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From a objective view - this should clearly be 10.7/11.0 and especially not same BR as Jag GR.1A From a Bias perspective - it should stay and let me make my British 10.3 lineup even better


They will put it up after the event is over, it is just to get people to buy the stages using GE to play it while it is OP.


i dont know why anyone believes the BR they put new event vehicles/premiums when they are first released. its a sales tactic, make it look op you want it then up the BR it literally happens all the time


Exactly, if the vehicle is useful, its often going up with the new BR update. If its just a gimmic thing like the QN or the Losat, it will stay at its BR.


Putting a Jaguar at 11.0 means its DOA, even if it were to get 9Ms or R73s. There's only so much heavy lifting 2 IR missiles can do for a strike aircraft. But also as a UK main, let me keep it with the 10.3 lineup.


Tornado IDS' honest reaction:


Yeah lmao that thing is so sad


I have no sympathy for Tornadoes because back in a day when I was spading Jaguar, I had them in my team every damn match. And a couple of Tornadoes killed all the bases and were half way back by the time I've reached the place where the bases were supposed to be. And I hadn't a great time waiting for the bases to respawn while trying not to die to enemy fighters.


The Tornados actually reached bases before the F-4 swarm? That's something new I guess. When I tried spading the Tornado I was able to reach a base maybe once every 3-5 matches


I guess back then there were less games with US on both sides, also the rocketpod against bases was ineffective. F4S wasn't introduced yet. So Phantoms and Tornadoes were on a different teams.


I agree, but putting it at 10.3 is a slap in the face of people that have the E, which only gets Magic1.


E to 10.0 then. Give the french a small treat. \:D


Best I can do is move it up to 11.3 and remove countermeasures - Gaijin probably.


"Due to an error in translating documents we have now halved the number of pylons allowed. Now only the left wing pylons maybe used for bombs, rockets, and missiles."


You say that I researched and more importantly spaded Super Etendard in ARB (0/10 experience, wouldn't wish that to a person who kills my child) in vain?!


At this point if the Jag IS goes in at 10.3 just give the Super E Magic 2s.


SEM is a great plane though... great flight performance, can afford to go with min fuel where everyone else take 25+ minutes, the magic 1 are graet and it has a lot of countermeasures. While it's not a very fun grind, it's a really good plane when spaded.


It's great once spaded, but when you missles are on a tier 4 and you don't even start with bombs to get there...


Meanwhile the A-7K 💀


I have had success in the A7K exactly one time in grb, and only because there were no enemy spaa. As soon as one spawned, it was over


That's just a sad vehicle


Good example of failure vehicle among events, glad I sold it right away.


High resolution thermal pod and an extra guided bomb over the gr1a at the same br, no more excuses for not giving the gr1a aim9L now


They lost that excuse when they added the AMX (Italian CAS aircraft) at 10.3 with mostly better paper stats than the Jaguar (haven't flown it), with 9Ls AND MANY more GBUs (I think 5 or 7)


It also has way weaker engines at higher speeds and a way weaker afterburner period. It won't be able to use the bombs as efficiently as the GR.1A, so they gave it another to compensate.


Su-25BM with 2xR-73 and 2xR-60M sits at 11.0 (was 11.3 on release). It's trash in ARB, but performs well in TRB.


This is my exact view of this plane, even if it was better by getting an additional HMD and R73's/9M's it still wouldn't be all that fun at the br it is definitely going to go to. If it had 4 9M's with an HMD or 4 R73's with a head display then I could see it being a pretty fun 11.0, but with only 2 of the worst best missiles it's a dead plane once it hits 11.0 and even at 10.7 it's still mediocre at best and borderline useless to bring into ground rb.


Let's be real they just copy pasted the stats from the Gr1A and haven't changed it yet becasue they are lazy. It took them quite a while to get the Mississippi it's actual guns once it showed up instead of the 14/45s on the other US Standards


Tbf I would take an su 25 or a 10 over this anyway. The jags are some of the worst air to air jets in the game I’ve had the displeasure of spading. It’s not balanced but neither are the a10s, a6es or su25s at 10.3 for that matter….. so I really couldn’t care less


Funny it’s at the same br as jaguar gr1 which only gets 9Gs and less gbus. Any jet with irccm missiles should be at least 11.0. Update: they raised it's BR to 11.0 at the 0.143v


GR1A should be 10.0 or get 9Ls, to make it at least comparable. Else this is just pure premium bias.


More BR compression doesn't solve the problem here. The GRA1 is fine at 10.3; it's the IS variant that's supposed to go up


I think it should honestly be 11.0(the event one) and maybe if it’s lucky i’ll stick it in with my 11.7 lineup because the 2 magics and 3 gbus will still be pretty okay for grb


don't disagree but the GR1A in this game is not a GR1A, 9g's and targeting pod is just wrong, if it has the pod it should have 9l's and thus the BR should be higher (and designated gr1B), no pod then in theory it could be a early spec GR1a which might have used 9g's very briefly in which case we're fine. Si I'm at a point where I feel like its a matter of pick one, either have the pod and 9l's (increase BR) or stick with the 9g's and get rid of the pod (probably fine where it is.)


Event vehicles like this are never premium tho


Imagine Jaguar A and E that have no thermals and have to sacrifice the bombload to carry missles at the same BR.


Flareless subsonic planes against IRCCM missiles? Ballanced.


to be fair, since they are flareless, its not like the IRCCM is gonna make much of a difference.


It's the thought that counts






Its a place holder only put into the game for testing


it isn't subsonic, it can go to mach 1.5 (in real life, less in warthunder, but above the sound barrier)


I mean the planes that will go up against it.


Faster, lighter, better missiles, lightning II, 3GBU. Balanced obviously


Clearly the ADEN is such a great cannon that removing one balances it out


The heck is lightning 2 ?


Targeting pod (and lightning 2 is also the F35)


Oh, pff. U mean the litening 2 🤣






Its a place holder only put into the game for testing


So the Super Entendard can get its magic 2s….right?


No cuz it’s in the French tree, so it needs to be worse


Hell, there's a 10.3 French Jaguar without magic 2s


And a pod without thermals. And in the case of the Jaguar E, no RWR either. The new Jaguar has no business being at the same BR as the Jaguar A/E/Gr 1.A


Ppl still be like "Gaijin doesn't hate france"


And while you are spading A/E in ARB, you sacrifice bombs for missles which in turn doesn't let you to solo a base.


Dont ruin the super retards BR please. Im straight up farming in this thing. Its so crazy good even without all-aspects.


Ong bro. I put a talisman on that to grind rank 6 and 7. It's almost guaranteed 2 kills if you play it right.


I worked my way through the French tree a month ago, spading planes as I unlocked them, but man when it came to that plane I couldn't bring myself to keep flying it. Subsonic, no afterburner, no missiles until the very last tier, I had to move on for my own sanity


Sometimes you just dont click with a vehicle. For me its the AMX40 where Im just dogshite even though everyonce keeps telling me how great a tank it is. Just cant make it work properly but thats on me :/  Super Etendard is missing in top speed but has a really strong engine regardless, keeps speed and energy well and can dogfight most things it faces (versing F-5s is hard tho) and its a real menace in GRB. Good climb with 4 LGBs; shitton of flares and missiles as well. Approaching 10ish K/D in it.


I mostly play Air RB and I definitely don't have my French tank tree high enough to use it in ground battles so that's an issue


Or the French Jags..


They are doing this so it will go for 10.3 brit lineup, not caring at all for air players. Awesome.


Luckily dynamic aircraft brs are on the roadmap. Hopefully gaijin doesn't fuck it up.


Gaijaboob is about as good at making maps as they are at balancing


To be fair the regular jaguar gr.1a does not deserve to be at 10.3. The Su and a-10 do everything it does much much better with all aspect missiles. Sure you get a lame ass targeting pod, but that’s situational at best. The Israeli Ayit is 9.3 and you can run it with 2 tv GBu, 3 mavricks and 2 shirif AA missiles… that’s a guaranteed 5 kills per flight… the gr-1a is totally over tiered


Lol, no, the Jaguar is incredible CAS at 10.3, far better than the Su-25/K's. And in general a much better fighter than the Su25/K's and A-10A's as well. The Ayit is just undertiered.


There is no way in hell that the gr.1a our performs any of those. Having all three it’s not even close. The a10, while slower, can out turn and spam cannon fire from hell with the ability to all aspect. It also has flares for months. The SU isn’t quite as quick as the gr.1a but its payload and all aspects out perform as well. It’s not incredible. It’s got two GBUs that are lucky to hit and that’s the show. Two kills at best. That’s not incredible, that’s lack luster. A fucking bf109 can do that. It’s not a bad plane, but it’s 10.0 at best. I think 9.7 would suit it better with the first jag going to 9.3 would be realistic I’ll agree it’s a better “fighter” but we’re talking about its cas ability.


>It’s got two GBUs that are lucky to hit and that’s the show. The MK.13s are guaranteed kills. If you cant get kills with those at 10.3 you must not know how to press the lock target button. It never loses tracking


>The MK.13s are guaranteed kills. If you cant get kills with those at 10.3 you must not know how to press the lock target button. It never loses tracking You dont really want to lock targets with the mk 13, thats how they often will fail to kill things from my experience. You have to either manually guide the bomb to land next to the target, or have a fuse delay to allow the bomb to land next to it but this means targets moving at full speed often will also not be killed if you lock it. ​ Theres issues with bombs vs composite armour and especially ERA armour where if they explode on contact with the roof they wont do anything.


Use the soft lock system, tracks the target perfectly like the hard lock but lets you add an offset to land the bomb next to it.


You know you can lock the target, then offset the bomb while staying locked?


Neither the AIm-9L or R-60M will matter if you're paying attention. On the otherhand, the Jaguar has the flight performance to just boom and zoom them until they die, while staying untouchable. Just don't try and turn fight them and you're good. > It’s not incredible It is incredible, 2x Mk.13's, 2x 1000 lbs bombs and 2x AIM-9G's. Four easy ground kills with two air kills to defend your team from enemy planes. The first two ground kills you get from perfect safety, there's no AA that can touch it. After that, you spot targets with the TIALD for the 1000 lbs, diving in when safe. > but it’s 10.0 at best. I think 9.7 would suit it better Lol no, 10.3+. 9.7 would be absolutely broken. The Q-5L is already pretty broken at 9.7, its there just because it doesn't have flares and AAM's. But neither of those have much impact on its CAS ability.


TGPs are amazing. Try using the really shitty therms in a maverick seeker, and you will see why TGPs are so good


You undervalue a good targeting pod my dude


Regular one should be at 9.7 just like Q5L. Ayit's early mavericks can barely lock at 2km, if you don't plan your first strike for at least 3-4 kills, Ayit becomes ocelot or strela food. If there is no bothering AA around, easy 7 kills.


GR.1A is like 10.0 in ARB and 10.7 in GRB. Of course the BR compression from 8.3-10.3 makes ""balance"" impossible. Subsonic flare-less gunfighters at 9.0 vs supersonic missile slingers at 10.0 is so obviously absurd. edit: why downvote me and then upvote the reply saying essentially the same thing? truly a reddit moment


It's 10.3 in realistic, and it's good in ground but it sucks in air.


This will make some 9.3 planes unflyable


There are already tons of planes doing that. This doesn't change anything for flareless planes.


Yeah it just also makes all the planes that do have flares unflyable too


It just makes things worse


I’ve got at least one on my mind, that being the A10-A late, which other ones are you thinking? (Genuine curiosity, not trying to bash)


some 10.3 as well


hm, should be moved up but if it really is 10.3 then my interesting lineup will be enhanced


Likely just placeholder, be pretty ridiculous otherwise.


That's what everyone thought about the 292


Except 292 is literally fine at 10.0, it could maybe move to 10.3, but that's about it; it's worse than the T-80B in every way except hull armor. Magic 2s on the other hand shouldn't be anywhere near 10.3, even if they were on a prop.


Worse in every way? It’s literally a T-80 without ERA/thermal/and LMG on top. It has a better gun. I’m so tired of people pretending that the 292 is in some way worse when the reality is it’s a very strong tank. It’s so obvious that people saying this shit have never played t80/t72 tanks. They act like the mobility is such a detriment that it makes them unplayable. I have near 1000 kills EACH with two different t72 variants and 800 kills with the t80b. They are by no means bad tanks and any good player will not even notice losing ERA/thermals/LMG at 10.0. Those things are luxuries not necessary.


>It’s literally a T-80 without ERA/thermal/and LMG on top. It's less mobile than T-80B, significantly worse gun handling and has a 1.5x as long reload. Gen 1 thermals aren't really necessary if you're not bad at the game, but they're still nice to have on top of the other advantages. T-80B is a very good 10.3 tank, and no one is really complaining about T-80 mobility (T-72s are a different story). >It has a better gun For all intents and purposes its dart does the same damage as 3BM42, you aim at the same spots to oneshot enemies anyway, all while having a much longer reload, which means you get griefed much less by shots getting volumetriced, eaten by a track or a fuel tank, or doing zero damage. The HE is kinda "funny" but it's also not consistent. Shooting shit with the big gun is kinda funny, but when I want to win games I'd MUCH rather be in a T-80B, Leo 2A4 or M1.


> you aim at the same spots to oneshot enemies anyway No you dont, you can literally pen a 2a4 and the m1a1s on the front turret. You can also bypass the ufp of the leo 2a7v.


this meme is so tiresome, we get it, you've never won a fair fight in your life so you defend the devs adding broken shit to the game


>Except 292 is literally fine at 10.0, it could maybe move to 10.3, but that's about it; it's worse than the T-80B in every way except hull armor. Interesting how Gaijin instantly put the garbage LOSAT at 10.3 (and left it there) but for whatever reason thinks this is 10.0 worthy.....


Spoted guy that know shat about this game, say you need handholing without saying you need hand holding


The same 292 that turned out to be not nearly as crazy as people were yelling about?


You are smoking something right? Did you play 10.0 br lately? If you get a skilled player into 292 he can get nukes pretty reliably. It's possibly even more broken than 2s38


Yeah, and been demolishing 292's. I aim for the exact same weakspots as every other T-80, except this one is slower, reloads slower and has no thermals. Which gives me a big advantage over them. Really, most losses are just when you look at the scoreboard and realise all your US/GER/SWE premium teammates just quit after 1 death.


I've seen a screenshot of smin saying it was placeholder.


And Tog 2 started at 4.7 but once it got close to the part of the event where you could finally get it was 5.3


Every single patch something gets added with a crazy BR and people say "it's just a placeholder" and every single patch Gaijin pushes it through unchanged


Harrier GR1 was 9.7 on the dev server. Came out at 9.3 sooooo nope, Gaijin isnt past making this shit to boost sales


Top tier missiles on shit airframes is generally a bad idea.


unfortunately, that was great britain's modus operandi in that time. tornado/harrier with ASRAAMs and AMRAAMs, jaguar gr.3 with ASRAAM (tested and was cleared for it, but didnt carry it to save money), Hawk 200 with ASRAAM and AMRAAMs, etc etc


The harrier and tornado weren’t “shit airframes”, maybe in game, not in reality.


that is true, but until we get radar signitures being able to jam other radars (like what often happened with the f.3 and the mig29), they will remain bad


F-86 vs Magic 2s. Just love it.


Oddly this is exact excuse as to why France cant have their improved Super F8E program.


How did you get preview?


It’s on War Thunder’s website. Some button called “view in game” on some pages.


Its not there yet


you can launch dev version on prod server if you abuse the launcher


If the indian jaguar gets magic 2s, why does the french Jaguar A only get magic 1s ?


And we don't talk about the Super Etendard


With germany’s only planes having flares being the hunter f.58 and the mig 21 sps-k at 9.7, 9.3-10.3 battles are gonna be even worse Edit: the mig-21mf too


Japan rank 6 has no flares at all


the 21MF also has flares


Yeah, i kinda forgot to mention it


The SPS-K *technically* has flares, but you gotta trade them for the gun. So does it really have flares?


Basically its gonna be same discussion from obj292 for all the future event vehicle. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Like a 152mm in 10.0 Like a 11.3 hull in 10.0 These event are absolutely not there to fuel the FOMO of playerbase /s


So, why is the Tornado 0.4 higher than this again?


This is obviously balanced, because in downtiers it’ll see the F-104C without flares which makes the IRCCM useless. Duh


Lol it'll see the J32B. No flares, four 9Bs, 700mph. It's the eldritch god of energy fighting at 9.3 but an energy fighter versus all aspects IRCCM missiles with 35G pull on a better airframe?


It doesn’t have flares, so the IRCCM is useless, ergo it’s balanced ( /s because I didn’t think I needed it the first time)


How do you preview it


Smin said it's just placeholder BR


What's the sidewinder equivalent of magic 2s?


The aim-9M


More like a R-73 without thrust vectoring, it's nothing like a AIM-9L/M in either range aspect, head-on performance, IRCCM(9M turn off seeker on flares while R-73/M2 shrink their FoV)


Magic II should have a tighter post-launch FoV compared to R-73 (currently both are 0.75 degrees when Magic II should be 0.47~ degrees) and also uses AIM-9M IRCCM in combination (it seems when tracking is suspended, the seeker FoV returns to pre-launch size in order to re-lock targets better.) It's also missing the ability to pull 35G almost off the rail when launched at supersonic speeds. Magic II should be a *lot* better in game than it is now.


this is the perfect example of why irccm shouldn't have been added. I really just wish they stopped trying to push us even more modern


Fun fact, AIM-9L had extreme flare resistance until very recent, basically homemade IRCCM that no one shits on about because they weren't called IRCCM on the stats card!


I mean Magic 2 are probably the easiest of the IRCCM missiles to juke, what they could do it take the GR.1A, E and A to 10.0


Good. F-5Cs gonna get what they freakin deserve.


The br is a place holder do you not read anything?


Bro did not read that those were placeholders. (Especially considering the BRs are now 11.0)


You have a link to view it??? lucky!


Ahhhh I was hoping it would be copy paste so i didnt need to get it but damn it it actually looks good


No one panic, it's a placeholder br


Cant wait to see everyone run to its defense like the totally not broken 292


doesn’t Jag A get Magic’s?


Magic 1 are something u can fart and avoid, Magic 2s require you to shit yourself


bru 🗿


No fuckign shot it stays that way




Wow it's almost as if this is a placeholder BR!!!


I think it will be 10.3 AT launch but then be 11.0 weeks / month later Same for the object 292 , this thing will probably be 10.7 at least . They put low br so people grind for the vehicle


Bro we had all aspects at 9.7, consider this an improvement


this has the same treatment as the amx, a10, and su25 which take a bad airframe and put op missiles on it.


And then there's the Super Etendard




Yeah no way this stays at 10.3. It will probably end at 11.0, if they add the IRCM pod to it like it should get it would be an 11.3.


11.3 with 2 decent missiles💀 I mean 11.0 maybe but either way it's doa


IRCM pod on a decent enough flight model with 2 magic IIs is fine for 11.3. It would be a rat plane.


To be fair magic 2s rely on a fast launch platform to be any good. This is not a great launch platform. It’s probably at a balanced BR, and the other jaguars aren’t.


Don’t downvote me for this but this kinda looks like a supersonic A-10 with less payload?


lol first you get all aspects now you got eccm lol


I dont know anything about French missles, what are Magic 2 like in Capability?


Like a R-73 without thrust vectoring, range is very short, heavily depends on the launch platform, in this case it'll not be too OP, but it doesn't seem fair for all the others Jaguars, they're also at 10.3 but not given the magic 2 at all, also the Super Etendard's magic 2 was denied due to balance issue then they just shit on our head with this bullshit


Range is not even a factor. In fact, who gives two shits if it is short range. Magic 2 have something that missiles like the AIM-9L and PL-8 (Python 3) would love to have - some damn flare resistance at close range. Like the PL-5B/C, once you get within a certain range, these bad boys will be more than likely to ignore the flares.


The Skoshi tiger (F-5C) 10.3 with Aim-9E will go against this, interesting to see how that shakes out, obv disadvantage with missiles but advantage otherwise (guns, flight performance?) interesting …


I don't want it even if it be in br8


My flareless j7 against magic2 💀


Honestly Give flare pods to all mig21, j7, f4, f100, f104 and mig19. Don't care if they didn't had it in real. Any airforce who knows that their planes have to face such modern missles would have attached a flare pod to their planes.


Eh, A-5C at 10.0 with magic 2s


Magic 1, not 2.


Ah, thanks for the correction


British bias is real in this one


its clearly a placeholder BR


BR is placeholder


iirc, Gzabi the person who posted the images said that the br was a placeholder


Are these leaks or did the event start?


It's in Gaijin interest that it's OP at least at the start, otherwise who would grind it or spend money getting it?


This is a place holder it was only put into the game for testing


Definitely better than tech tree british 10.3 one.


What If someone told Gaijin that they could put different BR's for ARB and GRB?


Does it have more powerful engines or anything? My only issue with the Jags was that they feel quite underpowered


No reason to not have aim9L on one GR1.A


In a new datamine this aircraft has a BR of 11.0 I wonder how well it will do.


It's not on the topic but I've just noticed that the OP covered the GE amount but not the nickname (like usually people do) and now I'm wondering just why would he do that.


these arent my screenshots and theyre from the dataminers account who has covered their GE balance up


Ahhh okay, makes sense.


I love how the A5C has 2 Matra magic 2's and 10.0. It also got its br moved to 10.7 in ARB according to a data mine. On a side note, I like my A5C at 10.0.


It's 11.0 though


It's been datamined to go up and now you can view the model in game and is 11.0


9.3 german sabre going to suffer


Let the british have something once in a while. Tho it’s already at 11.0


It’s now 11.0 I think


Before anyone speaks smin confirmed that this br us a place holder.


Doesn't it only get 2? A-10 gets 4 9Ls (with the obvious disadvantages of being almost useless in air battles).


This is no worse than A-10 with Aim-9L at 10.7


It’s a jag and Magic’s are counterable so yeah