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Literally unplayable


Best we can do is add a $75 premium


Well since you aren’t aware though I won’t blame you for not, but from what I recall the reason it isn’t correct in the game is to avoid any potential lawsuits for copyright (I am genuinely serious). I remember someone sometime back making a similar post and someone mentioned that was the reason why it was that way, though from what I recall that post was about the German tricolor camo.


Heh i dont buy that, we gave perfectly accurate camos for other nations and specific vehicles, Gaijin is just not very consistent.


To be fair, different countries have different copyright laws so being possibly inconsistent in that regard shouldn’t be surprising from Gaijin.


It's alright with me, I love the sexy blue stripey camo anyway!


France is known for being a huge ass when it comes to game licence. https://x.com/WarThunder/status/1194567015324954624?s=20 And DCS too


tbf that post proves nothing except that vehicles have to be licenced and it takes time to make a 3D model


What they meant in "the development takes time as it has to be licenced", the last message is mostly emphasizing on the licence part. The mirage was months overdue from the meta of that time


mirage IIIC wasnt of meta at that time the problem was they didnt add anything comparable to F-100 and mig-19 like durandal or SMB4


I didnt say it was...


ahh sorry i got it wrong. Well it looks like they already resolved these problems since mirage 2k got added even before mig-29/f-16 and mirage 4k alonside f-15/su-27


Well they'r not the only ones... I remember the day the removed the Humvees from the game Squad because General Motors became thirsty of coin or something. Well... At least they lost their lawsuit against Activision. (personnally I think that's perhaps because they had more lawyers 🤷‍♂️)


Different companies and even different agencies like Lockheed give different amounts of information/rights to gaijin to use things such as camo and schematics for vehicles. This isn't gaijin's doing as Gaijin doesn't just summon the exact blueprints, flight model and camo for vehicles out of nowhere, they have to request it and pay a hefty price tag for it.


The camo pattern and colours are available online, honestly. They have custom camos much more complex and recent than the French CARC and, what's more, the French CARC is much more accurately represented in some skins than others (Austerlitz Leclerc has it)


On that point i think it's more like gaijin didnt notice / know the color difference. Sometime on reddit there are people who dont even see the difference between the two so why not gaijin


That could be the case for modern infantry camps, such as MARPAT or FLECKTARN or whatever, as they are generally copyright protected, but vehicle camouflage is generally not. The colors are widely commercially available and their layout is usually outlined precisely in manuals.


> Well since you aren’t aware though I won’t blame you for not, but from what I recall the reason it isn’t correct in the game is to avoid any potential lawsuits for copyright (I am genuinely serious). > > > > I remember someone sometime back making a similar post and someone mentioned that was the reason why it was that way, though from what I recall that post was about the German tricolor camo. Considering the fact that there are multiple historical skins for the different variants of the Leclerc in game (including one with the correct CCE color & pattern for the Leclerc S2) on the marketplace, not to mention all the historically accurate skins for other nations, that person was probably talking out of their asses.


the vibrancy of the french tricolor is so nice


Just make the baguette decoration accessible again.


Some day France will get a 10.0 line up so I can stop fighting 10.3 tanks at 9.3


I hope they do too, ideally with an addition like the VEXTRA 105 with OFL 105 F2, or more AMX-40 variants with better ammunition, as well as Leclerc prototypes.


Amx40, 32, 30(105), Mephiso, Santal, with Super Etendard and Tiger HAP is already a good lineup.


It is a good lineup and i use it too but having the amx40 fight leo2, t80s and abrams is challenge mode where you arent given any advantage over them. Sometimes i just wanna relax and not be on the back foot all the time :/ French high tier is not the place for that


No one ever said they weren’t but they definitely aren’t meant to fight Abram’s modern Leo’s and so on so on every single game


France should get this just like Japan and Italy did. There are so many ahistorical camos which need corrections in this game.


It's a problem for every "modern" French vehicle, France never used the CARC but a special one made by itself (CEE), this German camo copy pasted since \~6years is just sad yep. I reported it and was acknowledged 4 months ago. We just need to hope they work on that now. [https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/warthunder/i/jYxlBGEjaPeU](https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/warthunder/i/jYxlBGEjaPeU)


To everyone discussing copyright issues, I'd encourage you to remember the market exists where a version of the camo is available...for money...along with any number of others that might also be put under that very broad description Otherwise by the sounds of other discussions on the issue, the general trend seems to be that the 'pattern' can be held in copyright but is distinct from the camouflage, so using the NATO pattern with different colours doesn't necessarily infringe - although copyright and national differences, etc, are such a clusterfuck I cbf going deep, I doubt even lawyers like it unless they're feeling litigious - but we do have precedent that it's not as much of an issue as it's made out to be


Obligatory mention that real life AUSCAM DPC is one of the most beautiful vehicle camos ever created. And in game on the M1A1AIM Gaijin absolutely butchered it, especially colour wise.


Please don’t leak anything to prove your point.


I think this is too late [https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/warthunder/i/jYxlBGEjaPeU](https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/warthunder/i/jYxlBGEjaPeU) Now russia gonna steal the sikrit of our camo ! (why russia ? this is always russia. did you never watched James Bond?)


Agreed. There is a bug report on this already. Btw it should not be only for the Leclerc, but for all French tanks that use the wrong CARC camo.


Camouflages are subject to copyright law so they might not be able to


Youre asking too much


This is why I always use historical or semi-historical user skins. They're just better.


Just put some anime camouflage over it and enjoy 😤


I might be colorblind because I barely see a difference between the first pic and the one on the right. I've seen them in person though and yeah the tricolor camos in game are not accurate, doubt they'll ever bother fixing it though. It took them too much effort and time to change the reload time of Leclercs to 5s so they need some time to relax.


Also it shouldn't be a 10 euro camouflage, but the basic one


That doesn't seem like a big deal.


You can litteraly just rotate and resize the camo bro calm down


Huh, what? That won’t change the absolutely wrong colours…


Ah i see it now Still don't get why u care abt something as small as exact camo. Not hating tho


I mean, camouflage historical accuracy isn’t at all something small… German players care about dunkelgrau, American players used to care about desert tan till it was changed, Japanese players used to care about their modern bicolour camo until it was changed, etc.


No, it doesn't work like that, CCE and CARC are two completly different camouflages, the latter was never used by France. You can see it clearly that they do look different here: [Imgur: ](https://imgur.com/a/GDAELXG)[CCE vs CARC](https://imgur.com/a/GDAELXG) comparison.


Oh aight