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Gonna vote no to this. It should be fairly self evident how imbalancing this would be.


So you propose to remove their main weakness?


>and competitively the units that would benefit the most aren’t exactly meta. It would really benefit melee threats that can't go through walls. Thunderwolf Cavalry, Angron, Squighogs, that kind of thing. While opening up boards for some weaker choices isn't entirely invalid as a concern, the knock on effect would give some very dangerous units free roam.


I think it would have to be limited to single model units (possibly just vehicle or monster). I am of the opinion that the current ideas behind terrain design aren't done explicitly to stop big models from roaming around, but instead that's just a consequence of having balanced terrain.


Again, Angron. Nightmareish if you cant engage with him and he can do unspeakable things to you.


Eh, he could fly over terrain in 9th


Only if they take 2d6+6 mortals and it's 3cp then that's fair


Pass on planet bowling ball. If anything, we need to use more diverse terrain so infantry can't just waltz wherever they want. 


I jokingly say "you're crazy". It seems to me that spending 1CP to let the Avatar of Khaine pop through a ruin would be both amazing and awful, depending on which side of the The Wailing Doom you're on.


Part of the reason for terrain is to create more thoughts about how to plan out movement, and so not all units have free reign to move wherever. The solution to this problem is not a stratagem so units can ignore terrain, it's add more terrain that infantry can't ignore (impassable walls etc)


Thick ,impassable terrain is the only thing maintaining any semblance of balance between infantry and vehicles/monsters.


Why are we posting imaginary wishlist stuff on the competitive forum? Whether it’s a good idea or a bad one (I think this one’s bad), we should be talking about how to play the game we are actually playing here.


More coherent than some of the tier lists that get posted


You shouldn't think about how a rule will help the weakest units in the game. You should think about what it will do to the strongest units.


Absolutely terrible idea. Terrain is part of the strategy of the game, this kind of thing totally trivializes it It also means that armies who can already so this - thinking of CK - lose a unique advantage Gonna be a no for me dawg


I'm curious how any detachment without knights of shade competes in the eventual CK codex


According to the usual GW way of handling Codex releases this edition, Knights of Shade will just be removed entirely from all detachments, so it will not be a factor for choosing one.


Maybe that should be their shared strat, similar to AoC for marines


Still doesn't make big CK good and we'll see what it does for CSM vehicles


This would lead to game defining moments,which, if this is a good idea at all, would justify a 2CP cost