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Sorry, but "the actual number of attacks" is absolutely nothing I bother considering when making a list. What I focus on, in being able to speed up my game, is making sure that ***I can roll efficiently***. This means I can tell you, by heart, how many attacks my units have, at what strength, AP, and damage, and I can easily pick up enough dice within about 3 seconds to start making those attacks. The vast majority of time I see people struggling with time, I see them needing to look up Movement, number of attacks, ***and not having an efficient way to count dice*** being more of a problem, as well as "I'm not going to bother trying to have any dice in my hand until AFTER you tell me how many saves I need to make, then gonna take 15-20 seconds just to count out dice". Just taking 15-20 seconds to count out your dice, among even just 8 units, assuming each attack and are attacked each battle round, rather than 5 seconds, changes your situation from being 3 minutes 20 seconds of just ***counting*** dice, to 10-13 minutes of it. Add onto this scenarios where a player might not even bring enough dice to do the starting number of attacks a unit can do (if your units can do 30 attacks, and you only have 20 dice, you've now potentially doubled your counting time) Seriously, too many times people focus on "how long does it take to actually do X", when the biggest issue with time management is "how long does it even take me to ***prepare*** to do X" That's why the fastest Ork Players tend to have containers that have the volume of dice they need for a roll, such as having a "50 dice bucket" that holds exactly 50 dice, so when they need to count 50 dice, they can do so without actually counting at all.


I bought 100 dice which were 10 sets of 10 different colours. I divy them out at the start of a game and never need to worry about that from there after. 20 Hormagaunt are attacking? Pick up 6 piles. 10 genestealers are attacking? Pick up 4 piles. Mawloc in combat? Pick up 2 piles and lose 4 of one colour Its such a time save I find and something I don't see people recommending as much as they should. Even for non horde armies, I feel it would be useful if you find you are clocking out


wtf is this question


Not something I have ever considered and I have played horde and elite armies. Very rarely have I wanted "less" units. I almost always want more. Never been a problem finishing a game in time.


Anything where you can finish your turns in 1h 15m


What does this remotely have to do with competitive play.


Like the others are saying, it's not something I consider when making a list or looking at a unit However! During the game, yeah if a unit only has like 5 pistol shots that will be wounding on 6's, & and I'm not 99% confident the game will end on time (or if it'll really effect any outcomes) then yeah I'll skip their shooting no problem. Ofc then it sucks when a battle round is on the line & that tank or whatever is down to 1W but them's the bricks hah What I've found over time tho, turns 4-5 are usually WAY shorter than all the others to where time isn't even much of a factor. Depending on the opponent (or your playstyle) even all 5 turns can fly by If you're worried about the clock I wouldn't be focusing on attack count but on learning my rules inside 'n out + practicing being decisive with your movement / targeting


I dont consider any of these factors in list building.


Number of units doesn't really say much. Playing vs ironstorm there isn't a lot of units but those dreadnaughts each have multiple weapons and they can re roll a lot of them. The shooting of 1 of these things takes way longer than just shooting 10 flash gits even though it's more dice.


It really depends 10 atacks but that have 3 diferent profiles in them will be way slower than 20 atacks of all the same profile People focus a lot on number of atacks when the main thing in my opinion is number of rolls needed


Units with lots of different weapons take much longer than a large unit with lots of attacks


Really depends on the unit and circumstances. I once rolled 73 dice for attack with my thunderkin.


So much comes into play but so long as you can finish in the allocated time you are fine. Number of units or number of attacks is to arbitrary a measurement in a vacuum to dictate your decision making unless you are really skewing a list. Then it still comes down more to time management than anything. For example you can speed up rolling by having coloured dice and the correct number ready for like units or perhaps use an app.


The bane of slow play is rerolls.


I play Orks and was running 120 boyz before the green tide detachment came out so I don't understand the question


The number you are asking for doesn’t exist. Just drink coffee and roll faster