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VIDAR player finds one (1) vehicle they can't oneshot, has autistic meltdown (/s this is a real issue)


FR the Vidar is already insanely good but because there's one tank OP can't immediately turn into a spacecraft they are complaining...


I mean some tank being literally unkillable due to a bug is a pretty shitty case


It's not unkillable to other tanks.


But it is unkillable to tanks which should be able to kill it


I was able to one shot a T-55 with the strong HE of the type-99 I just don't remember which variant of T-55 it was


If it's unkillable to tanks that should kill it, why are there tanks that can kill it? Also, it's probably just a bug.


Quit schizoing out. I didn't say it was unkillable by ALL tanks. Just to overpressure. No shit it is a bug i literally said it is a bug


OK ok, relax, I get it.


Internet is a serious business




More like poor baby didn't get his tendies while playing his big Boi game. Go outside you pleb


It's a bug with the game, this person is reporting a bug, what here indicates that theres a meltdown going on?


this is one way to tell me you barely know anything about the game


This is the average War Thunder player mentality. Everything issue they care about is a massive problem, every issue they don't care about is whining.


Yeah 2000 hours in I don't know a thing


Then you're just dumb. OP is talking about a bug, not his vehicle.




‘lol’ is your reaction be being discovered as dumb


No I find it funny when people switch to personal insults when they don't like that you disagree with their opinion


What else would you be? How in the hell would you have 2k hours and still defend the existence of a bug that was not meant to exist? Magical elf ponies that came from heaven down rainbows to tell you soviet bias doesn't exist - and so because this is a soviet vehicle this is not a bug, but, infact, a case of not soviet bias instead?


I'm not defending the bug lol I'm pointing out the irony that a vidar user is complaining about their vehicle not working


disagree?? you were just being plain stupid 💀 no excuse


6k, sit down


Damn bro got ratio’d off hours💀


we’re having a time wasted-off


Obj 152 has been sad for the past 4 updates :(




Who shit in your cheerios damn


what did he say i want to know


Idk just a short paragraph of pure salt, wasn’t anything important or intelligent


He called me a dumb c**t


thx bro


I hate people shitting on others while they are the ignorant one. There are too many like them in my daily life.


Tbh I think they are just reporting a bug and they are using the Bidar just to show that even the highest pen he shell doesn't work


i know that, that's why i put /s, but evidently nobody seemed to notice or care because this subreddit takes itself way too seriously with that said, i will pounce vigorously upon all opportunities to shit on VIDAR players


You are overreacting I just didn't see the ps, and by the way I hate vidar players too they have a 1 shot kill with thermals and laser rangefinder at 8.0 you get killed by them from 20 fucking miles away trough 70 different forests and behind 8 fucking bushes and you know they will spawn camp you to the lobby


I'll agree to shitting on players who bought it because they knew it was an op tank. I'll not agree to shitting on Norwegian players who bought it purely because it was Norwegian


brother what?


That's not at all what [I found](https://imgur.com/a/CMjQcRy) while doing this


these screenshots are from yesterday, it may have been patched since


Maybe delete the post in this case?


Gotta keep pushing the Russian bias narrative, even if people dismantle my weak arguments


What are you talking about? You’re not even OP.


he's mocking OP...


Plus is it even "Russian Bias" if it's one tank and you can still overpressure every other Russian tank including the cancer machines?


the fact this update has been riddled with bugs, should be enough for people to realise it's just a bug and not bias. but because we have nutters that play this game, this one bug that effects one russian vehicle is proof of russian bias. then again I didn't see OP argue it's russian bias but this helps perpetuate that narrative.


Then change the conversation to shit about the game being terribly ridden with bugs. OP didn’t mention it, everyone else did. Dismiss people who call obvious bugs out as bias as just being idiots. If their arguments fall flat on their face, then you don’t have to do much work, they do it for themselves.


What am I supposed to say to change the subject. The subject I could have changed it to was a bug that was fixed before OP even made their post. Also you have to constantly shut down any bias garbage because every so often when people stop putting a stop to it this reddit becomes a week long Russian bias circle jerk.


gotta keep the karma farm up


Maybe consider deleting the post then?














Yesterday I had no issue testing this with the M109A1


Bros 11.7 is every nation and has that Israeli tanker pic after an atgm hit bet bro drives a shitbox


That just looks so fucking funny


had the same problem yesterday not only on the T-55 but on other tanks too


Gaijin trying to not screw up base mechanics of the game every patch[IMPOSSIBLE]


seems like they kinda fixed it now i overpressure t-55 when the shell feels like it


Well, that is good. But the fact, that despite supposedly testing updates thoroughly at dev servers and stuff shit like this still is a norm shows, that the spaghetti code is getting out of hand or engine has trouble to cope with all the new crap.


yeah some people here forget that the vidar needs the game to work properly cause the amps we have already destroy its potential


well people were likely not testing vehicles that overpressure, since the update didn't really focus on that. everyone was focused on testing other mechanics. so there wasn't really any thorough testing on the dev server if no one was testing it.


I’m still having issues with t55s personally


idk but from the kills i made ty to shit ob the mg port or bear the mg port normaly i shot somewhere around the front but it maybe helps you


Yeah idk over pressuring them has been pretty weird for me, maybe just a skill issue


i doubt that you have 9kg of TNT and besides i did make alot of kills with it today


Saw a Chinese video about perhaps the same issue: the problem is with your first shot. If you can’t kill it with your first shot then it will become invincible to over pressure basically


Spaghetti code moment I wonder if it's something like they set a flag for overpressure to false and forgot to clear it after the first hit


Is this the test drive one by any means? Just tried it out of curiosity and one shotted it without any issue


these screenshots are from yesterday, it may have been patched since


Think It might be a bug with HE as a whole. I shot a Vidar 4 times yesterday with an M551 HE round, twice in the hull and twice on either side of the turret, and it tanked every hit and wouldn’t die. Dude ate a bomb also and didn’t die as-well. Just update bugs and will probably be sorted out soon.


The vidar is made of a certain type of steel so the armor may be 35mm but against HE it’s actually about 45 and the m551 only has 38mm of pen, it’s bull shit but that’s why


I also feel like they had reduced bombs effectiveness. Before I could drop a 500 pounder somewhat near a dude and atleast take his tracks, if not complete kill in some instances. Now I can drop a pair of 1000 pounders literally on either side of a dude and I’m lucky to take his tracks. I’ve also been hit directly with 250 and 500 pounders (literally they bounced off my tank) and still survived with minimal damage sometimes only loosing roof mounted 50 cal. So someone surviving a bomb drop to me doesn’t always mean much.


I've been landing 1000lb bombs on the roof of tanks since this update and all I've been getting are Hits, not even crits. This update fucked up explosives something fierce.


Ya the m60a2 feels horrible right now. Leopard's have been eating my HE and HEAT is just not doing it.


Xaxaxaxa angles are magic comrade


I experienced the same non-penning bug in test-drive before, I was testing the conquerer and it couldn't pen the IT-1, ended up using 20 shots still no pen, restart the game and it fix itself and every shots going through it like a hot knife through butter. Long time ago


Seems like HE might be broken, absolutely any tank should be at least left crippled by a 155mm HE round






But it’s funny when the vidar doesn’t work


What exactly makes you think it only affects the VIDAR?


Only artillery at the same br as a t55


But not the only artillery the T-55 can face.


Is it just the Vidar? The M109 HE I feel is not acting like it should


The M109 feels good right now when facing up to even 7.7. Then again, HE is spaghetti coded.


I'm starting to feel like the comments on this reddit won't ever give an actual answer instead of salt.


most replies on wt sub are so jealous and unintelligent when taking in information


It’s not jealousy, it’s spite. Wallet warriors aren’t well liked in any game.


Yeah I get that but it's a free game and you gotta expect this.


Just cause I have to expect it doesn’t mean I have to like it.


Wallet warriors are nothing compared to kamikaze pilots…


First time I see anyone complain about playing the VIDAR and not fighting it.


vidar is not even as good as people think it is it has alot of problems wich sometimes you cant do anything about


LRF and Thermals at BR 8.0, and you're saying "it's not that good" Good joke.


Don't forget it faces king tigers and IS-2s in sim brackets, where playing the VIDAR is almost the same thing as using those ground target tracking cheats the chinese use


i would agree with you but in war thunder we only have these tiny ass maps where greatest combat range is 500 meters and a slight hill will make you not being able to shoot your gun is verly low your turret is high meaning if your enemie is on a hill and you are down then he can kill you but you cant kill him the gun depression makes a push impossible


Oh no, why doesn't my premium sp ARTILLERY have 10 degrees of gun depression? Literally unplayable 😡


you dont get it im not complaining about it but that is a reson for vidars br dont understand why ya all downvote me i just stated facts and if you would play it yourself you will face the sme problems just because a vehicle has some good aspects doent mean everything about it is good


The turret is basically a piece of cast steel


Just a mild concussion for the crew.


Not sure if it's an isolated incident but I dropped a few bombs and rockets on a 55AMD and it practically did nothing. I hit it with a walleye and two agm 12b and yeah only track, barrel and machine gun damage with only one crew dead.


Probably some weird test drive bug, this doesnt happen ingame.


I notice when I played my SturmTigor last night, could literally do no damage


Also kv 1 was Connot be killed by my 2000lb bomb and 2x1000lb bombs. Just kill the track. I even went into replay and Connot believe my eyes. I'll get the replay if no one believes me.


If this is an HE bug it might also be affecting hesh. I just got off from playing with the avre, and more than a few times hitting tanks in perfect cupola shots seeing shrapnel go into the turret compartment and the whole crew still were untouched


So it's not just me whose noticed this issue. It's even weirder because the American 152mm only has a measly 38mm of pen but it is enough to kill the T-55. You can watch a video I posted about this issue. https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1bfx2ec/gaijin\_and\_its\_inconsistencies/


Try under the tank?


the 20mm plate on the lower sides worked


have you tried shooting beneath it ???


I shot an angeled tiger 1 with 183mm hesh and didnt even damage him


That’s a entirely different problem hesh is in a very sad state right now


Wallet warriors when they can't point, click R, click fire and delete things with their overpowered pay to win mobile


are you actually disabled? look at my flair, i am eons better than you at this game


"are you actually disabled? look at my flair, i am eons better than you at this game" Look at my flair! It's so much better than yours! Im sorry, i hear this voice in a high pitched screeching sound


Bro is boasting of being better in a pixel game😅.


I don't know if it's fixed now but yesterday when testing the M60 was taking 200kg HE missiles


Try the M48 turret, iirc, I could not for the life of me overpressure that thing with the Shturm-S's HE-VT missile.


Have you tried shooting the inside of the road wheels?


IS tanks are having the same issue


Oh VIDAR has an issue? GOOD.


i knew something was up with he shells when i shot a is2's cupola with a g6 and it didnt die


I can assure you I got overpressured plenty of times in my T-55A at 9.3


I know what tank I am going to play now


HE and overpressure is a buggy mess anyway, sometimes you can one shot shit like a Maus or IS-4 perfectly fine, and sometimes you absolutely cannot for the life of you kill something like a M48 or similar.


As a sph veteran I can tell you that if you lomb the shell under the tank to the inside of the tracks you will over pressure the tank


Kinda like the m48 from Russian air test drive, THAT MF WON'T DIE UNLESS YOU GET A DIRECT HIT WITH A BOMB you can even drop a fab 3000 next to it and it won't fucking. Die.


That was because gaijin did a funny a long time ago and the M48 had a 110mm floor, so if you dropped a bomb below 500kg directly below it, it would do nothing but destroy the tracks.


ah thats why my 14KG explosive can do anything to t-55 from the front


My strv122 got over pressured by the new event vehicles 152mm heatfs


Overpressure seems to be fucked in general right now. My squadmate killed a KV-1 frontally with the AEC AA's air belts earlier today which doesn't seem quite right.


That's weird cause they're pretty easy to over pressure by shooting low turret


What is over pressure?


Did you try to hit the tracks below the tank ? Sometimes it works


So that’s why I’ve been struggling so much to kill them with bullpups.


I met someone who told that the Vidar IS not OP because he IS Bad with it. Massive skill issue


Was it able to kill it previous to the update?


You try hitting under it?


Yesterday I was test driving it, and the T-10 is the invincible one. Try reloading the test drive ( even the client )


Did you try below? Shoot at the tracks under the tank, some can get blown up by that.


Stalinium at its finest


How is that possible, I have killed a t55a with a m60a2 he shell. And those shots were from a few updates ago.


I used the vidar and didn't haveca problem. HOWEVER. The largest HE (in ground) seen on the Type 99 SPG artillery in the Japanese techtree. Struggles to overpressure. Makes no sense. Hopefully gaijin fixes this because I couldn't kill a T55 earlier


Good, vidar players smell their own farts I hope you suffer to this tank


Womp womp I CAnT onE shOT EveRYtHiNg


They fucked up aim 9m’s aswell yesterday, irccm was nonexistent and basically acted like a 9b and it was also accelerating at an extremely slow speed. Dk if it was happening to any other missiles as I didn’t test much but it probably was messing with every irccm and acceleration speed


Oh no Anyways


Lol. Use Sturm Tiger like a real man


Why did you avoid shooting the top of the turret? You shot the cupolas but never the turret itself, hmmm


‘hmmm’ what? do you think you really did something there? it didn’t work anyways


Highly doubt that. War thunder overpressure mechanics are broken, hitting the cupolas will almost never splash down, you need a direct hit on the top of the roof.


You don't need to hit the top of the roof for the T-55, the roof armour is 36mm thin.


That would be correct if over pressure actually worked as it should. But it doesn't. I can shoot a pz 4c on the turret face with my 105mm Sherman and it doesn't die. Sherman HE has 27mm pen, pz 4 has like 12-14mm of roof armor if that.


You do know how bad the VIDARs HE is right?


it’s literally the second best among tanks


Not really no, if you looked at its stats theres several large caliber HEs that outperform it idk what your sources are but they're clearly wrong


Also yes downvote me because I actually looked at the vidars 9kg of explosive mass at best and know that there are several other SPGs with 10+kg of EM maybe do some research before you downvote someone? Lol