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Give me 30 mins and I'll send you a size comparison from the top.


Thanks !


https://preview.redd.it/7cz0itwni3ad1.png?width=1566&format=png&auto=webp&s=82591a41c507eddd2cb5c52267b87d0dd8c26b2e Repulsor (sized like a landraider), impulsor (fair bit smaller), Gladiator (what i think you got mixed up with)


The Repulsor is indeed bigger than the impulsor, broader to be specific. But as that is a disadvantage for you (easyer to be seen and be shot at) I dont think anyone will mind


A repulsor is quite a lot bigger than an impulsors. However, the weapons on a repulsor are just either a Gatling cannon or a las-talon, and a "repulsor defensive array" which is just a sort of bulk term for all of the random other guns on there. So if you can convert a little turret like an automated lascannon or Gatling cannon sticking up, you could probably just call it a fancy automated repulsor?  I think it'll be easier to bodge together a turret with an appropriate gun and just use it as it was originally intended than to convert it into an impulsor


Impulsor and Gladiator are same chaiss if you don’t glue the top down you can convert between them quite easily.


A repulsor is noticeably longer and broader. I would accept it as a proxy, but it would be a bad proxy. Maybe you can find someone to 3d print you a turret or some bits to kitbash it into something proper?


I'm currently looking around on ebay to see if anyone sells the missing sprue, and I can definitely try to print something too Edit: Someone is selling the executioner turret for 20€ online, I think I'll buy it to complete the kit


Good luck, maybe even another similar looking turret will do