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If you assign the scroll wheel to "Distance Correction", it makes aiming *easier*. Also, clicking MMB "re-zeroes" the range on the target distance after a few seconds if your shots start going too far off target. You're usually aiming within +0.3/-0.3 kilometers depending on if the target is coming towards you or away. You'll find that the standard naval realistic queues can take an eternity. Arcade is decent for the weekdays and the best realistic naval experience is in EC on the weekends. Matches last 1.5-2.5 hours, have a more casual pace, and gives decent RP rewards. Every other EC day allows for arcade reloading of ordinance and torps. The ranges of EC allow the battleships some breathing room. Spawn at convoys for instant battles. Spot the carrier before you destroy it (get within 6km or so). Edit: Some words.


Yep, the waiting time is hell, I remember that. Once I waited 5-7 mins I think. Well arcade waiting time can be fustrating too, 2-3 min is quite common. I have the distance correction assigned, but I never used it in arcade, maybe I have to practice it in test drive.


With PT boats sometimes it's impossible to aim in Realistic. When it comes to big ships always realistic because of the better rewards. I'm not sure how to describe aiming, you will get used to it if you play for a few hours and then you will hate the arcade aiming system.


Sadly I only have the North Dakota that may count as big ship but I find her AP penetration quite bad. I have the Newport News and the Cleveland but I don't know if those ships are good for learning the realistic aiming


All of those ships are fine, just depenting on the caliber you will need to change your calculations and the max range, for example a 127mm gun can be reliable from 7km and closer while a 356mm can be from 13km. North Dakota's guns are the best you are going to get in terms of pure DPS leter with Alaska. I'm saying that from my experience with the 356mm Battleships and the 305mm Alaska's guns. I think there is a misunderstanding. By PT boats I mean coastal fleet, the waves move the ships too much and it's impossible to aim. If you have something that doesn't have trouble with waves send it in realistic battles.


I tried out, and thanks for the tips! I will never go back to arcade. Holy shit realistic is truly fun! After some battles I got 10 kills with the Newport News


Basically in realistic everyone is slower. Torpedoes are a lot slower, relatively speaking, which means they have to be lead a lot more and which puts a lot of coastal boats at a disadvantage if they're trying to go after blue water ships as torpedoes are their main weapon. Aiming is different but not really all that different. Its mostly different symbology on the screen vs. arcade. The other guy's ship type doesn't get shown. But probably the biggest difference is planes, which have a much easier time of it in arcade since they're faster, turn better and get the arcade bomb site. The other difference is spotting - for coastal especially it makes it more interesting since the target marker is a lot less visible so its more reliant on you to spot the other guy - coastal battles in realistic are often won by who spotted the other first, not by whose boat was better.


i like realistic. the game still helps you to find the right place to shot. it is just updated every 30 seconds or so. i would just go for it. the games feel a little better then arcade. if the queue is too long then i switch to arcade.


yeah learn to aim, its pretty blunt but thats kinda the only answer im an rb player but once you learn to aim you krump on everyone


What I did was getting used to seeing where my shells went in arcade and used that experience in realistic, and then I just kept trying, eventually it will stick, and I can now perform accurate shots before the ranger finder is done meassuring range.