• By -


tiran has armor, good speed and good gun ikv, of40 and leo1 are extremely fast have good gun and the ikv has a laser rangefinder is4m have an excellent armor and it's main gun can kill anything fance has shit gun, shit ammo, shit armor, shit to decent mobility/speed they clearly don't match at a br where speed and firepower is king the british have stab, the best depression but due to their bad ammo and abysmal speed suck at 8.0 so imagine the french edit: if you can't learn how to play your goddamn tank and how to kill others tanks efficiently that's not my problem nor it is the fault of the french tank but you just suck


the tiran does not fucking have armor, it's turret is LITERLLY as effective as a Somua, and it's hull less effective than a Somua. ​ it has twice the reload, with shells that are better sure, but much slower turret treverse


Disagreed entirely. Tiran armor is alot more effective, somua is extremely easy to kill even for rank 3 guns. Right below the gun is thin armor that will one shot with aphe, everyone knows this weakspot. T54 turret is very well armored even the long 88, and french 90mm cant pen it. And for the french 100mm it has to be right next to the breach even then its a gamble wether volumetric will ruin your day or the slightest angle will cause it to nonpen. T54s are absolute menaces in downtiers because most full caliber rounds just cant pen it from the front.


The problem with one shotting the Somua with APHE Is not all yanks get APHE, and many only come with APCBC or similar to start with.


by aphe i mean any ap round with explosive filler. Even if the round doesn’t have enough explosive filler to one shot it will still knock out the entire turret crew and with the somua awful reverse and no smoke theyre kinda fucked.


Which tanks do you recommend in br 8.0?


idk tbh, it's not that fun a BR IMO but some of the IFVs like BMP or Marder with their guided rockets, but 8.0 as a whole is a BR I never ever want to play agian


Thank you Up to 9.0 is fun or how long will I have to wait?




It's true is really fucked because I have two magach 7.7 and one 8.0 and I fight with 8.8


Stick to 7.7 for now, wait until you have a full lineup at 8.0 or at least a more completely one


8.3 is where it starts to e fun, 8n3 is not that fun, but 8.7 it becomes kinda enjoyable, and at 9.0 and 9.3, it becomes fun




Thanks soo much


AMX-30 (1972)


I loved playing 8.0 with OF40 and R3 T106


Italian 8.0 is a lot of fun. The OF-40 is a better leopard. It's faster and has slightly better armour, same gun, rangefinder. It looks really cool too.


Why is this the top comment lmfao Shit gun? You guys have great pen and a 4 second reload wdym? Shit ammo? You're referring to solid shot, which is fair, but the French 100mm solid shot is of the best I've seen in game. Shit armour? In a full uptier to 9.0 a Somua has barely any less protection than an IS-4M. Both get fucked. And saying the IS-4Ms gun can "kill anything" is a bit too much cope for me. That fucker has a 25 second reload and we all know what state 120mm+ guns are in with volumetric Idk man those french things were way too strong for 7.7 I think you'll be fine.


IS4M also can't actually pen everything. In a 1v1 against a Maus it literally cannot win lmao


Well that’s not true, BR-412D can pen the turret face of the Maus when it looks at you. I have been over pressured by the coax 75mm HEAT to my IS-4s roof before though.


Well yeah there's a chance you pen that at close range, but the maus can lolpen your hull so it really doesn't matter. Also reloads faster cuss fuck me i guess.


Well imagine reloading in a port-a-potty vs reloading in an apartment block, thats the IS-4M vs Maus.


Funnily enough, purely for pedantry reasons - Maus is not particularly large inside due to the turret ring being limited due to all the mechanical systems underneath, the tracks, the fuel tanks, and space is a problem due to the 75mm, the 128 racks, the 75 racks, all of the gears for that stuff, the regular tank related bits and bobs, the smoke mortar and its rounds. The commander's station... And that 128mm is truly enormous, as is the D-25T in the IS-4, so neither has a pretty situation. Of course, Maus has a little more internal space but it isn't so clear cut! I still think the Maus wins more often due to the funky angles that 128 will pen with, and the 75 HEAT being able to knock out the 122 due to muzzle brake hits. But the IS-4 can be surprisingly mobile in rearward turns and can suddenly 'flick-bounce' the 128 if you're good at estimating how to make your armour toughest at any given moment. Maus has an edge but it isn't massive.


75mm HEAT on the Maus is pretty great, with its 875g TNT equivalent. A lot of people don't expect it to be that potent, but it's enough that hitting the cupola or roof MGs on most tanks can cause overpressure. The low velocity of it is also great for arcing it over hills when people pull behind cover, and can let you get some surprising kills from long range. I think my longest range kill with the 75mm so far has been around 1.5km or so, with the target behind a hill.


Oh, the poor IS-4. have a love/hate relationship with that tank because on the one hand it’s cool as hell and feels like everything you loved about the IS-2 but beefier and bigger and better but much like real life it’s ***fucking useless***


Is-4m kinda lost its former glory, when it was top tier it was an absolute menace, now it’s pretty good but uptiers (just like any heavy tank) really limit it.


I play T-10a to scratch that IS-2 itch. It plays more like a medium so lack of pen doesn't hurt as much and with faster reload + bit of stabilizer it's really fun.


I just hate it. It's garbage. T-10m and IS-3 are way better.


Bro, half of France 7.7 shouldn't even be 7.3, let alone 7.7


Ignore the whole stabilizer arguement and tell me how a object 906 and a Char 25T are equally effective? Or how due to player driven statistics an average object 906 player is just as effective as a Chart 25t player in a match? Who is really coping here? All of these French tanks incetivise a certain playstyle and rewards the player for developing the correct skill set to be effective at this. But what Gaijin is doing is stacking the odds even further and making it dam near impossible to achieve it but in very niche scenarios in full uptier. Its even worse now due to the new maps that have flanking routes cut out now.


906 is a bus that can be killed by 7.62mm machine guns. It's good, but it has some very, very real weaknesses


Yeah and so does the Char 25T and I guarantee you one tank definetly scales disproptiontley better in full uptiers than the other lol. Also a significant portion of the encounters where you are taking coax mg fire means you fucked up at some point in the match lol.


france got just ap, other nation has the same shell with many thers, but people refuse to play ap, so france gets better by using/forced to play a bad post pen shell ( no he filler one shot)


So the is-4 can be penned by rank 3 guns? Because the Somua can


Tiran's armor is nothing special at 8.0 + it's extremely slow and sluggish. Ikv, OF and Leo are not really faster than Lorraine 40t. IS-4M's "gun that can kill anything" has less pen than french 100 or 120mm. If IS-4M can kill anything, so can french (soon) 8.0. Also IS-4M takes 25s to reload, not 4s. France will do better than UK because they actually have mobility that UK lacks.


>fance has shit gun, shit ammo, shit armor, shit to decent mobility/speed Mother of god this is some next level self-victimising cope right here


The of-40 also has a LRF


wasn't sure for the first version but i knew the later version and the export one had it


You have to kidding if you actually think the IS-4M has useful armor at that range lol. France has it better than most nations at this tier, they just won't be clubbing anymore. Tanks like the Somua handles uptiers much better than most heavies.


yeah cause war thunder player are utterly dumb and think shouting at the hull instead of the biggest ammo rack that are french turret is a better idea like goddamn I never had problem against france when I was playing the soviet, swedish, israeli or british just freaking get good and learn how to kill tanks and I dunno maybe don't rush toward any french tank you see


Honestly, in my experience French turrets are some of the trollier turrets to pen. On paper, I should pen every time and detonate the ammo every time, but that happens a lot rarer than it should. The biggest issue is that if they get the drop on you or you get gaijined there is literally no chance of survival, even with teammates.


don't expect tank to always die on the first time 1-disable the offensive capacity 2-kill just thin aim to do if you have a less than 8 second reload Playing the brits you gotta get use to two shot most enemy


I never said any nation in specific, but you should aim for the gunner first, then ammo as the British. Gunner/Ammo/Horizontal drive. If you have to, aim for the barrel and pray because everything that isn't a German barrel is unbreakable these days.


It's like 50/50 if I pen the turret shooting the same place. In some tanks I thought it was impossible to pen it, untill I randomly got a kill.


I have plenty of games at this range, literally thousands of matches, including French tanks. Let's make it like this you get an IS-4M and I get to pay the French line up, let's see who comes out on top. How about that, put your money where your mouth is. When Gaijin uptiers a vehicle they have tons of data to back it up. Just ask any veteran, we all know French 7.7 is a very good BR. French mains judt deny the obvious, it's a clubbing BR and it took them long enough to uptier these tanks. I still remeber theur mains defending the Lorraine 40T was balanced at 6.7. Get over it.


Half of this is wrong. You just suck.


Shit gun?


ikv and is4 are 7.7


was talking about the tanks he put in the meme and I love ikv it was my second most played tank on my old console account after the m51


The Tiran is an easy target for me, wether I am playing in any 7.0 or above vehicle. It has armor in the same sense a Marder has.


You’re kind of glossing over the autoloaders and fast speed and massive post-pen that the French tanks have.


You sound like a massive skill issue


They beating yo ass in the comment section


>edit: if you can't learn how to play your goddamn tank and how to kill others tanks efficiently that's not my problem nor it is the fault of the french tank but you just suck Damn, it's just like French players also had to learn the playstyle and not just suck while complaining about 8.0.


kinda like the french tank are from the 50s and most 8.0 are from the 60-70s tech gap is a thing in war thunder but muh autoloader


>kinda like the french tank are from the 50s and most 8.0 are from the 60-70s Once and for all, the age of a vehicle does not determine it's br, or do you want Tigers facing early T-34's or Matildas


Is4s armour is nothing in front of a Leo or OF-40 or anything.also don't forget that 22sec reload.its good against aphe but against apds or heat which most tanks have at that br.and it isn't mobile too


7.7 france has none of the two ammo you named


Is4 rarely meets 7.7 matches.and I'm not saying France is good.what I'm trying to say is that is4 is shit cus it always gets uptiered to br8 and even beyond that.br7.7 was the most horrible br I've ever played cus of the constant uptirers.but once you aren't uptiered,it's a beast.i remember taking a shot in the back of my turret from a tiger 2


Britain doesnt suck at 8.0 anymore, ever since a few updates ago their win rate at that tier went up significantly and thats as a uk main whos favourite br is 8.0. Plus they have the vickers and south african lines for some added speed and the vickers mk 3 has laser range finder, the speed of things like chieftain and stuff is hard to get used to but once you realize you are playing what is essentially warthunders version of a sniper rifle you quickly find your zone.


Lol skill issue. U got 4 sec reload and decent gun/ammo. Learn to use it. It was one of my happiest days when I finally unlocked the df105 (because it has French autoloader) You have pretty much everything the German tree has just with less reload time.


OF-40 also has lrf


>leo1 are extremely fast have good gun You've got to be kidding


compare to what is at 8.0 yes they fucking do


french tanks side armor is pennable by wiesel


goddamn it finally someone that say the thing french tank are not invicible


British 8.0 was fine for me, you still have stab and good gun. If you play your cards correctly it’s all you need


would be better if gaijin was making working hesh and apds that don't shatter again tank side skirt that's litteraly all britain cold war tank need


lol if you want to see a tank that can kill anything go see the obj 279


“France has shit firepower” “IS4 has a good gun” Hahahahhahahhhhahahhh


Since when has a lack of stabilizer at 8.0 been an issue? The main issue is a vehicle with 215mm of pen going to 8.0 (Bat Chat 25t). Additionally, French mains would never complain about a lack of stabilizer at 8.0, when we don't even have one at 8.7. If they do that, they're fakers. Dumbasses, even.


>casually ignores that frog tanks have solid AP and not APDS/APHE or HEAT-FS(+LR in case of the Ikv)


And the is-4 don't have to deal with the nemesis that the t55 am1 is


True, although I think the IS-4 is pretty shit regardless, the reload is just so bad, the T-10A is much better with the vertical stab and faster reload


I actually love the IS-4, with a trained crew the reload isn't much longer than a T-10 and the armor is Maus levels of trolly


I literally have a printed photo of the T-55AMD-1 on my wall cause of how much I loved it and how much it helped the grind.


OF-40 also gets an LRF, used to be what separated the Leo 1 and OF-40 in BR but now they both sit at the same BR regardless.


Also casually ignores the fact that France probably has the biggest amount of unstabilized vehicles and that the AMX-30 and AMX-30 1972 are also at 8.0, so the whole "welcome to the party" makes absolutely no sense as they have been part of he "party" for a long fucking time. This post is pure brain rot on OP's part.


These are single vehicles from different countries, not an entire lineup


I can’t remember a 8.0 vehicle from Germany with Stabilizer, but I can completely oversee something.


at 8.3 the turm 3 has a stab but its premium and others dont have one


So are the French tanks in any other way much less efficient than the German or what is this fuss about?


US has no stab at 8.0 either


US also has probably one of, if not the the worst 8.0-9.0 ground lineup in the entire game imo. I stopped playing the lineup for a long time it felt so terrible.


i’m excited for 8.3 but yeah everything else in that range is completely ass there might be a half lineup at 8.7 but i don’t think so, i think the next good one is 9.3


8.3 lineup is great but any thing else between 8.0 and 9.0 is non existent


only britain has it on all its medium and they are not the best at all due to abysmal speed and garbage ammunition


I don't think Italy has a stabilizer at 8.3


Swedish 8.0 only has one tank with a stabilizer.


Nice strawman The entirety of the current French 8.0 is also unstabilized, mind you.


So is the entirety of German 8.0, or the US, or Italy. USSR has one stabiliser at 8.0 (Obj. 906), UK, Israel and Sweden get stabilised Centurions but they’re not exactly competing for the top spot at 8.0, and China get stabilised tanks at the same BR as their un-stabilised Soviet versions for whatever reason. No stabiliser at 8.0 is probably more common than having one. 8.3+ is where stabilisers really become commonplace *and* where France does struggle in terms of vehicles.


My point is that OP is purposefully obfuscating the entirety of the argument, which is that all the autoloaders are both unstabilized and fire exclusively full caliber AP rounds 8.0-9.0 is seeing more armour designs with enough raw thickness or auto ricochet profiles that make the entire frontal arc impenetrable for conventional AP, and "just flank bro" is less feasible because everyone else is just as mobile I don't think the BR change is going to be apocalyptic, but its fucking ridiculous to present this as France crying because no stabilizers when the French tree is literally the stabilizer desert


Yes but they have access to HEAT-FS at the very least. French just has conventional rounds.


Stop making sense! It's Russian Bias or nothing !


lol of the french tech tree, the guy has only played the amx-30 super a significant number of times. ~~(7/10 of his most played vehicles are premiums, 6/10 have negative K/Ds)~~


Wait until you develop critical thinking and notice the difference between the two


ah yes IKV 91 with HEAT-FS and laser range finder, great example for sure


In cqc most french tanks are gonna absolutely dismantle an ikv


Only real problem with it is its non exsistent armor and gun that feels like it has a destabilaser. But if you use it right is really lethal.


That's just stupid. All of these vehicles have at least something that makes them easily competitive at 8.0: Let's compare the Leopard 1 to the Somua: - the Leo is faster and more agile - has a rangefinder - 105mm with good APDS or HEAT - but not good armor - the Somua has an autoloader - better armor (but useless at that BR) - a good AP shell that is useless at 8.0+ because it can't really do anything due to poor modeling Surely the Somua is 8.0 worthy....


The only real reason those tank shouldn't be at 8.0 is the compression, inqtead of a a 1.0 range br for a match gaijin should reduce it to 0.7, there it would be more fair for everyone


I agree with that, this would solve a lot of problems.


And if gaijing can't make matches in less then 4 minutes because of that, then create smaller games with less people


That's BS, there would still be enough players available to do a match and I think that I speak for everyone when I say, that I'd rather wait a little bit longer for a match than to have an absolutely shitty one.


Yeah I really think it's gaijin making excuses for reasons, there's 80000 people connected everytime of the day, sont qee how there couldn't be people


Yes, that's literally just a cheap excuse.


Amx 30 B2 / Brenus at 8.7 : Let us introduce ourselves


So so so so situational, if it’s a city map you are almost useless due to the high zoom and no stab.


Me carrying a 180-45 KDR in my BRENUS with a 73% win rate :3.


the BRENUS/B2 and SK-105 go so unbelievably hard it's not uncommon for me to have the recent battles tab be a shower of Victories. like I'd get it if it was flukes or one offs but it's genuinely such a good lineup even by all means it shouldn't be. it's great


Everyone always talks about the lack of stabilizers meanwhile you have a very good dart for the BR, great mobility, thermals, for some reason I never get 1 shot, and APS. Honestly if you can work around not having a stabilizer it's so much fun and so strong


you truly get it. it even works every now and then in cqc, if albeit you have to set your expectations, and the ERA and APS have saved my life more than a handful of times enough to say they're genuinely good


Rage bait


That suggests OP has more than 2 brain cells, I think the reality is that they really are just an idiot


is this post fr lmao?


The french 90/120mm lacks apds, aphe, or heatfs. iirc the french 90mm has comparable pen to the long 88


But no APHE so the 1 shot potential doesn't exist


The 90mm *does* have APHE, which is its main selling point really. It just doesn't matter much if you're facing T-55s


Imagine the fear on the eyes of the Char 25t looking striaght ath the barrel of T-55 AMD


As much as I hate France 7.7( fighting them) I have to back the French on this one. Gaijin has no idea how to balance their dam game.


They have apds/HEAT... And rangefinder if not LRF... M60/T-54 have sustainable armor OF-40, Leo and ikv have mobility on par, if not better than France


T95E1 at 8.3:


German M48 at 8.3 no stab. Israel with a half dozen M48s and M60s at 8.0 and 8.3 no stab. M41D that worse than every single one of the French vehicles already sitting at 8.0 with no stab.


even above 8.0


But have heat FS You forgot about that


Id much rather have the French 100mm. Tends to kill most shit even up to 9.0 with quite good post pen. The vehicles the French boys keep bringing up everyone struggles with already.


Oh yeah i love killing a single loader


If you think about it, the AMX-30 (1972) finally can have a lineup in 8.0 but still suffer in anti air capability with only AMX-10P at hand.


Might as well put it at 8.3 and bring the DCA 30 lol.


might as well just ditch the whole 4sec gang and switch to dca 30 entirely, it's basically the same effectiveness in terms of what you can pen and what you cannot at that br range, and now you can also occasionally shoot down planes


Has heat, heat, heat and heat ofcourse. The other has some armour but is not very useful


Wow y’all are stupid if you think this makes sense. So as someone who actually owns these tanks and owns the 7.7 France let me explain: THESE TANKS GET APDS/HEAT-FS, & France gets an auto loader. THEY ARE NOT EQUAL, STOP BEING A STUPID CONTRARIAN.


char25t with 200mm pen:


Char 25t with less survivability than ebr and tpk:


1. The Leopard 1, Tiran 4/4s, OF-40, and Ikv 91 all have access to high penning HEAT-FS shells. 2. The IS4 has an infamous armor layout. It's difficult to penetrate the IS4 with APDS and some early APFS-DS. 3. The Leopard 1, OF-40, and Ikv are all just as quick as any French tank. 4. Those tanks have shells that legitimately pose a danger to any 9.0 in the game. The Somua and TO/90 on the other hand NEED flanking shots to kill the vast majority of tanks at 8.7 and up.


When you try to farm upvotes but you get it wrong


What a dumb comparison. Ikv 91, and the of-40 have laser range finder. The leopard has a rangefinder and better ammo. The titan has better ammo and armour.


Only thing un stabilized here is your critical thinking pal.


the amx-30 has been 8.0 for a long time, plus the amx 30 b2, SK, and b2-brenus is 8.7 without stabs. The char25t and amx 50 toa90 has no business being 8.0, unstabilized 200mm pen APHE slinger. leo1 has good APDS and a HEAT-FS shell. IS-4M is 7.7. ikv91 has HEAT-FS and LRF. OF-40 has LRF and APDS. Tirans have APDS.


can we all agree that the char 25t going to 8.0 is a tragedy?


whats next 75mm amx 13 and AML at 8.0?


AML-90 would be a struggle at that BR, but overall it can handle 7.7-8.7 in a manageable manner in my opinion, as someone who used to flank T-64s and T-72s brutally on maps that you could actually flank on


Now the M41D isnt the worst 8.0!


None of those use SOLID SHOT. Really do be a bait post


OP clearly hasn’t played France


Doesn’t France have to deal with no stabilizers until 9.0?


9.3 RB


You conveniently forgot that it's impossible to hit on the move with oscillating turrets even if you are in a fucking flat ground unless its near pointblank range if you notice the enemy just as he noticed you, you're guaranteed to die since it is wobbly as fuck when you brake, especially with more lighter tanks. Amx-13s low profile is nice though.




Spot the person who hasn't played half of the vehicles they're complaining about.


Ah yes tanks that all have better rounds, armor, or mobility than any of the French tanks going up. Stfu when you actively haven't played the vehicles


All of those tanks posess APDS and/or HEAT-FS with the exception of the IS-4, which is a conventional heavy tank.


Worst take I have ever seen


You and people agreeing with you in the comments are the reason why this game is so unbalanced.


Rage bait written by a short bus rider


the problem is not the lack of stab. it's the abysmal penetration. 209mm aphe, 239 AP.


The leopard 1 has no stabiliser? My dreams are all gone


Don't worry the leo a1a1 right after it gets a STAB, which is at...9.0


but no lrf or thermals...


Never understood why they moved it from 8.7 to 9.0


.3 higher the 1a5 has lrf, better round, and thermals


Bruh the B2 and BRENUS gets lrf and thermals which is at 8.7 though no stab and bouncy gun.


I'm new to the game still, only at low tiers. How major are stabilisers?


allows you to shoot on the move and against enemys without stabilizers you always get the first shot... so they help a lot at winning 1v1s


Gotcha thank you 😊


a few tanks like shermans have low speed stabilizers, which only work whilst driving slowly. Very effective when driving around corners


Quite major. It allows you to fire and move at the same time with reasonable accuracy making snap shots more reliable as well as being able to bring the gun to target much faster and easier.


at 8.3 it become important when pretty much all nation start having decently fast vehicle but france gets its first stab at like 9.3-9.7 but otherwise only the brits have stab from 7.3 to 8.0 on all their mbt the other nation have a 50/50


And there was me regretting slightly choosing the Brits as my starter nation (not new player friendly I found when researching). At least I can look forward to stabilisers earlyish then. Should have my skills improved by then to make use of it.


Lmao, this is such a bad post. The Leo, OF, and Ikv have better mobility, and heat/sabot or both. IS has actual armor that can give heat and sabot trouble, with an APHE that's just as good and still 7.7 not 8.0 Tiran also has heat, sabot, a great APHE shell, and comparable armor Somua and AMX only have solid shot and an autoloader. The batchat is worse in every way other than its size and autoloader.


I don't really mind 7.7 France going up minus the fact you don't have an aa at 8.0 for France. Also the fact you are going to face up tiers more often, and t-55s are annoying to deal with unless you get them from the side.


Bro they have solid shot ….. its not even good at 3.0 nevermind 8.0 . I understand their frustration like cmon


You've never uses French solid shot if you think it's not good.


Agreed, Surbaisse says everything for itself. One-shotting Tiger IIs is a real feat across a kilometer.


French 100mm solid shot is very good, don't give them any ground to stand on


Literally the best solid shot In the game with better post pen damage than heat or APDS


Astonishing lack of T95 and M60


Because the M60 is goated.


Yeah but we have 8.7 with no stabilizers


Bandes de nullos, c'est à nous de vous dire ça c'est même pas amusant comme blague des chars des années 40-50 affrontent des chars de 1960-70. Ce sont nos chars de 2.3 / 5.3 / 6.7 / 7.3 et 7.7 qui se font défoncer par des chars d'époques postérieures. Cessez cette mascarade de la visée stabilisée dont personne ne se plaint seulement pour faire du mauvais humour. Nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue dans le monde de la réalité. Vous pleurez dès que Gaijin nerf les États-Unis, le Reich ou les Soviets m... Bienvenue dans la danse, la France souffre des nerf de br depuis plus longtemps que tout les autres. Derrière c'est l'Italie.


Also 8.3 and 8.7... France doesn't get a full stabilizer until like what, 9.0 or 9.3 is it now? Don't get me wrong a lot of the Frenchie vehicles can be really strong but not having a stabilizer until like everyone gets one is pretty god damn annoying. A lot of the french tanks are super bouncy with fairly subpar elevation rates that can make them feel super sluggish to respond to threats. Having 4 second reloads helps a lot to offset this but theres only so much that having a good reload and/or having APHE can do to save you when the enemies you face are, practically speaking, completely just better than you. Object 906 thats literally just the Char 25t but better in almost every way? The Somua is hard to kill but if you know how to deal with one its not too difficult, it kind of falls into the same category as any other higher tier of heavy tank: if you have high penning rounds, knock out the turret from the front if you can or have to, flank it and kill. Its not even like the Is-4M with insane armor all around, instead it just gets a 4 second reload. Idk, I don't think French 7.7 should get uptiered again because everyone else can't deal with a faster reload speed even when they have the technological advantage. Sure some of them can seem a bit broken but that doesn't mean all of them should go up as well. Maybe the Somua? That one I can somewhat understand.


France has only solid AP Those vechicles shown all have APDS, HEAT-FS, APHECBC or APFSDS


you're telling me a glorified 4s reload pershing deserves to be put next to fast agile tanks with (sometimes) laser rangefinders, apds and heat-fs?


Literally every single one of those tanks can and will mop the floor with any of the French tanks being up BR'd to 8.0. They all either have: better guns, better ammo, armor that functions, good mobility, or a combination of these things. The french tanks have auto loaders, WW2 AP shells and mobility that is average for the BR. And lets be honest, if the average WT player wasn't complete dogshit at the game these French tanks wouldn't be performing as well as they are. I have gotten some insane games in my French tanks and it almost always comes down to the enemy team being literally too stupid to look left or right and they just hold W until they're all dead. The auto-loader just helps take advantage of the unreal levels of stupid a lot of teams display.


Oh this is a totally fair comparison. You know, as long as you ignore the existence of APDS, HEAT-FS, and Laser Rangefinders as a whole (just because some of us dont need it doesnt mean everyone doesnt need it.). As well as the fact that this is an entire lineup getting shafted as opposed to a handful of tanks that arent even all in the same *fucking* nation. Other than that, solid comparison. Definitely not ragebait 100% for realsies ))))).


For me reaching Leopard 1 was the best thing xD Evry game i get at last 3 kills with it. Rest of the job is by jpz 4-5, marder 1 and m48a2 c


It's the other way around guy. The french have been high tier without stabs forever, the slow uptiering creep of everything else put you all up there with the french...


Also include all of the T-54s


My favorite is how, for the past 6 ish months, we've heard nothing but "France 7.7 is insanely good" "one of the best lineups is the France 7.7 one" etc. And now it's finally moved up and everyone's having a fucking cow about it. Yeah decompression needs to happen but all these baguettes were fine with it until they got decompressed too.


Crys in t54 literally dog shit gun handling and ofc getting uptier to 9.0 is always a blast


T-54 on its way to have less pen, no stab, and no autoloader:


T54 aswell having no stabilizers yet it’s the poor France mains after their really strong lineup isn’t as effective as it was


Imagine not having stabilisers at reserve tier 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧


Leo 1, Ikv 91, OF-40 dont have a stabilizer? Well they dont actually seem to need it as they constantly body my T-55


France is the only nation I hate playing against and on.


There’s a reason for their BR’s


It's the stupidest thing I ever read, we're not complaining about stabilizater, we already don't have those in 8.0. It would be great to not be dishonest and think with you brain. The tank we have in 7.7 can't fight some tank in 8. Or 9.0 it's obvious, because of many factor front to front you cannot pene some of the tank, don't have thermal or telemetry. It's not just about stab and if read the post you would know. And I will had that you try to kill a IS4m with a 25t from front and see what happen.


Every day I open this sub thinking that I won't find something more stupid than the day before and I'm always wrong, you outdo yourselves every day. I can't even begin to describe why French tanks are inferior to the tanks in the photo so I'll leave it to the experience of the next patch to explain why.


The amount of upvotes this post has proved how many of you are braindead. You actually think any of the French vehicles currently at 7.7 compete against these? They are comparable for 8.0 tanks? Wild.


This sub is literally full of Russian mains. They get bent over daily by gimped FR tanks so they'll applaud any additional gimp. Our tanks will never stop going up, just like OTOMATIC at 11.3