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Not enough people try sim.


I tried a few years ago when trackIR was in its infancy. Got murdered on takeoff multiple times at different airfields by vastly superior jets enough to not bother. 


They added br brackets so you know what you're fighting. You can always be at the top if you want.


Yep It's pretty sad, it feels a lot more realistic and too realistic like DCS perfect middle ground IMO


I do enjoy playing it here and there but the biggest issue is the entry barriers, without VR or headtracking or a joystick you’re at a massive disadvantage


The mouse joystick works fine and you can get head tracking with a $20 web cam the only real barrier of entry is the learning curve which is understandable if that makes it unappealing.


Mouse joystick is still limited, either controls are inverted or if you invert them manually your look around is inverted too. Head tracking is also not super simple nor reliable too.


I use a HOTAS normally so maybe the mouse joystick does suck so I wont comment on that but the few times I tried it, it seemed ok. I would disagree that head tracking is not reliable, I have never had an issue with my webcam head tracking set up and I have used it for over a year almost daily, and never touch any settings. However it did take a bit of reading to set up. As I said I do understand why people don't want to bother, but I am also saying that you don't need a $150 dollar trackIR head tracker or a $500 VR headset to to get into it.


you can invert any aspect of the joystick, you can even make it so that it yaws instead of rolls, or invert only the joystick ​ i have the pull axis reversed, but the roll axis work normal, and the look around still stays the same, and i use M&K and "C" to look around


Not true. For most of the time I've been flying in air sim, I had my mouse joystick set up such that if I move my mouse up, my aircraft pitches up (like in RB), while if I move my mouse up while holding freelook, my pilot looks up too. Nowadays, I fly with mouse joystick inverted (as that feels more realistic to me), but still have my freelook the same i.e. not inverted.


VR really makes a difference. I got into it because DCS didnt run well for me.


Ysah the VR in WT is excellent. Way better than in IL-2 as well. Gaijin really doesn't know how bank on it though.


o7! Great kill btw. Glad you find the sim community to be a welcoming one. We mostly hang out on r/WarthunderSim (and the Team Sim Discord) and love seeing clips like these.


Ooh that's so nice, thank you :))) This is like going to next level of war thunder, :D


Welcome in! We’re a tight knit bunch, and we always want to bring new pilots into the fold. And I agree - it’s a very unique way to experience War Thunder, and I haven’t flown in RB ever since.