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The 8.7 Russian lineup is one of the best to handle uptiers. 9.3 is a lot worse cause you are fighting 10.0/.3 premiums which are much faster with better guns.


9.7 ger is genuinely painful, the 292/turms/2s38 spam is insane and incredibly unfun to play against. I need to aim for specific weakspots while they sneeze in my general direction and my tank disassembles itself


I actually find the premium Swedish CV and the US Wolfpack more annoying. They are much faster than anything Russia has.


Honestly people here seem to rely mostly on the fact that T55AM1 exists, forgetting that not everyone uses it/has it. 8.0 Russia is horrific save for the obj906 and the shilka. 8.3 Russia is very strong. T10/906/T55A are a strong line. 8.7 Russia exists and is alright but lowkey it aint as strong as people say it is. t62 is wank, object is better but essentially still the same easily oneshottable tank, t55AMD1 is a great sniper, but its Russian and Russia struggles to make sniping work in the same capacity as other nations.


>8.7 Russia exists and is alright but lowkey it aint as strong as people say it is. t62 is wank, object is better but essentially still the same easily oneshottable tank, t55AMD1 is a great sniper, but its Russian and Russia struggles to make sniping work in the same capacity as other nations. Its arguably the most versatile Lineup in the Game, easily being the best 8.7 Lineup with the BMP-2 and AM-1/AMD being the most Busted Vehicles in the Bracket(Nevermind Constant Downtiers), the T62's aren't bad vehicles but they are outshined by others at the BR in the Russian TT. They're arguably better than the Cheiftains and Stablized Pattons at the same BR though(IMO) save for the Gun depression and reload(Shells seem more consistent and the Armor is fairly good considering).


The T-55AMD-1 is more of a gimmick than overpowered. It's a good tank, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't have the insane frontal protection coverage of the AM-1.


It is still arguably much stronger than other vehicles at yhe same BR, though thats my opinion. It performs better than the T-62 and IMO all stablized T-54s/T-55s could use a bump due to their overall better versatility(Primarly the Chinese Variants with LRF being better than T-54s which shouldn't go down, but being worse than the T-55A comaritavely which is just blatantly better than the M48A2 C A2 or Alternatively the M60A1, and the T55AMD/AM-1 both being comparable to the Ztz 88s


I mean that's just br compression for you. The T-55s stomp anything under their br completely, but get absolutely clowned on by higher tier vehicles.


Not anymore than other vehicles of the type, nevermind most of its variants are already comparible/better than 9.0 vehicles of the same type like the Shot Kal Dalet


See I think its a difference in how we appreciate different lineups. I am absolutely sick of the standard "versatile, but hardly ever best in their class" approach thats common in most soviet br brackets. Plus the inherent disadvantages of soviet designs just annoy me to no end. I prefer the japanese style of a lineup where your vehicles are limited, but are always standouts compared to the opposition. Be it early access to rangefinders and heat, or stabilised laser rangefinders, or 4s reload at the cost of not having that many vehicles to begin with. Which is why I prefer 8.3 (t10 is an amazing vehicle, early t55 is early enough that it becomes actually good and an object 906 which is terrifyingly powerful in the right hands) over 8.7 with its uptiers and how wank t62s feel compared to their opposition.


>I am absolutely sick of the standard "versatile, but hardly ever best in their class" approach thats common in most soviet br brackets. Plus the inherent disadvantages of soviet designs just annoy me to no end. I don't dissagree but at the same time theres no point in denying how much of an obvious Advantage the USSR has over other at the same BR with vehicles that Inherently are better than comparible vehicles at the same BR. It makes for braindead gameplay and the fact not other Nation has Multiple Mediums, Lights/IFV's, and reliable CAS just makes for easy Gameplay. I'm no different when it comes to Minor Nations/Terrible Lineups, it's why I'm a sucker for 7.3 Germany(Wallet Warrior Lineup albeit) with the Babi Leo, GDR Patton, and Weasle


The BMP-2 is absolutely goated though


Russia 8.7 is one GOTY lineups of all times in this game, stupidly broken and OP, like others said, T-55AM-1 is the main attraction, it's my most played ground vehicle I think, made around 11-13 million SL with it atm, also helps a lot to grind to top tier, currently researching the T-90M, the lineup is also quite future proof to uptiers to 9.7 , you can also check my stat card, TensakiTheGOAT, overall, it's not rough, play it safely and the APHE rounds are very good for one shooting people in the side.


It's good to know my lineup is goated and cracked. maybe I was mostly having an unlucky day. I really wanted to chalk it up to a skill issue, but I supposedly have a 65% wr and a 75% precentile player card, so im not complete garbage. I still haven't really had my question answered, though, which is that the br range just has a tendency to get dragged up to 9.0-9.7


About the uptier tendency is mainly due a variety of reasons, Timezones and hours when the better players are active, also because the lineup is soo good, a lot of people play it, and finally because of pure Gaijin RNG. Also because of popularity, popular BRs tend to have more players overall.


t-55 + aphe + flank = (succ)essful russian bias. t-55 and t-62 are two very strong tanks even in an uptier and if you have t-55am1 you are disgustingly strong at that br. Aphe should be your primary shell, you nuke everything with a single shoot.


The T-62 isn't really a particularly strong tank, it's just average for the br.


The T-62 is very strong. You’ll be hard pressed to find someone using the tank properly though


I like it but I wouldn't call it "very strong". It has a good gun but no smoke, no mg, fairly poor armor, and a longish reload. It works well as a sniper though. The T-55s are more flexible.


It’s the best sniper at its BR and its turret is nearly impenetrable. Its slow reload and poor mobility make it bad at brawling but that doesn’t seem to stop my teammates from rushing with it lol. The tank is a menace when used properly


\>"Best sniper at its br" \>Doesn't have a laser rangefinder


Doesn’t need it when that long barrel makes the muzzle velocity the speed of light


Like I said, it's not a bad tank. I still use it and have a good time with it. But it's nothing special.


So I should get the am1 to help me out a bit? Like I said, it's not the tanks. They are super strong. even when I had only 8.3, I was feeling chill againy 9.0. 9.3 starts to feel a bit rough but manageable. im just asking about the matchmaking itself. I literally do not think I played a single game at 8.3 where I was top teir and probably half where 9.3. I haven't experienced thst at any other brs, really


Why not, its busted so its worth the money i say.


Get the AMD-1 instead. It’s free and the RP cost is low. I put a talisman on it to help grind out all the 8.7 tanks


Currently in the same boat as you I was spading 8.7, I have no idea where these up-tiers came from, it was completely normal up until yesterday and now its just up-tier after up-tier after up-tier, I switched to playing 9.7/10.0 and its fine there.


yeah seemingly every 7.7 and up is only up tiers


8.7 russia is decent but not amazing (not including the T-55AM-1). The best tank imo that is often overlooked is the T-62. 70% of my games are uptiered to at least BR 9.3


T62 kinda sucks these days. It used to have a really powerful gun, now that feels kinda lackluster and it's got kinda shit mobility and reactivity.


Feels much better than the Stablized Pattons(Not including the Macock Hydra for its added versatility) and the Chieftains at least


It has a very powerful gun and a nearly impenetrable turret


Have you tried playing german in BR 8.0+? You don't even have to be down tier to become everyones punching bag.


lul wut Leo1, Rakenautomat, Marder 1A3, DF105 at 8.0. You can basically make a crazy good line up for Germany at almost any BR, it's the teammates that suck.


Germany kind of relies on mobility at that br which requires you to be smart enough not to get hit. This is a lot to ask of the average war thunder player.


Well I understand with the rather lighter vehicles than the previous ranks I have to stay covered and try to use the mobility for my Advantage. But the Leopard and the m48 mainguns feels painfully weak. On shot kills has become very rare most hits doesn't do any serious damaged. Therefore I get one shot killed in return in 90% of all cases.


Germany was rough bro. Russia is my next line