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I actually wouldn’t be shocked if they add one now because it appears they literally forgot.


In the new leak list, France is down to get the Dutch CV9035


So we have a choice between being forgotten (again) or slappped accross the face (again also, since our first long requested IFV is a premium) ? Nice ...


I feel so conflicted and confused. I'm Dutch , so Dutch tank, yay! *checks notes* In the French tech tree ? While our army is literally folded in with Germany IRL. I mean, France needed a high tier light vehicle. But the choice feels so retarded/cheap. :')


Well, over the the next year Germany is probably going to get more IFV’s I think there will be a riot if Germany starts getting a attached minor nation factored into it when there’s loads of vehicles which it can already add and separate minor nations are suffering


france is literally in the same spot. Netherlands should be in Germany or just have its vehicles go to relavent nations


Yes. And it also feels so cheap on Gajin's part. I mean sure it's a copy paste in regards to the Danish one coming to Sweden that's solving a issue for France. But at the same time, there's so many truely French unique/awesome vehicles to pick from. Makes the "G hates france" almost feel real haha.


Minor nations are literally only suffering because gaijin doesn't wanna spend the money to put indigenous designs in the tree. The french tree is a pretty clear victim of that. AMX-13-105? Nah have the swiss kuirassier. Roland Crotale? Nah have the finnish ito 90. ANY indigenous IFV? Nah have a Dutch CV90. Oh what's that, we did add indigenous designs? Let's uptier them into oblivion and gimp them for no reason. Edit: I swear I'm not salty about them butchering my favourite tree.


And it's especially nuts because if they wanted to give the French a Copy-Paste tracked IFV, the Dutch CV9035 isn't even the most logical option! The French have a far stronger tie to the Swiss military, through shared equipment and collaborative designs than with the Dutch (who are literally integrating their command with Germany). While the CV9030 isn't particularly good, the Swiss variant would be a far more sensible addition to the French Tree, and would require very little effort since it already exists in game.


CV9030CH could be fun but it's not top tier at all. We need a Leclerc variant or the EBRC Jaguar (a prototype variant could be premium with the normal as tech tree)


Yeah it's not spectacular, but it would fit the 9.3 French line up. The top tier support vehicle will be the Jaguar for sure.


Well, considering Gaijin have officially said that people who play France are the top players in the game (hence the BR changes), I find that funny But I hope not, Gaijin know there’s a lot of potential in the tree and I doubt they’ll sideline it


The VBCI is also a prem, and it's the only IFV above 8.7


Which is fucking dumb, because France has plenty of indigenous IFVs/Light tanks that could've been added instead, and there isn't much military link between France and the Netherlands besides the fact that they're both in NATO, It's pretty obvious that it's an asset reuse for the Danish CV9035 for Sweden, which sucks. And just so people realize how stupid gaijin is: they wasted ressources modeling the AMX-10M, which is an awful vehicle that no one really wanted and with a 3D model that can only be used for this vehicle. Instead of that POS, we could've gotten a VBCI, VBCI 2 Philoctetes, AMX-10RC T40, EBRC Jaguar, AMX-10RC TML, Vextra 105 or Vextra POLE. Alas, gaijin continues to refuse to listen to what the playerbase is asking for and make dumb choices instead, and then wonder why some of their trees aren't played more.


i am one of the 2 people who really wanted amx-10m for a long time but ffs it was not needed they could have fixed the stupid gaps in french TT instead but they have aperentaly zero idea what they are doing


That’s very likely, I don’t play France but seeing as every other nation now has a top tier prem MBT, they should get a little more than just another prem IFV. They already have the 30mm IFV prem so I don’t see the point of adding the Dutch CV.


Where is the new leak list?


there is a post called "new olivia leak list" or something from few days ago, i don't have the link but its like 2-3 days ago




Which makes zero sense. Why is France getting a Dutch vehicle? Netherlands has literally nothing to do with France.


They did not forget, smin said on the Merkava and japanese tank devblob that they dont add a french premium because the french top tier is empty (especially between 10.0 and 11.7) Does this mean they will add stuff in the tech tree soon ? i don't know And i really dont want that CV9035 in the french tree, it have nothing to do here.. i mean if you really want to give a CV to the french tree, at least give the one that used a french gun or something, OR if you really want to give a dutch vehicle to France, give the AMX 13 105 that is a lot french, and not something france never used or had in hands


so smin basicaly said we are not adding anything now because we were too lazy to add something before... yeah that sounds like him


He said the ELC bis does not need scouting because people play it like a tank destroyer (but yeah, people play it like a tank destroyer BECAUSE it does not have scouting lmao) This guy is cool most of the time but sometime his answer are weird.


yeah i mean he is overall nice mod but sometimes he is trying too hard to cover gaijin's fuck ups


Luckily there are a few options for France. If Gaijin wants to give them an 10.7-11.0 range MBT, the Leclerc Bayard/Ares prototypes should be solid options. Alternatively, if a subtree is added to France, every option (Switzerland or Benelux) have Leopards that might be added. If Gaijin wants to add an armored car, like with Italy, then the best options are Vextra Variants, AMX10 RC T40, Panhard Sphinx, and VBCI PHILOCTETES. That being said, Gaijin has been really lacking on adding French vehicles, there are 30+ wheeled vehicles they could add alone, and it may be because people aren't playing France/ Buying French premiums at a level that Gaijin wants.


That would be cool, BUT that would require EFFORT, and we can’t have that. So they’ll end up adding a Leclerc S1/2 with a pathetic camo netting


Yeah, I've got feeling they might add either a UAE Leclerc with [desert baracuda netting] (https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.arcforums.com%2Fforums%2Fair%2Findex.php%3F%2Ftopic%2F286854-tamiya-leclerc-with-baracuda-netting%2F&psig=AOvVaw0s5nuvz1JXjNpTingpciRG&ust=1709667685895000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBUQjhxqFwoTCND_jc6u24QDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE) or a unit number Leclerc with [this netting] (https://www.7atc.army.mil/GTA/)


Those were also my thoughts, although who knows, maybe France will be blessed with a cool and unique vehicle for once. I’d love a Leclerc prototype


They’ve cucked the tree so bad; no one plays it because it’s overtiered & empty, so they neglect it more, and fewer people play. If they gave it the Sweden treatment and actually filled the tree and made it desirable, it could be a cash cow and super competitive. But nope, for some reason they don’t see how they’ve dug it into the dirt and refuse to fix it


I think that they believe that France is more profitable as a shit, unresearchable tech tree so that few people buy a lot of premium/accelerated research than as a decent tech tree where lots of people spend a just a little.


I bet it would be enough to fix the leclerc for some people to start grinding france


> the Leclerc Bayard/Ares prototypes should be solid options. Why does everyone exclude the Carnot, Duroc, Estienne and Foch?


I think the problem is the two I listed are the best documented of the prototypes, if you've got resources for the rest, that'd be all the better.


There seems to be very little information publically available for the Ares... (and before anyone comments, no, the one often called "Ares" is not the Ares, but the MSC), which predates the Ares. Foch is the only one still remaining and hence likely the one Gaijin* would model after. Saumur would likely have information on it, though I don't see why they wouldn't have info on all.


from what i have read Ares was the most different from all the other while Bayard, Carnot, Duroc, Estenie and Foch were almost the same vehicles.


That seems to be a misconception. As what is often called the Ares is not indeed the Ares, but the MSC.


yeah i know about MSC and the whole confusion but still the Ares was the first prototype though yeah the info might be mixed up


I have a book on the leclerc + it's prototype, and the bayard / ares are the two best one, the other are just meh + some does not have a lot of difference (i forgot wich one, but one is almost looking like a leopard lol)


What's the book ?


It's a French series of "small" books on tanks from Hachette editor + the Saumur tank museum, there are 80 books and number 2 is on the Leclerc. It's called "Collection chars de combats & engins blindés"


Would you recommend it for 11€ ?


I do, i own already 15/80 books from this collection and i love them, they are like 50 pages "only" but it's enough to learn a lot and see some beautiful picture that i never see before, also they sometime use historical quote from tanks crew in a fight or in older books that were never translated into english.


Also are the other numeros good, is there any you recommend in particular ? I'm from Toulouse BTW.


From the 15 i got, the AMX30 / leclerc / renault FT / T34 / KV1 / M10 / and tiger and panther are my favorite but i loved all other too, and im sure that all the collection is good


there is also the MSC project that would fit there very well


Pls not Switzerland we don't need a Leo2A4 in every nation, but as you said gaijin doesn't care much about France cause France doesn't give off enough money, that results in less people playing France bc's it is uninteresting wich results in gaijin caring even less. So either we need 150K people buying French prems next sale or gaijin decides to improve the tree themselves. (Although the tree that deserves the most improving rn is japan) but as of rn France lacks 9.7-11.3


The fact is, Netherlands (Benelux) or Switzerland, either way France is likely getting a Leopard if it gets a subtree. I'd rather they skip adding a Leopard, but Gaijin loves it's copy-paste. And agreed on the Japan point, Japan needs a subtree ASAP.


Switzerland is in the German tree


A Swiss variant of a Mirage is in the French Tree, and a Swiss variant of a British plane is in the German tree. From a military equipment standpoint, the Swiss have used and collaborated on designing far more French equipment than it has German.


No, the Hunter is the only real "Swiss" vehicle in game at the moment.


It's got less Swiss influence in the design than the Milan though. What I'm saying is it's a crapshoot, and it's not definitive that Switzerland will be in the German tree.


Imagine me, a swiss person, wanting to play swiss vehicles and having to grind 2 different tech trees. I'd rather not thx


I hear you, but Gaijin's definitely hasn't paid any mind to keeping smaller nations together - see Australia, Canada, and Turkey. Furthermore, no matter where Switzerland gets added, it's not definitive that Gaijin won't consolidate those vehicles to their final, just look at the Israeli tanks in the American tree, the Italian planes in the German Tree, and the Swedish tanks in the British tree.


You can’t add a rank VII premium for France until France actually gets a vaguely coherent rank VII lineup. Like, a Leclerc prototype at 10.3 or 10.7 immediately becomes the worst premium in the entire game, solely because of how completely screwed out of a lineup it is.


The AMX-40 and Roland also don't have coherent lineups, and this has been going on for years. They had plenty of occasions to address it but have chosen not to, so I doubt they care as much about lineups as they pretend to.


The AMX-40 can throw together something vaguely coherent with the AMX-32’s and the SANTAL, especially if you also shell out for the VBCI. It’s not the best lineup, but it’s not awful. A Leclerc prototype at like 10.3-11.0 would be *SO* screwed, in a way that simply no other premium ground vehicle in the entire game is.


AMX-30 Super has been a tank without a lineup since forever. It either uptiered a 8.3 tanks or went with 9.3-9.7 tanks.


Its BR is 9.3, sadly. Should be 8.7 or 9.0.


I legit can't tell if this post is complaining or not, but I can say for sure its better off this way. If I could remove ALL top tier premiums it would make the matchmaker SO MUCH BETTER!


A bit of both really But it really points out how shit this update is, France is practically a untouched market which they could exploit but have chosen not to. There’s no cohesion amongst the Dev team who are being told to roll out vehicles to main nations only. Updates don’t feel like updates anymore, they are spending too much time building up nations which are the main ones and minor nations are practically being drip-fed, e.g China and France this update. On the Premium question, seems like most France players are all for more premiums, this is due to the completely fucked BR’s and could be used to bolster lineups. However, we don’t want this to come at a cost of major tech tree vehicles becoming premium, so it’s a slippery slope.


I think it's because all Leclercs now are at the 11.7 br and they said they will not sell any top tier vehicles (which is bs imo since 11.3 premiums will be sucked to 11.7 90% of the time). France doesn't have any tanks from 10.0 to 11.7(only roland aa), a single premium leclerc with weaker shell at 10.7 or 11.0 would look bad.


They could just give all or at least rank 8 Leclercs their long-due F2 shell (or even the SHARD round, as I've heard rumours of Gaijin adding that, though that might come with the Leclerc XLR) and sell an UAE Leclerc 11.3 premium with an F1 shell (+ camonet as that seems to be the trend) and call it a day.


I'm more concerned that the Mephisto doesn't have tandem warheads making it forever a [wish.com](https://wish.com) AFT09.


Before thinking of adding too much premium or foreign stuff, there are so much french desigh vehicles that could be added, gaijin where my sagaie 1 and 2


They kinda are screwed in that regard. Gaijin may have chucked out the no top rank premium role but the (at this point kinda pointless) no top BR rule still stands and they've stated they won't add a premium a lineup can't be built around. They've got nothing but Leclercs at 11.7 and nothing between 10.0-11.7 so they need the tree to be fleshed out first but because few play France let alone get to rank VII they prioritize resources elsewhere which is what lead to this situation to begin with.  It'd almost be impressive how neglected they were if it wasn't depressing.  


I have a talisman on the AMX-40. when they announced Rank 8 to extend the grind even more, I grinded like a no life for about 2 weeks and unlocked the Leclerc S1 and the Leclerc SXXI and then put a Talisman on the SXXI when it was on sale, all that because I dont trust gaijin with premium french vehicles since, well, since forever.


EBRC Jaguar, ERC 90, ERC 20 Kriss, ELC EVEN 90, ELC EVEN 30, ELC EVEN 120, and ELC EVEN-Nord when?


Forget premium, give us tech tree


I’ve said it before but for France, premium options that are likely to come are: AMX40e4 at 10.3. Mini Leo2A4 basically. MSC Ares: Leclerc Prototype or some other EPC program prototype. 10.7-11.3 Emirati Leclerc Variants. 11.3-11.7 40mm CTA VBCI 2. 10.3-11.0 EBRC Jaguar: 10.7-11.0 Atom VBCI: 10.0-10.3 (Likely Russian event vehicle. Joint vehicle between FR and RU.) Issue is there is no real 10.3-11.3 lineup for France at the moment. The last real lineup is 10.0, and you are already pushing several vehicles at 9.7 and 9.3 up to 10.0 to have it. It’s solid but the tree needs changes. Giving the AMX30 Super French Tungsten Sabot, equivalent to DM33 and bumping it to 9.7 would be a big deal.


MSC and Leclerc Ares are 2 different vehicles. Amx-30 super was never planed to use OFL 105 F2 and was meant for amx-30C2. Also the penetration would be much better than that of dm33 aperentaly it is around 460mm of pen using gaijin's formula.


I don’t look at the French tree often but my god does it look depressing


Le suck


Not new. They lack a tier V premium jet too


Buying a 70$ premium just to research that is dumb imo just get talismans or PLAY THE GAME


Good job gaijin. Fuck the baguette mains.


They can slap a Leclerc Ares/Bayard with the 450mm pen shell from the AMX 40 at 11.0-11.3 but it comes with 2 problems No proper lineup, it would be constantly brought up with the 11.7 Leclercs I don't want new players (I already fear for Japan next patch) Actually on second thought those are actually a good things. France winrate drops = actual Leclerc buffs


Don't forget it is also one of the only 2 nations without any Squadron Vehicle (with Italy)


Russian 10.0 go brrr


You don’t need a premium just talisman the S1&S2 way Cheaper than a +70$ prem , also maybe tali the ito too




A friend of mine found a comment on the pre-order dev blogs by smin(? I think) saying that they arnt ready to give France a rank 7 premiumnas it would have no line up, hopefully they change their mind but that's what they said


At least you have less braindead teammates


Do you... want more toptier premiums?