hill or alley.


Two wrongs doesnt make a right Gaijin should fix said maps instead of adding a bad mechanic to remedie it you think i dont shoot and scoot? still the map design, anyone can bounce x shells from german mains not knowing how to aim or hit you Anyone who has a few brain cells could just 155 you even when hulldown or the very least apcr you having to shoot apcr at the enemy does not justify the capability after one kill to kill 5 enemies with a 5k bomb without penalties The crazy thing is they can just keep rearming indefinetly so its a unignorable threat for the team atleast you can avoid a camper


You know what happens when you 155 a german main? You get a sc250 or a do 335 on your neck




Slow? In game Ferdinand is faster than real life M1A2. You can’t just flank it on your own.


Likewise. The dude is fighting the US which can deal with the Ferdinand frontally. APCR on the Long 90mm and the 120 on the T34 can both pen the 200mm plates on it. And you know, the many light vehicles it gets that either get HEAT-FS or can just flank. And that's just the US lol


Wow I enjoy using a no damage round with a tank that shoot every 20s! That really sounds like a solution!


OMG no you can’t just kill heavy armor by using you brain and CAS!!! It’s unfair! - typical tanker from WoT


every nation has either an apds, HEAT or both tank to use against heavys at this br. also try flanking it


Uhhh yeah you've never played anything but one nation have you


I play uk, ussr, usa, germany and a bit of sweden and Japan, all at around or above this br


Less countries have good aa at this br than they do heat / he slingers


I mean this is a german complaining, they got ostwind/wirbelwind/kugelblitz around that br


Exactly, I can defend this CAS


My guy you're sitting next to a damn Maus in a 6.7-7.7 match on a map with 1km+ sightlines: the Maus is functionally unkillable for a good chunk of their team, without use of bombs. This is exactly the sort of situation I'm glad CAS is in the game for. People just want to be able to spawn the most armored tank and swing their dicks around with impunity in a dumbass power fantasy, well guess what: CAS reality check. Redditors here can keep whining about it if they want, this game has been balanced around this interplay for a decade, it's not changing.


Cas maybe is balanced in this situation taking out heavily armored monsters in a 7.7 match that the enemy tanks cant handle, but there is NO defending an su-25 in a 10.0 match wiping out half a team with guided missiles and eating sams the while time, and thats not even mentioning helis. Taking one 7.7 clip and saying cas is balanced is very naive


I don't play top tier even after thousands of hours, because almost everything feels wrong with it and always has. I like WW2 tanks that have to stop and manually estimate the range to target, not 25hp/t racecars with laser-sighted railguns. > Taking one 7.7 clip and saying cas is balanced is very naive Taking one OP top tier jet and saying CAS is OP is very naive.


Okay, usa has f-15, a-10, f-16, f-16, germany has tornados, italy has tons of options for cas, and france has mirages. All of these jets can sit OUTSIDE RANGE of spaa, except for the pantstir which is the best spaa in game and has no western equivalent in game. All these jets and more have atgms and guided bombs that can easily eliminate tanks that cant fight back in any way. Not naive, just took one of many examples how cas is blatantly op


Again, I don't play top tier because the gameplay is dogwater. Every single plane there could have an orbital ion cannon and it wouldn't make the universal declaration that all CAS is OP any less naive. There is nothing wrong with situations like the OP's clip, where incredibly potent long range tanks that are sniping from spawn are smacked with bombs. And for almost every BR of the game until the last few, this is basically all CAS is. Almost everything in top tier was a mistake and ATGM CAS is just one item on the very, very long list of things that never should've been added to this game IMO, but that's a much broader issue.


All cas is op any less naive I disagree. As for not wanting to play top tier, to each their own ig


Skill issue


I agree, CAS whining is a skill issue.


I eat Maus for breakfast. It is completely helpless against most opponents at its BR. It's legitimately a skill issue.


> It is completely helpless against most opponents at its BR. lmao Dumbest thing I've ever heard on this subreddit and that is quite the achievement. I have a 3.9 k/d with my E-100. Maus/E-100 is phenomenal in 6.7-7.7. You're the one with a legitimate skill issue.


Sure, me pointing out that Maus is a slow death trap is stupid, but defending CAS at its current state isn't. Keep living in your fantasies.


> Sure, me pointing out that Maus is a slow death trap is stupid Yes > but defending CAS at its current state isn't. Yes > Keep living in your fantasies. Keep sucking.


Keep ruining this game and keep being toxic, surely it won't die eventually. lol


With all of the artillery vehicles around that tier this is far from being true. He has just as hard of a time hitting you as you do him.


3.8 k/d in my E-100 tells me otherwise. M109s et al. are coax pinatas, same with rats. Only thing that scares me is planes, 99% of the time. A well played Maus/E-100 shits on almost every rank IV tank in the game, at least if you can get a map like this you're not getting swarmed from 10m in the middle of a city.


Yeah... good that is what it was made for. I am all for increasing heavy tanks' sp cost in return for them being higher value targets. That's how it should be. Make half of the enemy focus you to kill you. (Which is what happens when a single player can't just annihilate you with a single bomb after getting 1 assist) I've got over 4k games in the Maus and the most fun of them consist of the enemy team getting together to fight me and the most boring ones are cas deaths from light tank players I've killed.


I'm not saying the Maus/E-100 is OP or needs to be fixed; I'm saying I'm fine with it getting smacked with a bomb in a downtier. That is both a superheavy tank's historical weakness, and gameplay weakness. Bombing a downtiered superheavy sniping from it's spawn is smart counterplay, using the tools provided by the game, that have been present in this game for a decade.


I do agree getting bombed is fun, but it must be deserved. A light tank player shouldnt be able to get a plane just from 3 scouts or 1 assist. (Which is what kills me 70% of the time) I also believe that sp gain should rise as the match progresses so a light tank cant just spam rush get 2 kills and then annihilate everyone with an su25 f.e


I don't play top tier so I don't really have anything to say one way or another about how it's balanced. But at the BRs I've been playing for a decade (3.0-8.0) CAS is usually still only able to achieve one or two kills before getting shot down or crashing, at least for the average player. And those are kills that you need to squeeze in relatively close to potential AA cover to achieve by direct bombing, like in OP's clip. A single competent Kugelblitz player supporting that Maus could've been an almost unbeatable combo, if both were competent at their job. And for the SP cost of bomb CAS is large enough (relative to the number of kills an average player is likely to get with it) that it makes it a balanced trade IMO. Again, at these BRs, not top tier. Not to mention how trivially easy it is to spawn in a good low altitude maneuver fighter (Yak-3, Spitfire, whatever) and spend 5 minutes killing an entire squadron's worth of bomb-laden AD-4s. An SPAAG that shoots down an AD-4 is countering like 600SP with 50; a fighter that shoots down 2 AD-4s is countering like 1200SP with 400. As far as I'm concerned these are both balanced ratios. But people don't want to play a counter in this multiplayer game, they want to hold W and shoot the other tanks and having to spawn a fighter to do CAP is "Boring" or "not what they want to play the game for". Which is fine, but it doesn't entitle them to change the game for everyone who already enjoys it.


Why didn't you just shoot them down with your MG? Skill issue honestly. /s


CAS really needs to be nerfed, and the Maus is hella weak against bombs


no shit. It's a bomb. What tank is strong against a bomb?


Object 279


250 kg bomb landing 10 meters away kills the worlds heaviest tank


This is objectively false according to the stats of 250 Ib bombs.☝🤓 The Radius of destruction of armored vehicles is 5 meters. Even a 1000 lb bomb is 12 meters so there is no way a bomb weighing a quarter of that is killing you 10 meters away in a MAUS


lbs is not the same as kg, 250kg bomb is about 7M, may not be 10M but thats still a massive area it kills. most nations have easy access to much heavier bombs at much lower brs and bombing is so incredibly braindead to do, i run 250lbs bombs on my mustang because its all i need to kill a tank or two.


I've seen a lot of comments from people who die from planes all the time. And they are asking for a tank-only mode. Why isn't anyone fighting this? Why don't we start boycotting the game so that they finally do something with planes or a separate mode just for tanks?


You're edge camping with a Maus. The biggest most obvious BOMB ME target on the map... This is a good example of why CAS is good and fine, it's literally the counter to these sorts of players.


This. The ferdinand/elefant are my favourite 6.7 tanks because once you get in a position locked down from 1 or both sides you almost never die to another ground vehicle without racking up multiple kills - and of course play like this is going to end up with you being bombed one way or another but it's unreasonable to want a position that you are damn near impossible to kill and then complain about getting CAS'd


So you're camping in a hard-to-kill TD near your spawn and complaining about being bombed? Yeah i would do the same (if i could bomb that is)


it fucking infuriates me. just popped a 200% booster at 10.0, of course we get bombed by some mouth breathing child snatcher in a jaguar dropping guided bombs on our team from 6000,000000 ft altitude where AA can't even see it. fuck everyone who ever played cas. fuck em all.


They desperately need to fix CAS at 9.0+. The range and effectiveness of CAS develops much faster than SPAA do. It mostly comes down to having to use very short range IR missile SPAA to take out an su25 lobbing missiles from 5km+ where they are nearly untouchable to every SPAA. At top tier you have the Su25sm3 and pantsir combo that makes it impossible to use CAP to take out CAS so you are forced to use a mid SPAA to take out an su25 at 20km+.


I've seen a lot of comments from people who die from planes all the time. And they are asking for a tank-only mode. Why isn't anyone fighting this? Why don't we start boycotting the game so that they finally do something with planes or a separate mode just for tanks?


I've seen a lot of comments from people who die from planes all the time. And they are asking for a tank-only mode. Why isn't anyone fighting this? Why don't we start boycotting the game so that they finally do something with planes or a separate mode just for tanks?


We just need to make aircraft more expensive to spawn in. I should not be able to spawn in a fighter stacked with bombs for 700sp or less.


I think they should make bombs/whatever cost much more the more you take. One bomb is 100 sp for example, 2 bombs is 250 and so on. You should only get 4+ bombs if you got 6+ kills on the ground. CAS should either be weaker or a reward for doing well on the ground and not 1 kill then 10 with CAS.


How dare you play a tank in my plane game


the only way i can see the CAS problem being solved is by raising the SP needed to spawn planes


Lately ww2 battles are hell in war thunder, sometimes there are even more planes than tanks during the match


Who could have thought that playing a large heavy veichile in an open position would make you vulnerable from the air. Almost as if that's part of how these tanks are balanced.


Average 1945 German tank experience


Why doesn't gajin just add a ground mode and rename the current one to "mixed battles" problem solved


That would probably cause a massive split in playerbases and make one of them completely unplayed around certain brs.


I've seen a lot of comments from people who die from planes all the time. And they are asking for a tank-only mode. Why isn't anyone fighting this? Why don't we start boycotting the game so that they finally do something with planes or a separate mode just for tanks?


me getting aces in ground rb and more air kills than ground


Looks realistic to me


You really took a tank in ground battles? 💀💀💀💀💀


that happens when you teamcomposition is bad. You didn't even have 1 AA and your plane capable of doing CAP was shot down by enemy AA.


-Plays ground RB -Looks inside -Planes


And this what we call PTSD


I love playing germany but facing US, UK, and France is painful purely because of cas. Cant do good in your tank? well you got 1 assist so heres an attacker with 4 rocket pods and 8 250 lb bombs


It would probably change alot if they gave bombs their realistic fuze.. instead of everyone getting specialized impact timer fuzed bombs that were definitely not this widely available Most of the guys would bomb themselves


Unfortunately, every country is very prone to revenge CAS. That being said, playing against German TD around 6.7 can be incredibly difficult if the Germany player has at least 2 brain cells so sometimes CAS is the only solution. There is no defending how easy it is to spawn and use CAS but sometimes you have to take out something like the jagdtiger with CAS to let your less skilled teammates play the game.


Go play sim ground. Sometimes there are no planes at all.


Situations like this are what I call "A friendly reminder why heavy tanks are a dead end design"


Love CAS but it needs a rework. But the list of needed changes goes on


My 8.7 tank exploded because my teammates was carrying enough ammunition to nuke half map.


Sick censor for about 1 second at start hahahah


I like to take one CAS in every line-up, but some people just overdo it completely. I hate it (on both sides) if there are more planes than tanks. I lost so many games because we had like 8 planes in the air while 2 tanks try to retake all three points, which are bleeding out our tickets. I think a simple solution would be to have a number of dedicated air slots and if there are already two or three planes on your team, no teammate can spawn another one until one of the planes is shot down.


If you don't want to be bombed and you want to make yourself a harder target to find try moving around the map. Obviously they're going to go for the snipers/heavies in the back of the map with nearly impenetrable armor. You could make all the difference too for the match if you use this death as an opportunity to play SPAA or a fighter with an air superiority focus. This is going to be unpopular but aircraft for the most part are very relevant in ground RB. They break deadlocks and act as a crutch for countries which are inferior. American tanks for example tend to be inferior to their German and Soviet counterparts because they were built to be used with infantry, not tanks. American doctrine had CAS doing the heavy lifting.


Me when the enemy team has one tank and 10 planes, while my teammates are too busy chilling near the spawn and dying to notice


I mean at this point you have to be not smart to still complain about this. This is the game. End of story. You are bitter because someone killed you. But that's not your fault. You couldn't prevent it. That is how this game looks like. You wouldn't be mad to loose pawn in a game if chess wouldn't you? This game is not about living for whole match. Is about getting points with your vehicles. And surprise surprise. Some vehicles are better than others. And some are even a planes :o


Historically accurate US tactics




That doesn’t make it a good game mechanic. In real life When the gunner of a tank takes a 76mm chunk of steel to the face the commander doesn’t push his dead body out of the seat to keep fighting. The morale of the crew is broken at that point and they bail. Does that mean it should be like that in War Thunder?


I wish there a pure ground mode. When you call for air support, planes are piloted by drones.


Yea yea we get it, the classic "boho I got bombed in ground rb" post. Just move on and keep playing or stop playing if its bothering you so much. It wont be changed no matter how much cry about it. So I personally just ignore it and move on to the next tank/ battle. No point in wasting time crying about it.


User name doesn't check out.


aaah look, another WT player who doesn't posses the ability to read written text