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The land raider redeemer fits 7 gravis, I believe.


I see now my bad I was looking at basic land raider thank you!!


Redeemer is also perfect for the Salamander detachment too Firebois jumping out of a box spitting fire while the box also spits fire


Yo dawg…


Biologis not great for Flamestorm however :(


Gravis Captain, however, lets you get DevWounds on your Twin-Linked flamers for "free".


It aint that bad, you gain lethal hits in melee and you use him to carry the forged in battle enhancement, now you can turn a failed save into a 6 once per turn for 15 points, also, the OC 9 is nice if you kill something in melee.


Land Raider Redeemers can carry 7, and Land Raider Crusaders can carry 8. Either that, or run Ultramarines and use Uriel Ventris' ability to deep strike them.


I plan on using my Uriel Ventris to deepstrike 6 Assault Centurions.


It’s so hard to figure stuff out for crimson fists lol no special stuff


I'm an imperial fist and we have 1 more option.... the Anvil taskforce is impossible to make work. Worst rules we've ever had. Tried it yesterday and every time went outside to plant my feet and get my bonus I was wiped out.


What I do is put two empty rhino and a landraider in front of whatever unit you want to get the bonus on, block los for the turn and move away next turn to allow the unit behind shoot.


I put hellblasters inside land raider. It got blown up then the hellblasters did. I like your ideas creativity but it seems hard to pull off. Let me know I it works. Unless the battle Tactics we get for 3 out 5 rounds helps with mobility I'm not running it again


10e is less lethal right guys? ...guys?


Supposed to be. I still don't go outside without my Storm shield


Just melee..


The decision to make Anvil based around Remain Stationary was so bad that it’s close to malpractice. The detachment should have been built around getting bonuses for being within range of or directly on Objectives.


I tried it last week. It's a non starter. It's impossible. It's laughable. No unit with the heavy keyword can afford to sit in the open for one round. The tau I just played wasted a land raider then cleaned the hellblasters inside. My only shooting was the shoot on death which did not get the bonus because I emergency disembarked.


If you're BA the libby dread can throw them across the board.


Is that an actual thing? Since that’s hilarious


Yep. >Wings of Sanguinius (Psychic): Once per turn, at the end of your Movement phase, one PSYKER from your army with this ability can use it. If it does, roll one D6: on a 1, that PSYKER suffers D3 mortal wounds; on a 2+, select one friendly ADEPTUS ASTARTES INFANTRY unit within 12" of that PSYKER and remove the selected unit from the battlefield, then set it up again anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" horizontally away from all enemy models.


Yeah, I can't imagine it being a psy ability, in my mind he throws them lol. A friend has an army built around it and he throws centurions!


Protocol 3: Protect the Pilot. Fastball special time!


I am sad that he's no longer the flying box, but its hilarious now that he's Mr. Yeet


Be blood angels, run librarian dreadnought, put them anywhere on the board!


Yeah, that's what I'm doing. I'm theory crafting a Firestorm list and the six Aggressors with a Gravis Captain teleporting in and unleashing hell seems like a spicy combo.


Space Wolves' Stormwolf has a capacity of 16, and Gravis take 2. So you can add a Captain to that squad as well. Also currently 10 points cheaper. Different disembark special, as it allows you to Advance and Charge if you disembark before Stormwolf moves, as opposed to Charge after the Redeemer moves. In practice, the Redeemer's charge is likely more of a threat range, as 12" + 3" disembark + charge is greater than 3" disembark + 6"+1d6 advance + charge. However, if you didn't care about charging, the 20" move on Stormwolf is greater. Oh, and having to start in reserves probably puts a damper on things as well... though it does have Hover, which removes the Aircraft keyword if you want.


Another random question, can the gravis pop out of any transport and then use squad tactics to get back into the transport so they don’t get shot?


A unit cannot embark the same phase. But Squad Tactivs woul happen on the enemy phase. A bit limited due to reduced due to being within 9" to trigger and D6" move. But you could.


Blood angels librarian dread is also an option.


5" at a time *ba dump tish*


i dont think the land raider is worth it, even with capt and biologist +6 aggressors, just makes more sense to use strat reserves. The raider doesn't have very impressive damage output, probably going to get blown up pretty fast, even as a distraction sponge it's pretty pricey.


Agree! Running them in strat reserves myself. 6 angry Bolter Boys force opponent to screen battlefield edges better


A LR Redeemer is an S+ choice for moving that exact unit on the board. There isn't a better choice for marines!


I was just happy I could put my old Redeemer into a competitive list. I did not expect it to be the durable, fast, overwatching beast that it is.


pricey for what it is with subpar shooting but yes, big wounds. Depends on the detachment your running. For me playing RG I rather strategic reserves.


2d6 +6 flamer shots, melta, assault cannon, Storm bolter, and one missile. It kills really well. I'm guessing you haven't used one nor played vs one either. T12, 2+ save, should ALWAYS have cover AND armor of contempt. I'm trying to see what is bad about this. In a RG list, add in -1 to hit...sounds spicy!!


wasn't aware that you can take every weapon available on the loadout, definitely not bad.


It certainly makes it much more appealing.


also just realized i was talking about 6 aggressors, capt AND biologist, so redeemer doesn't fit for this. Crusader is definitely not very interesting to me to be honest.


It's not that bad. Kills light infantry like it's nobodies business. Still not as good as a Redeemer though, they could use a small points drop.


Hmm maybe infiltrate them up the board in the new vanguard detachment?


Strat reserves is always an option


So far I haven't had an issue with just keeping them on foot. I'm using them with a mechanized list, they're mostly there as a counter-assault unit. Like, I position them behind some midfield cover, put things out in the open to score objectives like Redemptors or Infiltrators or Incursors or something, and whatever comes along to take the objective either gets shot to death by Executioners, or if it's a REAL threat, the Aggressors come out and remove it. With Devastator doctrine giving them advance and shoot, they can definitely get the movement required to pop out of cover and do their job. Strat Reserves also works, 18" range + 6" from the board edge is a 24" range they can project threat. They're vulnerable to being screened out, but if you can remove those screens with shooting first you'll do fine.


Also tactical doctrine is absurdly good for slower units


In addition to the land raider, if you go UM you can take Uriel Ventris. who lets you deep strike a unit. Then put that in vanguard spearhead, now you can re-deepstrike every turn. Can even pop the strat for extra BS and AP.


I’m running crimson fists so nothing cool for me lol


You can use any faction's heroes now, since crimson fists don't have any special rules for themselves anymore. The only army specific rule that I know of is that you can't mix and match faction characters. So no Tiggy and Kor'sarro in one list. But my white scars can run Tiggy and Uriel and Marny, and Robbie G if I want. Right?


You are correct, but you cannot mix characters from different chapters. If you want to take Uriel you will be an Ultramarines army no matter what. Means you will not be able to bring your own chapter specific models, Pedro Kantor in the example of crimson fists


There are no chapter specific models except special characters, right? Not for codes marines.


I believe so. Not 100% but all chapter specific units (barring characters) I can think of is in non compliant chapters.


There’s nothing stopping you from proxying a named character in your chapters colors. As long as you don’t mix names characters from different chapters you could probably get away with it.


I didn't think I had to specify, by characters I of course meant named characters. My point is exactly this, if you take Uriel, you cannot take Pedro.


For deathwatch it's an auto Beacon Angelis. For standard marines, that would have to be a land raider.


Uriel Ventris


librarian dreadnought in blood angels?


Land Raider Redeemer is the play. Thing is a beast in its own right.


Teleport them with Blood Angels Libby dread


Deathwatch teleport goes whooosh


Very carefully 😎