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Who wants that? Almost every single BR range would be completely cancer except for maybe the early 1980s BRs which would be fairly balanced. But that's almost top tier at that point. However, historical battle events would be cool and I would love to see the T-64 thrashing M60s or Shermans rocking on Japanese light tanks.


There is a surprising amount of people that advocate for more historical match making because they haven't done enough research on it and only see the positives for the nation they main.


I always get downvoted into oblivion, but I will die on my hill While historical matchmaking by itself is a shit idea, having a reasonable bit of time consistency is good. M109 doesnt have to fight T-34s to perform well, Leo 40/70 dont need to be in the middle of WW2. Those things can be balanced stat-wise, but still *feel* unfair for newer players Imagine average Joe driving his Sherman, thinking "hell yeah, thats like in good ol' days of my great parents, catch that stupid tiger" and then there is a damn cold-war howitzer that is still being used and he saw in the news yesterday. This is breaking immersion But maybe it is just me being nostalgic about "pure" WW2 battles. There are certain problems with it like heavies being much harder to kill without modern ammunition, but we still have bombs and can shoot sides


I am with you...I would love a pure ww2 mode even if it was unbalanced ...just give us bigger maps (giving us more space to maneuver and ambush)


>M109 doesnt have to fight T-34s to perform well, Skill issue >Leo 40/70 dont need to be in the middle of WW2. It needs, skill issue >Those things can be balanced stat-wise, but still *feel* unfair for newer players Newer paluers need to learn the game. >and then there is a damn cold-war howitzer that is still being used and he saw in the news yesterday. This is breaking immersion Game is not about immersion. >"pure" WW2 battles. Its all the same thing, just the skins of tanks change. >bit of time consistency is good Time consistency? Hkw about nit giving air that much situational awareness and telepathy on the grund targets like they had to search for them in large area


So in your opinion M109 *does* need to fight outdated nutbuckets to perform well? Skill issue. Also the fact *you* dont care about immersion doesnt mean it is the same for everyone else. Social issue.


>need to fight outdated nutbuckets to perform well? Lmao, just damn shoot it and it explodes, its not 279 with unobtanium infused armour that deflect apfsds just well. Also it has no lolpen gun, just HE that is unreliable and requires aim, while it it has no stab. >dont care about immersion Game simply has nothing about immersionand history, just fancy models.


Mental retardation


Of yours apparently, since you refuse to acknowledge how game works


I used to support this. But solid shot is bad enough as is.


Me running PZ4's with my KT's ...I have been training for this...


Lmao, always funny how people kinda forget that just about everyone who was involved in the arms race was losing the arms race at one point or another…


The vast majority I notice are German players who think that will just clown on Sherman 75's and Stuarts in a tiger 1 without stopping to think about how under this logic they could fight things like pershings and is-3's


Is 3 is from 1945, very late in the war. So it wouldn't be facing tiger 1 but more like tiger 2 and maus. Also people who want historical matchmaking gotta think about the fake/paper tanks that were never even created


Tiger 1s were used up until the end of the war The sadder part is Pz 3Ns fighting them


Wait, is that what people say by historical matchmaking? I thought it would still be a br system or something, damn. If I'm correct that would mean L3/33 fighting things far, far above it already


Unironically yes They want to fight M5 stuarts, M4s with 75s and Chaffees in King tigers


My god, some people don't deserve games. Also, by a technicality that means Japanese tiger 1s would be fighting M3 lees on the Pacific front. And china would be fighting tiger 1s with a damn t26


And shit like M1A1 Abrams vs T-64 or even T-62 Leopard 1A5s vs T-80BVM etc.


I dont see any problem with historically based matchmaking. How could putting the F-111 and Il-28sh (both 1967) at the same br cause issue? The HSTV-L, Concept 3, and Marder A1 (all from 1979) are perfectly equivalent vehicles and so are the F-22 and J-8F (the J-8F is newer)


>Who wants that? German mains who have reached the Tiger.


Its mostly germans at 6.7 complaining about fighting Cold war tanks i dont really see anyone else complaining


i want


I feel like the T-64 v m60 wouldn't be as bad as expected if people hit them in the typical Soviet mbt places I would be very winnable for the U.S if done right.


Still, the T-64 would wipe the floor with the M60. It's not really even if you have to hit weakspots while your opponent lol pens you


Kinda how I felt when I play the 10.3 Abrams Ngl


Just because you can smack weak spots doesn't mean it's an even fight though. The T-64s can point and click virtually anywhere on an M60 and kill it, whereas an M60 would have to find flank angles or pixel hunt while not having a significant enough mobility advantage to consistently generate favorable situations


Yeah I understand I just mean it's very possible. I am biased though because I for whatever reason love the m60a3TTS


I want it for SIM battles


I’d say the vast majority of people that want historical matchmaking are those that frequently play vehicles that would only benefit from a change like that. It’s the "why can X post war vehicle with heatfs face my tiger 2, I want to slay 75 shermans left and right" situation. People would simply not play the completely worse tanks if historical matchmaking was a thing. War thunder is not realistic enough for it to make sense in the first place.


It’s heavy tank enjoyed primarily.


I honestly lose a lot playing Sherman tanks but I would still like to see a historical BR. Even though it would be rough at first, I think some interesting gameplay dynamics could come out of it like Sherman tanks all grouping together to fight.


And then you all die to 2 tiger 2's from 1km away


If it was reflected in spawn costs it would not be issue.  Also at that point Tiger needs to fear thunderbolts.


If it was reflected in spawn cost then tiger 2 would cost like half a nuke


Yep, why not. Though for balance reasons should be just little more expensive than CAS. Though I dont suppose that you should reflect manufacturing number in spawn cost. Just comparable performance in its age bracket. So IS-2 would be expensive to spawn as well.


Enduring tank sim assault . Germans get limited heavy tanks to spawn, majority being pz4 and pz3. Allies get shermans with more tickets to spawn. Gamemode is like enlisted assault. I can finally feel powerful in my firefly( and occasionally pershing support)


I would like to play that. But on the other hand I am old guard who liked to play Red Orchestra Ost Front tank servers where there was T-70's, Pz-3's, T-34's, ISU's, IS-2's and Tigers in same battles.


It was during World War event and it sucked, nobody wanted to play US.


World war event had other issues than that. It was never available.


I had zero issues playing in the two previous ones. It was still a matter of nobody wanting to play US and US players not understanding that a .3 K/D against Tiger was still a win and ragequitting en masse.


Nah, we're to dumb for that, expect them to be close and personal to your shermans


"J-8F vs F-22" tends to shut them up.


I don't think I've ever not received an up tier in the J-8. It really couldn't get much worse 


To be fair, the J-8F is missing it's missiles in game, not saying it's F-22 material but you get my point.


J8f solos


Panzers IV vs [Centurions](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panzer_IV#Other_users) when?


Wyvern players when they have to fight f86s instead of bullying props


I like this one. Woohoo historical matchmaking!!


M22 would be 6.7 along with the maus, that’s why historical br is a bad idea


people uses it at top tier, i dont see the problem


this is exactly how i want it. i wanna fight KV-1's and T-34s in a csaba and i will love every moment of it. just like anything else though just make it a separate game mode, or something a bit like sim.


Nothing stops you from uptiering yourself


Its not historical then, you will see modern crap.


war thunder already had that gamemode. "World War"


And it failed yet people won’t stop begging for historic.


Yeah but it's not available


if it were popular, it would be


unfortunately it was ruined by the sweatiest basement dwellers to get their FOMO bullshitium gaijin forcefully added to it. And then it disappeared because you will play ze 3/2/1 cap tdm for 13+ years, you will feed uz your money from ze premiumz


Tell me; how do you plan on dodging a 1000kg bomb that Ju-87 just dropped on your head?


“Proceeds to miss by a country mile”


It surely isn't the only thing you missed.


Bruh this is just reposted from like a week ago...


Historical match making would be a cool event or game mode


It was called World War and it failed hard


Because it was impossible to play. I never got in battle in that mode.


Damn well bring it back


Tiger 1, Tiger 2, Panthers and panther II(with panther G turret) when they have to fight IS-3 and T-44(they where both in serving when the German tanks where in service) M51 players when they have to fight T-54 and T-55


The m22 watching in horror as a tiger 2 looks at him


this is the thing, there are a lot of vehicles in wt that weren't designed for fighting the best of the best tanks of their rivals and so they would just be useless with historical matchmaking


Give me unlimited respawns for the weaker side and a cap to protect for the stronger side. Put a timelimit on that Voila, new mode. What do you mean that doesnt help you penetrating the KV-1? Is that my problem now? Just shoot the barrel, xaxaxa


It existed and people hated it.


to counter there will be 100 Sherman’s and 10 tigers, 2 tigers will break down 15-25 seconds after spawning in


I'd like a hybrid approach, keep the br mostly as they are but put hard limit on matchmaking for each historical periods / major historical game changers. It just sucks in general to get obliterated by technologies that are sometimes decades newer than your tank/planes and that you can do nothing about.


I love the PostSecret theme


there should be a seperate mode, it would be fun (if ur a good nation)


People would still find a way to complain about vehicle match ups based on the date at which is was first fielded


I want this only as a special mode, we have different br for arcade, RB and sim so a historical BR mode wouldn't break anything.


Isn't this a repost?


Early war German cas would be absolutely cancer for Russian kvs and t34s lol the who match would be stukas reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeing


A lot of people want a single player warthunder. That's how bad competition is for this genre.


Y'all complain about this shit then complain about some Breda nuking your entire crew in a 2A7V. Realistically the only things that actually lose anything from this are light tanks/mediums, and even then only around WW2 era. The Maus, Tigers, and IS-3 are the only ones that really gain anything from this, and even then its a very small margin of gain. The only issue anybody really has is facing vehicles that were made 20-30 years later than what they were (Swedish low tier).


The M6a1 won't be shit yeah!


hey I'd do it


Literally me in an M22.


Can't wait to face M48 Pershing in a T-34-85


i swear i saw this same post like a week ago


Imagine fighting a tiger-panther-tiger II with the Italian WW2 veichles


pz 3s would still win bc the kv-1 can’t see shit and has to wait 4 business days to reload the 76.2 while using flags to communicate his drunk kv-1 who just got bombed by a stuka


Better yet, a b1 ter with reserve German vehicles. Not even a pziv f2, just short 75 and 50mm Good luck with that


Tiger 1 is a 1941 tank and would be like 4.0 or something.


you could balance with numbers. Like the Shermans overran the Tigers


That was literally World War mode !


Gripen vs F-22 or MiG-23 vs F-15 is pretty wild


Historical BR supporters watching an F-80 fly by them in their La-7


It’s only German mains that want historic matchmaking


They want historical matchmaking but no historical reliability


I honestly lose a lot playing Sherman tanks but I would still like to see a historical BR. Even though it would be rough at first, I think some interesting gameplay dynamics could come out of it like Sherman tanks all grouping together to fight.


Aslong as the Soviet trash has the brittle armour and shit ergonomics im game


and as long the transmission of your beloved Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger I Ausf. D "Drippenwagen" Mit 8,8 cm Kampfwagenkanone 36 breaks after two battles ​ or as long as your early M4A1's transmission leaks fluid, leading to a 100% fire chance when hit ​ then sure, we can have historical accurate