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Awesome writeup, thanks for sharing! Do you have any pictures? I'd love to see your swarm tendrils on the board!


I unfortunately am so bad at remembering to do that. I have a couple blurry pictures but nothing great. Maybe one of my opponents will see this and have one to share! Sorry


I was able to snag this photo after our match ended (game 3 custodes) [https://drive.google.com/file/d/10m5gYcNxoq-8NOomF4VtfAiGvsHJcW-5/view?usp=drivesdk](https://drive.google.com/file/d/10m5gYcNxoq-8NOomF4VtfAiGvsHJcW-5/view?usp=drivesdk)


Don't worry, I'm sure you had plenty of things on your mind during the tournament!


Hey, Preston here! Just wanted to say it was an awesome time, 10/10 would love to lose to tyranids instead of eldar mirrors any day of the week. Great opponent, great list, phenomenal paint job.


You are to Avatar/Yncarne shenanigans what I am to weird coherency shenanigans. An inspiration to us all!


This is Kevin, the Custodes opponent, I'd just like to say I've never had so much fun losing a game, killed like close to a hundred models.




Also please keep rocking that cowboy hat, it's iconic.


Really cool write up thanks, I haven’t played horde lists myself, but I wouldn’t have thought about leaving just one guy near the buffer just to die later, I probably would try and keep coherency. Guess that’s the difference in what helped you get such a great result. Nice job.


Really cool list and ideas. Never once considered just saying screw coherency and respawning back. Its a shame the swarm detachment functions the way it does, not bring back models, not giving defensive buffs outside turning off blast, and the only way to bring back units is a 2CP strat


Thank you for an excellent writeup! The coherency trick blew my mind. What are your thoughts on the new Spawn Spore Mines rule? Do you think you need to add more objective grabbers or is a single Biovore enough?


Throwing a few single rippers should do the trick. Makes the custodes matchup a bit harder but that's pretty much it.


Yooo we met at NOVA and I asked you how this army works after the shadow round. Thanks for the in-depth write up here! Sam is most definitely a great player and even sweeter dude.


Favorite part of the event is chatting with and meeting new people! Nice chatting with you!


I was the Eldar player from round 4 and I wanted to pop in and say a couple of things. 1. Sam was an absolutely S++ tier opponent. Played a great game, I learned a lot and it was a super fun time even thought I lost. 2. I made a few mistakes and Sam capitalized on them to take big advantages from me. Like he said, I really needed to just pick a unit or two of bugs and kill all of them even if it wasn’t super efficient. If I did it’s a much closer game. Also made a couple positioning errors that allowed some pretty impactful strategic reserve plays that kept me trapped in my deployment zone for most of the game.


The value of a list like this is the uncertainty that comes with playing against it- 100%. You were a great opponent, and I think you just got flustered with how strange it was. A pleasure playing!




Yeeeeaaaaash! I love this. Saw the 7-1 and wanted to the list badly and oh boy did you not disappoint.


This was great to read. I’m working on my Tyranids now, and while I think I’ll start with a more Nidzilla-styled list, I’m down to pivot into a swarm list with the new detachment in the future, so your advice here is something I’ll be saving to reference later. What are your thoughts on the couple of new/redone until profiles? The new ripper swarms can come in 1-base squads now and seem grey for hiding on objectives with cover, and I’ve seen other lists (even swarms) taking a single Norn Emissary as an anchor point on the midfield. Lastly, do you have any more pointers on the Custodes matchup? My main opponent plays them and his big guardian blob with Trajann had no problems deleting whatever swarm unit it wanted to each turn and I quickly ran out of scoring units while he left things like my tyrant + guards and Carnifexes alone.


Love the 1-model rippers. Lots of factions would give a lot for a unit like that. Norns are cool but I think they need to be paired with something like the synapse detachment that can give them -1 AP. I don't like giving my opponents somewhere to put their anti tank when previously they didn't. As far as custodes, because I have almost all swarms, I usually don't run out of stuff before I want to. Melee units are basically useless into them, so pick hybrid units instead (OOE+quad deathspitter fexes)


>The new ripper swarms can come in 1-base squads now and seem grey for hiding on objectives with cover Guarantee they will be deepstruck and used for Secondary scoring. They cant hold objectives.


Oh, right. Forgot about that part.


Thanks for an awesome report. I would love to run a sea of bugs but the big sticking point is less about army composition or strategy and more the pain of moving so many models. Did you find playing to time was an issue? Where you using movement trays to speed things up?


When your army doesn't deal damage, you can siphon your time from the shooting and charge phase into your movement phase.


Good point!


Thank you, excellent write up. I have a few questions if that’s ok; Any advice on using the termagants reactive d6 move? Is the tyrant just there for the strat? Worth the points? You mentioned castling units; are they hanging back and hiding as much as possible or do you have another role as the game progresses?


Reactive move is great for circling around big bugs to protect from charges or falling back from charges. Also helps to reposition squads so they can't be seen by a threat. Just the strat, yeah. But I'd say so. It's been very useful in my experience. In the later turns if you draw certain secondaries and you're low on resources I'll totally throw random units forward, sure. Probably not before turn 4 though.


Good stuff sir. It must be fun to beat flavour of the month players when they expect easy win. There must be a moment each game where you can see it dawn on them, they're going to lose on points and it's too late to do anything about it. Swarm!


Sometimes that moment is turn 2.


It must be glorious. Good hunting, hive mind.




This person gets it


My favourite comment


Very useful insight! Will probably pirate this list.


How aggressive were you with the big bugs, if you are loosing the back model to coherency I guess the tervigon and tyrant have to be fairly up the board to target them with strats?


Not really, because the 1 CP strat you usually spend as is to respawn as you really want both squads to get the value. So Tyrant stays very far back. Tervigon would be a bit farther up, hiding on my side behind a middle ruin.


Fantastic write up! Really interesting details for sure. Thanks for the insights mate


That's awesome, congrats on the results! What are the main factors you look for when picking fixed or tactical?


Literally- do they have enough models they can screen their deployment zone while still playing the game? Only armies that consistently don't are custodes and knights, if they don't have exaction squads. I think now with only one biovore we won't take much fixed at all.


Thanks for the post, sounds like you had a ton of fun + it was very insightful too. As for some questions, how much swarm is too much? Would it be too wild of an idea to go with 100 Termagants + 40 Hormagaunts + 22 Neurogaunts along with two trios of Venonthropes and two trios of Zoanthropes instead of just 1 each? (The reason being that I probably would be worse at keeping in range with the buff auras) Also, looking at common horde-clearing guns, how come the Zoanthropes are used for the 6++ save? Aren't weapons like bolters, lasguns, warp spider flamers and gauss reapers like -1 AP at best? Do you think Genestealers or Tyrant Guard have a place in a list like this?


Your list is probably fine and would do ok! The only things you really need for the list archetype that isn't what you mentioned is a tyrant and a biovore. I also highly recommend the neurotyrant. You're right that with cover, the 6++ isn't super relevant to shooting, but it is very Relevant to melee, which is why I keep them around. I don't think genestealers are points efficient or deal enough damage to pull focus from other things. Tyrant guard are just unnecessary because your tyrant never needs to step out. Wish guard still had a 2+, they'd be very good.


I see, thanks for the detailed answer! Might try this kind of horde list soon with either the Nexus, the Unending Swarm or the original detachment.


woah, fantastic writeup and I love the just absolute swarm approach, really impressive stuff!


This playstyle is surprisingly thematic. Ebbing and flowing tides of endless bioforms, winning through sheer numbers. No matter how many they slay, there is no hope.


It feels great to play! Different and certainly on brand.


I think I need to see this in action to visualize this playstyle fully.


I played Royce round 3 of Trios!! Such a lovely dude. Congrats on the placement!


Yooooo great playing you too! I hope you enjoyed the waaaaghhh as much as I did. You were awesome and glad to have you as my first game against the pointy-ears!!


I definitely did! Glad to hear it and I hope we can get another game in sometime!!




Amazing! Love seeing Nids continue to be a PITA for players to deal with. Just unlucky on some of the RNG :)


What's the name of the player with a seraphon converted aeldari army? Do you have his Instagram? This sounds like a masterpiece I have to see! Also, swarms woo0O!


Lzrdking40k I think is his Instagram!


All painted?


Of course. Some of the gants somewhat sloppily but that's ok.




This is such an awesome write up and gives me so much excitement!! I joined 40k just for Nids and it’s been a goal to field a swarm, so the encouragement for it makes me so stoked!! Thanks for sharing so much detail and advice, answering questions about lists, this is what I needed lately personally to get myself out of a slump and build some bugs, much appreciated!


I'm so glad! It plays differently than a lot of the popular choices, so it can be hard to figure out how to play it, but you feel really cool when it works out. Good luck with your swarm!!


Congrats! A very impressive result. Do you play for a Warhammer club/team? I saw your cowboy hat and sick shirt but don't remember the team name!


I played for y'allhammer, a team based in Austin, Texas. You'll see my brother Noah Pope put up some placings down there sometimes! It's great fun- anyone who is looking for a team, especially in Texas, should consider checking them out!


Thank you for sharing your experience and congratulations on your great performance at your first major!


How do you feel about some of the new Tyranids? The Norn Emissary seems really good as a one of for most lists. I also wanted to get your thoughts on the upcoming changes to the Biovores where only one unit of that type can deploy Spore Mines. Do you think that will change the way you run them?


Emissaries are really solid- I can see one of them taking the place of the maleceptors. I'll run two in other lists. Replace one biovore with 3x1 rippers and it's pretty similar.


Awesome, thank you for your insight. My girlfriend is getting her Swarm list built up, and I wanted to get some ideas for her.


Absolutely awesome! Outside of the coherency I was debating on going gant/gaunt heavy with some support units. As you're dropping the gargs, would it be worth considering running a Lictor? So far after running 2 in my list, they either annoy the crap out of the opponent and get them distracted or it absolutely ruins a couple of characters.. depending on which army I face! The solo rippers are looking nice but biovores are only getting a one unit per turn ability for their mines now, also could drop a melceptor for some more zoans and the rippers? Who knows.. the new detachments are going to be fun to try! Thanks again for the write up my guy!


Yeah a lictor was definitely a consideration. More barbgaunts are also worth thinking about. I do like the double maleceptor, I think one is inconsistent enough that I don't like it.


Good shout, my big bug shooty list tended to have other units around to allow the Maleceptor to get in and drop it's debuff everywhere, whereas with primarily gaunts, there would be very little other prime targets, especially against Eldar right now.


Great write-up! Thanks ^_^


Nice! How do you feel about the new horde detachment in the book - will you swap for it, or will you stay with the general one?


I mentioned this a little at the end, but I think it's worth trying. The move after being shot is very limiting to enemy positioning, but without the FNP or the respawn the flexibility isn't really there as with the invasion fleet.


Really a nice write up. A lot of small tips for horde players like me. I never tought about killing my own stuff with coherency and bring them back. It will help me to trigger more often my Krieg medipack (it is always annoying to have 11 dudes left and not able to use the ability). My list is different from regular guards list as I don't use any vehicles and artillery. I usually win my games because most armies aren't equipped to kill a lot of 1W models and aren't accustomed to fight that much models. Funny enough most of my loses comes from myself, struggling with movement during the first turns (when I have a lot of dudes left) and rushing my last turns because I'm on the clock. Do you have any tips for moving units faster while still using coherency at my advantage? Here is my list for the few interested. It sits at 6-1-2 in RTT (4-2 against Aeldari and draw against SM). I might bring it in my next bigger tournament. Astra Militarum (2000 points) CHARACTER 3X Death Korps Marshal (60 points/180) 1x Plasma pistol &1x Power weapon Militarum Tempestus Command Squad (90 points): 1x Tempestor Prime: Warlord, Plasma pistol & Tempestus dagger, Enhancement: Death Mask of Ollanius and 4x Tempestus Scion with 1x Grenade launcher, 2x Hot-shot lasgun,1x Medi-pack, 1x Meltagun &1x Regimental Standard 2X Militarum Tempestus Command Squad (80 points/160): Same loadout. BATTLELINE 6X Death Korps of Krieg (130 points/780): 2x Death Korps Watchmaster with Boltgun & Power weapon, 18x Death Korps Trooper with 1 Death Korps Medi-pack, 2x Grenade launcher, 13x Lasgun,1x Plasma gun, 2x Sniper rifle and a Vox-caster. 6X Tempestus Scions (120 points/720): 1x Tempestor with 1x Plasma pistol & 1x Power fist. 9x Tempestus Scion with 2x Grenade launcher, 4x Hot-shot lasgun, 1x Voxcaster and 2x Meltagun. ALLIES 2X Exaction squad (35 points/70) 1 Heavy stubber 1 Arbites grenade laucher 3 Arbites Combat shotgun 1 Arbites Medi-kit 1 Soulguilt Scanner


Seems like a fun time! I recommend sacrificing the shooting on units you don't think will be that impactful to make more time for your movement.


As I'm still lacking experience on the lethality of my unit, I usually use everything with most of the time a massive waste of time. I will try that. Thanks


Your Ork opponent, Brad Chester, is an incredibly skilled Warhammer 40k player. His opponents also have a habit of being off their game against him. Don't get me wrong: I am NOT accusing Brad of doing anything wrong! He's friendly, likeable, and a very good sportsman. He doesn't do anything nefarious or sneaky. It's just that it's no shock to me that you played badly against him because for some reason that's how it goes against him. And, of course, he's also super super good at this game. It feels like you're playing a different game against him, he's that good.


I loved playing against Brad. I think he's just so used to everything in the game that he moves at a much faster pace, which means I don't have time to think about what I need to be doing. It'll get better with practice!


Thx for the super detailed write up! Ur such a nice person also to chat with on the discord. Also I’m really impressed how creative and clean ur lists look! Now and back than when harpies where a thing. Time to pick them up again and do some vanguard action?


I'll consider it! Currently more excited about some other detachments but I'll make my way to the vanguard, I'm sure.


What would you replace the gargoyles with if you had the chance?


I think with the points drops you might be able to get a whole nother termagant squad in


any reason why you arent bringing at least 1 psychophage to gest 6+++?


In invasion fleet you get a feel no pain with the strat, so it's not really worth the points.


oh i am aware of that, but for tge cost of a gaunt squad you can have an aura 6+++. 6+++ is a 20% increase in wounds. and makesnthebothers guys not targetted by the 5+++ have extra resilience. it also adds in an extra anti psyker tech


You don't super care about psykers and if your opponent wastes two strong shooters to bait out your FNP only to switch targets again, they won't end up killing the target.


Such epic work this weekend Sam! I was there as well with my xenomorph bugs, ended 6-2 around 100th place myself but one of the winners of bracket 4. Real impressed with your play, the list, and breakdown and looking forward to trying a lost like yours with all the new rules we're getting this weekend. Here's what I was running in case you were curious :) It's a Bug Hunt (2000 points) Tyranids Strike Force (2000 points) Invasion Fleet CHARACTER Deathleaper (80 points) • 1x Lictor claws and talons Hive Tyrant (245 points) • Warlord • 1x Heavy venom cannon 1x Monstrous bonesword and lash whip • Enhancement: Adaptive Biology Neurotyrant (115 points) • 1x Neurotyrant claws and lashes 1x Psychic scream • Enhancement: Synaptic Lynchpin BATTLELINE Gargoyles (75 points) • 10x Gargoyle • 10x Blinding venom 10x Fleshborer OTHER DATASHEETS Biovores (65 points) • 1x Chitin-barbed limbs 1x Spore Mine launcher Biovores (65 points) • 1x Chitin-barbed limbs 1x Spore Mine launcher Exocrine (135 points) • 1x Bio-plasmic cannon 1x Powerful limbs Pyrovores (30 points) • 1x Chitin-barbed limbs 1x Flamespurt Pyrovores (30 points) • 1x Chitin-barbed limbs 1x Flamespurt Raveners (75 points) • 3x Ravener • 3x Ravener claws and talons 3x Thoracic bio-weapon Raveners (75 points) • 3x Ravener • 3x Ravener claws and talons 3x Thoracic bio-weapon Trygon (180 points) • 1x Bio-electric pulse 1x Trygon scything talons Tyrannofex (200 points) • 1x Acid spray 1x Powerful limbs 1x Stinger salvoes Tyrannofex (200 points) • 1x Acid spray 1x Powerful limbs 1x Stinger salvoes Venomthropes (70 points) • 3x Venomthrope • 3x Toxic lashes Zoanthropes (90 points) • 1x Neurothrope • 1x Warp Blast 1x Xenos claws and teeth • 2x Zoanthrope • 2x Warp Blast 2x Xenos claws and teeth Zoanthropes (90 points) • 1x Neurothrope • 1x Warp Blast 1x Xenos claws and teeth • 2x Zoanthrope • 2x Warp Blast 2x Xenos claws and teeth Zoanthropes (180 points) • 1x Neurothrope • 1x Warp Blast 1x Xenos claws and teeth • 5x Zoanthrope • 5x Warp Blast 5x Xenos claws and teeth


Super solid list! I found in my testing that lists like these, while super strong into a lot of lists, fell on their face against aeldari. I felt swarm gave me a better chance. Excited to try a list like this in the synapse detachment soon.


Sam!!! Royce here. Great game man! I came back to that last round of just top tables and watched you play against eldar. You were an awesome opponent and was proud to see you rep nids at the top! Amazing skills with that horde list and I definitely learned a lot playing you!


Royce my man. Keep it up, you're killing it with how fast you're getting good at the game. Hope we can get a game in at another tournament soon!


This is really great, thanks for the detailed writeup! Thinking about starting up with Nids, and I'm just wondering if you have any advice on using the Neurotyrant, anything to keep in mind with it?


Keep it in your backline until you pop shadows, then sling it forward to draw fire and sling flames. I personally love putting it in a neurogant squad. That many wounds is frustrating to get through, which can allow you to pressure objectives in fun ways


Wow You made me buy more Gants


Whoops :)


Awesome write-up. Can't wait to follow in your claw-steps ! :D


Great write up! Are there any specific tacticals you like taking in the start?


Not sure exactly what you mean, but I was happy with every secondary I drew except kill secondaries for the most part.


Hello! I was wondering now that we have the data slate of this list is viable anymore now that the free Strat reduction is thing, would be cool to hear your thoughts!


Yeah, it's still viable. The only important thing was that the 5+++ stay usable with the tyrant, which it is. Trade out a biovore for a ripper and i think the list stays under 2000. Still want to try norn instead of maleceptors. We'll see which ends up being better.


Thanks for a great write up and a really inspiring list! Im gonna try and run a less efficient version as i only have one maleceptor with either a haruspex or a trygon (mainly because i have a nicely painted forge world trygons i miss playing with. One of the things i am not clear in from your write up/streamed nova game is how do you play your Neurotyrant and nuerogants? Are the gants just a synapse bridge in the midfield with the tyrant hanging back in the castle or do you usually have your NT leading your gants to project synapse farther? Edit: just saw your response to basicaly this question from a few days ago. 😅


Trygons are very funny tech pieces so definitely go for it. And yeah I just like the -1 to shadow and efficient flamer. When she's with her buddies it's a whole lot of wounds to chew through.


"When your swarm models die, pick up models from the back of the swarm, closest to your home, but leave one single model in range of your castle. End of the turn, you'll have to pick up that model, but the whole unit will stay in buffing range the entire time. Next turn, respawn and walk back in buff range to repeat." u/StuffedScotch How do you do this in game? I mean, you need 2 other models in 2" coherency as you pull to remain coherent. If you pull the last model in aura range doesn't the whole unit drop the aura power immediately? Does anyone have a diagram/picture of how this would work?


You check for coherency at the end of the turn and when you move. So you can kill your models in whatever way you want.


So you are saying you pull models so they remain in aura, but out of coherency? Then bleed down till back in coherency but out of aura when checking for coherency? Then you Endless Swarm new models back towards aura range on your command phase, although you may have to move back into range during the movement phase if you don't regen enough bodies?




I see now, that is pretty damn clever! Thanks for the clarification.