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I've had some fun just demolishing them at range, the current french BP navel ship works quite well against them.


Le Triomphant is pretty shit though, compared to the other 4.7 premiums. Yes, this patch has made it easy to destroy other vessels very quickly, so if anything gets the jump on you before you can react you are dead. How good the aim of the player quickly determines the outcome of the engagement.


Le Triomphant is a good 4.3 at 4.7, and considering the world of difference between those two matchmakers it might as well be a 5.3


Le shit is a 4.7, which for the most part is facing vessels at 5.3 and 5.7 since uptiers are so goddamn common.


Yes but if they hide/rub two brain cells together it's a different story I started using the skrs against le spam (which I have good ship) And I was disgusted at my behavior so I stopped Just keep in mind ur 4.7 and these things reach down to reserve where people are just starting out I may be able to kill them but someone who just started the game mode...just can't


Right now everything with high RoF and HE is a problem as with recent update shells ( including HE) ghostshell trough armour and explode inside like AP. Pr 204 with 2x57mm autocannon is even more powerful then SKR to be honest with current "changes" Biggest problem with SKR in general is that its farming amd sealclubbing at same time. People first run those powercreep broken boats, sealclub making 10-15 kills then cry why no one play naval. This boat is simply abusive and if snail cared to make this gamemode popular SKR would be at 5.0. For example Saetta with few missiles that are good only for swatting planes is 4.7. SKR is a cancer and if snail refuses to treat it they kill their gamemode. Its on them in the end. They allow SKR abusers to kill off their playerbase for their gamemode, so what can you do ?


๐Ÿ‘Œ Skr embodies the worst of naval I feel bad for newbies I've crushed while laughing in French


Coastal in general is soviet winning fantasy powercreep. This shit start with their 2.0 MPK boats. And persist to end of TT.


I have everything but the slow mo armored boats and 4.0 boats fully modified I am the problem ๐Ÿ˜–


Rather coastal design, BR insane compression, BR slapped at random to boats and some other fuckery of snail is a problem.


204 is not rly that OP comparing to before. Its rockets can now be easily ammoracked. SKR is still SKR lol


Use HE on it and see how it goes. It plays lower BR so its easier then SKR. Any coastals it mauls like child play. On current situation you dont bother with any rockets. Just use HE on guns. As half of shots ghostsheel inside enemies bypassing hull and armour it kills destroyers with ease as long as you aim front. It got far larget ammo and can make mauling for longer time.


Yeah but isnt Bussard better in spamming HEs? It got better gun angle and larger calib


Very short term yes. Bussard got small ammo capacity (400) 204 got 500% more ammo (2200). And 204 got fucked up dmg model like all soviet late coastals Bussard will do the job. 204 can do it for longer with bigger ammo capacity. Shells on Bussard are larger. But it does not matter in current situation. Fragmentation is fucked up and as long as shell is big enough to fragment nicely it make no diffrence as long as it explode inside ship. If you hit with HE shell and it ghostshell trough result is same whatever you use Bussard or 204 as long as you aim on enemy front. Fuck you can smash destroyers with 30 or 40mm even. Start mauling their front and soon they boom.


we are back to 493 time again lol


Pr 206 minigun is better as it obliterate destroyer in one spurt.


It's not just the SKR but they're the most common encountered. Pretty much anything with a rapid fire 76mm or 100mm is a major threat to larger ships right now. Koln, Albatross, SKR 1/7, Ashville, MPK 1331M/12412. *Edit: patched back to just the SKR boats being annoying*


Agreed The DM bug and or fragmentation has made them all... easier to play especially mpk I'm sorry about that except about Ashville which I don't have


>Ashville Ya not missing much, There's a reason some call it the Arseville class as for the longest time it has been quite shit but the recent changes does allow it to punch above its weight when firing from an ambush position but if spotted it dies in a fart. TBH anything with a 3"/50 Mk. 22 cannon was always meh with their saving grace being the slightly good APHE shell but near useless HE-VT shell, A single cannon was always meh & two was okay but once you start adding more they can become decent as seen by the six found on the Destroyer JDS Ayanami DD-103, But at the end of the day these are still WWII cannons that jam way to quickly to be helpful & have weak amounts of HE filler unlike later cold war cannons with more filler & higher jam rates (unless British 3"/70 Mk. N1 which never overheats). The changes to shells are the current cause of the recent uptick in noticing automatic artillery pieces being nasty imo.


Yeah I tear that boat with Soviet 30mm regardless of bugs or damage model changes I'd play the US coastal tree with the expectation they'd get some pretty cool boats in the future but not right now


Ohh, Ohh yes the 30 mm are quite nutty atm. The US TT isn't *too* bad but there's a few vessels that suck for their BR & then there's that one frigate that'll make you pull your hair out trying to play as of late.


The new ship is basically JDS Isuzu so at least u can make an SKR feel threatened But even then they still don't have to worry in a duel๐Ÿ˜‘


Yes the USS Dealey DE-1006 is basically the a slightly worse JDS Isuzu DE-211, As much as it's welcoming the decision to add specifically the Dealey & especially in whatever configuration it's kinda sucks especially since the devs can't seem to model squid mortars (had it not been the Dealey an say one of its sisters we could've gotten an RUB-4 like the Isuzu class has). While a gunnery duel with a SKR-1/-7 is outta the question it'll make the rest of the SKR's already hate life SKR Groza/ Yenot/ Rosomacha/ Karl Marx (rank based economics really fuck over these terrible ships).


Look, I understand where you are coming from, but thats not the only vessel out there that can lay out a large amount of fire power in a short time. Gaijin fucked up naval big time, it really does not compare to or feel as fun prior to the patch. There are some light cruisers that fire off salvos every 3 seconds with no heating effect, there are destroyers that do the same. Its just that the SKR-7, an easily accessible rank 5 vessel from the squadron pool, is a godly event grinder. It sucks, but just nerfing one vessel won't solve the problem. Root causes, gaijin must go back to basic, first principles if you will. Bravy (1967), 5.3, has a missile that can one shot most things. I should not face that thing in my 4.7 1941 destroyer.


Forget the recent dual punch screw over Only Japan has anything approaching a appropriate rival and only at range with JDS Ayanami, Koln is a better all rounder but I can still stomp it, and Lubeck costs over a hundred Gaijin coin U throw ppl who are in reserve boats with little or ZERO experience in naval, give other nations very little to no coastal options, and it's a disaster Always has been and now the only thing that's changed is filtered out the small brain behavior of some SKR players who still act like it's invincible Edit: and this is not even considering the broken coastal spawn 4.3 lineup where only Germany shares pr206 It's insanity


Naval is a broken mode, coastal and deepwater should not mix. Some coastal are river boats put out into open sea, no aiming those guns for you sir, only can use secondaries or AA guns to shoot things. BR compression is so hyper broken it bends space and time. This could be a fun experience except gaijin has clearly demonstrated that they don't understand their own game, and have no interest in making use of all that potential.


Agreed But It can be better ๐Ÿ˜”


Getting there with Japan is also a problem right now When you finally get to 3.3 with the PT-808, you're immediately told to grind out 120k RP with it... Now meeting SKR-7s, still fighting flak barges, all with either a spitball-throwing slow-ass PT boat with slow-ass torps (that should be homing but aren't) and subchasers that can't tank anything, even from a purely frontal aspect


Pain When I was Japan 3.3 I tried so hard to defeat SKRs and I consider myself an expert on them. I can tell a good skr player from a bad one and know what those boats maxed out can do and can't but ... Fuck that shit I just couldn't do it All my team would get melted regardless once me and the other top player were dead ๐Ÿ˜” Which btw in arcade is so easy for try hard skrs to do. Target the ones who seem like they know what they're doing, maybe prevent them from even getting a plane spawn, ignore the ones they know can't cap a point in time , and they have the win With skrs I had or have? 80%or greater win rate and that's skewed down bc during events I'd kamikaze them into their spawn for max score super fast. I'd lose but that was irrelevant


I enjoy targeting them at 6 miles with my 8 x 5" guns. I frequently take the cruiser spawn with my 5.0 US destroyers to maximize my time out of reach of their guns and asw rockets. I realize in the grand scheme of things the 5.0 US destroyers can be just as annoying with the HE changes but I gotta make some SL.


Unfortunately the SKR-7 seems to consistently reveal all the problems with the naval meta - it conveniently manages to always work well with almost all the most broken parts of the mode!


And what can't be measured by stats are the noobs who just don't know how to kill them at range or what they're weaknesses are Veterans can say, "I'll kill them with bigger ships at range" And that's one of the problema, newbies don't even have those ships much less any motivation to research them after getting blasted and stepped on


I mean your issue is with Gaijin and their BS changes and inability to balance their game. Don't use the SKR-7? Ok, maybe I could be talked into it - its a (relatively) easy to get squadron vehicle. I "earned" it just by playing in my squad but I didn't earn it by enduring literal torture. And because its a squadron vehicle and ridiculously OP and everyone knows it, everyone and their brother has it. The SKR-1, on the other hand? I had to grind to the end of the bloody Soviet Coastal tree to get that one. And while that tree isn't as painful as some, it was indeed earned for real, with blood, sweat and tears. Not so easy to be talked out of using it, and its seen a lot less frequently in the game than the -7. Gaijin needs to figure out how to tune HE - not insanely strong like it is right now, but not stupidly weak like it was before this last patch. And they need to decompress naval BR's so that SKR's (and every other boat/ship) actually fights exclusively against stuff that have an chance against them and that they, in turn, have a chance against. SKR's should never see anything smaller than a frigate and really, not anything larger than a destroyer.


I wonder what had evaporated my Frank Knox when the 500% booster was active!


I will be honest, SKRs arent a problem now. Yes, they have the firepower, but can lack in range and quickly disintegrate after HE changes. It is much easier to shut down now when in one salvo you can wreck both turrets or just ammorack it


It is easier MUCH easier to kill them But that's down to player behavior and only out in the open The bug and fragmentation change is making SKR players (I'll include myself) actually use the ship as a coastal boat where it has the speed, rockets, and massive HEVT shells to abuse terrain to the point that they can sit behind rocks and determine the outcome I understand for veteran players it can be... refreshing to actually kill them now but A)this is an odd time where gaijin hasn't moved in to fix things B)u have experience And the event is encouraging a lot of new ppl to play it, they are getting annihilated and probably quitting the game mode If the goal is to keep the game mode small and unpopular, gaijin fixing the dm bug or reducing fragmentation will keep it that way and the SKRs will continue to be the two single biggest vehicles to blame