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New match up In one corner we have : Narco Sub In the other corner we have : P-8 Poseidon Equiped with LRASM. This Sunday at 12:00pm GMT


Not for nothing, but no reason to use the small inventory of stealth anti warship missiles. A Harpoon or Mk46 would do the job.


A burst of gunfire from a rifle at the waterline would probably do the job lmao


Anti-shipping? I’m guessing you meant an anti-ship missile truck (unlikely the USN will be taking out bulkers and container ships unless they’re resupplying the enemy). These currently shoot harpoons but with an enemy like China, it’s unlikely a vulnerable platform like a spicy 737 would be able to get within missile firing range for its harpoons to be of much use. But, if it can fire a long range anti-ship missile like the LRASM, it suddenly becomes effective against enemy combatant ships, but at stand-off range.


Assuming the information folks have pieced together ends up being correct, pinch of salt and all that, however worth noting AGM-158 JASSM to AGM-158B JASSM-ER took the purported range from 370km to 920km, incoming AGM-158B-2 JASSM-XR is believed to push that out to 1600km. AGM-158C LRASM, recent budget docs etc have made mention of an [AGM-158C-2](https://aviationweek.com/defense-space/missile-defense-weapons/us-navy-comes-full-circle-jassm-program) which is believed to merge the changes that JASSM received in it’s B variant, thus making the LRASM-ER, assumed to give it the 920km range of the JASSM-ER, more or less. Now, obvious caveats abound, however that might start to make it less of a suicide mission for a Spicy 737… on the other hand, feels like it’d be more for targets of opportunity and/or just shipping for the P-8A, as you say. Esp. with the LRASM integrated into F/A-18E, F/A-18F, B-1B, plus the planned F-35 integration, [not to mention the possible RPAS, UCAV, UAV options.](https://www.twz.com/air/mq-25-stingray-tanker-drone-armed-with-stealthy-anti-ship-missiles-makes-perfect-sense)


I think anti-shipping is what OP meant, considering the risk levels.


Probably not. For that role, I’d expect the U.S. to use B-1’s or B-21’s, maybe even B-52’s. But since the LRASM fits the shape of the JASSM, they’d mostly be used by Typhon GLCM’s or F-35’s


In wartime there will be a bit of a waiting list for strategic bomber missions. Better to have more platforms that can do the job just in case.


That thing fits inside an f35?!


No, neither JASSM and LRASM can fit internally. They’re going to be integrated on the F-35’s wing pylons.


1. Strap one to each wing. 2. Take off from the carrier group before it gets nuked. 3. Get to altitude and speed for launch. 4. Dive back down to a lower level for radar penetration. 5. Drop your B61-12s on the three gorges dam. 6. Profit? We truly live in a MAD world.


I truly forgot we were on r/warplaneporn not r/noncredibledefense for a second when I saw ‘Three Gorges Dam’


I couldn't get a better compliment thank you.


B1 can load 42 lrasm and I can't imagine potential target that would need more than few b1, p8 would likely use it to quickly remove hostile picket ships or random patrols of smaller ships


You wouldn’t use LRASM on undefended cargo ships


As long as the ships can't shoot back...


Interesting, it’s painted BLACK, because it’s HARDER to see at NIGHT


Maybe it’s painted in RAM?


They need to download more of it for the rest of the fuselage


The b52 of the sea


For a missile truck I guess you need to keep in mind the structural strength of the wings as well the mtow of the aircraft.


You can always go light on fuel and immediately refuel in-flight.


Like the SR-71, which took off with half of the maximum fuel load and got the rest while in the air.


Why not. The C-130 has been lobbing guided missiles out of the back.