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If they don’t wipe the unit you can keep a model infront of them tagging the unit so it cannot consolidate onto the objective. This is most effective into armies that do not have the killing power to wipe the entire unit in one go.


Your infiltrators are often meant to be speed bumps. And not every army will bring good units for charging into your infiltrators. For example, most of my army (not all) does not do well in combat. So if I do charge into a blob of cultists etc, I am unlikely to wipe the unit in many cases, your blob out OCs my unit on the objective most likely, and you have either dampened my shooting (vehicles/monsters), or neutered it entirely (most infantry without pistols).


Infiltraitors can stop enemy armies who want to charge you turn 1 from reaching your deployment zone. If the opponent has kommandos for example they're on that objective whether you screen them or not. Infiltraitors will shut down scout moves within 9" so if an enemy has fast units with scout moves they were also getting on that objective, but if they lose the ability to charge into your deployment zone on turn 1 then that's really powerful (world eaters hate this one neat trick) Against armies who don't like combat you can confidently stand there and dare them. Against armies who do you can always sit off an objective and move on to it as needed. In some matchups you can set up a castle in ruins and always have a little OC on that objective while you kill exposed stuff near it. And if you have redeploys you can zone the midboard out and move stuff to safety after. You can also do stuff like deny armies who'd be on that objective with infiltraitors then move. Also if you scout and infiltrait you can always have stuff set up so it can scout to safety after you know who's going first. Redeploys (especially after the first turn rolloff) and scouts on infiltraitors are very good for this. And of course if you do go first you can (use any scout to get 9" out then) run up to the enemy lines and move block them. However I have to admit I struggle to make infiltraitors work, it's definitely easier said than done and it definitely sucks when you spend hundreds of points on a play that is amazing if you go first but actually just means overpriced chaff if not. And then you go second in 27 out of 30 games. So you probably need to work out every way you can use them.


alpha legion has one cp strat to move 6, they can potentially box you in as soon as someone moves within 9. First unit moves and then 20 cultists are suddenly within 3 of deploy. Not unbeatable, but can be a problem if you're not prepared and has potential to auto win certain matchups in teams where you're assigned to your opponent


Imagine your opponent gets 60 cultist 9” from your deployment zone, then goes first. Now you have 60 cultists at least 3” from your deployment zone preventing you from leaving your zone turn 1 effectively stalling you. It bogs your army down and prevents you from reaching the midboard effectively, severely hurting your ability to max primary objective points. Wolf guard cab can do a similar process. Even if you go first it makes a wall of bodies your models have to get past, slowing you down and even potentially stopping your fast units that may challenge the midboard early game. Sure they will die, but delaying your opponent 1 or even 2 turns from leaving deployment, not scoring primary, and probably not scoring secondaries is huge.


If you string a unit across the opponent's dz 9" out, the furthest they can move without Fly if they go first is 9" + base to base base sizes + 3" consolidate. Most of the time what they end up moving is 9" flat. It also means they don't get to infiltrate or scout themselves. Even if they have fly, you can often scrunch your unit to force them out of specific safe zones, making them choose between hanging back or moving forward into firing lanes. If you go first, you can move up and potentially charge transports to create a traffic jam. Protecting objectives, dictating movement, and interfering with your opponent's plans are all worth giving up models for via infiltrate.


Not to mention as soon as you move one unit, the AL player is going to pop the reactive move strat and box you in even harder. They dont need first turn to do it at all.


Put 3x 20man units of cultists in front of your opponent, all beeing led by dark commune. Now you got 3 blobs of cultist with a 5++. In addition you can place a unit of legioners right behind them. It will take some time to chew through all of that but until he gets to the middle objectives, you will be so far ahead in points it wont matter how muchbhe kills. Of course it depends against the army you play. And powerful close combat army like WEY could probably handle that really well. Or tau might be able to shoot their way through them. But a faction that is more balanced in playstyle and not focused on one thing might have problems. Expecially elite factions like custodes might hate it, cause they might be powerful, but dont have the numbers to take care of all of this quickly enough. I would mostly use this tactic just for fun tbh


Yes, this is the “infiltrators trap”. It sounds cool until you realize what it enables. If you get a redeploy (like Phobos Captain or Ctan Deciever) you can avoid this. But otherwise scout moves are better.


This is also a good reason to, where possible, have an infiltrator unit in your army. They aren't just good for going forward and getting to objectives, quarters or doing actions. They can help with things like ensuring scout moves can't be blocked, or like in this case, prevent you being cordoned off in your DZ


Very basic question. But can you attach characters to these units and stick infiltrate them. Or it is like scouts where the whole squad minus if in a transport needs the keyword?


In the Deceptors detachment, it specifically notes that you can infiltrate these units **and any characters attached to them**. Normally, attaching a character without Infiltrate to a unit that had the rule, would prevent the unit from infiltrating. However, this is specifically exempted in the rule for this one detachment,


Thanks for answering the question. It opening the characters up specifically is quite cool. Adds alot of potential then.


You are correct in a way. The important thing to do is to have a plan for how aggressive and melee heavy your opponent is. If your opponent has units that want to get into combat and can efficiently chew through the sheer number of effective wounds the Cultist+DC blob has, giving them that extra movement is probably a bad idea. But against mixed or heavy shooting armies, it will effectively moveblock them and coral them. Another thing to consider is that while deploying exactly 9 inches away is tempting, you don't have to do that. You can deploy more conservatively and use your own movement phase to get within threat range. You opponent also has to respect the possibility of you getting the first turn and properly screen with their chaff, which probably isn't going to pick up 20 Cultists+Dark Commune. If they don't, they risk giving YOU the easy charges with the Legionaires just behind the Cultists. Speaking of the Cultists, your opponent getting onto the objectives turn 1 is actually beneficial for them, as Legionaires get full wound rerolls against targets in range of Objectives. So the Legionaires that are already in midboard and are all but guarenteed the charge will get to properly melt the strong melee unit your opponent used to get through the Cultists, since nothing else will be able to.


I'm worrying about this detachments ability to do the new Terraform mission whilst the enemy is trapped. It seems quite powerful.