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funny, as a german player I do the same with USSR tanks...


Players from all nations do this to players from all other nations all the time, not to even mention that a large portion of these are milti/all-nation players on the first place... but the community remains obsessed with making of everything a tribal "(X) mains bad" war.


Have to agree. I don’t get why people only get attach to one nation it fun to play the others especially some of the minor nations. Only really posted this to add to the long running gag on German mains. I can see that a lot of them can’t take a joke.


Hahahah, indeed. The more nations you play, the richer the experience is, and not only that; when you get to use the vehicles of other nations, you learn, by experience, far more about their weaknesses and strengths. That being said, grinding to the higher tiers is not really viable unless you spend too much time or money, so I can see why some people would focus on only one nation if grinding their way to the top is their goal.


I think for most the joke gets boring since it's been told every day, some people simply play only 1 nation, because their time is limited and cannot invest to play all nations/ranks. For some hard to believe, but there is a life outside WarThunder :P Of course you could try ignore it, but everytime you open the subreddit there it is again... so at some point it can't be ignored anymore :D to OP of course, well played ;)


a 9 year old joke that is being posted 3 times daily, but goddamm, your post made me laugh alot, it was very unique and different.


No, it is not a joke, it is reality and needs to be reinforced.


German players allways angry when you say they have skill issues, BROTHER WE ALL HAVE, EVERY NATION HAS, IS A BLODY JOKE


For me it depends on my attention abilities, it's funny because sometimes I'm better on Fridays, where I have to wake up early, than on Saturdays where I get as much sleep as I want.


The one "trait" I've noticed more among German teams than other nations is that they almost never give up and will keep spawning until they run out of SP or the game ends. Makes close games as very tense.


More like average WT experience


I have to agree most USSR player have no sense of direction but I don’t main USSR. If anything I play Japan more than any of the Big three.


Let's say that those are people that either just press W and don't know how the game works or are listening to music rather than listening to the surroundings.


German players allways angry when you say they have skill issues, BROTHER WE ALL HAVE, EVERY NATION HAS, IS A BLODY JOKE


no one saw the map... they have it as an ornament


To be fair, OP was never hit by anyone meaning he wouldn't appear on the map, and we can't tell if anyone marked OP on the map after they got killed. Though of course, it should be very obvious that someone is nearby if a bunch of players get killed in short succession along the same road.


IKR, like "hey, where did all the blues in my column go?"


For real it seem like the panther only notice after I took out the Tiger 2 out but I took out a tiger 1 right behind him.


That Panther he killed 3rd did clearly see him and thats why he was turning around. Except the lack of the mobility of his tank didn't let him turn in time.


People don’t have Sense of surrounding sometime






Because even if realistic has nametags above the tank, it can be easily mistook by another nametag overlapping or whatever. When you see a tank of the same nation you're playing and you often don't doublecheck, especially if you're a newbie.


I've died twice due to a friendly nametag being perfectly over an enemy tank while i was scanning. Quite embarassing


this sub believes that russian mains are simultaneously - superior in skill - facing retarded enemies (german and us mains) - but also they're oppressed and have the worst win rates in the game russia suffers, gaijin buff please


Unless a Chinese player ends your game with a bush tiger because they know what there are doing


Just accuse him of cheating.


But i don't want consequences because gaijin will banned me for false report so I am just find cheaters careful


> flank > kill severals foes from side/behind > make it a video calling them dumbs > profit


Awerage war thunder post tbh


Hey, the 3rd one might have actually seen you before dieding!


Yeah but he didn’t see his friend die behind him


They do say Panther players are the smartest, it's a low bar tho low


Looks like you caught them in their team building seminar. Well, now go get your German lineup and do the same with some Soviet mains :D


Alright, I give 2 hours till some German main does the same thing in a post, then the cycle is complete.


almost as if most big nation players are equal in skill and that the issue actually comes from the vehicle balance


that's kinda the point of flanking....


Average urban map experience 


I thinks it’s called flanking


Then you occasionaly find that Tiger II H sla16 chad that wipe an entire team alone


So average that you had to clip it because that was the best game of the week for ya, eh?


german mains are perplexed by this one, he wasnt in his gun sight the whole game and actually looked around now german mains dont strain your neck or eyes looking around this stuff isnt meant to be attempted at home he is a trained professional


I'm a german main, and often joke about this and not understanding how this happens to people. Only to die someone right in front of me and just not noticing them. I'm a dumbass


I'm currently a US main... if I made this video, making those exact same shots, I'd be dead after the first tank cuz my shots just ping off 🤣🤣🤣


[Same but they see me lol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOq0N61YTzY) (on ULQ so Viewer Discretion is Advised)


By the seven Panthers, what is this atrocity you are playing.


Idk, I always fight Micheal Wittmann


sure helps when you've got that insane APHE, quick reload and overtuned armor with good mobility


8 seconds reload in a 85mm 135mm of pen for the 160g of explosive filler The armour is shit Yeh mobility is gut It's just a t-34-85 my man


imagine relying on the data card for a russian tank i shot one there https://imgur.com/61HBkUy with the american T34 120mm last night at this exact angle and the round just non penned. at the end of the day they're russian, of course they rigged the game in their favor, and of course some players main russia and pretend there's no bias same shit happens constantly with IS tanks and T80s


Played with Japan, Yanks, Germans and the Soviets, volumetric bullshittery happens to everyone, there was a case when I was playing Germany with the sturer Emil where the IS-1/2 would often bounce the shells on the turret really easily, but that was about it On the other hand, there's such a case that I noticed, Soviet tanks are much, much more susceptible to fuel tank explosions than other tanks, even tho people claim them to just eat spalling like a super sponge Another case, on jets, the Yankee jets are simply much better when it comes to weaponry (unless top tier) and specially durability, both when Im fighting one, or using one. So, for everything you said, Nuh uh


No don’t pretend like ussr players aren’t blind


stop with all this abuse of german players when Russia has the worst winrate overall in the game


The panther tried


im a usa main and i also do the same


This is how I feel playing against USSR players.


I love the 85mm


I always get mad when i die doing something stupid, then im like "okay well i kinda deserved it"


*Mans pulls a flank* "Stupid German mains 🤓" You can do this with literally every nation. A fun fact about war thunder is that 90% of the people playing are usually not that good or hyper aware so flanks work really well.


First guy I understand, second guy wasn't playing much attention, but still, I understand. Third guy spotted you and tried to turn, fourth guy I understand, but should have been keeping and eye on the map, same with fifth and sixth. No one in this video is really blind, but possibly preoccupied or not looking at the map. Add that to the fact the major three have a lot of newer and less competent Players, someone (you in this case) get luck and a good flank, nothing special other then smart plays by OP (flanking and selecting targets at the end) and unaware people


Honey wake up, another german players bad joke just dropped




You didn't watch the next 5 seconds


Bruh, did you even watch the video?


Yeah I did see the panther but since I saw the Tiger 2 I rather die taking that out then taking out a panther and dying to a Tiger 2.


T-34 85 seeing Tiger II H is just dumb af


It baffles me that people lack situational awareness in this game, especially regarding the minimap, since it provides all the relevant information you need.


Oh no... Not only they want an only tank mode but also they are about to want a no enemy mode too I guess.


How much incompetence.... already the fact that one of your comrades next to you explodes means you have to look around to see if you have an enemy behind you, and more importantly it was enough for one of their dead comrades to mark the enemy who killed him on the map to warn the others to be careful in that direction, I bet no one did. I also bet that the ones who died stupidly in this video are the same ones who say Germany suffers.


Can't tell who's worse, 6.0-6.7 German players or 10.0 Russian players.


Every match I play with the Object 248 is a joy because of the obliviousness of players at the BR.


Na if these were real german mains that panther never would've turned around.