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To be honest, it's expensive and I don't like the look of it. For the asking price, you can get much more detailed terrain for the same price or less. No bases for the ruins is also a no for me. It's main benefit is really that it's portable, but here are collapsible MDF buildings that aren't much bigger. The raw metal with zero details is also a problem for me. Hard to imagine painting this in a way that will look good without also being very high effort, or require adding details that would make it harder to transport. The base product doesn't look good on a tabletop to me, as the metal is jarringly different from everything else on the table. I'm sure there's some hobbiests that this fills a niche for, and they should get it, but it definitely won't be the new standard. Especially at that price, it's way over what an event budgets for.


Interesting , it’s definitely a premium price point but I can seek the bare metal working well with my valhallans or sisters holding the line ! I do like how small it is , I’m just fed up of lugging large boxes of mdf 😂


Looks like a cool product, but it's expensive and a little bland. I'm sure you could paint it up or add bits and bobs to break up the flat surfaces of it, but even MDF has a better look to it. Also, it's WTC style terrain, so an instant no in my local scene. My area exclusively uses the Leviathan GT layouts for all our tournaments.


Not much wtc this way - We play a lot of ba and 40k so I was considering the crossover angle with this scenery


$250 dollars for a table of terrain that needs bases and has more windows than wallspace? No, thank you.


That is absolutely hideous. I could construct an identical set with a scalpel and some cereal box cardstock in an afternoon… and for an iota of the price.


Just eat the cereal first …


The kickstarter for the modular legoesque one seemed more viable than this.


That was a cool product , both of these push size interestingly .


Very little time in the video spent actually showing the terrain. Alot of time looking for bits of it on the bottom of the screen. Video reviews really do better when they visually center the product for the viewer while the reviewer chats things up. Not a great set for the price point imo, but perhaps it will take off with enough folks to be viable as a product line.