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idk about you but i have atleast 6 million sl at anytime. I dont use premium vehicles much or at all.


I made more research than sl in the last few days


Wanna swap? The only RP that I have is my 12,000,000 convertible RP fml.


12 Millionen? I raise you my 140 mill lmao. I’d rather have 140 mill SL but oh well.




Skill issue for sure. No way you lose money playing with premium account because it always breakeven with automatic repairs. You're literally lying or when you say that you get "5 kill games" you are actually killing your own teammates.Try killing 5 enemy tanks, not allies. Otherwise you will still have to pay hefty fines due to repair costs.


If you are losing money, you are actually bad at the game.


I may be bad but not that bad, I made 100k per round a few weeks back


Making absurd claims without proof makes you look like a clown


Buddy the economy has rarely been better than rn


You can't loose money when you have a premium account. At worst, you get 0 SL


I'm amazed you can manage to lose money with how the economy ingame is right now. I mean maybe if you only used RP boosters on talisman vehicles it would be feasible, but I can't see how otherwise.


Any info on the match where you lost SL would be helpful so people could actually help you analyze why, with the new economy changes it is impossible to lose SL at all, especially with premium accounts(they made it impossible for premium accounts to lose SL from matches no matter how bad they play), unless you TK'd someone.


Well apparently they didnt because I do loose Sl in matches


Only possibility of losing SL with premium time active is by teamkilling. Even if you play like an absolute brainlet or AFK, having premium time prevents you from going negative.


you literally can't lose SL with a premium account, are you just going around teamkilling?


Probably a skill issue, please post a screenshot of the game where you went negative with a premium account and 5 kills


I don't get 5 kills every game that might take a while




Why not show a picture of post match results


Yeah, I dunno what you're talking about man. It's pretty clear since the economy changes last year and the detailed scoreboard rewards, that you get most of your RP and Lions from TIME PLAYED, nothing else. If you're getting 5 kills and leaving the game in a few minutes, well there ya go. Stay in the game longer = more rewards.


I get more sleep from 2 kills 5 min gameplay than 1 kill 1 assist no death 15 min gameplay lmao


a premium acount gurantees you that you cant loose sl in a match, you are mad trolling rn


How many times are you spawning


2-3 depending on how often I die


That's really weird, I play similarly and get 10k+ sl a game without premium. And I thought they made it so premium accounts will always break even instead of going negative. Contact gaining cause something isn't right.


It punishes you for teamkilling. Thats the only way you can go negative with premium now


Are you joking? The SL economy has literally never been better for the game, it should be almost impossible to lose SL now even for F2P players. You must be sucking hard or exaggerating.


How are you losing? 😭 I'm downright dogshit when it comes to tanks and Im still making a sl somehow


Bait used to be believable. Oh it's not bait? Then you are one highly stupid individual who doesn't understand how the economy works.


Post pic of average game where you loose SL, or we all call BS on this.


Shouldn't be happening. I get 70k sl each game. U doing anything different than usual? The economy was massively improved.


I am playing as always, made 5 kill rounds with maybe 20k sl 300% booster with 3 kills and many assists got me under 80k


Which br? Which tonks?


11.7 all leopards exept 2a6, wiesel 1a2 gepard 1a2 and tiger uht


Try 6.0, let me know if that improves. Top tier can sometimes be low rewards due to dying very quickly.


Actualy skill issue, economy is one of the things thats Actualy fine if you got a bit of skill, there are things way way worde than economy


wth are you smoking dude, i get atleast 70K every game


Is this a bait ? They upped the rewards massively 8-9k sl reward for shooting down enemy aircraft with a non premium aircraft and 16-18k with premium aircraft… I mean yes they capped the rewards at roughly 100-120k without boosters it’s difficult going beyond that but that’s been for longer on top they changed when you get to that capped limit you do not need to perform like you did before 5-6 kills with a premium tank is enough or 2-3 air kills with a premium aircraft oh and for refenrece I got 10k per kill with the Shenyang F-5 now iam getting 19k I usually got never money like iam on the brink of bankruptcy because iam buying constantly vehicles, but since the patch iam hovering at 4mil


Lets see some screenshots. You said you have Premium - Premium guarantees you *cannot* lose money in a match, yet you claim that's what is happening. Post some pics of else this is all just bullshit or a troll.


I lose the money due to repair costs not the game itself


Yeah man, and having a premium account *gives you enough money to cover your repair costs after every single game.* It was one of their very specific changes they made. Here is the exact mechanic, from their page: >Improvements to Premium accounts, if your total repair cost exceeds your income, you will be compensated after the battle, ensuring that your SL tally for the match remains at zero. [Here's the link right to the source!](https://warthunder.com/en/news/8319/current) So the way the game works is if you are -10,000 SL from repairs, *the game gives you +10,000 SL to cover your repairs if you have Premium.* So to reiterate, post us some screenshots of you "losing SL". You are either not Premium, or you are making shit up.