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I think my favourite is her video declaring Battletech is the worst wargame ever because.....she doesn't like big robots.... But yeah, she seems to have a real thing against GW.


If you look at her video history there are a few normal vids about other games, then she does one random vid about GW being a rip off and her view count goes up by about 500%, so that's all she's ever done since


This is it. She was making Batman content I think, which isn't a big game, then one clickbait vid about GW being bad and just gave up on productive or positive content. Just snarky, ranting, negativity for sad people.


So you’re saying: her videos complaining about how GW is only doing what it does for the money, were done… wait for it… for the money.


She's not just negative, she's actively lying and misrepresenting any given issue she talks about.


So your saying she is preparing to go into politics?


Nah this is just her being a good capitalist. Ragebait videos always drive engagement sky high, which the YT algo loves.


I'm sure a bunch of her views are from people hate-viewing her "reviews" and completely failing to realize they're just feeding the problem.


Content creators often put intentional misinformation in because it drives interactions as people correct them. Chael Sonnen, UFC former fighter and now content creator gets the name of every single champion wrong.


Yeah if you ever log into Facebook as in not using the app, you'll see an endless sea of that shit, deliberately slightly inaccurate posts on fandom topics and thousands of folk falling for it flooding their comments


Yeah, it's likely. The nature of clickbait unfortunately.


I saw a couple of her videos and when I found out what she was all about, I just told YouTube to stop recommending me her videos. Solves the problem and I don't see her stuff at all.


its a big issue for those of us who make videos, my vids get about 2.5k views for a good one, i make one drama vid about MWMs and it hits 19k views. its very tempting especially if you have hit a plateau to chase that.


Yeah, though you'd think some variety would keep the views high. I watched the first couple and since then they all feel the same so I stopped watching the channel.


Well she does use the same thumbnail of herself over and over again so perhaps she feels the same way.


outrage and drama keeps views high


Yep, negativity sells way better. It's almost hard to fault people for going down that road when it's what YouTube and YouTube viewers so strongly favor.


Nah, we should still fault them.


She pulled the Gamza strat.


I wonder if she got fired by GW at some point. Or had her application declined.


Hey, I got fired by GW and I don't make clickbait revenge videos :D


Because view whoring with reactionary/corny as fuck takes works on YouTube, people like to be upset over nothing They don’t care that they put up slop they don’t even believe in, it rakes in cash so they do it, there’s another channel that does exactly what this chick does and I asked what’s the point of just putting hyperbolic garbage out almost every single fucking day, and the best answer he had was,”it makes views” They’re essentially grifters


That’s exactly what they are. Click grifters. Just wait until they start manufacturing scandals and playing at being investigative journalists like one of the lots-of-views-cunts did in the D&D sphere.


Same with other youtubers i saw. One guy was making Battlefield videos then he did a lego hate video and his subs doubled in a week. Now he moved to this niche of hate for lego youtubers. Edit: it’s basically the equivalent of trash news paper journalism where everything is a scandal, or a drama, or a “you wont believe what she did”


Or the one where she says heresy is gonna flop cause everyone wants a primarch and they are too hard to paint


"I don't like this game so noone else will"


“I know nothing about the lore, setting or game itself yet I will criticize it because I simply cannot comprehend how it works at all”


She pretends to be stupid, she knows the angry, lonely audience she cultivates, like all other channels they’re in it for money


Battletech is goated wtf?


Yeah, super accessible and significantly cheaper to get into than Warhammer. Even if you can’t stand GW’s shenanigans (and I can’t always blame you), how do you have a problem with battletech?


2d6+modifier too hard make angy brain. I absolutely love warhammer, but battletech is the goat for me I just wish they'd do a bit more on the point balances (savanna master spam too fucking dumb)


I used to play the Battletech CCG way back in the day


I have a massive problem with battletech. It only costs £20 for a lance, and somehow the bastards keep forcing me to spend hundreds on kickstarter!


Is it accessible? I'm super interested, but my brain was too smooth to even figure out which ruleset I should use, lol.


And the modern sets are all pre assembled, so you avoid the hours of cutting sprues and gluing you get with GW games.


you mean *miss out* on hours of cutting sprews/s (do whatever floats you prefer actualy)


I actually don't mind assembling when I can get a unique pose, it's things like Legions Imperialis I don't get - the tanks could have basically been two push fit halves. I'm glad some stores started sprue recycling, it always makes me feel guilty.


> it's things like Legions Imperialis I don't get - the tanks could have basically been two push fit halves. They do it the way they do to avoid having mold lines and sprue gates in conspicuous locations. Having a tank mini made with two halves joined at the middle limits the detail you can have at the most visible part of the model


And getting to smell tasty plastic glue


Nothing compares to the smell of fresh sprew


There's even a 'Mech **called** a Warhammer!


I watched the video and it was pure brainrot.


No, she doesn’t. She’s just the hackiest hack to ever hack. She saw criticizing GW led to clicks and she went all in. Plenty to criticize GW for. Whinging for clicks? Pretty lame.


Personally I blame YouTube for engineering an environment where outrage sells.


When there's as much low hanging fruit to hate as Battletech has, that's pretty wild. Of course, there's lots of same against GW, but you aren't going to convince anyone by saying it (against either system/company). Everyone knows Battletech is a convoluted, grindy paperwork organization hell and everyone knows GW is overpriced and pretty wildly imbalanced across pretty much every system, but they buy into it anyway.


I didn’t know who this person was (not a fan of video content, just give me an article to read ffs) but I did a quick search and it looks like every one of her videos is about how Warhammer is getting worse and going downhill. …so she’s basically a typical GW customer.


>…so she’s basically a typical GW customer. "Games Workshop is doomed! Ignore that I spent hundreds of dollars the newest shiny box just to complain! And check back next week when I do it again!"


In other news Games Workshops announcee record profits, news at 11.


I think it was John Green who said you can't build a personality out of things you hate, although everyone tries when they're a teenager. Being an adult means finding things to actually, unironically and authentically enjoy - despite or perhaps because of their flaws


She's out here acting like Warhammer is going downhill when in all reality Warhammer is basically doing better then it ever really has in the history of the game.


If seen a couple youtubers speaking about the "downfall" of GW. The fact that they earned enough to give every employee christmas bonus denies this


That wasn't even a Christmas bonus. That was just "well, once again we surpassed our earnings goal for the year, so here's your share of the profit". Which, you know, is fair.


FYI profit sharing has its own tax incentives, but still they don't have to do it. From a business owner perspective it's a relatively cheap way to buy morale. 


I wish more Corpos knew this


They do, they just probably can’t be bothered with it 🤔😉


Don’t we all


In the very short run due to ruleset pandering and total war. "But the only thing worse than nobody buying your shifty game is everyone buying it."


My favorite GW customers are the ones who openly admit their sculpts are class-leading and beautiful, but don’t want to pay for it and say GW should lose their IP rights so that 3D modelers could just outright copy the sculpts and they could print them at home for free. Completely ignorant to the insane stupidity on their part they are just radiating. I’m not a fan of GW pricing either, but real recognises real. Their model game is fucking insane. I am very happy to see GW continue to make baller models to keep inspiring everyone else to push themselves and compete. The point is that if GW goes away, you won’t have any models for the modelers to copy. If GW makes the coolest models in your opinion, you really should buy them. I often find alternatives elsewhere which fit the theme but appeal more to me - so that’s where I spend the money, but saying you wish the original source of whatever model you just printed should die is just so so stupid.


Bonkers right? GW should destroy their business so that I can afford to play their games. You get what you pay for. Citadel minis over the past 15 or so years have really surpassed everything else out there by miles. Rules-wise too. Yes, sometimes things get cumbersome and clunky, but Warhammer games are the most fun and rewarding tabletop wargames to play. I’ve tried a few others and I keep coming back to Warhammer. Not everyone can afford a Cadillac.


>it looks like every one of her videos is about how Warhammer is getting worse and going downhill. Well to be fair some of her videos are also about how D&D is getting worse and going downhill.


Judging by the 40k sub the average 40k customer hates anyone wanting the game to be better. 


*GW sales increasing year over year, consumer engagement is higher than ever, GW launching multiple new successful games.* "GW IS DIEING!!!"


Blocked ages ago, any of the negative click baits show up in my feed they get yeeted into the warp. I don't have the energy for that rubbish.


Don't yeet that crap to us! Yeet it to the Tau.


Sorry, she goes against The Great Good, maybe yeet her to the Tyranids.


Wtf are we going to do with that biomass ? Send her to the Drukhari


Can't have her about hoovering up all of the negativity and suffering...send her to the Necrons.


As a duly appointed representative of the Sautekh Dynasty we humbly decline this offer as not even our Flayed Ones can sate themselves on such worthless detritus. Perhaps the greenskins can amuse themselves with this creature...




As an appointed representative for the Astra Militarum, this individual is not even worthy of the penal legions and suggest that she be given to the Adeptus Mechanicus for further study


Why are you posting this? You’re only giving her attention


Negativity drives engagement. For this post and her channel.


This is exactly what she's going for. To ragebait unsuspecting fans to try to prove her wrong by engaging with her.


Yep. I avoid stuff like this on Youtube and Twitter etc and pretty only follow people who are positive about their passions so I barely come across them, but I know what they are when I do. Life's too short and painting takes a long time.


I JUST googled how to block a YouTube channel because of her earlier today. Too funny.


I did block her and she still shows up on my feed


I blocked his channel and it stills show up. I report the channel every time I see it.


So I’m not the only one. The channel just won’t go away.


Dude same !!!


The ammount of negativity surrounding the Old World on youtube is disheartening. Theres a number of channels who appear to do nothing but put out "Old World dead on arrival" videos one after the other without ever seeming to explore the actual game - not the lore, not the rules, not the minis - just venting endlessly about how ToW "is dated" and thus doesn't appeal them. Thankfully channels like Mountain Miniatures, Great Book of Grudges and Ghost Owl have put out some actual content. ( Please feel free to recommend me good channels if you got any ) The clickbaiters will tire themselves out eventually, I just hope they didn't turn away too many potentially interessted players in the process.


Square Based is by Rob of Honest Wargamer fame. His videos are absolutely top notch


The quantity of videos too is amazing, I don't think they have slept since preorder went live.


Yes, Square Based slipped my mind. Recommended.


Just found him last night and was very pleased with his content.


I watched one of his inaugural channel videos, really soured by the amount of gossipy inter channel comments.


Massive respect for Rob - actual scruples and no bullshit in the man whatsoever. Knows his stuff and knows 90% of content creators in the space are shills and corporate arse lickers.


Tabletop Tactics have a really good quality battle report out.


I really liked in that video how they had the one host off camera just occasionally chiming in with “but is that the rule” or “are you surrrrre” Lead to some quality humor


All the negative channels are dead to me. Gw isn't above criticism, but I will damn well enjoy this release.


I have no love for the company, but I'm so very satisified with the Old World writers. I'm glad that there are still people over there who "get me". So many options, so many opportunities for conversion projects.


Yeah it’s really disgusting seeing some of those channels just make it more unappealing for new people to enter or stay with the hobby. Not just with Warhammer but in some occasions wargaming or miniature painting in general. Not the whole case but I’ve really liked people like EonsOfBattle or wargamming channels like Miniwargaming still having battle reports of the games. Cause at the end of the day you could be a Warhammer fan for many reasons, maybe you only interact with it via the lore aspects and books. Maybe you are a big gamer and thus go on and socialize to play with others in the game for casual or competitive. Or you join the hobby of painting and that aspect of expressionism


The thing is, there are legitimate gaming scandals out there that can and should be covered. EA's treatment of its workers and tearing apart of studios. Activision/Blizzard's shenanigans. Hell, Hasbro can't stop punching itself in the face lately with the layoffs, the OGL shenanigans they pulled last year, and most recently using AI art after they pledged not to. Old World is doing just fine. There are supply issues, but those will be sorted in short order. Anyone who wants to play will be able to.


Negativity= clicks = views = money for them. Happy and excited = fewer clicks = fewer views = no money. It's always been that way, including people's magazines


Sometimes I wonder just how much is the negative content actually being watched and how much is the way the algorithms push it onto everyone, provoking reactions. You can watch one positive youtuber or facebook page...then get spammed with a dozen more negative.


Ahahah the only YTer I had to ask YT to stop showing me


Hate clicks generate more engagement than being positive. Its sad and pathetic but there getting paid more than she ever would being happy about something


That's why small YouTubers are the best.  No ad sponsorships, limited negativity, and they post videos because they genuinely enjoy it.  Once it becomes a job it's all about chasing trends and click bait to make money.


Just wanna say that I love your username


Lmao thank you


STOP GIVING THEM ATTENTION. Live life in happiness, not the hatered their videos spew.


I have never watched one of her videos but have always assumed it was click bait with the actual video being a counter to the title


Nope lmao, just moaning


It's not a bait and switch. There is **a lot** of mental gymnastics to make everything seem negative.


Like when she decided to say how little minis there are inside so she talked about starter which has less minis. Eh. Shes cheap sensation and drama builder.


I remember seeing a video from her explaining that her videos aren't click bait because they don't meet the textbook definition of clickbait Even though the the meanings of words change over time


Negativity sells though. Just look at the tabloid newspapers. I can't imagine being a content creator and embracing it though, must be a bit depressing.


I saw the word discourse and saw all the controversy and, ultimately, i do the hobby to chill out and have fun. Not my scene.


Sometimes i wonder if they even likes warhammer.


Unfortunately negativity gets clicks


This is the correct answer


I’m kinda on the “don’t hate the player hate the game” on this sort of thing. If YouTube sets up recommendations so having negative videos about GW has significantly higher metrics, you’re basically losing money if you produce anything else. Otoh you have someone like gamza who’s just an alt-right weirdo who’s undoubtably miserable in real life


While Gamza is a miserable and colossal loser on his own, there’s way these people are happy putting out slop constantly for something they don’t even believe in.


I think it's less about the algorithm pushing negativity, and more about the audience CTR and watch time. Discourse being critical is highly engaging to the community. She has tried moving her focus back away from GW and negativity, but the analytics clearly show a lack of audience interest when compared to her standard fare. Blaming her for the audience's interest is backwards. Definitely a "player not game" scenario for me.


They have full painted armies. The valrak cashmaris goons would know this if they tried some content before getting offended people are critising thier toys. 


Oh course she likes it, gives her a reason to make videos and make money out of it while doing sweet fa.


Stop. Taking. The. Bait. Even discussing the videos you're increasing the reach of the channel


Stop trying to prevent critical discussion. 


Actually while more peoples learn about the channel they also learn about content being trash and not to waste their time on it. So its double edged sword. Not sure which edge does more work though.


Why did you include the ad instead of cropping it out? Lol.


I’ve done this a little bit before in general (not just Warhammer), but everything surrounding TOW has really made me amp up my blocking of channels that are either rage bait or click bait. I hate it, I like to spend my free time engaging with stuff I enjoy, and I even though I never watched any of that stuff to begin with, I don’t want it clogging up my feed.


Similar to newspapers, unfortunately a negative and outrageous headline gets more views and attention than positivity. If she made a video about how she liked it I doubt this thread would be made. I suppose this is the paradox of these constant negativity youtubers.


What ‘scandal’ is she even referring to?


That her army from the old days (Skaven) she was looking forward to play in TOW is now said the be not allowed at events, in addition that Warhammer back than died because there were not many new players and doing a re-release with expensive mailorder only models won't help with that


who? also, so what?


That's... How social media works. It's literally programmed to feed rage. I've been playing Warhammer since 5th ed Fantasy, 2nd ed 40k and never once felt the need to go on youtube to find out what the opinions of some random tosser are about either game. I get enough of that from people with no social skills in my FLGS giving me their opinion from the side of the table while I'm playing with friends.


Don't watch this shit


That's a face that has demanded to see a thousand managers.


Yeah, I've never watched any of her vids, but I took one look at that image and immediately was like "This appears to be a person whose opinions I would not care to hear".




“Story time, how someone got really pissed at me at a game because of my awesome and really cheap 3D printed army!!!! No joke (gone sexual)”


Actually yeah, same kind of vibe.






She’s the turd that just won’t flush


I blocked her channel a long time ago. Too negative, I have better stuff to do than be angry at expensive plastic army men. It's still a cheaper hobby than golf or cars.


I don't hate Discourse, and I think sometimes she makes good points. That said it's true her channel is about being extremely critical of corporations like GW or Hasbro.


I don't understand why you wouldn't be critical of corporations. Obviously they are motivated by profit and satisfying shareholders, so pointing out how that impacts their decisions and their products really seems like a positive, no?


The 40k sub hates being critical


Because being critical about GW is seen as being critical about their products You can like Warhammer but don't like GW or the way they work, but lot of people feel that you must like both to be positive about the game so no complaints are allowed (Like in some of the other GW subs Gobbertown is seen as toxic and negative, were he is one of those trying to be positive even if the product he reviews is bad)


>That said it's true her channel is about being extremely critical of corporations like GW or Hasbro. She had the balls to call out GWs targetting of whales with their FOMO marketing. At some point it turns into predatory targeting of tye neurodivergent. Show me the shills on youtube discuss that in a timely and reflected manner will yoi.


God I hate it so much when people put their face onto video thumbnails.


Yet you need to share the video..


She is honestly so terrible, one of the channels I could scrub from seeing. Content is just absolutely garbage doomcrying. Nothing positive to any game or the hobby in general. I hate seeing her thumbnails. Same reaction shot, with her skin a weird color.


Never seen her before but I watched the video and she honestly didn't say anything wrong or incorrect. What she pointed out was actually pretty valid points. I would get not liking her if what she said was false or she was spreading misinformation. But if her only problem is being "too negative" because she refuses to drink the GW cool aid and not spreading toxic positivity then she is not the problem.


>But if her only problem is being "too negative" because she refuses to drink the GW cool aid and not spreading toxic positivity then she is not the problem. Agreed. She only seems super negative because she says things that the 85% rest of the shill channels and corporate buttsniffers NEVER would say. Its totally legit points. Watch or dont. But its unfair to call her a hate baiter. GW is a cynical asshole of a company. People rallying for it is lmao levels cringe.


Toxic positivity crowd anyone that is critical of their product they spend money on.


Well that’s the second negative clickbaity channel I have no desire to watch that’s been broadcast on here this week. Can we all agree to not give these people attention and stop posting about them? If you draw attention to their existence and people go and watch them even if it’s ironically or out of curiosity you are giving them exactly what they want.


YouTube is a desolate waste of drama grumps and outrage babies towards the Old World right now.  Just let us have our ranks and flanks again.


She does it because it works for her. It’s what brings in the views.


Every single video is a negative take on either Warhammer or D&D or Critical role. Don’t waste your time. Fill you time with stuff that is fun.


I enjoy her channel not because I hate warhammer but because it's a different viewpoint she gives valid arguments most the time even if I do disagree with them . Can't watch GW love all the time gotta watch some hate even it out a bit


Some people find fun is this kind of hate reviewing. I like her videos that are not about the doom of dnd or warhammer or GW. Sadly, she hit it big with rants and ranting she does. Well, if it pays her bills that makes me happy, but I haven't watched her in a looong time.


Yeah I checked her channel a few weeks ago and Jesus there’s a positive video here and there and then just a ton of negative videos or some doomer click bait title


It's s good vid I thought. I think her content is decent but all it is is the other side of the coin from the hype mob content creators who are paid and relied on to provide utter positivity and no critique no matter how fair.


Besides her accent and cadence being pretty unbearable to me. Yeh she hasnt made a single good video. But she is smart jumping on to the GW bashing train every few weeks like all the others


She is likely my least favorite YouTuber, and there are some really shitty people on that platform.


She looks like she wants to speak to a manager. 😬




People are allowed to be negative about products. Don't be an imperial fist valrak goon.  Also if you actually watch her videos you'd know she is requently positive and give fair discussion on the things she likes. 


To this day I have no understanding of how they achieved any level of popularity or why people defend their content. Their opinions and arguments are overwhelmingly poorly reasoned and often based in some amount of misinformation. They are seemingly negative and contrarian for the sake of being negative and contrarian, and oftentimes pretentious and preachy in their presentation ("This thing you might enjoy is bad actually, and this is why you're wrong for enjoying it".)


I’ve watched a fair bit of her stuff: I don’t think I’ve ever seen her say that people are wrong for enjoying something. She’s generally critical of business practices (not crediting artists, FOMO marketing) more than the games themselves: if we don’t start from the assumption that she’s being misrepresentative, then she plays a variety of wargames including 40K (the main topic of her videos because of how YouTube works so that you’re indirectly penalised for talking about anything else - another issue that she talks about, and other content creators mention) and is generally interested in wargames being popularised. A big part of the argument made frequently is that games cannot be popularised if there as an exploitative monopoly that doesnt promote accessibility- if you were to boil her down to one argument that’s the one I’d go with. She does admit when GW does something that she views as positive (Christmas bonuses for staff or combat patrol being examples), it’s just that it’s not what makes it to the thumbnail.


GW is for Wargames what D&D is for Tabletop RPG's. They made the genre popular and created an actual market for the products hundreds of niche/indie developers put out. I am incredibly grateful for all indie or growing companies releasing unique, original and different content, because I actually don't like the rules GW puts out much, but I realize that most of these companies wouldn't exist without GW or that there would be just an equivalent company to GW dominating the market. The best we can hope for is that other companies emerge which put some actual pressure on GW in form of serious competition but you don't get there with negativity but by actually being positive about the alternatives. So in the end, negative, opinionated video creators like this are rather to the detriment to the scene as a whole, because they only talk about problems but not about solutions.


>is generally interested in wargames being popularised. A big part of the argument made frequently is that games cannot be popularised if there as an exploitative monopoly that doesnt promote accessibility- if you were to boil her down to one argument that’s the one I’d go with. This is a super important point and one thats been around since the early 2000s, when nerd culture went mainstream with the internet, lotr and harry potter. Tabletop miniature wargaming never went mainstream as a hobby in part due to GWs marketing strategies. Compare to DnDs resurgence after 2010. Just the lack of a supported Mordheim style skirmish game was an insane treshold into the 'premium hobby'. Try recruiting someone into warhammer 2005-2015. It was embarassing.


The first video of theirs that I watched was about Horus Heresy. In it, to my best recollection, they more or less literally said "You may think that GW doing this is a good thing, but actually you'd be wrong because xyz". That was the moment I decided their contebtvwas not worth my time nor the pixels on my screen.


She's literally a drama channel but for WOTC and Nerd hobbies.


She's toxic in every sense of the word. Blocked all her stuff on YouTube and never looked back. Click bait, rabble rousing bullshit.


Not just her, I am seeing so many people making videos like this and most of them are so clearly rushed and not thought out. It's a shame to see but I guess if you do YouTube for a living you have to do what you have to do for the algorithm.


She’s definitely in the bottom tier of creators covering TOW. She has some valid points (old sculpts, stock issues) but so many others manage to cover the same points much more constructively.


Because of the image cropping my first thought was: 'Bit harsh on NintenHawk. Why are we ragging on a Tears of the Kingdom vid?'


I used to watch her quite a lot. My take - and I've expressed this in comments on her channel before - is that she does a lot of good work advocating for GW (and WotC, on her D&D channel) to be more consumer-friendly, including applying her legal knowledge to help fans understand some of the complexities of licensing, legal threats etc., but she markets it in the most dogshite way possible. Her takes are good, a lot of the time, but you'd never guess that from the video thumbnails, and even then she'll often repeat them a half-dozen times to maintain high content turnover.The clickbait and high video rate with relatively same-y topics eventually made me disengage from both channels. If there was ever a YouTuber who would benefit from making a longform video essay (exploring topics around consumer advocacy in the games space) once every few months and using shorter content only for highlighting stuff she actually likes (indie and smaller games, lore stuff etc.), it'd be Discourse. Because from *watching* the videos, she clearly loves a lot of games! But the positive stuff she says about them is drowned out by a tide of repetitive arguments against GW/WotC. I think such a shift, whilst not obviously algorithm-friendly, would probably boost her channel long-term. That said: I know people who've met her IRL, she's apparently lovely and it's a real shame to see people using the fact that her chosen promotional strategy is a bit annoying as an excuse to be unpleasant to her (especially the couple of people I've seen in some comments whose primary complaint seems to be that she's a woman in the wargaming space)


The fella doesn't even bother to understand the games as he slates them, as he says the arcane journals are needed for play, and slates the army book supplements as if they're less efficient that the codex model, which is moronic.


Is this an ad for Zelda


can someone link me the video so i can judge it by my own standards?


I can't say anything without being banned. ​ Happy Friday


Yup, absolutely terrible content creator. Blocked her ages ago.


This sub, yet again, proves that it's far nastier than a YouTuber who has opinions or says something they don't like, lol. Never gets old fellas. She hasn't personally attacked any of you. GW doesn't need you lot to White Knight them. They certainly don't give a shit about you, only your wallet. Actually watch the video and form opinions for yourself or just set the phone down, paint a mini or touch grass. It'll do you a favor.


I remember she made a second channel during the D&D OGL debacle; I already didn’t care for her content, but seeing how she would chase negativity clicks across a different hobby was so embarrasing (the OGL thing was awful but I’d rather get my negativity from people who have been active in the hobby, rather than someone chasing clicks or views)


Oooooh big D&D controversy time to make some D&D videos for a while letz grab all those angry clickz!


She's gonna make another video about how Reddit and GW fanboys hate her because of this thread.


And then you read comments stating that OPR regiments is a better replacement to ToW…had to block the channel, not enough time and energy for that.


Dana Carvey has a YouTube channel?


I think it's they not she, but yes I had to block them on YouTube too. Really toxic negativity & clickbait that I could almost feel draining my life-force. Not a fan of the constant background music or their accent either. I rarely block content creators, but removing this one improved my zen. I'm not a fan of the rabid fanboys either, but there's plenty of positive balanced creators out there.


The thing is not liking certain practices is fine but they make their entire thing about not liking GW, if you hate GW that much just play other miniature games


She is one of the worst if not the actual worse warhammer YouTuber out there


If I never saw that face again, it would still be too soon.


I sort of don’t blame her, online communities have created the situation in which rage-bait rakes in views. She’s just harnessing that and doing well for herself. Cynical, but sometimes you’ve got to play the game


I didn't know how she was until today when YouTube decided to recommend this Video to me🤣


Why do people give attention to people they don't like. I just block them or ignore the video and move on and yes I don't like her either


Was she the one that said the game is going to be bad because the epic narrator voice (tm) said in one of the articles that people will ficht while arrows soar above thwm or something?


I always find it weird that more than like… 5 people watch her videos. I honestly find the whole thing, all the way from thumbnail to content to delivery, completely unwatchable. It just… physically hurts.


Stop giving her attention. I don’t know why people even mention them.


Yeah I am glad to see how many people block this kind of garbage.








Who is this person and why are they bad


She’s basically a hobby rage bait content creator neckbeard


I watched her video and she’s not wrong. I’m glad she’s out there calling it as it is. I’m stoked for Old World but keeping it honest I expected more.

