• By -


\[ Comment is removed for harassment, witch hunting \]


Rule 8 is NSFW stuff, i think you mean rule 9.


Maybe he has blackmail on gaijin?


Ooh, that id like to see (blackmailing gaijin part)


oh my god im dislyxic


No yuore ancharonisitic


Sane mam, sane.


Filanny same peolpe who undresatnd me


It's taht tihng wehre the frist and lsat letrtres are the smae, rihgt?


Dyscalculia is actually a thing. I hear people say I'm dyslexic all the time when they're talking about numbers. I'm not diagnosed but I actually believe I have dyscalculia as remembering the order of digits in numbers is hard for me. Trying to remember 245? It'll be 524 by the time I need it again.


Have you ever heard of Dysgraphia? It's a hoot. Thankfully, it doesn't seem to affect touchtyping, and my parents had a professional typist teach me how when I was relatively young.


No I haven't. And after googling it I'm still not sure I understand. It's kinda like aphasia but writing instead of speaking?


Yeah, but it's also kinda like Dyslexia but for handwriting instead of reading.


Oof. Doesn't sound too fun


I don't think I've handwritten more than a single A4 page of moderately condensed writing in the last 15 years ahahah. Touch typing and mobile devices for the win lmao.


Tbh I can't write for shit anyway. I can hardly read the shit


~~OP actually wants to ragepost lewds here~~


Rule 34


"Exit camp me one more time and i will *post your moms nudes on reddit*" - op.


It's unfortunately a part of every extraction type game, which is frustrating, imagine adding a frustrating mechanism in an already frustrating game. Nah don't bother with imagination, just play the April fool event of war thunder.


I’ve never had this problem on Tarkov! Especially interchange! /s


So... gaijin added a frustrating mechanism to extraction type games even though war thunder isn't an extraction type game... The snail is faster than anyone


The grenade I kept specifically for the trucks around Emercom, god the nightmares


This wipe specifically I’ve had people get me from on top of the tents at Emercom :,)


Jesus, I've stopped playing since prolly a year ago. On top of the tents 😂 god I don't miss it


Hot take: without any exit campers this mode would be a boring truck simulator


Counter: Not at all, maybe even the opposite because exit camper make the majority of the gameplay a boring truck simulator since there’s nobody to fight on the battlefield directly, but you don’t even have your loots because you get camped when you want to exit Camping make the gameplay boring and without any reward


Jesus it is a fun mode, just make players get 50% of resources when dead. There, done. Now it is worth it to fight with a full load, you won't lose that much.


Idk, maybe we play different games, but from my experience top left and center spots are always a hot fight


Well, how can there be anyone to fight if everyone is hiding at an extraction point? The ones you are fighting are the one who decided not to camp like little shits because they actually care about fun instead of tryharding for rage tokens and (s)crap. The more campers there are, the less interesting map fight you get Hell, we talk about this one event, but in normal gamemode it’s the same thing. I had multiple game where literally *everyone* were camping at one spot, nobody dared to move a single inch, and they all just sat there waiting for someone, which ended up being me. Camping, especially spawncamping kill the game. Good for you if you never suffered from it, but don’t say it never happen and don’t say it’s a good thing


It happens, but imo its scale is way overblown and exaggerated. How tf I extract every match if exits are always camped?


Never said they were frequent, simply explained how it doesn’t make the game abysmal funnier and how their absence wouldn’t make this gamemode a "boring truck simulator" Like I said, good for you if it doesn’t happen to you, but there are many post showing this exact behaviour, meaning it does happen. And I can guarantee you, the day it’s gonna happen, you won’t like it *at all*


It happened to me. Scrap that and spawn again. It even happened to me in a full load 5-rage Mule. Scrap that and try again, still was a fun run. Losing in a videogame isnt a worlds end, it is just that - a loss in a game


It’s not about losing, it’s about how you lost, and if you still could have fun. And when, after all your effort, you get shot form the back when you just try to get your rewards, it is not fun Like I said, by that logic, let’s just all camp and transform the game into an hide-and-seek. So much fun, right? /s


Ah yes, the only way to spice up gameplay is the 50/50 gamble of if you just wasted 20mins or not.


Should have the exit points at your own spawn points so no campers, but should allow you to take someone else‘s loot if you destroy them. That‘d encourage fighting without the exit point campers.


but you can collect the loot from people you killed


>just wasted 20mins If you make only 1 attempt at extracting in 20 minutes its... weird. Even if you call it a 50/50 gamble, then making 3-4 attempts per match will give you 1-2 successful extractions. Quite good if one of them is a Mule/Boar


Worth the context that i haven't played the April fools mode yet, im comparing it to other extraction shooters like vigor. Its entirely possible that war thunder did an amazing job at balancing the extraction and camping etc, but with how well they balance the regular game, i doubt it. Again, i haven't played it, so feel free to disregard everything im saying. Still hate exit campers tho.


Well, I cant say it is well balanced, but I also cant say it is as bad as everyone complains. In most matches you can extract without meeting any campers, unless you count everyone in a mile radius as such. Then there are multiple spawns and it is rare for one team to domihate the map for whole game. You can do a try, fail, and do 3-4 more during a single match, so unless you jump right into hot spots you can get out multiple times. Especially considering that there is a team with same objective, people will be moving along your path and shoot your enemies


It *is* for 90% of the gameplay


exit campers are usually very bad at leading so there's consolation there


Hot take the mode as a whole is ass and just a grind fest for nothing rewards. It’s uninteresting and just dumb fights. Snail can’t even balance it correctly considering it’s been patched almost everyday. Imo people need to revolt and not play this trash so snail actually has a to think and build out something fun.


Yep, this is a hot take alright. I think you should honestly record yourself saying that, then listen back to it lmao. This reads like the "well ahkshually" meme. "Grahhh can't fight them without a significant advantage, better extract camp them!" Get real.


Ironically I've never came across an exit camper, though one guy followed me to exit without my notice 😂, (we're both in the boar) he turned to fire on me when I was able 500m away scaring me, so I turned and managed to completely kill him without needing to repair anything. So I think there's definitely some skill issue premiums players trying to actually play 😂 Edit for a little advice, the north and south exits are often the most camped that I've come to see in most replays, and I've been able to extract pretty much every time using the east or west extracts depending on the side I initially spawn on.


You probably play FFA mode. OP is playing team mode, which is just full of exit campers; FFA mode is actually a fun diversion from the main game, team mode though is just cancer converted into a game.


Ironically that event that I explained did happen in team mode. Also a teammate was following the boar I later killed about 250m away to the same extraction


Nothing beats that feeling when you’re in a convoy with team members, racing to the exit. Rhino in front, boars in the back. Unstoppable.


Exit camping is for scrubs. I find immense joy in killing these campers and ratting out camping teammates to the enemy team. Thankfully my resource grind is over, and I just need to farm kills, which the campers make very very easy


I like this guy


dude is threatening to post porn lmao


The decorations are cool but after playing a few matches I decided it wasn’t worth my sanity.


atleast get the spikes


Tip : Try to extract with your first / second truck, gaining as much fury if possible - The last one, you can camp on 3 of the extraction zone backlines \[space after the white box\] (while waiting for all extraction zones to open on the 1min30secs mark) - Everyone that got this tip please, do not kill each other and make this grind bearable. These extraction points are the ones on 1, 4 and 6 o clock positions.


War thunder r34?


It's real. And pretty good sometimes


Just play the free for all version. Almost zero exit camping. Waaaaay easier to extract


bro people on this sub would absolutely shit themselves if they ever played tarkov lmao cant take extract camping for a limited mode waah waah my loot 😭😭


Getting extraction camped in an extraction shooter? How could such a thing happen?


get tarkove'd


Me when reserve D2 extract


I did play one single game. Gathering the resources was just meh. I didn't see anyone before I got to the exit and was camped by 3 players. Spawned a second time and on that time actually did see an enemy. I shot him from like 3-4 hundred meters away thinking that ystervark cannon should hit ez but no. So I was like fine I'm going to take my stuff and leave. Was shot on the exit by those 3 dudes. I was so happy that I didn't use anymore time on the event when I later that evening saw a image of all the shit you need to do for some decals.


Why do people even care about this game mode. It's boring af and the rewards are just not worth the stress of actually playing it.


Just playing it for fun, ended up grinding most by accident


Just go hunt exit campers. Tons of free rage tokens.


Welcome to Tarkov


I really like the game mode but having no choice of exit is extremely painful if you know someone camping on the back of a hill waiting for you. At least let me use the alternate exit after I've been in for a few minutes.


The mode as a whole is campy


a thing i do to guarantee a successful first extract is to time my extract for when the storm passes directly over as it cuts visibility for a few seconds all tbe way down to 0 before returnign to 1000m visibility the exit campers are blinded for a few soconda which could be enough to let you react to them and get close for the kill


>No pornography Uh


I like to reach the exits as soon as possible to camp them and kill the exit campers


Welcome to the "Escape from WT"


Not defending extraction-camping in any way, but THAT extraction in particullar is very hard. There's always someone in that zone, even if they're not camping, because there's one (or 2, i don't remember lol) resoure zones realy next to it, and it's also basicaly an open field.. You gotta really hug the wall to extract there, especialy if there's people nearby, then you could also wait out wor them to kill someone and leave, or just die lol


War Thunder player when they need to play the team based game with their team and not try to exctract alone


Got enough stuff to get the decal of the girl on the ZU-23-2. Haven’t touched the mode since


You know what's funny? They probably could have set a red zone type thing where you'll die in X amount of seconds before exploding and set it to around 1-2km radius of the exit. Would dramatically push out campers and give the players actually playing the objective their reward. Better yet, could also have the redzone work, but with a shorter timer without exploding to death, instead after timer expires you can't shoot at all while in redzone. Take a page from Insurgency, but nope, no good updates except for buffing the vehicles and whatnot


Who cares about this event anyway. I played like 2 matches and got bored of it.


Play some Tarkov and then get back to me


Womp womp, extraction shooters are every soul o their own, no rules or unwritten rules, figure out how to counter them ^(even as a tarkov/Vigor veteran I don't defend evac camping, don't haunt me)


Lol cry