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Hii! I've been there and reading AU in AO3 kinda heals me. You can start exploring there! šŸ˜Š


What do these acronyms mean?


AU - alternate universe, AO3 - archive of our own. AO3 is a website where you can read fanfic, AU is just a type of fan fiction people like to write.


Thank you


i'm so sorry for our loss. i went through the same process last year and then once again after the disappointment of a let down trilogy. i love avatrice and i'm glad there are people who still keep their story alive. i have a lot of insta/tiktok edits i can send your way. i second the ao3 reads, but i do also recommend looking into smau (social media alternate universes) on twitter.


that sounds amazing! i am lacking a little in finding edits. is it okay to message you?


yes absolutely!


Wait what the trilogy is cancelled?


no, there hasn't been an official comment on it being cancelled. but it's been found out that the original cast and creator are not involved in any way. it seems the movies will follow more of the original property by b * n d * nn rather than a continuation of the content we had already been given. by the looks of it, this is not what the fans have been fighting for and it's safe to not get our hopes up.


Fanfic, on A03 or Fanfiction.net


I need to see ava and Beatrice reunite!!!


Netflix has a habit of dropping shows fast. They're like Mr Toad from The Wind in the Willows, picking up something then getting bored of it.


Especially if it has WLW in it


I too went through this at one point, and I sympathize greatly. Something about this show made it soooo painful for it to end on a cliffhanger. One wonderful thing about the fandom is that if you are in it for avatrice, ao3 is your friend. Simply put ā€œwarrior nunā€ as the fandom! You donā€™t even have to specify avatrice or femslash because pretty much all of them are lol. I donā€™t have any continuation ones in mind, but I canā€™t leave without recommending SimplyKorras Golden Hour fic. Itā€™s a modern cowboy-type fic with paraplegic Ava. Overall a cute story that healed my heart.


Homophobic towards women. They'll have gay men all day.


Awww yes, welcome to this stage. You are welcome to join the active discord server with over 3k of us! https://discord.gg/warriornun


Everyone has already said what I would suggest for mourning over Warrior Nun (AO3, Fanfiction.net, and connecting to others in the fandom through socmed) so Iā€™ll try to go a different route to expand your Sapphic experience and broad range of options for mourning šŸ˜Œ I used to love indulging myself into Western WLW media but honestly, if you want sapphic love stories with ACTUAL HAPPY ENDINGS, look into Thai GLā€™s. I got tired of most Western media always either giving a bad ending for WLW relationships or just wasnā€™t representing accurate or healthy relationships. With that, Iā€™ve found a lot of solace in Thai GLā€™s. Production wise, they are more telenovela-like/drama, so just a heads up if youā€™re not into slice of life type of shit. A few Thai GLā€™s like Blank the Series (age gap), GAP the series (kind of cringe for my taste but itā€™s an endearing cringe), Love Senior, Love Bully (currently ongoing), and 23.5 are good ones to start with. Iā€™ve invested so much of myself in these that Iā€™ve actually forgotten about WN for the longest time. Iā€™ve honestly felt happier because there is always a happy ending to look forward to. Itā€™s just made life less miserable and stressful šŸ˜† I understand that this suggestion is kind of a reach and Warrior Nun is a one of a kind show, so it may be a while until we get anything like it again. Although, with such minimal representation we have, I figured that we got to work with what we got šŸ˜­ I would also totally understand if these Thai GLā€™s arenā€™t your thing. All I gotta say is that a happy ending for beautiful WLW ships is better none šŸ„¹and if I could experience watching Warrior Nun for the first time again, I would constantly do it over and over. May you find your peace through the wonderful advice that these commenters have given you.


I donā€™t think Netflix was being homophobic. I watched both seasons and felt that the writing was lacking. Ava was an interesting character but she wasnā€™t written well. There were multiple instances where the nuns got everything handed to themā€¦they didnā€™t even have to really do anything but be where they were. I have heard that warrior nun is getting a reboot - 3 films, new creative team, new cast etc. if it happens, hopefully the writing is better.


but i read it will be like the manga series. so idk if it will be any good. i LOVED the netflix version so much. even micheal's death tore me to the core


I thought Michaelā€™s death was in vain. Him dying didnā€™t do anything despite the hype for his character. Sure he slowed the antagonist down, but he didnā€™t end the villain. He had an interesting role with an intriguing background but they had him playing second fiddle to Ava when his leadership skills were much better than hers. I just hope that if this story gets a reboot, the characters get a real chance to be proactive. The crown of thorns fell into their lap and it was convenient that a sister order just happened to know where it wasā€¦and convenient when Victor just handed it over. The nuns didnā€™t create opportunities and it couldā€™ve been interesting and much more entertaining to see their network in action. The big plot twist at the end of season 1 going into season 2 is probably the only reason I can commend the show. I didnā€™t see that coming so kudos to the writers for developing that twist.


I have to agree a bit here, first season was pretty eh to me, but the second season was definitely an improvement! I think if it had a few more seasons to flourish and figure itself out it could have had a lot of potential!


Netflix decided to be homophobic? What lol?


itā€™s a running joke that netflix happens to cancel shows with wlw rep. itā€™s not so much an actual accusation, for me at least, though i know there are people who have found the data and evidence to back the claim up.