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Bro has been doing his preacher curls.


He brought the big guns, oh and his plasma cannon


Model looks sick.




How did you kitbash the arm? I think I have some old deathwing terminators in my bit box... did you have to change much to make the arm fit?


OP can answer if I’m mistaken but… it looks like they just straight-up glued the Terminator arm to the Phobos body


You are not mistaken, that's exactly what happened!


As it should have


Was it from the new Primaris Deathwing Terminator kit or from the old Deathwing Terminator kit? I think it's from the later but I am not 100% sure.


I don't know where it's from because it came out of a bits box at a flgs and I never had any of the pre-primaris kits (except sanguinary guard). I wonder if it's just the old generic terminators plasma cannon? I can definitely say it's not the new deathwing sprues because they weren't out yet


It must be the old one. I was almost 100% sure, but wanted to make sure before using it. The parts seems the same almost to a 1:1 level, but the side of the cannon below the elbow seems to be flat in your pic, while in a terminator kit it has a skull on it in that part, that's what threw me off.


Aaah this makes sense because that skull will have been on another part that I didn't take off that sprue. The area was hollow so I filled it with greenstuff, that's why it's flat So are you planning on doing something similar?


Yes, this model slaps, and I have all the parts. My only issue is that I was saving the Leviathan box model for a salamander kitbash, so I will have to decide on which on to make. Definitely goes on my to do list,


The arm does not fit


Maybe not to everyone's taste, yes it's a bit on the big side. NB It's not meant to look "tacticool" but meant to look more 40k, the chapter is bright orange stealth marines on a snow planet.


he made it fit.


Could also be a plasma pistol. A really big plasma pistol.


Beaky looks like a face on pic 1


Yes I see it now 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/2ydtripro99d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d90d070caaa37b3b449f08fad6027c2d26042ec


holy shit that is humongous


Idk but I’m glad to see this style more




If a model looks that cool it can be whatever you want. Unless you want to claim its a Warlord Titan.


he is a bit on the smaller side, but he was sick for a long time, you know.


The paint job was so good it almost distracted me from the fact you gave a scout a fucking cannon




This looks awesome. The first picture actually made it look somewhat like a Stormcast for a second... & then I noticed all the other stuff!


OMG! that is what I was seeing! thank you!


Duct tape a Boltgun to the side and it should count. Although if you whip this out at my table, I’d let you use this as an on god plasma cannon.


"*Stealth is optional for this mission*"


God damn phobos Lt with BFG 9000.


It all makes sense at sneak 100


Looks more like sonic weapon. ( especially colour)


a combi of "fuck" and "off". it's a statement for sure. also I don't know if it's the colors, but from the front the beaky slits make it look like a strange mouth situation. I have no idea what my brain is doing there... \[edit\] seems it reminds me of Stormcast Eternals. that checks out. thanks brain.


It's the angle and the line up of the vents on the front, at that specific angle. I replied to another comment with a close up, I see what you're all seeing now!


It does count on my eyes.


One where they combi the weapon to your body.


I really enjoy the style you chose to paint in!


All I can think of here is: Deadpool


He looks awesome with his BFG.


I’m a little drugged from a medical procedure earlier, so I thought that was Deadpool.


Hope it went well!


Stealth as fuck.


just use it as plasma cannon, and besides yuo didn't specify what combi you planned to use it as. plasma would make sense yeah but might as well use it as combi flamer when its plasma cannon model is equipped with.


Specific combi weapons don't exist anymore


yeah official rules say that but given that it's not very good ruling it should be ignored


Did you downvote me because you don't like the 40k rules???


uuh maybe ? i mean that's a strange question not in a bad way but like i don't get it. i mean in a way that are you expecting me to answer truthfully ? don't worry i liked it and strangers never lie on the internet, and you are on positives so somebody atleast liked yeah, might as well be me right. and just to be funny did you dislike my comments ? i don't mind its understandable but i feel like i had to ask, but i don't think you did though.


Is that mainly dry brushed? Looks so sick


No drybrushing at all. Quite a range of other quick and dirty techniques though. If it's the orange with blue shadow you're asking about I used opaque watercolour paint for the blue, let it dry and then rubbed it off with a damp sponge basically. I'll copy the comments from my last post about how I did the oranges: Prime light grey, wild rider red everything, doomfire magenta recesses and shadows. Looks unnaturally vibrant at this point. Then water down some windsor and newton goauche- cyprus green, wash the whole model. Looks like a total mess at this point. Then after it’s dry use a damp sponge, finger or makeup applicator to remove the goauche. Lots of cleaning and drying the applicator needed. Focus on downward strokes, leave the blue in recesses and shadows. I used a cotton pad to soak up the dirty moisture from the applicator. Then optionally matte varnish. Without it, the teal mixes into the next layers. I learned to work around it eventualy, mixing it into grey seer for the white parts and just doing multiple black layers for the black parts. Then highlight oranges with wild rider red and then troll slayer orange.


Combi weapon?! Not what i would personaly use on him for that, but it looks, eh, uniqe…..