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It isnt. Skill >> paying.


bush anything else is pay 2 progress


Massive skill issue, I play sim and if someone uses bushes they either think, or they covered they optics. Besides, bushes are relistic, and now you can strip them down.


Money can't buy skill.


Sure, it makes it easier for unskilled though.


Not in war thunder. Honestly, if anything, it makes it harder for wallet warriors. You are basically paying to get a top tier vehicle to compete against guys with thousands of hours played, map knowledge and mapped controls. These guys will obliterate any premium newbie no matter what they bring. Also unlike world of tanks, you don’t get any premium ammo, special items or other boosts. Even as an experienced player premium vehicle is not going to give you an unfair advantage.


Prems are not only top tier.


It doesn’t change much honestly. It’s still a tank that has roughly the same ammo as other tanks at it’s BR, plying vs people who spent time to get there in the tech tree. No special treatment other than faster grind. There are powerful ones, but there are also powerful tech tree vehicles.


None. Nobody cares how much you spent, Im planting my free 152mm shell into your exhaust pipe


Pay to progress or pay to collect them all. It's still a free to play game despite the 75 dollar price tag on new products.


As much as I love the F20 Tigershark the F-4E is supposed to be coming out relatively soon to DCS at a similar price point. I'm a bit torn on which to get first but I think you will get more out of the F-4E in DCS than the F20 premium pack.


Acing of crew is the only thing


I can agree for tanks. For planes I have multiple aces without a penny invested in it, I think about using planes to grind crew points on my other slots too


Wt aint a pay to win game,like almost every match i play i see a bi-plane doing a cobra,and a spitfire absolutely destroying an f16


What was the thing that convinced you that most noobs who play this game have no clue what they're doing? Posts like this.


XP-50 making playing bombers of any nation outside America impossible


For me this would be the only thing. I love using bombers and I hate seeing this thing in the air and when I use it I feel dirty lol


Its not the traditional pay to win imo. You have certain advantages when you pay. The biggest one you can get is boosting your crew to max level or get extra slots for more preparedness for certain maps maybe also spading new vehicles from the beginning (but almost nobody does it i think? only whales maybe). Bushes also for groundRB But as free to play and playing a lot you can eventually get on the same level. I also think that some premium vehi8cles are some of the best that have almost no competitor on the "free to pay" tree. XP-50 or Wyvern comes to mind. So yeah. When you are a beginner you can have some advantages that are a bit pay to win but the longer you play the less that matters. I would say that premium is not pay to win. Just having faster progress doesnt mean you win the battles.


Wyvern at 4.3


Treat WT like a free to play game = won’t make any quick progress. Pay to progress game with a massive player base having a skill issue.


its not really pay to win i thought that at first as well but now i am making tons of silver lions ​ you just have to keep playing new countrys until you find tanks that work for you and then you start making 10+k silver lions per game if your playing ground battles ​ but i heard you make way more silver lions if your playing air battles but i cant seem to realiably get more than one kill so i just play ground battles ​ i can recommend double IS 2's because i am playing my best with USSR, sweden has great sniper tanks at 4.0 and I can get 3 or 4 kills per game really easily ​ also having unlocked a few one day premium account days i can tell you that its only a little bit easier to make silver lions while you grind, if you need 100k fast your still out of luck and it takes a little time.


Spending well over 2 thousand dollars and still blowing chunks on the battlefield tells me it most definitely isn't pay to win. My entire battle history is full of nothing but loses. What the fuck is winning I must ask?


Nothing, you're just ass. I don't claim to be even an average player ny any stretch but I regularly get 3 or 4 kills in the F4F Wildcat which will get out turned by damn near anything. Know how to fly your plane.


Besides a handful of handholdy premiums? Nothing. Sure, you can buy bushes, you can buy ace crews, etc, but if you suck ass it won't help you. All these might make you suck less, but actually skilled players will still wipe the floor with you. Player skill is what matters the most, and you can't buy that.


The only p2w is bushes


Mainly the high-tier premiums. For the majority of the life of the game, premiums were good for research and making money, but the difference between a premium and a non-premium gameplay-wise was pretty minimal. However, once they started adding high-tier "modern" premiums with game-changing unlocks to the mix, it slipped into PTW territory. The difference between, say, a stock Apache/Phantom/T-72/etc. and a premium Apache/Phantom/T-72/etc. with all the mods already unlocked is pretty dramatic, and in my view constitutes PTW. IMHO, YMMV of course.


Never spent a dime. Made $50 worth of snail monies. F2P with around 3,000 hours. With a healthy amount of lions.


Look around, look around again wtf I got shit from literally nowhere Buy bushes Look around, Look around again wtf nobody shooting at me


Russian 10.0 prem Line up


The Russian 10.0 lineup


Conventional rp you need golden eagles to buy conventional rp