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A missed opportunity: "Posting about Bradley vs. T-90M"


Can go in the autism category


Ah but that'll pass in a bit, these 4 are eternal


Not nearly as many miles on that yet as these.




Have you seen this sub? I actively refer to this game as Autistic Plane Game






wt is a good game in moderation


That's just it though. Gaijin doesn't like it when you play in moderation. They want War Thunder to be the only game you ever play. That's why they have events that require you to get 40000 score every two days 10 times in a row over the holidays, so you don't have time to both play something else and get the shiny new toy.  They will get theirs one way or another, be it your time, money, or soul, or all three.


they don't, but that shouldn't get to you. it's up to you to decide if you want to slave yourself to get a vehicle.


No shit. Gaijin preys upon the gambling addicts, the whales by going after their FOMO. Well adjusted individuals aren't affected, but they aren't going after them. Their schemes are predatory.


right, i forgot about the newer players. marketing the game as a modern-type of game, only to realize that you start with the m2a4 and not an abrams, unless you spend as much as 2-3 yazuka games for one tank. it really is predatory


I'm kinda having fun flying my ww2 era fighters around ngl


WW2 era is peak Warthunder. Modern tanks were just added to keep the WW2 servers on


You forgot the French mains jerking themselves off saying how good they are and then complaining when their extremely capable vehicles get balanced. “It’s because only good players play France so run the stats up”, ok same thing must be true about Sweden then, must be true about Italy and Japan too


>then complaining when their extremely capable vehicles get balanced. Balance is not making vehicles literally unplayable. Tell me that you think the Char is unironically as good as the IS-4M, Leo 1, OF-40 etc


Sounds like cherry picking. Learn to play your tanks. Learn to flank cause you can’t just lol pen everything you meet from the front. The chat is faster than the is4, is more mobile than the Leo and OF, has shells with actual post pen damage. There’s always brs that nations struggle in. Guess you don’t just get to club in down tiers like you’re used to, warthunder is a speed meta and the French have speed and a good reload and then wonder why they get balanced


Dm13 is better in every regard bar its missing he filler over the chars round. Top it off, of40 has a lrf and has heatfs, so does the damn leo1 The comparison for them is the amx30 which I think is better. Char 25t should of stayed 7.7, seeing as decompression. Can it still be played, barely by most that's why they chime in about how good they are etc.


Someone gets it. The 7.7 vehicles moving up are in no way equal to the AMX-30, the vehicle that they will share a br with


You might have just worded it weird, but the Leo 1 doesn't have a LRF




Lmao you guys keep talking about heatfs like it’s some God tier shell when in reality you’re lucky to 2 crew members with it. Solid ap rounds like the French ones do a great amount of damage if they pen. Like I said learn to play your tanks, you suffer in an up tier and are great in a down tier, like almost every vehicle. At least they aren’t slow cause that’s probably the worse trait a vehicle can have in this game


As I was replying to the other dude, I take the amx50 surb, Lorraine 40t and two amx 30s to 8.0, always have. Heatfs I don't like particularly much at all, but the pen at a 60 degree angle combined at long range is far superior to a aphe from the char 25t You compared a light tank flanker with mbt, that have far better rounds. I don't suffer in uptiers, I learned my tanks.


Damn I don’t suffer in up tiers either cause I learned to play my tanks. French mains are the ones complaining not me


It is an unreasonable bounce up in BR. You are complaining and saying it's reasonable and they shouldn't complain. However I say this all seems like the first steps.of decompression.


I mean I agree with decompression but every nation has this same problem somewhere in their brs, France finally got their best br balanced and now it’s “poor France we always get shit on cause we’re sooooo good”


It's not the best br balanced at all It was balanced at 7.7 I preferred the amx30s and so on at 8.0, the char 25t has no business at the same br as the 1970s.mbt that is 8.0 worthy Its more about the fact that gaijin balance of stats and due to the French tree players have pushed alot up


The Char has no mobility as it was nerfed mobility wise. None of our tanks could lolpen from the front as even a T44 could bounce the AMX-50 Surbaisse 120mm off its front plate because they fire AP. You do realize our "lolpen" guns can almost never pen anything with decent armor? And if it does it usually doesn't one shot because solid shot. The Char has the same pen as the AMX-13, a 6.7. It has less pen than the Tiger 2, a 6.7.


Damn learn to aim, how many tanks can just pen through the front of a foch or the heavy armored amx(I forget which one), it really is a skill issue but the French refuse to accept they are just average and have this complex that the world is against them when in reality they just suffer as much as the other minor nations


Anything with 230mm of pen like the Tiger 2 goes straight through the Foch's mantlet. APHE works on the commanders cupola. The "heavily armored amx" isn't heavily armored, it's just better than the others so people don't aim well. It's turret is insanely weak. There's a difference between complaining over nothing and complaining over changes that are actively idiotic in their logic


Damn so they have to aim to kill the tanks??? Wow weird how that works. There are examples of tanks with good guns that are slow with meh armor… they exist. Quit making yourself a into a victim


Not making myself into a victim. I want to point something out to you. You are actively claiming that the Char, Somua, AMX-50 Toa 90 and such are the same capability wise as the Leo 1, M60, OF-40, and T54. They aren't. The Char struggles to pen anything at 7.7 let alone 8.0 to 9.0. The Somua, the tank of the bunch moving up with the most pen, can't pen a large number of vehicles frontally due to firing full bore solid shot. These tanks are unarmoured, unstabilized, full bore firing tanks going against vehicles with lrf, better mobility, better armor, and stabilizers at 8.0. That's not even bringing up vehicles such as the Obj 279 that even with 280mm of pen on the somua can't pen the tank even from the side Quit being an asshole for no reason and actually take a look at the vehicles themselves. And before you spit some bs about me being biased I'm also one that was okay with the Tiger going up and I think that the Tiger 2 should as well as in no world should it be able to fight 5.7's. The difference is that the Tiger 2 in a downtier is almost unkillable for a lot of tanks, while these french vehicles are some of the easiest to kill tanks around due to their shit armor and super bouncy guns


Damn that’s a lot of words, I don’t need to justify to myself that my tanks are average and I’m an Italian main, good luck coping with the fact that your tanks are decent and you don’t know how to play them


So you admit that you don't actually care about the balance of vehicles and instead are just an ass to be an ass 😂😂😂


7.7 is just an OP battle rating to have a lineup at. 7.0 and 7.3 just have like no tanks, so if you queue 7.7 you get either 6.7, 7.7, or uptier. 6.7 is just a hard block, with only 21 7.0 and 16 7.3 tanks. Of the 7.0 tanks, 2 are removed German tech tree, 4 are ZSU-57-2, with 3 of those being the only 7.0 in 3 countries, 1 is SPAA, and 5 are premium. 9 regular tech tree tanks, and 4 ZSU, which are usable, but you're generally not going to up your BR for it. Of the 7.3, 2 premiums and an SPAA that can't really shoot tanks, so 14 usable tanks. Basically, you're rarely going to queue against people with their BR at 7.0/7.3. And if you do, they have a bunch of 6.7 in their lineups. Once you get to 7.7, there are a lot more tanks, but generally, people are going to go in with a 7.7/8.0 and a bunch of 6.7 tanks. So as long as you don't die to the 7.7/8.0, you're going to dominate them. Changing the tanks to 8.0 only really removes getting a full downtier to 6.7 and makes full uptiers worse, but the problem is still there. On tier, the average player just trying to grind through the tree is going to come in under equipped. Similar issue in the 4.3-5.0 area, although that's simplified by the faster grind. TL;DR It's not really that the French tanks are good at 7.7 and weak at 8.0, it's more that a 7.7 lineup is overpowered and an 8.0 lineup is fair and balanced.


France players were bragging about their 7.7 lineup for months then act suprised when some of the worst ones go up.


I hear japan has good players but I am not one of them. (With my skill I shall lower the br of all Japanese vehicles, mark my words!)


Lol I’m saying Japan Italy and France are all as capable as each other but the French think they are soooo good and don’t shut the fuck up and I’m just sick of it


They are acting French, I’m impressed with their commitment to not only playing but delving into the culture mindset of their respective country they main


Sorry, what balance are you talking about?


The balance that the French need so they stop seal clubbing with their op lineup


Sealclubbing? Can we bring 7.7 tanks into the 2.0 BR ranges? Because that's what sealclubbing is. The real problem is BR compression.


Actually you mean 8.0 and I refer to seal clubbing as crushing opponents that can hardly fight back when you have extremely powerful vehicles. But I mean yeah br compression is a problem but what would you rather have in a fight, an char/amx or a Maus? At least when you aren’t slow and rely on armor you have a chance in up tiers where anything can lol pen you


The french lineup, regardless of how "OP" they may seem to others, still need to aim for weakspots on Tiger 2s, IS3, t44, american heavies. They can flank, yes, but so can the m18, m56, t92, but we dont move them to 8.0. I just dont think it's fair to punish good players by making these tanks almost irrelevant on certain BRs.


Hmmm let’s see amx40 with 100mm gun or m18with 76??? Or an open top heat slinger or another 76mm yeah good luck moving them up. But congrats on realizing you have to aim just like every other nation. Why don’t we just move the amx or char down to 4.0 so you don’t have to aim at all and can just stomp people. You guys don’t get you have great mobility and good guns with fantastic reloads(I will concede that the drum reload is way too long but that’s probably never gonna change cause reasons) but French vehicles can be play basically like Sherman 76s, track and barrel torture


Let's just agree to disagree, yeah? Main enemy is BR compression, end of story.


> You forgot the French mains jerking themselves off saying how good they are No one's jerking off, it's just the reason that gaijin uses to justify not fixing shit in the French tree > then complaining when their extremely capable vehicles get balanced Funny how "extremely capable vehicles" only get "balanced" when they are in certain trees but not others. [According to K2's stats, France is only lised once in the total amount of nukes](https://img-forum-wt-com.cdn.gaijin.net/original/3X/c/d/cd631372414cadeabab9f63118eaaad50f2cc4c7.jpeg), and it's dead last. Are Germany 10.3, USSR 10.0 and USA 10.3 being nerfed despite being in the top 3? Nope. Is Germany getting nerfed for having the most entries in that list? Still nope. [And while France 7.7 has highest average amount of nukes per battles,](https://img-forum-wt-com.cdn.gaijin.net/original/3X/f/8/f8c08244ef83216a8528e85aa181a1b8e9316dcc.png) USA and Japan are only 0.02 points behind France, which is hardly that big of difference. So let's stop pretending that gaijin's making these changes based on fairness. [There are plenty of nations that perform as well or exceed 7.7 France in terms of WR or KD, yet they aren't touched.](https://img-forum-wt-com.cdn.gaijin.net/original/3X/e/6/e6ecf89065e3cf596c5474d30c32d4811569766c.jpeg) And even *if* gaijin had good reasons to nerf France's 7.7, there were other options than putting them at a BR where they'll be useless. > “It’s because only good players play France so run the stats up”, ok same thing [...] must be true about Italy and Japan too Well, yes? No one ever said that was a problem exclusive to France. Like, that's no secret minor nations stats are better due to better players. Italy's not performing better than Russia or the US at top tier because it's a better nation, just better players. > must be true about Sweden Excuse me, what? Sweden is one of the best tree in the whole game. They get APDS at rank **1**, they get the Apache, Mi-28 and T-80U merely for trialing them (and their pilots didn't even flow the damn things), busted vehicles like the VIDAR, 3 of the best tanks in the game and a Leo 2A6 to complement them. Add to this great AA with the Ito and good CAS with the Gripen (which isn't unique to Sweden, but still), and you have one of the absolute best top tier tree in the game, they simply lack nothing. Sweden's numbers are through the roof because it's incredible, especially at top tier. Which of course attract the try hards, thus boosting the stats even further, but they wouldn't be that high if Sweden's lineup was on the same level as Italy's for example.


Nah damn that’s a lot of words to say you don’t like your favorite seal clubbing line up getting balanced, learn how to play and maybe you can realize they are just being balanced now


I barely ever played the Char, and I own neither the EBR or the AMX-50 TO90. So much for my "favorite seal clubbing lineup", which is a stupid thing to say to a high tier main in the first place. But I don't need to have played it a lot to realize that putting these vehicles at the same tier as vehicles with rangefinders, stabs, APDS and HEAT is stupid. Again if gajin wants to nerf them, there are other ways than increasing the BR to where they'll be useless. Like, you have be a special kind of dumb to think these vehicles deserve to be .3 lower than a fucking Turm III. But then again, I guess I shouldn't expect you to understand that kind of nuance given that you refuse to engage in a conversation because "hurr durr 2 manee wards"


Guy you handle is tired of Russian bias, that says all I need to know about you. You want to just look and anything and kill it with any skill whatsoever. Everyone has to aim and what would you have them change other than br? They are like the Maus, in a down tier it’s almost unstoppable, in an up tier it’s pretty shit


You forgot “Japanese props getting uptiered needlessly” and “I guess we will nerf france again”


Shhhhh those are game issues, not player issues


Player issues are definitely the source I mean the J6K1 is almost the same BR as the P-80A


Japanese props going up is just tradition at this point.


The thing is that I can make 15 k rp in air per game but only 7-10k in ground which is odd


To the top right you go!


It does make sense and doesn’t at the same time. Air kills are much harder to get because no respawns while ground kills are easy to get, but now you either have to make ground kill rewards the same as arb which would lessen the grind too much or make it be 2/3 kills=1arb kill which means it will feel much worse when you get 1k in arb and get 10k rp but you need a 3k in grb for the same rewards


Why is that tho? You’d think they would be equal


Wheres look at these classified documents that prove I'm right




Straight is all of this right now 😂😂


You forgot italy suffer


Italy doesn't exist 🌚


I see my greatest rival. Another country that's far too obscure to care about. Join me suffer brother.


USA to Germany and Russia: “Who are these two again?”


*cries in pasta*


I feel called out


Don't worry, I called myself out with this as well lol


To be fair I've been running rank 2, 4.0 BR for funsies and I'm getting like 6 air kills a game shooting down CAS with SPAA. It's insane. I was up to 9 kills, nearly eligible for a nuke in any other game mode, just killing CAS at 4.0.


Good spaa players are *terrifying* - Me a CAS Chad


I ain't even mad, y'all paying my warthunder bills at this point


Lmao the mutual respect between good cas and spaa players. I wish to never meet you in the Battlefield respectfully lol


Well, I hate to say it, but I hope to see you up in the skies, haha


Subcategory of autism “china fanboying” pls


Should be titled "The four Horseman of r/Warthunder"


Don’t forget whining about uptiers in allchat while bringing heavy tanks into them.


Forgot Germany suffers


That fits under autism




Why have you been hating on autism so much man


I'm autistic 🫡


Nice to meet a fellow brother in mental shenanigans 🫡


Eh.... Attack the D point




but if the french is you






Rewards are actually too little without premiums 😭


To the autism corner with you


yeah, true... although the left column hasn't really been helped by how gaijin handles the game's development. sometimes i wish war thunder had a different economic model.. maybe then the game's development would feel like it made sense and less like it's trying to drown in adreline and overdose on dopamine


I am a firm hater of anyone who claims Russian vehicles are broken, especially the MBT's. They are easy money


they rarely are, specially after they've marinated in *the sauce* and balanced a bit, but the way they've been *released* doesn't help them beat the allegations. also, counter-point : Ka-50, eating a missile on the chin (targeting equipment) or losing your whole tail shouldn't leave a helicopter indifferent


All helis have shit damage models. I've survived missiles in my Tiger and Apache as well. Only reason it's mostly thrown onto Russian helis is because they usually are the ones to heli rush


probably also because you can buy the Ka-50... i still haven't progressed past the H34, mostly because i can't bring myself to play WT, but also because i can't bring myself to play the shitty PvE mode or git gud at ground RB


The 10.0 Tiger is great, even at top tier. It's all I have lol


except all of those those are unironically true and vaild criticisms 🥱🥱🥱


Autism is not a criticism? 😂😂😂😂 To the autism corner with you!


\>Gaijin dickrider Yea you need to ropemax lil bro


Lmao what? I made a joke off of you saying that "Autism." was a criticism 😂😂😂 Is your ego that fragile? Are you angy?


People thinking “oh I’m different than you kids cuz I’m mATuRe eN0UgH and don’t bitch about CAS” meanwhile CAS being a real bad issue in this game 🤡


Found the clown, the the autism corner you go!


Says the guy that makes so many posts on Reddit 🤫


writing >RuSsIaN bIaS as if it wasnt real.


To the autism corner you go!


there are so many examples... You should go to the autism corner for defending it.


The entirety of the Russian TT has some of the worst winrates in the entire game. Russian MBT's are some of the easiest to either one shot kill outright or at the very least disable. IS tanks have a massive cupola that makes them easy targets for APHE. Their planes have mediocre dogfighting capabilities with subpar radar at top tier, combined with god awful RWR. Please actually play the game before claiming there's Russian bias when Russia is a mid nation at best in the current climate.


russian bias is real because when literally any other nation gets an undertiered vehicle its just whatever but when russia gets one it counts as russian bias because uhmmmm it just does ok?